Chapter 1- Still Enemies?

Disclaimer- God, how I wish I owned SOME of the characters I make fics about. But I DON'T. Life sucks, doesn't it?

Death: Hello! My name is Iamdeath, or Death for short. I am author and narrator of this story about Megaman and Bass.

Bass: Call me Forte, fool! I HATE my American name!

Death: Okay... about Rockman and Forte.

Rockman: No, I don't like my Japanese name. Call me Megaman.

Death: FINE! Now, if you two don't MIND, I have a fic to start. Ahem. We start with Megaman in Dr. Light's lab.

Megaman: Ha! I beat you again!

Auto: So what if I'm not great at Megaman Soccer? I can still kick your ass in Super Smash Melee.

Megaman: Well, maybe I'd do better in that game if I was in it.... I still can't believe Nintendo didn't put me in it, those bastards.

Dr. Light: *rushes into room* Megaman, I need you, now!

Megaman: Coming. *rushes to main lab room with Light*

Light: Megaman, there was a huge explosion several miles outside the northern border of the city. I need you to check it out.

Megaman: Wow, that's really far away. It must have been a really huge explosion.... All right, I'm on it. Rush, come! *leaves with Rush*

Light: Be careful, Megaman.

Death: So, Megaman uses the Rush Jet to go out north and find the explosion site. He can't teleport there since he doesn't know the location. He and Rush find it in about 30 minutes out in the barren, rocky desert region. There's a huge, smoldering crater. Small explosions are still erupting somewhere underground.

Megaman: My God, what happened here? Look, Rush, someone's climbing outta the crater!

Rush: *growls* Rrrruff ruff!

Megaman: Who is it, boy? Huh? Uh, oh... it's Forte and Treble.

Forte: *walks up to Megaman* What are you doing here?

Megaman: What did you blow up this time??

Forte: I didn't blow up anything, dickface!

Megaman: Then what happened here?

Forte: This was Wily's underground lab. Wily went insane and blew it up. He's been building a gigantic super robot to kill you these days. He finished it, but it wouldn't work. He couldn't even turn it on. He commanded me to help him fix it. I told him, "No. I'M going to kill Megaman, not this thing." Then he threw a fit and tried to put a restraining bolt on me. *smirks* Big mistake. I shot his hand. Then he took out this laser gun and went crazy with it. I think he was trying to shoot me at first, but then he just started firing everywhere. The room started exploding. He started screaming like a maniac and he escaped in a small jet. He took some computer chip with him. Then I started to evacuate with Treble. The explosion you saw was probably the giant robot blowing up. Me and Treble were far enough away from the blast to survive, but it started a huge chain reaction throughout the whole lab. That's about it. Anything else you want, my LIEGE?

Megaman: You're lucky you're still alive.

Forte: YOU'LL be lucky if you're still alive after this! *fires at Megaman*

Megaman: *gets hit* Oof! Wait, Forte-!

Death: Forte ignores Megaman and keeps firing. Megaman grits his teeth and starts charging up his buster. Forte jumps up into the air and fires down at Megaman, but Megaman slides out of the way, and when Forte lands, he gets hit full in the back by Megaman's giant blast. He falls to the ground.

Megaman: Stop this foolishness, Forte. We have no time to fight. Besides, you were weakened from evacuating the lab. We have to go find Wily and see what's on that chip you mentioned.

Forte: Who frickin' cares?! It's probably just some plans for another stupid battle robot of his.

Megaman: It doesn't matter, I still wanna know where he's going, anyway.

Forte: Why? Just so you can go defeat him and let him go out of mercy? You're so weak, so pathetic....

Megaman: *thinks* No, this time I think he needs to be finished off. As much as I hate killing people, especially humans, it sounds like Wily finally cracked. He's now just too dangerous to live.

Forte: Wow, I'm almost impressed. You'd actually KILL someone? Quick, someone call Guinness.

Death: Suddenly, they hear a very familiar whistle, and Proto Man teleports out of nowhere.

Megaman: How do you DO that??

Forte: YOU! I hate you!

Proto Man: And why's that? Because I told you the truth about you? It's still true, you know. You still have nothing to fight for.


Death: Forte charges at Proto Man, but Proto Man is already prepared with a charged-up blast. It sends Forte flying backward a couple yards. A chunk of his outer chest plating is missing, and the wound is flashing and buzzing with electricity from broken wires.

Megaman: Proto Man!

Proto Man: He left me with no choice. Forte, I suggest you temporarily shut down 'til we get you repaired.

Megaman: ...I think he already shut down....

Proto Man: Good. Now take him to Dr. Light to have him repaired. There, you must convince Forte to join you, at least temporarily. You two need to get that computer chip. I believe it may contain plans for a very dangerous robot. Wily mustn't be allowed to make that robot if I am correct. That's all for now. Good luck. *teleports*

Megaman: Great. I can't believe it. Will I EVER get a decent break?? Oh, well.... C'mon, Forte, let's get you repaired, just so you can force me to get you injured again. *sighs* And Proto Man tells me "good luck." I'll need a lot more than just luck to turn Forte....

To be continued....

Well, there it is. I hope you enjoyed it. I intend to go far with this fic, so, as always, reviews are crucial! Thanks for giving up your precious time to read my attempt at a beginning for a good fic. ^_^