Injustice: The Path to Hell.
Book 1: A Journeys Beginning.
Chapter XIII – Suicide Squad
So if you are reading this, thank you. Anyway, I would like to say that we are back to where we were originally and after Fridays update, I will be going back to my once every fortnight update schedule, I originally planned to just do a once a week update on Friday, but as of five weeks ago I've been struggling with writers block. Don't worry I still have plenty of chapters ready to go. This first book has all it chapters ready to go so this book will be finished. As for the second, I've got up to Zatanna's arrival completed.
So still plenty of chapters ready to go. But I'm not going to do a once a week update because over the course of lockdown I've been writing constantly. Getting at least one chapter a week done and as a result, I've just got a bit tired. It's less writers block and more tiredness and me needing to take a break. That's why I'm going to be updating once every two weeks so that I should be able to at least start writing long before my chapters start running low.
Hope you can understand this decision, but I do apologise if some of you hoped for me to keep this schedule up and going. Anyway, lets get onto the story.
"Normal Speech."
'Normal Thought.'
"Demon Speech."
'Demon Thought.'
-X- Line Break -X-
Saturday 25th April, 17:00.
New Jersey,
Gotham City,
East End.
Letting the warm water run over his body, Naruto released a sigh as he felt his tense muscles loosen off. His eyes were closed in thought as he remembered back to the fight that had happened against Killer Croc.
It hadn't lasted as long as he had expected and while he certainly wasn't as physically strong or as fast as the supervillain, it was his enhanced mind that gave him the edge needed to finish the fight decisively. The serum hadn't made him smarter in the conventional sense. No, it had instead enhanced his ability to process and store information.
Even when moving at great speeds, Naruto hadn't suffered from tunnel vision and had been able to process everything around him with ease. Killer Croc who moved at greater speeds than himself seemed to move in slow motion to his eyes.
In a way this was also a downside as Killer Croc has come close to killing him on many occasions. This was all down to the fact that while Killer Croc appeared to be moving slow, his body had not been able to fully keep up. As a result, he misjudged when to move on a few occasions and had suffered a few cuts here and there.
Cuts that were already healed.
Stepping out of the shower, Naruto dried his body off and wrapped the towel around his waist. As he moved out into his bedroom, he stopped and looked at his image in the mirror.
Over the course of the months in which he had become Black Hood he had grown three inches putting him at a respectable height of 6"4 and had put on another few pounds. Though most of his training as of recently had been focused on his speed. One thing he had learned was that while he was stronger than Barbara and Robin, he certainly wasn't as fast. So, he had been working on that and it had been working very well. Giving him a much more slim and leaner build than the bulky one he had been building. Not only that, but the number of scars littering his body had doubled in number. Most from the Talon and his undead compatriots, but he had few bullets wounds and even a few knife wounds.
Tracing his finger along one particularly large scar, Naruto released another sigh. 'So, it seems while I have a regenerative ability, it does not heal old scars.' He wasn't overly bothered by this, his scars showed that he had come from small beginnings and had rose above it, but he wouldn't lie and say that he wished they weren't there as well.
His eyes then trailed to his hands that he raised up. They hadn't changed, but he could feel the difference, the same feeling that he could feel throughout his entire body. His body temperature had shot through the roof going from thirty-seven degrees Celsius to seventy-four degrees Celsius.
It would be worrying if Naruto didn't feel any different, the only reason he knew about the difference was because one of his kinder and friendlier neighbours pointed it out. The man had thought he was sick and so had Naruto at first, until he realised it was linked directly to the serum. He had no proof as it was nothing more than a theory, but considering he didn't feel sick and had shown no symptoms, it was a pretty solid theory.
Either way, Naruto felt powerful.
Sure, he was still learning to control his new bodies changes, yet he couldn't see that as a major downside. In his fight with Killer Croc he had found himself adapting and learning how his body had changed much better than when he had actually been training.
'Adversity breed excellence.' Naruto recounted having read that as part of his homework when he had still been at school. The saying never rang truer than when it did for him when he was fighting against Killer Croc or his entire career as Black Hood. Naruto would not lie that he had become frustrated and disheartened at how much he had been beaten. Against the likes of Deadshot, Batman or the Talon who were masters of fighting, what hope did he have? Very little and it had shown, but against the likes of Killer Croc. It showed just how far Naruto had come and he couldn't help but realise how stupid he had been.
