Guest: Thankyou for the feedback. It's nice to see somebody who can give me good advice. Rest assured I do understand what you are saying and indeed some of my other fics are in fact being written exactly like that. That said some people find the opposite true. That not writing in such a way feels more like a screen play than a fan fiction. If I do decide to write this fic in that manner it will probably be as an edit once I have the whole thing uploaded though. Don't let that discourage you from leaving comments like that in the future though. That said I would prefer if it was done on a real account than as a guest so I can contact you to speak about such things in private.

With that done Here is the next chapter of Shinju's awakening. Hope you all enjoy.

With Tylee

It had been a couple weeks since Naruto left her here to wait for Azula. She had enjoyed her time. But it wasn't to last. "Hello Tylee. I heard you were around here. Having fun?" Tylee looks at the newcomer and grins. "AZULA!" Walking on her hands and then turning it into a flip and hugging the princess she keeps up the charade. "Yeah it's been GREAT. My aura has never been pinker." Azula smiles at her old friend. "I have to admit I never expected you to be here of all places. Our parents would be rolling in their graves at all the money spent on sending us to the school for fire nation ladies."

Tylee frowns. "You know why I didn't stay. They finally over stood their bounds." "Ah yes. Your sisters. They told me you left with a boy. I must say I am curious. Is he here with you? I would like to meet him." She shakes her head. "He's taking care of some personal business right now. But I doubt this is a personal visit. Why did you come find me?" Azula nods. "Sadly, you are right. You remember my brother and fuddy duddy uncle?" Tylee giggles. "Oh yeah he was funny."

Azula shows a fake smile. "Hmm yes quite. Anyway, it seems father wishes them back home. They have become a rather public embarrassment. I am gathering a team to bring them back." Tylee looks surprised. Naruto was always proud of her acting skills. "Really? Who were you intending?" "Well you and Mai to start. I've also been hearing good things about a mercenary group going around. Just three people with a great reputation for getting jobs done."

Tylee frowns. She did not expect this. "Azula if you are talking about who I think I don't think you want to meet them." Azula's eyebrows rise. "Why not? Such people would be perfect for this. And think if they could be convinced to join my guard." Tylee sighs and shakes her head. "They won't. The group you are thinking of is the blood pack. They have a grudge against your father and will avoid you if possible. If you confront them, they will try to destroy you. Please just leave them alone. They've done so much good around here and all they want is for the fire nation to leave them alone."

"You know them?" She nods. "I met them. They weren't friendly to me at first, but their leader was willing to listen to me. He helped me out of a real problem I was having, and we remained friends, but he made his feelings for your family clear. Blood spiral, Crimson nightmare and June Mitarashi Uzumaki. 3 years and they've not just made a name for themselves but become local heroes." Azula frowns. "I don't know what possible grudge they could have but leaving that alone I suppose it wouldn't do to go starting a fight just to recruit them. But I still say I should at least meet them."

Tylee frowns further. "Fine. I need to perform tonight but tomorrow we can go find them. Just don't be surprised if you find them rude and uncooperative." Azula smiles. "I've dealt with Zuzu for years. How bad could these three be? Besides we need to find Mai first anyway." Tylee shakes her head and whispers to herself as she walks away. "Deadly. For you more than most." Early the next day they were on their way.

With Naruto

June stumbles. "Ugh. That was something. What was that?" Naruto chuckles. "Sorry I only just got that one back. My father's most famous Jutsu. Hiraishin. With it he killed 1000 Ninja in seconds."
June grins. "Useful. Could make a fortune in the transportation and delivery business." Naruto shakes his head. "It's taxing over long distances even for me. Besides like you noticed it takes some getting used to for new passengers. Most people empty their guts their first time."

He frowns. "Besides the kinds of people who would want to go that far are the kinds of people I don't want to associate with." He banishes his dark thoughts with a nod and smiles. "Now I have some traveling to do. I trust you have something to occupy your time for a couple weeks?"

"Yeah I got some training you left me and when I need a break, I can always take a couple jobs."
Naruto pats her back. "Good. Keep an ear to the ground for Tylee as well. I trust she is safe, but you can never be too careful."

