It was a day like no other. The Marines were rushing out of their base getting on their battleships trying to capture someone. The person they were trying to capture was wearing a straw hat, a tattered white suit, and had black hair. He had a solemn look on his face while sailing away on a small boat. The Marine forces were trying to capture the one known as Monkey D. Luffy. Ex-Marine.

"Get the boy!" One of the Marine Vice Admirals yelled.

Cannonballs were shot at Luffy who used his abilities to force the cannonballs back at the Marines piercing through some of the ships coming at him.

"Don't take the boy lightly! This is Ex-Marine Rear Admiral Monkey D. Luffy we're facing men! His position is the equivalent of Marine Headquarters Rear Admirals!" Another Vice-Admiral yelled.

The Marines who were shooting at the Strawhat wearing boy that heard this new set of information widened their eyes to the point they could be compared to saucer plates. They were unaware of the fact that this boy they were attacking had enough strength to be of such a position. It was madness in their eyes. They thought it was excessive to have 3 Vice Admirals each leading 2 battleships only to chase after one guy in a dinghy and it was hard to believe he was of such a rank in the Marines. That was until he sunk half of the Marine ships by sending the cannonballs right back at them.

"How is he doing this?" One Marine cried out.

The last Vice-Admiral who had yet to speak grumbled before speaking up.

"The boy ate a Devil Fruit and not just any Devil Fruit either. He ate a Logia Devil Fruit. The Kaze Kaze No Mi. He's an Air Human."

The Marine higher up stared coldly at Luffy as he was drifting away. He growled in anger before requesting for reinforcements.

"The boy may be able to force cannonballs back at us but he's only human. He can't continue doing this for long."

Several more ships started appearing shooting several cannonballs. So many that it was beginning to become overwhelming for the Strawhat. Luffy grit his teeth in frustration.

"Stupid Marines." He muttered to himself.

The sea grew vicious and it was swaying his dinghy from side to side with risk of him falling over. He was hanging on for dear life while reflecting the rapid cannonball fire that was trying to sink his ship.

"Dang it. There's too many ships. I won't be able to shake them off unless…"

He could feel drops of rain hitting his face. He heard lightning and thunder. He smirked when he saw the Vice-Admirals had looks of fear on their faces when they heard the thunder.

"Oh no." One Marine said.

"Oh yes." Luffy grinned like a madman. "Kaze Kaze Cyclone!"

Luffy raised one of his arms into the sky directing it at the Marines and it formed into rotating wind before slashing it downwards. At first, it was a small rotation of wind, but it began to grow bigger and was heading towards the Marines.

"Retreat!" One of the Vice-Admirals yelled.

The Marines jumped into small rowboats trying to get away from the quickly approaching tornado that was growing immensely in size. The Marine ships were destroyed from the tornado.

Luffy watched his work and took a deep breath before sighing from exhaustion.

"I hate using that move. Always leaves me with a headache." Luffy muttered to himself.

Luffy created air currents that helped him sail. He grit his teeth in pain. He had a serious headache from creating that tornado and he had plans of sailing back to East Blue, but he wanted to see the closest person he had to a mother. Makino. He could only imagine how everything would go down at the bar. It's been too long since he's seen her. Not only that, but he would have to explain to her everything that happened with the Marines. He knew that when it came to the East Blue, they don't get the news as quickly as the other oceans. If he continued at the pace he was sailing now, he would be able to make it to the East Blue perhaps a day before the newspapers showed up at the bar.

After he explains everything that he's discovered about the Marines and the World Government in general, then he'll have to leave soon after. He knew he couldn't stay in the location for more than a couple of days because the World Government would most definitely put a bounty on his head. There would be several bounty hunters after his head and he planned to assemble a crew. What he planned on doing, he would need to assemble a strong enough crew. He planned to shake up the World Government and what better way to do that besides becoming Pirate King!

"Shishishi!" Luffy laughed quietly.

Sure, he may have had a headache, but he couldn't just rest now. It was going to be quite a while before he could make it back to Fuschia Village and he had to keep the air currents going at this fast pace unless he wanted the Marines to catch up to him. He might as well think about all the plans he'll have for when he makes it back. Sure, he'd assemble a crew, but he would need a ship first. He doubted this dinghy would fit more than two people, let alone a whole was going to probably assemble a ship himself since he doubted anyone would sell him a ship with his status. Not like he could afford to buy a whole ship in the first place. He had no money on him.

Once that was settled with, assembling his crewmates would also be a tedious task. He would need a strong, skilled swordsman in order to help fend off attacks alongside him. He would need a navigator since he was not the best at it. Sure, he had basic enough knowledge from his time in the Marines to travel from island to island, but in terms of being able to tell when there's going to be a storm and all that, he would need a far more skilled navigator than him. He'd need a cook for obvious reasons. A doctor. Also for obvious reasons. Perhaps even a shipwright who was far better with ships than him. Sure, he knew a little about everything since his time in the Marines, but he was more of a Jack of All Trades, master of none.

He needed all of these essentials before he could take on the World Government and become Pirate King. He balled his hands up into fists trying to cope with the headache he had right now. Sure, he could think still, but that's only been because of multiple times when he's had to use the Cyclone move to get rid of several enemies. Oh, he couldn't wait to give the World Government everything that's coming to them for all the atrocities they've done during their existence.

A/N: So we finally have the first chapter out. As for what's going on, you'll find out more and more over the chapters to come. I know you guys are going to be saying that Luffy is going to be overpowered in this story and all I have to say is I know. You'll see more of his overpowered state in upcoming chapters but during the East Blue saga, he's probably not going to show as much strength because of what's happened already. He has a headache and has been sailing using his air powers to get to East Blue which will take a while. As in days which means he's not going to have a wink of sleep trying to get to East Blue. You can't expect for him to honestly be at his full power during these circumstances. Besides that, you guys can give me suggestions and what you guys would like to see. If I like the idea, I may even add it in the story. Oh, and OOC Luffy. Duh! Bionic-TitanX out!