Chapter 1

Uzushiogakure was a thriving shinobi village home to the Uzumaki clan. The Shinobi and Kunoichi of the Uzumaki clan are famous for their skill in fūinjutsu. Being feared in many of the greater ninja villages such as Iwagakure, Kumogakure, and Kirigakure. Uzushiogakure was not only known for its shinobi but the fact all of the Uzumaki clan was brimming with vitality, also making it known as the Village of Longevity.

Uzushiogakure was an island located close to the Land of Waves. The main defense for the island and its inhabitants were the whirlpools surrounding the island. Being an island the Uzumaki had to make do with the land they had, they constructed many highrise buildings to house its occupants comfortably.

Naruto was one of the many orphans in Uzushiogakure, his mother passed away when she gave birth to him, and his father was a Joūnin who died in the line of duty. Many of the caretakers of the orphanage agreed Naruto was no normal child, he was strong, courageous, and considerably more intelligent than any child his age should be. Belonging to the Uzumaki clan some would ask why he wasn't adopted, having an idea as to why it may have had to do with his maturity since he practically raised himself. Accompanied by such qualities the couples, and individuals looking to adopt children thought he'd be just fine in the future and looked to helping other children assuming someone would take him eventually.

As a child, Naruto wasn't too tall for his age measuring up to 3 feet 9 inches, a fit lean body he also had crimson hair like most Uzumaki, but Naruto had captivating violet eyes that only a rare few in the world possessed. Naruto was a lonely child by being smarter and stronger than the others, it secluded him from them.

Sitting by himself on a hill overlooking a playground with plenty of kids enjoying themselves sat Naruto with a neutral expression. They were playing ninja, their parents watching them to make sure they didn't get hurt. Naruto had seen Shinobi and Kunoichi quite often since Uzushiogakure was a Ninja village. Most of them held themselves with pride, while some seemed affected deeply at what they've had to do and experienced.

Giving them his respects every time he passed them, after all, it took a special kind of person to serve their country. It was one of his aspirations of becoming one of the greatest Shinobi in this Era, that and protecting anyone dear to him. Clutching his pants he made an oath to himself once he finds someone truly precious to him, that he would protect them for everything he was worth. Standing up he made his way to leave and go back to the orphanage when he saw someone kind of lonely, he decided to go and try to be friends with her.

Kushina wasn't having a good time at the park, her mother told her to go play and try to make some friends while she was in the hospital receiving her checkup. She still couldn't believe she was going to be an older sister. Sure she was kind of a klutz, and she wasn't stupid or anything it was just hard to mix in with the other kids. Hearing a voice snap her out of her thoughts.

"Hey, what's your name?" someone said behind her, Kushina turned around and looked at Naruto questioningly. She stared at him incredulously and it made him kind of uncomfortable.

Assuming she didn't want to talk to him, apologizing quickly, he started to walk away before he heard her reply. "My name is Kushina Uzumaki, what's yours?", turning around he saw her with a small smile making him smile in return. "It's Naruto" he extended his hand and she shook it gently. "It's nice to meet you Naruto-san", scratching the back of his head before replying "Just call me Naruto, I'm not one for formalities".

Kushina smiled and replied, "Just call me Kushina than". With a nod from Naruto he asked "Do you wanna play a game?" sounding more like his age than he usually did. With an earsplitting grin, Kushina replied: "Sure how does tag sound dattebane?" Naruto looked confused for a moment before he ecstatically responded, "Sure, let's go!". Kushina was thankful that Naruto hadn't made fun of her for her verbal tic, smiling she came along and started to play tag with him.

For the rest of the day, they played games with each other. Kushina didn't mind that Naruto was better than her in some aspects at all, in fact, she enjoyed a challenge. It was nearing dusk when they finally stopped playing, Kushinas' mother came to the park to her surprise find her daughter playing with a handsome boy. Whenever Kushina tried to play with others her age, she was always the black duckling of the group and never really participated in any games with them.

"Kushina-chan come over here and bring your friend." called a soft feminine voice, Naruto looked over to the source of it to find a stunningly beautiful woman that he could easily tell was Kushina's mother. She had mesmerizing Violet-blue eyes just like Kushina, she stood around 5 feet 6 inches by his guess, and had the body of a Kunoichi besides her obviously pregnant stomach.