She smirks. "She'll be fine. But what do you have planned and how long you gonna be gone? Just in case." She asks "I have an experiment or two to run and some people to visit. Not to mention an old friend. Shouldn't be more than a week or two." "Heh say hi for me." Naruto laughs and waves as he flashes away.

Kiyoshi Island

"Peaceful. Now let's see what has truly changed in this world." Naruto sits in a lotus position intending on meditating. He hasn't needed to do this since absorbing the shinju as he is permanently in sage mode now and he has no need to retreat into his mindscape. However, he realized soon before his sleep that doing this allowed a level of clarity about his surroundings that bordered on omniscience. As he opened his eyes, he found himself in front of a dark cavern in a misty forest. To others this place might seem foreboding but for him he felt no fear.

"Who comes into the lair of Ko the face stealer? Ahhh a lost human. But you seem like…more." Naruto had read much about spirits. He was curious about the beings who had replaced demons, gods and summons in this world. Ko was well known to him and so he assumed his cold demeaner. Not out of fear as he knew Ko was no threat to him but simply to irritate him. "And who is Ko?" Ko seems amused. "Among the spirits I am among the oldest. I remember our beginning. I have stolen the faces of many. Spirits and humans both."

"Met the Avatar?" He chuckles. "Many times, over many lives. I once stole the face of the woman he loved in a past life. I even met the current incarnation. He composed himself well with me, but he does not impress." Naruto nods. "I feel much the same of him. Tell me. How is it the spirits came into being? Last I knew there was nothing like you. Only Gods, Demons and summons. Spirit was synonymous with soul."

Ko comes closer to Naruto and looks him in the eye with a baboon like face. "Hmmm you speak no lies. You remember a time before my being. That can only mean you are not human. Before I answer I ask. What are you?" Naruto nods. "I see no harm in answering. Once I WAS human. The cold features you see were my mask. A face I used to keep my heart whole. A friend however opened my heart and allowed me to get closer to people and trust once more. His last gift before he died was to make me his successor."

Ko nods. "Admirable. Who was this friend?" Naruto smiles. "Shinju." Ko looks at Naruto and freezes. "I know that name. You are right there once was no spirits. However, if you are who I think then once you slept slowly the world changed. You did not anticipate the evolution of life. Once we were demons. Some like myself never changed much. Others became more…sympathetic. They left Makai and lived in the human world. This linked our worlds closer than ever and led to major changes in your world. Land masses shifted. Chakra changed to become more like our own Youkai and the reverse was true of our Youkai becoming closer to chakra. A link was created between our kind."

"The balance was destroyed though. An equalizer was needed. So, 2 of our oldest came to embody the 2 closest aspects of balance there are. Light and Dark. Yin and Yang. Raava and Vaatu. Their clashes changed the land many times but even that was not enough. One must always win and absorb the other. After many years the one absorbed would always be born from the other. The arrogance of light meant Raava feared Vaatu's victory would destroy everything and so she fought harder. Until a human interfered and she was injured."

"In payment he took her with him and gathered the elements from the Lion turtles and learned their forms. He needed her to help him regulate the power though and so eventually he was forced to fight Vaatu and Raava was absorbed into the man. He became the first Avatar and imprisoned Vaatu in a tree here in the spirit world. What you once knew as Makai. The trust between spirit and human was broken by this point however and so the spirits came back here. Only the Avatar was able to cross at will. Or so we thought. Some stayed behind though. The Moon and ocean spirits for example and Wan Shi Tong."

Naruto nods. "The moon spirit does not come from Makai, does she?" Ko raises and eyebrow. "So, you know then. Yes, it is said she is the oldest of us. Even to those like myself she is unerringly kind though it is said she was once worse than any demon. Nobody of our kind knows how she came into being." Ko shrugs. "The fire nation also killed her mortal aspect recently. She would have ceased to be in your world if she was not fused with the life force of a human girl she once aided." Naruto bows in respect to Ko and he replies in kind. "Thankyou Ko. I appreciate the help. I hope we meet again." Ko takes on the face of a kind lady and smiles. "As do I lord Shinju. It is good to have you awake again."