Of course, he wasn't going to be able to bridge the gap between him and Batman in the space of two months. That was ridiculous and yet, he had expected to be able to do just that.
It would take more than a few sessions in local martial arts clubs to be on the same level as Batman. But that was fine, he hadn't realised how quickly he had been improving and he had been improving, it was just the level of his opponents that made it difficult to show just how much. Killer Croc was dangerous and Naruto had already seen the clip of his fight against said supervillain blowing up on YouTube.
Turns out one of the civilians that had been hiding, had also been recording the fight. It was choppy and all over the place, but the video showed how easily Naruto had been able to keep Killer Croc at bay. Sure, he had made a few slip ups, but they were nothing important and didn't even switch the flow of the battle in Killer Croc's favour.
From the start to the end, Naruto had been in control of the battle and had dictated the flow. Naruto doubted he could have done it so easily if it wasn't for the serum.
'I still need to get stronger. Killer Croc is someone without much in the way of skill and I know from first-handexperience, that what I need to improve on is my skill. If I want any chance at beating the likes of the Talon again, I need to get better.' While the Talon was incarcerated, Naruto had no doubts he would get out eventually.
If the likes of Killer Croc could get out of prison, then someone as skilled and as cunning as the Talon would have no problems. Naruto would prepare for that moment and when the Talon got out, Naruto would be ready,
He would not lose again.
-X- Line Break -X-
Sunday 26th April, 12:30.
New Jersey,
Gotham City,
Wayne Manor.
"He's on the move again." Bruce looked up from where he was stretching on the floor to see Dick sat in front of the Batcomputer with numerous camera feeds being displayed on it. "That makes it the fifth time today."
Standing up, Bruce made his way towards his protégé. "Where?"
"East End still. He hasn't left it since, well since the Court of Owls." Dick informed Bruce who nodded his head in understand as he turned back to stretch his body. While he had slowly recovered, he had started to do some light training. Nothing overly major as to worsen his injuries, but enough to keep him in shape and prepared for when he was fully recovered.
Dick on the other hand was still recovering and so spent most of his day using the Batcomputer to study the patterns of criminals. Things had been quiet since the Court of Owls which was good. The only problem had been Killer Croc and with Batman unable to do anything, Bruce and Dick had feared that the rest of the criminals in Gotham would see this as an opportunity. Even with Barbara still capable, she was like he had explained, emotionally compromised and wouldn't be able to of fully think her actions through.
Skilled she might be, but she was still learning.
As a result, Bruce had decided to wait. He hated it, to hear the reports on how the people Killer Croc had killed in his moment of absence, but Bruce didn't have a choice. He could have called in for help and while he certainly was willing to ask for help, he needed to be careful.
There were some threats and situations where in reality he should have called in for help. But right now, despite how bad things had gotten, he couldn't.
If he called for help, he would be giving credence to all those little whispers circulating amongst the criminals of Gotham. It would embolden them, though if things had continued, Bruce would have bitten the bullet and done exactly that. He had already broken the criminals of Gotham once and driven them into the shadows, he could do it again and he would.
However, there was no need to do so.
As of yesterday, Black Hood had done what many people had thought he wouldn't be capable of, killed Killer Croc. Bruce had seen the fight that had been posted on the internet and he would admit that he was impressed. Primarily though, he was worried, extremely so.
The increased strength, speed and the sheer calmness upon which Naruto operated in that fight was beyond anything Naruto had shown before. He had dictated the flow of the battle with an ease he shouldn't have and had never displayed before. Somehow, Naruto had improved drastically in the space of a few days and it worried Bruce because improvements of that level were not natural.
"He's doing good, really good." Dick spoke up after a few minutes. "Since Killer Croc's death, crime that had been steadily rising by five percent has dropped drastically and is still dropping, especially in the East End. Not so much in the other parts of Gotham because Naruto's not there, obviously." Dick looked closely at the statistics shown by the Batcomputer that had already calculated and compiled the data in seconds. "But he's doing good."
Bruce remained silent as he spared a glance at the screen.
