Reviews for Goddess of Strife
LoveBug7744 chapter 12 . 8/3
Please don’t take this down, it’s amazing
bigvic150 chapter 13 . 5/15
JDunks890, I absolutely LOVE your fanfiction! Well, basically this one. Now, there aren't many fanfictions that feature Adrien Agreste having the Black Cat Miraculous taken away from him due to him being deemed unworthy. But, in the end, I loved especially that part. Mostly because - dare I say it? - Adrien Agreste not only doesn't realize that lies DO hurt people, regardless of who doesn't know, but ALSO, he doesn't realize that taking the high road in certain situations, willingly or not, also have consequences. I shall be on the lookout for your other story. Good day.
MelPond10 chapter 4 . 4/8
Prometheus created humans out of clay, so... arts and crafts.
hisokauzumaki chapter 13 . 2/26
This is a great story! Wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed reading this before I go off and read the sequel!
Guest chapter 7 . 2/17
Pegase… You're losing your touch! But I confess that this is exactly what I'd expect from (in this story where Mari gets her act together) those pathetic excuses for heroes.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/17
This is the true Marinette, O-ut O-f C-haracter or not. She's kick-ass!
geekqueen2010 chapter 12 . 1/26
I seriously hope that Goddess of War is still coming out, I'm soooooo eager to read it! Did you get some good akuma submissions? Congrats on getting Pokemon Sword, I haven't filed my very first tax return yet, so I can't get a Switch or either game yet. The game looks interesting but I was hoping Gen 8 would do Ultra Space as a region solely to see what the other two starters would be that would join Poipole and that it'd be a slightly harder game since normal mons are weaker than the Ultra Space ones (either all the ultra mons be extra strong or all the non-ultra mons be at weaker capacities than their usual base stats allot).
geekqueen2010 chapter 11 . 1/26
Adrien fucking follows in his dad's footsteps, huh? Well, at least we get a sequel! Right?! I was reading other salt fics and started realizing what a coward Adrien is (in the words of Kelly Clarkson, "I need a man by my side, not a boy who runs and hides" by sticking his head in the sand and pretending there aren't bullies in his class hurting his friends). Then I read a few fics where he actually fucking steps up to the plate and takes Rossi down(it might've just been one, but it was an epic one, I mean she was repeatedly attacked by pigeons[including poops] and every single sabotage attempt against Marinette backfired spectacularly). And now this fic single-handedly has me hating Adrien again because it's that well written! Team Eri- I mean Miraculous will probably make short work of Moth Jr.
geekqueen2010 chapter 10 . 1/26
This is really fucking glorious! Only our girl Marinette could defeat Hawkmoth while akumatized and get her perfect revenge!
geekqueen2010 chapter 9 . 1/26
Fucking yes! This story keeps getting better!
geekqueen2010 chapter 8 . 1/26
Ok, this is looking good for Team Eris so far, and since she is returning the miraculous to the guardian I see no reason for me to feel guilty about siding with the akuma. Plus, I'm loving her particular brand of justice.
geekqueen2010 chapter 7 . 1/26
I freaking love that Rose's superpower made her see the truth and want to side with Marinette! Perhaps it can be used to recruit more people to the cause? The phonies need to see and feel all the hurt they caused Marinette due to being shitty friends!
geekqueen2010 chapter 6 . 1/26
Mannon should get one of the Miraculous, but then side with her former babysitter while she still has the miraculous. And I seriously hope that Team Eris wins. Seriously, if they don't I'm totally not gonna favorite this story no matter how freaking awesome it is!
geekqueen2010 chapter 5 . 1/26
Please for the love of all that is holy let Team Eris win! And have her give Fu all the Miraculus back maybe.
geekqueen2010 chapter 4 . 1/26
Ashame that Eris couldn't get to Bunnix, but Alix was taken in by Liar's lies anyway so she wouldn't have been much of an asset.
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