Naruto fades from the spirit realm and opens his eyes. He raises his eyebrows as his body is tied up and he is surrounded by many beautiful women wearing face paint like geisha but wielding weapons of all sorts. "Well this is a pleasant sight to wake to. However, I must say I am taken ladies." The apparent leader walks up to him and frowns. "You are trespassing on Kiyoshi island stranger. Besides the Avatar and his friends no man is welcome here. Speak. Who are you?"

Naruto bows at the waist as far as he can while sitting. "Sorry. My name is a close secret for those I trust. I simply needed a quiet and peaceful location to meditate for a bit. This place seemed a perfect place for it and so I took advantage. I apologize for the inconvenience." The warriors whisper amongst themselves and the leader speaks up. "Well you seem respectful enough. A welcome sight in a man I must say." Naruto smiles. "It wasn't always so, but I try. Might I ask you a personal question?"

She raises an eyebrow and narrows her eyes but admits she is curious. "You can but whether I answer depends on the question." Naruto nods. "That's reasonable. Does the name Temari mean anything to you? Or maybe Tenten?" The ladies whisper even more. "Names lost on most. They are some of our oldest recorded ancestors. How do you know of them?" Naruto laughs lightly. "Well for starters my girlfriend is also descended from Tenten. As for how I know them well…. can you keep a secret? I do not trust easily but… those I do become family to me."

"I see no reason to deny you your secrets. I admit I am curious." Naruto grins and it causes a flash of a memory in her mind about a story her mother told her as a child. "They were some of my closest friends. Do you still need to know my name, or have you guessed already?" Naruto stands and snaps the ropes around him causing the women to stumble back. The leader kneels. "I am sorry Lord Shinju. I am the leader of the Kyoshi warriors. My name is Suki." Naruto kneels before her and takes her hand. "There is no need to kneel before me. I never asked for it before and I never will. And it's a pleasure Suki."

Suki blushes as she rises. She whispers to herself. "If you weren't taken…" Naruto smirks a little. "I won't say you don't have a shot Suki, but I personally believe in the policy of 1 wife and any other woman brought into the relationship is her choice. Given your speech of the Avatar you MIGHT meet my chosen in the future. She is on a mission for me though, so I ask you to keep her identity secret from her companions." Suki smiles. "You said she is a descendant of Tenten so to us she is family already."

He smiles. "Her name is Tylee. She may come here as an enemy of the Avatar but make no mistake she works for me." Suki nods. "I will notify the others to aid her quietly if seen. Would you like to stay for dinner Lord Shinju?" Naruto smiles. "Just Naruto is fine Suki. I am not fond of titles. As for dinner I will have to decline for now. I have too much to do. But another time I will visit and take you up on the offer." "If I might ask how you figured out who our ancestors were?"

"The choice of weapons. The attitude and discipline. Even the proud way you held yourself is a perfect mixture of Tenten and Temari. I am surprised to see so little of Lee or Shikamaru in you though. No lazy tendencies or extremely unattractive dress sense or boundless energy and need to train constantly." Suki snorts. "Uhh it happens sometimes but mostly no." Naruto nods then slaps his forehead. "Ohhhh stupid. Of course. Shikamaru told me that happens."

The warriors are confused. "Umm what?" Naruto chuckles. "The Nara trait of laziness is a distinctly MALE trait. It rarely happens in the women of the clan. As for Lee's tendencies it would likely either be the same or just weaker. He wasn't a clan ninja after all so family traits don't pass as easily." Suki nods. "I'm not sure about clan or ninja but the rest makes sense. Mostly it IS the men who gain those traits. It's why every warrior here is female. We exile the men to a nearby island soon after they become teenagers and they are raised by the men until a warrior needs to seek out a husband."

Naruto frowns. "Not my idea of a good family but it's a better reason for such methods than my own childhood." He smiles. "Besides who am I to judge several hundred years of tradition while I slept?"
Suki frowns picking up on his sadness but decides it is a private matter and best left alone. "Anyway, Suki I have places I need to be, so I am afraid I have to go. It was nice meeting you all though and I will return to visit sometime." Suki smiles wryly. "Sorry about the treatment. We've had some troubles with foreign men the past century or so." He waves it off. "It's fine." Naruto walks off down the beach and turns back to smile at them before he disappears in a red flash causing the women to gasp.