'Perhaps, but maybe that is the problem.' Bruce thought as he narrowed his eyes. 'He's too accurate and precise in his actions which doesn't make sense, the information needed to be that accurate is beyond Naruto's ability. Not even his supporters should be able to receive accurate data like that. So where is he getting it from?'
With that thought in his mind, Bruce felt his frustrations grow.
Naruto was still young and despite having being manipulated by Alton Carver once, Bruce had a feeling Naruto might be unknowingly being manipulated again. A worrying thought especially seen as though it seems Naruto in the space of a few days was improving at a far faster pace than before.
With every fight Naruto was in he improved, adapted and grew stronger. If he was being manipulated and it was successful this time, Naruto could prove to be a dangerous threat.
-X- Line Break -X-
Wednesday 29th April, 19:00.
New Jersey,
Gotham City,
East End.
Lazily, Naruto looked up at the sky his hands interlocked behind his head while one leg swung backwards and forwards as it dangled over the side of the building precariously. All it would take was for Naruto to move a little to the left and he would plummet to the ground below.
But he didn't, content to remain still as he took one of today's rare rest periods to relax.
It had been a busy day what with Naruto using his newfound powers to his advantage. With his previous stamina enhanced even further by the serum, Naruto no longer felt the need to rest like he had done before. Something Naruto took advantage of and spent the entire day and the last few days hunting down and putting a stop to any crime in the East End.
One thing he had realised was that he had been incredibly stupid.
Before, he had rushed around Gotham finding and putting a stop to every crime he could find. When in reality, he could have sent a greater message by focusing on East End alone. With East End's reputation, if he could reduce crime drastically, then wouldn't that send a message to the people of Gotham?
It certainly would, better than sticking to areas like Gotham Heights where the police and Batman had already made their mark.
Feeling his phone buzz, Naruto pulled it out and unlocked it as to read the message he got. 'Victor Zsasz, Gotham Heights.' Underneath it was a map with a blinking red light on it. Knowing what that meant, Naruto rose to his feet and began rushing towards the area shown on the map.
Naruto would admit that he was unsure on how to feel about Deathstroke providing him with the whereabouts of a number of criminals. Each fight he had gotten into today had been deals going on between criminals belonging to big time crime families like the Falcone and Maroni families. There had even been a few Red Hood gang members and some survivors of the False Face Society as well had started to read their heads again.
But this was by far the biggest fish Deathstroke had given him. Certainly big enough for him to leave East End.
Naruto knew what Deathstroke was trying to do. He was trying foster trust between them and it was certainly working, but Naruto had already been manipulated once and he was going to make damn sure that it didn't happen a second time.
Either way, Deathstroke was providing a great deal of help.
Victor Zsasz, or Mister Zsasz as he was often referred to by the Gotham news station was a well-known and feared psychopathic serial killer who had carved his flesh with marks for every kill he had committed. But before that he had once being the owner of his own international company and amassed a large fortune.
His parents died when he was twenty-five in a boating accident. This caused him to suffer from depression and started gambling (and losing) as well as drinking heavily. Naruto didn't know what happened after that, only that he started killing people. He had tried to dig deeper for more information, but there was nothing more than speculation and rumours. None of it sounded realistic or even remotely possible so Naruto had decided to ignore it.
It wasn't like it would change the way Naruto viewed Victor Zsasz, and that was as trash that needed disposing of.
Something Naruto was going to do tonight.
As he closed in the location, Naruto took note of a police car parked outside an alleyway. And as he drew nearer, he could see that the walls were caked with blood. Not to mention that the police offers who were stood outside the alleyway, guns pointed out in shaking hands.
Landing on the roof of the building, Naruto looked down and studying the situation.
-X- Line Break -X-
Wednesday 29th April, 19:05.
New Jersey,
Gotham City,
Gotham Heights.
"C-C-Come out with your hands up!" One of the police officers ordered as his gun shook in terrified hands. The amount of blood on the wall was making him queasy and he was scared for his life.
That's when laughing was heard and from the shadows came a half-naked man. Blood coated his naked upper body and leather-clad legs, but even then, they could make out the number of scars on his body. Each looked like tallies and there were too many to count. Nearly all of his torso and arms were covered in them.
And as the man stepped further into the light their eyes caught the glinting of steel and looked to see him holding a basic flip knife dripping with blood.
