Long story short, the characters wanted to make an announcement, so I let them. This has important info, so be sure to read everything carefully!

Ladybug stretched as she stood up from her chair. "Yo, J. This thing working?"

"Yeah, it's on!"

"Great! C'mon, guys!"

The others- Ryuko, Fennec, Tortuga, Honeybee, and Alley Cat all agreeably walked over, grinned. Ladybug continued. "Hello, viewers! We'd like to thank you so much for supporting us throughout the course of my akumatization!"

Ryuko nodded. "Yes. We're very glad so many of you liked it, though it is now over. However, by popular- by which I mean unanimous- request, we're getting a sequel!"

Alley Car whooped and pumped a fist. "Yes!"

Fennec laughed. "But, that does lead us to a problem. We've got a new Butterfly villain (who some of you have already figured out the identity of because J can't be subtle to save his life), and they're going to be akumatizing people."

Tortuga giggled. "And while J could just come up with them himself, he decided that it wouldn't be fair to not include you guys in the process!"

Ladybug took over again. "So, this is our verdict. If you guys want to, you can submit akumatized villains that may potentially be used in the sequel to this story, 'Goddess of War'. Catchy name, we know."

Honey Bee stepped up. "It'll work like this: you'll tell us your character's name, powers, akumatized object, and the reason they were akumatized. If you want to, you can also say what the villain is going to attempt to do with their new powers."

Alley Cat nodded. "To keep the reviews section relatively unclogged, we'd like to ask those of you with accounts on the site to send us your submissions via PM. Only one submission will be accepted per person, and only ten villains will make it into the final product."

Ryuko sighed. "Believe us, we'd like to feature more, but this might end up becoming a series with all the popularity it has, and we'd really rather keep our tales short. To be fair, we'll be creating a ballot, with each villain and their creator being written down on them, and we'll have someone who isn't J select ten akumas at random."

Ladybug nodded. "And just so that we're not scrambling to get this done, we're only accepting submissions until December 17th, so get 'em in fast! The creators will, of course, receive all due credit."

Fennec nodded. "So please submit! 'Goddess of War' will be coming out soon! And remember, as always..."

All six heroes looked at each other, grinned, and chorused, "STAY TUNED!"

And that is the last time I ever let the characters take over. Well, you heard them! Please, feel free to send in submissions!