A rocky mountaintop outside an old temple

After a few months wandering the nations to investigate this world more and make his plans He arrives at the Dragon's sanctuary."Hmmmmm this place seems strange. I feel him here but where?" Naruto moves to explore the temple and smiles as he sees diagrams on the walls depicting an old taijutsu he can't place. He then slaps himself and laughs. "Hinata of course. Oh, she would be proud. I'm glad she got along with her summons so well." As he walks out of the temple, he finds himself surrounded by fire monks all confused.

He bows. "Hello. Something I can help you with? I am looking for an old friend." An old man with white hair narrows his eyes. "This place is designed to tempt people who enter with the promise of riches. A hidden meaning to this place exists which none have ever figured out besides our order. Few leave that room without triggering the traps. Who are you boy?" Naruto scratches his chin. "Traps triggered by moving something tempting inside?" The man nods. "Then it's not so surprising I didn't trigger them then. I am not interested in treasure. Even if I fail to find the one, I wish to see here I am happy with what I did find."

The man frowns. "And what did you find?" Naruto smiles serenely. "The legacy of an old friend still living after 5000 years." The man contemplates those words a moment before frowning in confusion. "And who is it you seek? There is nobody here but us." Naruto shakes his head disappointed. "I understand your need to protect him, but Ran would be disappointed in your dishonesty." The men take a fire bending stance and a few raise spears at him. The leader snarls. "How do you know that name outsider?!" Naruto frowns. "You fail to use your mind. I have given you all you need to figure it out. Well unless he never spoke of me. Understandable I suppose. He was a hatchling after all."

The man steps forward to look Naruto in the eyes and considers his words. "Your words confuse me. But if you speak true then Ran will know. And if not then you will die." Naruto nods. "Lead the way."
Then man leads the way through the temple through many hidden passages. A real maze which confuses even Naruto. "Been a long time since I was confused as much as this place makes me. The architect should be proud." The man nods. "The designs were old before this place was built. Kept by Ran himself. He said it was a gift from an old friend who wished him safety if his home ever became unsafe or if he was no longer welcome there. The architect didn't build from those plans until about 3000 years ago. He was the first Avatar though his name is lost to us."

Naruto smiles. "I'm glad she got along with him so well." As he says this the man frowns again. Then they step out into a courtyard at the base of a long stair with 2 opposing caves at the top. "Go. At the top you shall be judged." Naruto ascends the stairs and stands between the caves. As he stands there a red dragon flies out of one and a blue out of the other. Naruto smiles at them. "Ran, Shaw, Hello old friends." As the dragons descend from the sky they stand before Naruto and bow. The fire monks are shocked.

Naruto frowns. "What have I told you about that Ran." Ran chuckles and raises his head. "Sorry Naruto. I just wanted to see the look on your face." Naruto shakes his head and grins. "I see Hinata told you of my pranking days." Shaw laughs. "Told us in great detail. The day she died was the saddest of our lives." Naruto frowns. "She was a bright star in a dark time. I wish she was here." Naruto smiles. "But at least she left a legacy. Her taijutsu style on the walls of the temple was impressive." Ran smiles. "After the demons entered our world and became spirits a boy came to Shen and wished to learn from a true master of fire. I told Shen of Hinata's style and he taught it to the boy. In return he brought peace as best he could. During his last days he built this place for us."

Naruto nods. "What happened to the summon clans?" Ran sheds a tear. "Faded with the shinobi. Besides the dragons and the descendants of the island turtle who became spirits named lion turtles they all faded. The dragons were strong enough to resist the change, but we were weakened and eventually hunted. Now only 3 remain and a single egg. I only hope it is enough for our kind to return." Naruto shakes his head. "I'm sorry Ran. I slept too long. I almost woke once but the appearance of the Avatar made the need less. I should have done it anyway. Then Sozen sealed my power and prevented my waking before his foolish war. If it wasn't for Tylee I would still be asleep."