"F-Freeze!" The police officers partner ordered shakily as the man chuckled insanely as he continued to walk towards them. However, he stopped and the police officers froze in terror when there was the sound of something landing on the bonnet of their police car.
"Hehehehe, now this is going to be fun." Victor Zsasz laughed as he took in the sight of just who had arrived. The police officers shakily turned around and their bodies simultaneously relaxed in relief, but tensed in shock at the sight of Black Hood stood there on their bonnet.
"You can leave." Black Hood said as he walked off the bonnet and calmly made his way towards them.
One of them went to interject only for his partner to be more than willing and dragged his partner away. This left Victor who stood with knife held loosely in one hand down by his side as Black Hood walked towards him and came to a stop just in front of him.
Victor smiled madly. "I'm going to enjoy cutting you up." He said viciously followed by a cackle that would send shivers down people's spines.
Naruto on the other hand just stared at him calmly and raised one hand up to show the sharp claws resting there. "I'm sure." He replied dryly before shooting forwards and with a single swipe from his right hand cut deeply into Zsasz hand. With a cry of pain, Zsasz dropped his knife and stumbled back onto his knees cradling his bleeding hand.
However, instead of crying and begging like the other criminals that had done so today when Naruto had used the same move on them. Victor just laughed madly and looked at Naruto with a wild look in his eyes.
But just as Victor rose to his feet in order to attack Naruto, he didn't even have time to rise to his feet before Naruto's roundhouse kick smashed into his face. The force behind it sent Mister Zsasz headfirst into the wall where he bounced straight back off, a noticeable imprint left behind.
Reaching out, Naruto wrapped his hand around Victor's neck and lifted the man off the ground and then quickly slammed him back into the ground with enough force to crack the ground.
Rising to his feet, Naruto brushed off some of the dirt that had gotten onto his suit and instead of dirtying himself anymore, just pulled out his gun. "You know, if this was a few weeks ago, I'd reckon you'd beat me." Naruto said as he aimed it at Victor's still smiling face. "But now the gaps just too big." Then he fired and the lone gunshot sounded throughout the area.
Sighing, Naruto holstered his gun and spun on his heel, pausing slightly as he looked at the dead bodies of Victor's latest victims. His fists clenched tightly as he took in their states and he felt his anger grow.
'Even with this power, I'm still not strong enough.' Naruto thought before shaking his head. 'Then I'll just have to become stronger.'
-X- Line Break -X-
Wednesday 29th April, 19:30.
New Jersey,
Gotham City,
East End.
Pushing open his door, Naruto chucked his backpack holding his Black Hood outfit onto the sofa and headed directly to the kitchen counter where he switched on the kettle. Pulling out a cup and a tea bag, Naruto leaned his back against the counter, arms crossed over his chest and eyes closed in thought.
Right now, Naruto knew that he needed to get stronger.
With Batman and a Robin out of commission, that just left Gotham in the hands of him, Barbara and the police. Now as much as he trusted Jim, Naruto wasn't stupid to believe that all the police in Gotham weren't corrupt. Naruto knew for a fact that while the police had, since Batman's arrival begun to change and become less corrupt, it was still a work in progress. There was still plenty that took pay checks from criminals to look the over way.
One good thing was that the number of police that actively aided criminals had all but diminished. Though there was still a few, most just got paid to look the over way now.
Either way, Naruto knew that he could trust Jim to protect the city, but he was limited by the law. Barbara despite being a vigilante was limited by the law, by choice. As a result, there were things both would be unwilling to do in order to save the city.
And that wasn't even taking into account the fact that Batgirl hadn't been seen since the Court of Owls incident.
And Naruto had no idea where she was.
'Partly my own fault.' Naruto conceded seen as though he had completely ignored and avoided Barbara. Even when she tried to reach out to him after the Court of Owls had been dealt with, Naruto ignored her.
However, that didn't change the fact that as far as things were going right now, the only people that were protecting Gotham were him and the police. Naruto had honestly underestimated how difficult that could be. Maybe he had taken on a bit more than he should have, but while not physically exhausted, mentally he was.
His respect for Batman was growing with every day it seems. 'Though I still don't like him.' No, he may respect Batman for his strength of will and skill as a fighter, he doubted he would ever like the man.