Kushina ran to her mother, while Naruto at a much slower pace made his way over. Smiling at the two children she said "It seems you made a friend Kushi-chan I'm proud of you", blushing in embarrassment Kushina stuttered out her reply "Mou, Kaa-chan don't embarrass me in front of Naruto." Smiling deviously "Oh my Kushi-chan you wouldn't happen to have a crush on him already now would you." Naruto and Kushina blushed because they did like each other for the short span of time they had spent together.

Laughing at her handiwork she figured she would introduce herself to the young boy. With a serene smile, she spoke, "I'm Akane Uzumaki Kushina-chan's mother it's nice to meet you?" Naruto bowed slightly before responding making Akane arch an eyebrow "I'm Naruto Uzumaki it's nice to meet you Akane-san." With a cheerful smile, Akane said: "Just call me Akane if you want." turning to Kushina she continued "It's time we go back home Kushina and make dinner Naruto-Kun can come over for dinner if it's okay with you."

"Are you sure, I don't want to be a bother and the orphanage might get worried if I don't come back before it becomes dark?" questioned the young boy.

Realizing the handsome young boy in front of her had no immediate family, she realized he must have always been lonely. He looked around a year older than Kushina and she had just turned seven. Being the daughter of the Uzukage she had certain privileges in the village. Smiling before she replied: "I'm sure they won't have a problem with it, now do you want to enjoy dinner with Kushi-Chan and me, tonight we're having my homemade salt ramen?" She questioned with a grin.

Before he could respond Kushina squealed in happiness and hugged her mother very gently, her mother was due in a month after all. "We're having salt ramen for dinner?" questioned Kushina in a quivering voice as if she couldn't believe it.

Laughing good-naturedly at her daughters' antics, with a nod of her head at her daughter who squealed with even more delight she turned to Naruto who looked dumbfounded. "What's ramen?" asked Naruto with an inquiring voice looking genuinely confused.

Silence reigned from the two crimsoned haired women, both of them having different thoughts about the situation at hand. Kushina couldn't believe he didn't know what ramen was! It is the food of the gods, the delectable noodles, the mouthwatering broth. That solved it he was coming whether he liked it or not in her mind. Akane just had a bemused expression, she knew with pride that she made some of the best ramen in all of the Uzumaki clan. The broth she had at home should be finished simmering by now.

Kushina grasped Naruto's hand and started or tried to pull him towards her family home, but he was bigger and stronger than her so it didn't actually work. Kushina looked at Naruto with an almost crazed look in her eye before stating "C' mon you have to try Kaa-Chan's ramen it's the best I swear!" Laughing at her daughters' escapades, Akane waited for Naruto's answer.

Was this how it felt to have a family, granted he still just thought of Kushina as his friend, but Akane had definitely struck a chord with him. Akane was how he envisioned a mother to be, with every word she had said to him he could tell she genuinely cared about him. Nodding in response to Kushina he just let her drag him away, all the while Akane was trailing behind them with a happy smile on her face which was reciprocated by Naruto and Kushina both.

Arriving at Kushina and Akane's home he was astounded as to how nice it was, it wasn't huge by any margin but it just seemed and felt like how he imagined a family home would be. It was cozy, the atmosphere was jovial, and whatever was cooking in the kitchen smelled fantastic.

Kushina had practically dragged him to the dinner table so that he could try her favorite version of ramen. She was practically bouncing with enthusiasm. Naruto shared some of these feelings because most of the events he was included in today were some of the first experiences in all of his whole life.

Akane came from the kitchen with two steaming bowls of shio ramen for Naruto and Kushina, setting them in front of her daughter and her friend she went back to get her bowl. Naruto had waited before Akane had come back to begin eating, but Kushina was barely restraining herself from digging in, he couldn't blame her he supposed it was her favorite dish after all. Coming back into the room with her own bowl of ramen Akane sat down on the opposite side of them, she clapped her hands together and said "Itadakimasu!", which was reciprocated by Naruto and Kushina both.

Kushina not waiting even a second after speaking started to eat her ramen not even savoring its flavor. Naruto in a much more peaceful manner took a small number of noodles with his chopsticks before lifting them to his mouth and chewing it before swallowing.