Shaw raises her head in surprise. "And who is Tylee?" Smirking with a chuckle. "A new girlfriend?"
Naruto grins. "YUP. Turns out she's Tenten's descendant. She makes me happy like few others now." He smiles wistfully and Ran grins. "I would like to meet her sometime. I am glad to see you brother."
"Brother huh? You know I wouldn't even know you were alive if Iroh hadn't seen a resemblance in my disguise to you and mentioned your name." Ran blinks a few times. "May I see it?" Naruto raises his mask and takes on the Blood spiral's look causing Shaw to laugh. "Wow he could be your brother in human form." Naruto chuckles. "I was inspired by Ran. I thought about modeling Tylee's after you Shaw, but I felt something more…sharp was needed." Shaw nods. "I like my look but among Dragons I do strike more gently than others, so I understand. I am flattered you thought of me though."

Naruto frowns. "I have one more thing to ask. The Uchiha. I know the royal family of the fire nation is Sasuke's side. How long did it take for them to go bad again? Is there hope for them?"
Shaw sighs. "It was only in the last 300 years they began to descend into madness again. Each parent seems to make the next generation worse. It came to a head with Sozen, Azulon wasn't much better and it seems Ozai is worse. We are concerned mostly about the youngest daughter. By all accounts Zuko can be hot headed but his pride and honor get in the way. He visited us recently with the Avatar and we taught them the Dancing dragon taijutsu for their bending. For the daughter it was jealousy for her brother having the love of their mother. If Ozai fails to destroy everything then chances are Azula will if she is not changed soon."

Naruto nods. "I was afraid of that. Zuko is improving but Azula…. worries me. I hope Tylee finds some good in her or I will have to rob her of her oldest friend." Shaw and Ran nod. "Such is the responsibility of one who is a god." Naruto nods. "The closer the comet gets the more power I get back but the more guilty I feel for what I must do. I hope she forgives me." Shaw smiles. "If she loves you as much as you love her then you have nothing to fear. Adversity makes bonds stronger." "Thanks guys. I'm glad you two are still around." He grins. "When I return, I expect to hear many stories about your lives." Shaw and Ran chuckle and return to their caves.

As Naruto descends the steps he stands before the fire monks again and they all kneel. "Please don't do that. I hate formality. I am here only to visit my old friends." The leader rises with his men. "What will you do now?" Naruto sighs and shakes his head. "I have a couple more stops before I return to my companion to continue my training. It is almost time for the last of the royal family to be judged." Naruto leaves in a red flash once again.

After meeting with the white lotus Naruto was in a good mood. To think so many of his kinsmen had survived and had their children and that family had flourished into a society designed to accede to his morals and purpose was flattering and gratifying. Now he wished to speak to the ocean and moon spirits and so he stood on the water outside the gates of the Northern water tribe's city much to their confusion. The fact he is standing on water without bending it is shocking enough to the citizens but that he stands there without speaking or attacking or even moving has them confused. Several councils have been held over the past week to decide what to do about this mysterious man until a soldier rushes into a meeting panting in exhaustion.

"What is the meaning of this outburst?" The man takes a knee before the ruler of the water tribe and hands him a scroll. Taking the hint, the man opens it and begins to read. As he does his eyes widen further and further until he drops it like it has burned him only for another to pick it up and raise an eyebrow at its contents. The identity of the man at their gates as far as they can find. "I wonder what an Earth nation bounty hunter renowned for working in a small squad is doing here."
The ruler turns to speak with the old man who trains their best water benders.

"I don't know. But I do know he is not yet an enemy. He IS powerful though. I think our best course is to invite him in and for you to ask him. As I understand he respects power. I believe he will respond to you better than me." Master Pakku nods. "Very well. I must admit I have heard good things about this Blood Spiral even as ominous as his name sounds. And how he stands on water even though he is known to not be a bender is intriguing. I will go speak to him now Chief Arnook." Arnook nods.

An hour later Pakku is standing on a barge with a small team of his finest water benders heading out the gate to meet this stranger. As he arrives Naruto looks at the man and bows in respect. He then flicks a Pai sho tile to Pakku who raises an eyebrow at the tile with the design of a white lotus on it. He then looks back at his water benders and nods to them. Creating a sheet of Ice to stand on he orders them to take the rest of the day off.

Pakku looks at Naruto with curiosity. "I thought I knew all members of the Order. You are new?" Naruto shakes his head. "I'm not a member. But you could say the Order and I share a vision."

