This is coming from the fact that Tikki's saying Marinette has to stay positive like it'll be the end of the world if she isn't. It's like she isn't able to express her negativity, which is a basic human right, I don't care if it gives her a close shave with akumas. So this is Marinette being sick of everything and wanting a way to vent... which attracts some unfortunate attention that Marinette isn't in a position to turn away.

Marinette furiously bit her lip. How dare she, how dare she, how dare she?!

Alya had furiously confronted her later that day, accusing her of something else she'd done to Lila, the rest of the class backing her up, and worst of all, they'd stolen her sketchbook and torn it apart, stating that she didn't deserve it after she'd destroyed something so important to Lila.

And when Adrien had found out, he'd gone to talk to her, and she'd though that she'd get some sympathy, some reassurance, heck, at this point, she'd take pity.

But instead, Adrien had waved it off, reaffirming that exposing Lila wouldn't do anything, that her lies weren't hurting anyone, and that she could just make a new sketchbook so it wasn't a big deal.

And now she was at home after a terrible day, and her parents again asking if they should ban anyone from school from the bakery, and Tikki was trying to encourage her again. "Marinette, think positive! You can't attract an akuma!"

And it was that sentence that made something in her head snap.

"I can't attract an akuma?! Why not?! Why can't I be upset, huh?! Why can't I express my frustrations?! What makes me so special that I'm not allowed the basic human right of feeling emotions, huh?!"

Tikki pulled on her antennas, worried. "Marinette, you're Ladybug! You can't be akumati-"

Marinette screamed. "Oh right, I'm Ladybug! Paris's perfect hero, who never screws up, who always has an answer! And Marinette, the good friend! The girl who does everything you ask without asking for anything in return, the one who'll gladly just comply with anything you want her to do that you never asked her permission to do! Perfect, happy, generous, kind Marinette, who'll happily let us just use her to get what we want, and step aside when someone who can give us more comes into the picture! Well, I! Have! Had! It! If being Ladybug means I have to be perfect and never feel anything other than joy with my life-"

She reached up and tore out her earrings. "-then I'm not gonna be Ladybug anymore!"

"Mari-" But it was too late, as the Kwami was absorbed back into the Miraculous, helpless to do anything more.

Marinette threw them onto her desk, stewing in her anger for a moment. She had every right to feel this way! How dare everyone shame her for-

You're absolutely right, Ms. Dupain-Cheng.

Marinette gasped. She knew who this voice was.

Hawk Moth.

Eris, I am Hawk Moth. Everyone always expects you to be perfect, to do what they want, to put them first no matter what. Well, I'm offering you the chance to put yourself first. You can finally be your first priority, and no one will ever try to control you again. But I'll need payment for my generosity.

Marinette shuddered. "The Miraculous."

Smart girl. Well, Ms. Marinette? Do we have a deal?

Marinette briefly considered her options, and smirked darkly.

It was her time to shine. But first, just to shake up Hawk Moth a bit...

"I agree to your terms."

A delighted chuckle.

Excellent. One more thing. As you're a fashion designer, I assume you'll want to create your costume? I have all the materials you need. Run wild, Eris.

"You got it."

Darkness consumed her, not unlike her normal transformation, but where Tikki was warmth and light and happiness, the akumatization was... cold. Nevertheless, she didn't want to end up a fashion disaster like Nino, so...

When the miasma faded, she smiled proudly at her outfit. Her hair was braided and now touched the floor, her now purple hair ribbons wrapped around her forehead like headbands. Her face wasn't covered by a mask, but by navy blue paint- she wanted her face to be seen, wanted everyone to know that perfect Marinette was the one tearing them down.

Her actual clothing was simple, but it suited her purposes. A black tank top with purple stripes and a blue butterfly on the back. Black wrist armor and greaves were sported as well as dark blue jogging pants, a sheathed sword was slung over her back (she didn't make that, but she could probably use it), and best of all, a second pair of arms protruded from her shoulders, each one holding a razor sharp dagger. More daggers were strapped to a bandolier and her belt- which sported a black circle with red spots as the buckle, just to mock Paris a little more.

She also noticed she had black horns protruding from her scalp, both pointing backwards.

Marinette- no, it was Eris now- looked at herself in the mirror. She didn't look half bad. Four arms would come in handy (oh dear, Cat Noir was rubbing off on her), and the horns were a nice touch.

She looked just as powerful and dangerous as she felt.

Then she smirked. She was glad Hawk Moth had given her power, don't get her wrong- she noticed her akumatized bracelet was conveniently hidden under her wrist armor- but she just didn't see herself needing him anymore. Not when she could... say... track his location and liberate his Kwami, who was probably being horribly abused.

But first things first.

She gently picked up the earrings, and fished a familiar box out of her desk drawer. The one that the earrings had come in.

She carefully placed them in.

