After reading several reviews and getting sense beat into my head by my childhood friend/cousin and fellow writer 'Tiger the Hedgehog', I made some small changes. They are as follows:

1) I decided to keep Albion's specialty as Poison just like in canon but introduced his daughter (my OC) in the story as the one with 'Glacial Conflagration Flames'. It is as follows:

"You…" Tiamat whispered in shock with wide eyes realizing what happened. The cold she felt was the same as Albion's daughter.

"That's right. I've also inherited Glacies's ice element and her iconic Glacial Conflagration Flames."

This is one of the changes.

2) I also made sure to give Glacies a brief introduction. It is as follows:

Tiamat nodded. "True that may be, I'm the only female dragon that has earned that title. We female dragons are extremely rare and most of us aren't that strong. With hard work and determination I was able to become as strong as I am now." Spotting a napkin on the table, she wiped her mouth with it as she finished eating breakfast. "Albion's daughter Glacies on the other hand is a Dragon King class dragon. Too bad she refused to be entitled a Dragon King."

Glacies just like her father was a white Gwiber dragon but unlike Albion who had golden horns she had blue.

3) After a certain reviewer pointed out a fact, I also added a bit more info to rectify the misunderstanding. It is as follows:

"Wait what? It's true?!"

"NO!" Tiamat shrieked in rage. "I was NOT raped by a wimp like him! Both of us were senseless beasts in heat!" She glowered at Ddraig. "You're lucky you don't have a physical body now or I would've SKINNED YOU ALIVE!"

[Uuuuu… I'm sorry! I didn't mean to give him the impression of raping you but I made fun of him by calling him a rapist.]

"Which backfired at you." Issei bluntly stated.

[Leaving that aside... back then mating cycle had hit me rather hard at that time and I was barely aware of what I was doing. I moved past a cave and then smelt her in there. The cave was full of pheromones and well… inhaling them completely clouded my mind and I lost what rationality I had and gave into my instincts. And you can guess what happened next.] Ddraig gave off the impression of shrugging inside the Boosted Gear.

"Yeah I guess…" Issei muttered and then looked at Tiamat. "…What happened after you were done mating?"

4) I also reduced Riser's punishment from a decade to two months because as much as I hate him, I will need him in the story. IT sis as follows:

"It should be obvious." Lord Phenex said without missing a beat. "I'm calling this marriage off like it or not. And as for Riser's punishment, his peerage will no longer serve him but serve Ravel. Riser will be imprisoned in the family dungeon for the next two months." Then he scoffed. "Hopefully this will teach him humility."

Another thing, I sometimes have severe lack of attention so I might have missed something. PM me if you find anything mismatching in the story.

Thank You.