Reviews for The Alpha and the Omega: Issei Hyoudo
Guest chapter 4 . 7/26
Please update the suspense is killing me please!
Mideku Brandio chapter 4 . 5/6
I love this story, it's so good, unique and just fantastic. I hope this story continues soon in the future.
RelentlessIce chapter 1 . 4/25
I really hope this is continued. it is a great story.
Carol542 chapter 4 . 2/19
Love it please continue this story when you can
Guest chapter 4 . 1/19
Please update to the next chapter the suspense is killing us!
A10riddick chapter 4 . 11/7/2019
Can't wait for the next chapter!
Dragonborn2704 chapter 4 . 10/24/2019
been a really fun stoy so far and i cant wait fore more.
Tiger The Hedgehog chapter 3 . 8/30/2019
Yup totally worth it! Hahahahahahaha! Didnt expect Riser to be tiny Rofl! I see u added the This is sparta Meme. Nice just nice! Grammar is top notch as usual and thanks for implementing my ideas. Cant wait for more. uwu
xhope14x chapter 4 . 8/29/2019
I like this tho i hope you don't hate on rias to much in this story don't get me wrong what you've done so far has been funny and nice but most stories I've read always hate on her and make her seem super stupid.
Donthedarkdragon26 chapter 4 . 8/21/2019
followed. good story so far. cant wait for the next update
Curious Beats chapter 1 . 8/18/2019
hey my guy, might wanna fix your title. It's issei hyoudou, not hyoudo.
Dragenki chapter 3 . 8/14/2019
Awesome story!
PraetorXyn chapter 4 . 8/13/2019
Ha. This story is just a good time. I'm particularly enjoying the dumb Rias. Comedy gold.

I kind of wanted Serafall to be there at the end to introduce themselves publicly as The Siscon Trio.
TatsuyaShiva4 chapter 4 . 8/12/2019
Then please also erase Ruffussi or whatever the Name was and make it some well know Shinto God like Amaterasu or Inari, Please or even Hindu goddess like Kali.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/12/2019
Interesting, pls continue updating.
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