Then Eris carefully opened her balcony trapdoor, and cracked both sets of knuckles. "Let's see how this works."

She sprang off the roof, landed without a sound, and dashed off towards a certain massage parlour...

Master Fu had been up late, reading a book, when the door opened, and Marinette came through.

No, not Marinette. Whatever her akuma name was. But just to be sure...

He looked at the four-armed figure, standing with one pair of them behind her back. "Marinette?"

The girl smiled gently. "It's Eris now, Master. But I'm not here for that. I need to do something."

Fu got into a fighting position. "You intend to take the rest of the Miraculous?"

Eris snorted. "Hardly. I just thought I'd return something you loaned me."

She brought out the pair of hands she was concealing, and revealed the box. "I don't particularly want Hawk Moth to get his hands on her, and she'll probably be safer with you than with me."

Fu took the box with shaking hands. "Why are you doing this, Eris? What happened to you?"

Eris's smile became sad. "My heart wasn't broken, Master. It was torn out and shattered to shards. I was always expected to do whatever anyone else needed, and I was abandoned when everyone thought Lila was more useful than me..."

Fu nodded. "So you're going after Lila, then. Very well, Mari- my apologies, Eris. I obviously cannot stop you, and you have returned your greatest weapon to where you got it from."

Eris was already turning around, her horns almost scraping the doorframe, when she heard Master Fu speak. She turned back towards him, and no her smile was more amused. "You're wise, Master, but even you can't predict everything. How do you know Lila's my real target?"

Hawk Moth's Mask suddenly flashed into view, and she couldn't repress her startled gasp, though she easily concealed her sudden fear. Eris, where are you? Does this place have any tactical usage?

She shook her head. "It's nothing, Hawk Moth. Mr. Chan is just a family friend. I thought he'd worry if I didn't give him an explanation as to my akumatization."

Not your parents?

"They'll find out soon enough- I'm using my room as a base of operations."

Very well, then. I shall check in again in the morning.

The mask faded, and Eris let out a breath. "He isn't suspicious. That's one part in place."


Eris chuckled and walked over to the table. "You mind if I stab this?"

Master Fu shook his head, so Eris plunged the daggers her upper set of arms was holding into the table. Red light shimmered between them, before creating an image of a red tinted chessboard. Several pieces were set into place- on the white side, every single piece, except there was one rook, one knight, and ten pawns.

"Queen, obviously, is Lila. Take her out first-" Eris removed the queen from the board. "-to take out the most dangerous piece. King, Cat Noir. Take him out when I can, or when it's convenient." She left the king, and moved on.

"Bishops are Alya and Nino. Both dangerous, given their superhero experience. Take them out when I can." She knocked both over.

"Pawns, obviously the rest of my class. I don't need to take them out, but... it'll make life much easier." She swept them all away.

"Rook, Chloe. Dangerous, but persuadable. Destroy her if I must-" she held a hand over the piece for a moment- "but if I can..." She picked up the rook and moved it over to the black side of the board, where it became a queen. "...make good use of her."

She moved on to the last piece. "And finally, knight. Poor, delusional Adrien. Take him out whenever, but preferably the pawns and bishops first, because that'll be pretty satisfying." She grabbed the knight and crushed it in her hand.

"Now my side." She waved her hand, and four black pieces appeared- king, another queen, and two pawns. "King is my akuma. Protect it at all costs. Queen is me. Take as many of the enemy as I can. Pawns..."

She moved them both forwards. "...Hawk Moth and Mayura. Sacrifice them for the cause, and maybe get a little reward out of it."

She smirked. "And that's my entire side... unless I can convince the only three people who are still friends with me." She created three more queens, and placed them on the board. "And with Chloe and our... surprise guests, I'll be able to take on anybody who gets in my way."

She picked up the daggers, and with a gentle tap of a finger, repaired the table. She exited again, turning back for only a moment. "I suggest you get further away, Master. This is gonna be crazy-town bananas."

She exited the building, leaving an old man and a turtle Kwami (who had been hiding in the gramophone) wondering what exactly to do.

I might have made Marinette a little... I think it's OCC? I'm not really sure? But I needed a good reason to akumatize her, as you've seen in the story description before you selected this one to read. Obviously she isn't gonna give up Tikki, because she's Marinette- well, Eris now. Her powers aren't actually holographic imaging, that's just a party trick she can do with the daggers: if she plants one dagger at, say, the top of the Effiel Tower, and another at the bottom of the Seine, she'll be able to create red-tinted, semitransparent images in that space, but it'll be obvious they're fakes as people can see through them.

If you liked this story, I'm glad. If you think I missed something, or you don't understand what the heck I was thinking when I did some parts of this chapter, feel free to review and inform me, and I'll give you an answer in the next chapter.

And... that's pretty much it, so until next time, stay tuned!

Next chapter: The school