Even with his new strength gifted to him by Deathstroke and with said man's information, Naruto was finding himself struggling. The fights weren't overly difficult, thanks to his mind being able to process information at a far faster pace, Naruto could quite easily keep pace even when facing twenty thugs at the same time. With his strength and speed, this only made it easier.
However, the sheer amount of information he was processing was giving him a headache and it was exhausting.
Though from what he had heard, Batman was seen last night and from what Naruto could guess, was probably hunting down the Joker. Seen as though all but one cache of a Fearless Toxin was accounted for, with that missing cache being stolen by Clown Prince of Crime himself.
'What's that?' Naruto questioned as he tensed up, his voice picking up the sound of movement outside his door. For the most part, this wouldn't be that strange considering most would be returning home from to the pub or heading out to work at this time. It was why Naruto tended to avoid coming home at this time as it made avoiding getting caught easier. However, due to his mental exhaustion Naruto had to call it quits earlier.
That was one of the reasons why Naruto had gotten changed out in a nearby alley before coming inside.
Late at night most people still out in this part of town would be too high or too drunk – or both – to actually take notice of him entering his apartment. At this time however, well Naruto wouldn't take that risk.
But he was getting off track, the thing that was making him cautious about the movement outside was the number of footsteps outside and they were in close formation. Heavy footsteps, lightly and quickly moved across the floor as if trying not to make too much noise.
That's when his sense of sound was taken over by the sound of kettle boiling, but he still heard the following sound clearly.
Reacting quickly, Naruto leaped to one side just as bullets burst through the door and parts of the wall. Keeping his chest close to the ground, Naruto waited patiently as his mind played over possible tactics. He briefly considered jumping out the window, but that's when his eyes picked up on the sight of a number of moving bodies on the roof of the next building.
'Whoever organised this is clearly good.' There was nowhere for Naruto to go and he doubted that jumping down would be any good. If the leader of this little attack had enough men to line the roof of the next building, it wasn't a stretch of the imagination that they would have more men waiting downstairs. 'Now the question is how they knew who I was and what they want?'
Before he could think more on this, the gunfire stopped and the door was kicked open. Moving quickly, Naruto rushed up and turned to see ten armoured men enter the room with guns raised, and more waiting outside.
Yet Naruto was already in motion and was upon them before they could start firing.
Smacking one gun to the side so that it fired harmless into the ground, Naruto kicked the man to the side with enough force to send him flying into the kitchen counter. Another man moved forwards and Naruto one grip on his bulletproof armour threw him across the room where he slammed into the wall of his bedroom.
A kick to the third man sent him into two more behind him dropping them to the ground and that was when he felt something pierce his side.
Looking down, Naruto noticed a dart of some kind sticking out. 'Capture then.' Naruto deduced but didn't even slow down and rushed the guy that shot him, who was flanked by four guys.
A few blows sent them all to the ground in groaning mess only for another two darts to pierce his back.
Growling, Naruto gripped the leg one soldier and swung him round into three others sending them to floor before reaching down and pulled the carpet out from underneath four more, each falling to the ground as their bullets hit the ceiling above them.
Another dart hit his back and with one hand holding the leg of his coffee table, Naruto spun round and launched it at the guy who fired. He having moved around the corner of the room to move behind Naruto.
It worked, but Naruto was ignoring the drugs that were in the darts and continued to fight.
Six more guys dropped to the floor as more and more men piled into the room, some having repelled from the roof and bursting through the window.
'Damn it!' Naruto cursed as he stumbled slightly on his feet as he knocked one guy unconscious with a punch to the face. Only for two more guys to fire at him, he avoided one bullet only for the second to hit his leg. 'These guys are good.'
Back handing one man that attempted to sneak up on him, Naruto gripped his armoured suit and chucked him into the roof as the man fell to the floor, Naruto kicked him with enough force to send him flying into two others where they collapsed to the ground in a heap.
Breathing heavily as the drugs started taking effect, Naruto felt his body moving sluggishly. His movements was still fast and strong, but nowhere near as crisp or as fast as they were at the start. And with more bullets managing to hit him, the effect of the drugs got stronger and stronger.