"A vision?" Naruto nods. "Peace at all cost. The end of conflict on large scale. Truth and honesty above all else. The order of the White lotus embodies these values. But tell me. Who and what inspired this?" Pakku nods. "The older members say it was inspired by an old god who sleeps. That he was meant to wake at the time of the next conflict to end it before it starts but he never did."

Naruto looks guilty. "He was prevented. His duty to many shirked but it was beyond his control. All for the greed and madness of 1 man and his family. But that is not why I am here." Pakku quirks an eyebrow. "And why are you here Blood Spiral? I would think this place uninteresting to a mercenary. Even one as exceptional as you." Naruto shakes his head. "For the work maybe but then I am not here on the capacity of a mercenary. I am here to speak to the Ocean and Moon spirits." Pakku stiffens. "So, you know they are here. You know also that they were protected from anybody beyond our trust for centuries then? And that recently they were attacked and nearly killed? Why would I allow another outsider near them?"

"Understandable. Let me ask you another question. Why are YOU here? Why is the ruler of his people not the one to confront me? I am curious." Pakku nods. "What little we know leads us to believe you are not here for anything untoward and while we did not wish to antagonize you the chief believed you might respond to a more powerful person such as I?" Naruto nods in understanding. "And how do you judge power Pakku? The ability to bend? The skills you have? Or the ability to lead. Let me offer a counter argument. He is in grieving and is not thinking to full capacity. Who has more power than the leader of his people? The one in command."

Pakku smiles. "I agree but I agreed to take his place simply BECAUSE he is grieving." Naruto chuckles. "Very well Pakku. Take me to him and I will explain my purpose here to the both of you. However, until this war is done, I ask you to keep my secrets. Until I take back what is mine, I am vulnerable and so is my goal. The same goal as the white lotus." Pakku nods. "I promise nothing of course but if I think this is right then I have no problem keeping your secret."

Later that day Naruto, Pakku and Arnook are sitting in his throne room drinking tea and sharing stories. Arnook shakes his head. "You have such wonderful stories Naruto. I wish I could see the world of your time." Naruto shakes his head. "I can't show much because of the seal but as a gift I will show you some of the best and worst of my time in hope that you understand my intention a little better." Naruto cast's a genjutsu over to 2 men to show them many battles he had seen and taken part of when he was a child and as he grew. He also showed them some of his fondest memories and finally an Image of Uzu at the height of peace."

Arnook smiles and sheds a tear. "My daughter would have loved this." Naruto smirks. "Oh, she is aware of it and has seen it all and so much more." Arnook looks sadly at him. "How? She is dead. Gave her life to return life to the Moon spirit." Naruto shakes his head. "Not dead old man. Fused. Just like me and the Shinju. Her body and mind with the memories and some of the original left behind as a guide with all that power. Never the same again true but never truly gone."

Arnook and Pakku have to spend a few minutes rebooting their minds before taking him to the spirit pool where Naruto Sits in Lotus. "This form does not suit you Kaguya." An ethereal giggle can be heard as the form of Princess Yue stands before the men in all her beauty. "I was wondering if you would ever visit me Naruto. I have much to thank you for. Not the least of which is my mind."

Naruto smiles. "So, you take the form of your host? Tell me am I right in thinking she and you are both one and the same now?" She nods. "Yue is a part of me as much as I am part of her now. I must admit it has been too long since I felt love like hers for the boy Sokka. And of course, her father." Kaguya smiles kindly at the chief.

"So, it is true then. You do live. Why did you not come to me?" She shakes her head. "You were not ready to let go. I once claimed myself a goddess and became a demon. I still would be such if it were not for Naruto. It was only once I learned to let go of the past and move on that I gained a kind enough heart to break my seal and return to this world. Just a few centuries later I find the child of a woman at my pool with a child dying. A woman willing to give up everything to save her child. Even her child itself. I honored her wish by sharing my power. In return when that child found me in need of aid, she did for me what I never thought to see a mortal do. Give up everything with no hope or care for anything but righting a wrong."