Akane just stared at Naruto awaiting his reaction, he had his eyes closed and his face in a neutral expression. After swallowing the mouthful of noodles he opened his eyes to see Kushina's mother staring at him with a raised eyebrow, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment "This is definitely the best food I've had in my life." Kushina nodded vigorously agreeing with him 100%, Akane just gave a heartwarming smile at him and thanked him for the compliment before eating her ramen as well.

After thanking Akane for the wonderful dinner, and promising Kushina that they would play together again, Naruto was feeling fantastic. He was walking towards the orphanage along with Akane she promised to walk him back, after all, it was getting dark outside. Breaking the silence "Thank you for everything today Akane-San, it was nice meeting you and Kushina both." said the young crimson haired boy with a smile.

Giggling before her reply "It's definitely not going to be the last time, Kushina-Chan and I enjoyed your company too much for this to be a one time occasion." Smiling and giving a nod of approval at this, they continued walking to the orphanage in tranquil silence. When they arrived, the caretakers were worried as to where Naruto had been for the past few hours. Thankfully Akane was there to calm them and explained that she had been with him the entire time.

4-month time skip

These past months have been great, Kushina and I were learning the basics of Fūinjutsu at the Uzumaki Sealing Academy. Kushina had excelled in Kekkai(barrier) Fūinjutsu, while I was more attuned to Jikūkan Fūinjutsu. We were just learning the basics, after all, every Uzumaki is proficient in using fūinjutsu. It's just some are better at other aspects of it. We've also become nearly inseparable, we're always there for each other no matter the circumstances, and we trust each other with about everything. Both of us wanted to become Shinobi as well, she wanted to be a kunoichi specializing in Iryō ninjutsu. While I wanted to be a combat shinobi that specializes in Nin and Tai Jutsu.

Kushina's little sister was born three months ago too. I've never seen her so nervous and happy in the time I've known her to be holding her little imouto. Akane looked like she was glowing after the birth of her daughter, she had named her little baby girl Misaki after her mother. Naruto had seen a flash of sadness on her face for a split second before giving Kushina and little Misaki and heartwarming smile. He knew why she was sad, after all, who wouldn't be when you're missing one of the most important family members.


"Where's Kushina's Father Akane-San, I haven't met him yet in all the time I've known you both?" inquired Naruto. Akane had a saddened expression that worried Naruto in all the time he's known her she's always been smiling and easy going. With a heavy sigh giving him a sad smile before she responded: "He died in the last shinobi war, his squad was positioned at the rearguard protecting the army while we retreated from the enemy shinobi. A lone tear escaped her beautiful eyes and her choked voice made his heart lurch as she continued.

" His squad was injured but he had a job to do, defending his comrades he sacrificed himself in doing so. When a person has something precious they want to protect, they can become strong. He wanted to protect this village and me." She finished with a sad smile. "I'm sorry for your loss, he seemed like an admirable man befitting for such a wonderful woman" replied Naruto trying to lighten the mood. Nudging his shoulder playfully while giving a teasing smile. "Aren't you just the little flatter sometimes, Kushi-Chan is going to be lucky in the future." Naruto blinked at what she said, not really sure how he should respond he just scratched the back of his head while giving a grin.

Flashback End

What Akane had said to him had made such a huge impact on him. When he was alone he had nothing he wanted to protect but himself, now he had Kushina-Chan, Akane-Chan, and little Misaki-Chan. He promised to himself that he wouldn't allow them to face any more hardships in their lives. He would be the one to shoulder their burdens, and the shield to protect them from any harm. 'I'm still a child though, I just want to be strong to protect them.' thought Naruto determinedly.

Trying to rid himself of such thoughts and focus on the present. He followed behind Akane carrying Misaki while holding Kushina's hand. They were finally leaving the hospital after the doctors had told Akane she and Misaki were ready. Naruto was carrying all of the bags of clothes they got for little Misaki. Once they made it home, Naruto set the bags down and went to go help Akane with the more physical tasks around the house.