Whoever these guys were, they were well-trained and had experience with fighting enhanced individuals.
Grunting as something pierced his skin feeling like pincers, Naruto looked down to see two prongs poking out of his body. That moment of hesitation was all they needed for six more to pierce his body and Naruto only had a moment to realise what they were both electricity coursed down the length of the wire before he cried out in pain.
"Gah!" Dropping to his knees, Naruto braced his hands on the floor and breathed heavily as his body let off some smoke.
As one of the soldiers moved towards him, Naruto lashed out with a punch that whipped his head upwards and then threw him at one of the guys holding the modified tasers. As soon as he did another current of electricity coursed through Naruto's body as he dropped to the ground once more.
It was longer this time and it felt stronger as well, to the point it left Naruto paralysed for a few seconds. But just as feeling began to return to his body, one of the soldier's stood above him, gun raised into the air.
It slammed down onto Naruto with enough force that his nose burst open, blood pooling down his face. Yet Naruto registered none of that as his vision slowly blurred and became black.
-X- Line Break -X-
Wednesday 29th April, 20:10.
New Jersey,
Gotham City,
East End.
Narrowing her eyes, Barbara looked through the lenses of her Batgirl costume as it zoomed in on Naruto's apartment. As of a few minutes ago, a number of calls to the police had been sent in asking for help upon hearing gunfire in the apartment complex. Barbara upon hearing about gunfire in Naruto's apartment complex had rushed over as quickly as she could, sparing Bruce only a few words.
'He doesn't need my help anyway; the Joker's already been caught.' Barbara thought back to what she and Batman had been doing for the past two days. Ever since the news of Killer Croc's death at the hands of Naruto had sent those few criminals that had gotten a little too confident in Batman's short absence scurrying back into their holes.
As much as they would have liked Batman's absence to have gone unnoticed, it had not. Thankfully, Black Hood had sent a message to them that Gotham was still protected and Barbara was equal parts happy as it bought Bruce more time to recover, she was also saddened by how he had done it.
Either way, with the criminals hiding – anyone who could kill Killer Croc was certainly something to be feared in their books – Bruce had been able to recover without forcing himself to drastic measures. He wasn't at full health by any stretch of the meaning, but he was certainly fit enough to fight and they had not wasted a moment and began their hunt for the Joker.
It had been a little difficult in the beginning, but like always, the Joker couldn't help but leave a trail for them to follow. His little messages to Batman that taunted him, begged him to come as part of their game of cat and mouse.
As soon as the report had come in, she and Batman had already finished detaining the Joker and Batgirl had instantly rushed off.
Now here she was looking at the apartment complex in worry. Through her built-in lenses, Barbara had zoomed in on Naruto's apartment where her dad was currently studying the mess that her friends' room had become. The amount of bullet holes littering the walls and the dents from what was undoubtedly bodies hitting into them was immense and it would cost hundreds if not thousands to repair.
Yet one question plagued her mind. 'Naruto, where are you?' Barbara wondered; her mind clouded with worry.
-X- Line Break -X-
Thursday 30th April, 19:00.
Location Unknown.
Groaning, Naruto slowly opened his eyes and quickly closed them when the blinding light of the room was too painful for him. After a few seconds Naruto opened them once more and while it was certainly better, it wasn't great and so lifted one hand as to cover his eyes a little and looked around.
The first thing he took note of was that he was wearing his suit minus the face mask, hood as well as his weapons, including his gloves. Then he saw the number of individuals in the room as well.
Around him he could make out the sight of seven other people all slowly waking up. The first that caught his eye was the biggest of the lot, a large bulking beast that looked almost like a shark. Though with a muzzle on his face. 'If he's here and they fought him, then whoever captured me has a lot of experience and knowledge on enhanced people like me and how to beat them.'
His eyes then panned to the sight of a tanned, well-built man in an all-black-tactical combat gear that looked awfully familiar quickly rising to his feet. 'He's definitely being through this before.' Just by how quickly he got to his feet told Naruto more than words ever could. Just slightly in front of the man was a middle-aged man with brown hair and noticeable sideburns. He was dressed in black jeans, blue overcoat with a black shirt underneath and a scarf around his neck.
"Shit!" The man muttered with an audible Australian accent as he rubbed his eyes irritably. "I've got the hangover, but I don't remember the party."