"I could not let such a gift on this world just die. So instead we became one and the same. Her form and heart. My mind and experience. A new being entirely in balance. I am Kaguya Yue Otsutsuki. Spirit of the moon." The man sheds a tear and smiles. "Would you tell me of yourself? I would like to know who it is who saved my daughter." Naruto lays back and relaxes for the story and gestures for them to do the same as Kaguya begins the story of her origins and downfall.

Later that night the spirit pool was alight in calm silence. "Such a story. Truly a wonderful story." Kaguya nods. "Naruto. I am sorry." Naruto opens an eye. "What for? Far as I am concerned you made up for everything you did and then some." She shakes her head. "I tried to prevent Sozen's betrayal. Even then because your power is so much greater than mine all I could do is sacrifice my own and my son's power in order to send that comet into a 100-year orbit. We would not be stuck in these forms otherwise."

Pakku frowns. "Son? Our legends always said that Twi and La are lovers." She giggles. "Dear Kami no. That legend formed upon the idea we were made the same way as other spirits. No, he is my son or more accurately my descendant. His original purpose was to guard my original body in the moon and to rest judgement on mankind if they did not live up to my other Son's hopes. If Naruto had not done what he did then he likely would have destroyed, you all within a few years."Naruto nods. "And when the world changed and with no more purpose, he changed with it becoming the spirit of the Ocean." Kaguya nods. "Kaguya will you ever regain your power enough to shed these forms?"

She nods. "Toneri already can but the death of my old body has become a major setback. It will take me over 100 years to regain that power." Naruto grins. "I am glad I was right about you Kaguya. I have a gift for you." Kaguya cocks her head then gasps as Naruto opens a portal which once closed leaves a tree shaped stone behind. "Naruto you would trust me with that. Knowing what happened to me last time I used it?" Naruto nods. "What you did Kaguya was horrible true. But it was born of a desire to do good. Shinju recognized this and never held a grudge. He knew that it was likely once his powers passed to me that he would never return. I would say after 5000 years it's a safe bet he won't be using it. You have evolved enough now that you might now control this and not lose yourself to it."

Pakku examines the stone and quirks an eyebrow. "Uhhh for those of us not in the know?" Naruto chuckles. "Remember what she told you about what happened when she took the power of the previous shinju?" He nods. "Well when I adapted to the power one of my first acts was to separate Kaguya's body from that of the Shinju tree. With neither having a will anymore Kaguya was put back in the moon to one day heal herself and become whole. But the Shinju's will wasn't destroyed. Rather it was given freely to me. Thus, his body no longer had a use. Until now." Arnook falls on his butt. "This is the body of the original Shinju?" Naruto nods. "When this war ends it will be Kaguya's new body."

Kaguya panics. "Why would you trust me with this?" "Over my thousand-year rule I learned a valuable lesson. Even as a god I can't do everything by myself. I needed help. In my time I had the shinobi, the summon clans and my family. Now I must rebuild all that from the ground up. I have my Hime. I have the white lotus and the Kyoshi warriors. In time I have plans for others. But I need somebody of a higher power to guide them. The shinju told me once that as a god he did not understand humans, but no single human had the power to make people listen. He needed a partner."

"Without you I would not exist as I do now. I see no reason to let your potential as a guide for mankind to go to waste. In my full trust of my new power and in the humans, I guided I allowed myself to become complacent and was sealed as a result. I can't stay awake forever, or I will lose interest as any immortal does. So, I need a failsafe. I have my guards and my enforcers. Now I need a guiding hand for when I am not around. Will you be that guide?" Kaguya was silent in thought for a long time before she finally smiled. "Very well Naruto. If you trust me then I will guide the people when you are unable. I am only sad I cannot do as you do and return the love Sokka has shown me." Naruto smiles and Pakku and Arnook are in awe as they bear witness to the seeds of a new age.
"Someday Kaguya you will find love again. Even for a god that is inevitable. We spend years being selfless. Is it wrong to spend a lifetime or 2 being a little selfish and wanting something for ourselves?" Kaguya bows as he leaves.

And that's chapter 6 people. Not my greatest work I think but I hope you enjoyed it. Debating which fic I should update next and if I should upload a new one. Let me know what you all think. Don't forget to Review and recommend to your friends. Until next time See ya peeps. XD