While Naruto and Kushina were busy with their chores around the house, Akane had just finished putting little Misaki to bed in her crib. Her daughter and Naruto both wanted to become Shinobi, she knew it was a dangerous lifestyle put it took a special individual to protect and serve their country. She was a retired Joūnin for Uzushiogakure after all, she knew just how terrifying war was. She was by no means a sensor Ninja, but she could feel Naruto and Kushina's dormant chakra reserves, they were already around high genin and they hadn't even been trained. She decided that they could use the extra help since their chakra control was going to be shot if she didn't help them now. It also didn't help that the world was once again going into turmoil. It would only be a few years before the Third Shinobi War would break out, and she wanted them to be ready.

They had both finished their chores when they heard a voice from down the hall call to them. "Naruto, Kushina come to the backyard I need to talk to you!" yelled Akane seriously. Assuming something happened they both rushed outside to find Akane sitting there with a smile. "While it's been about six years since I've been an active Ninja, I was hoping you two wouldn't mind if I taught you a couple of things," she said with a grin.

Time Skip

3 months

Naruto and Kushina soon found out that Akane was a slave driver when it came to training. They weren't complaining though, they were one step closer to their dream of becoming Ninja. Akane was explaining to them how special both of their chakra was. Kushina's was tensile almost like chains, Akane had explained that she had inherited it from her, while Akane's wasn't as tensile as Kushina's. Naruto's chakra didn't share their same properties, Akane had described his chakra as golden and crimson almost like the tailed beasts. Since they were both Uzumaki naturally their chakra reserves were nothing to laugh at, even young their bodies were full of vitality and had more chakra than most experienced genin's from other hidden villages. During their training period, Naruto had turned nine and they celebrated his birthday at their house.

His birthday was a spectacular affair. Having people who genuinely care for you celebrate it with you was incredible. He honestly felt on top of the world. He didn't ask for any birthday presents, their presence was enough for him. But Kushina and Akane were stubborn about it and got him stuff anyway. Akane had gotten him an outfit that she thought would match him. A long sleeve black shirt with grey strips running down the sleeves, black Anbu style pants, and ninja sandals. Kushina had purchased a set of three-pronged kunai's that were made just for him.

Not long into his training, Akane had realized Naruto was a prodigy in the Ninja arts. He took to her chakra control training like a fish in water even with his reserves. His speed was nothing to scoff at for a nine-year-old boy, already bordering mid chūnin, his strategy was nothing to cut short either. He was extremely intelligent for a boy his age as well, realizing that the village's shinobi were more on edge he questioned her to see if a major conflict was en route, showing his analytical skills.

Kushina was no pushover either. While she may not have the same qualities Naruto has, her skill in barrier fūinjutsu was stunning. Her Kongo Fūsa (Adamantine Sealing Chains) gave her the perfect setup for finishing moves on enemy shinobi since they were practically unbreakable. Her skill in iryō ninjutsu was getting to the point where they wanted her to work in the hospital to help treat certain patients.

Uzushiogakure Kage Office

Kenshin Uzumaki sighed the Third Shinobi War was looking inevitable sooner or later it would happen. The decline of power between the Five Great Nations was having its effects on the smaller nations. Already small skirmishes were happening between his Shinobi against Kiri and Kumo Shinobi. His nation along with Konoha and suffered dearly in the last war, Konoha had lost its Second Hokage. While the Uzumaki were targeted for their sealing capabilities, and vitality on the battlefield being able to fight for days straight caused that. The council had pressured him into trying to make special shinobi to safeguard the Uzumaki clan should Uzushiogakure fall.

As he looked at the 48 candidates selected for a program that would make soldiers to protect the Uzumaki clan, one stood out in particular. His daughter and granddaughter alike had taken a liking to this one boy. Uzumaki Naruto an orphan from the Second Shinobi war with no immediate family besides that of the Uzumaki clansmen. He had a natural aptitude for the shinobi arts as his daughter had told him. This program he would be sending the boy into would have a low survivability rate as the medical professionals they had approached estimated only 10% of the candidates would survive the augmentations.

He never liked this aspect of leading, but the path to hell is paved with good intentions. If these individuals survived then they would be able to safeguard his clan in the upcoming war. Signing his approval to forcefully remove the individuals from their homes and draft them into the Shinobi forces.

Chapter 1


Author's Note

I hope it wasn't too bad, it's my first fanfic so please go easy on the reviews. Sorry if I rambled too much on certain parts and some of it is boring, I figured that I'd need to establish a kind of backstory for Naruto. I hope you all enjoyed it though!