That's when a very attractive blonde dressed in a jester outfit with her hair pulled into twin ponytails shot up into a seated position. "Oh crap, not this again." Then the woman dropped back into the floor with a thud to sleep or just lay there, he didn't know.
"You too." The Australian man rose to his feet arms crossed over his chest as he looked at the tanned figure who had already risen to his feet. "It's like a bloody recurring nightmare."
Despite the Australian man's annoyance, the other man just remained stoic as he leaned against the wall. "Looks like we got rookies." The man's eyes panned over the group taking note of a brown skinned man rising to his feet also clad in a black tactical gear, the humanoids-shark, his eyes however lingered on Naruto who was staring back at him with a calm gaze.
'Definitely not the first time for him.' Naruto concurred as he looked at the remaining members in the white room, they were confined in. There was a large bulky guy with a bald head, the hair from it obviously having moved to other parts of his body. Though the most stand out part was the hand that seemed to be missing and replaced with some sort a prosthetic that looked like it could be fitted with something on the end.
Then his eyes panned to final member and he would admit that his eyes lingered more than they should have on the attractive young woman. She had pale blue hair and pale skin with her curvaceous body barely hidden by the skin-tight blue leotard. Though while his eyes did linger on her womanly assets longer than was acceptable, his eyes did take in the fact her hands were bound in some strange handcuffs, which completely covered her hands.
Wherever he was, Naruto didn't like it.
-X- Line Break -X-
"Who are you people?" Floyd looked to see the well-built man with a goatee quickly rising to his feet having already pulled the bandage from the back of his neck. It almost amused the mercenary to see how confused someone who was quite obviously very serious and used to being in control was. "And why am I in uniform?" The man questioned as he looked down at himself.
Turning away from the man, Floyd studied the rest of the new Suicide Squad. 'Waller sure can pick 'em.' Floyd thought as he looked at them. He was annoyed to be working with George Harkness again, neither of them got along very well.
Then there was Harley Quinn, the Jokers lover, or whatever their confusing relationship was. He hadn't worked with her yet, but it was quite obvious by her reaction that she had been a part of some of the iterations of the Suicide Squad that he hadn't been a part of.
His eyes then took in the rest, each of them newbies to their situation.
Antoli Knyazev, or KGBeast an assassin and hired muscle. 'Should be interesting to work with him than against him for once.' Floyd had run into him a few times and each time they had been on opposite sides. Usually due to Antoli being hired as a bodyguard for Floyd's targets. It usually ended with Floyd walking away successful due to his superior aim, though there have been times where Antoli got a few hits in.
Crystal Frost or Killer Frost was the next person Floyd looked at. In terms of powers, she was probably the most dangerous out of all the people here. 'Which was probably the reason as to why Waller got her.
King Shark was next, the huge creature slowly rising to his feet. No doubt due to his great physically strength and durability he would be here as the tank of the group. Especially considering the long-time member, Killer Croc had been killed by Black Hood as of a few days ago.
'Now that was surprising, who would have thought the kid had it in him.' Floyd thought honestly impressed at how good Black Hood had gotten since their last fight. But he ignored that train of thought too instead study the final two members.
The first was the black man who had asked the questions, he certainly looked impressive in terms of physique. His attitude and the casual way in which he demanded answers told Floyd that this was a guy used to getting what he wanted. Most likely from beating his enemies, which in turned implied skill.
Then his eyes turned to the final and youngest member. 'Just a kid really, though he looks like he could prove to be a serious pain in my ass.' The casual way in which he sat there on the ground as he studied people around him was honestly, a little shocking. He was obviously concerned and curious as to what had happened, but he wasn't letting that stop him from studying the people he was stuck in a room with.
The idea that he would be a problem was further confirmed when he looked at the suit the kid was wearing. A suit very familiar seen as though he had fought the Dark Knight enough to recognise the protective suit.
'Now, that is interesting.' Before Floyd could think on it further, King Shark rose to his feet, his huge frame attracting attention.
"No bars." King Shark said shortly, his voice muffled by the muzzle he wore over his mouth while he looked at his clawed hands. "No chains." His eyes then raised to look hungrily at Killer Frost who was still recovering from the drugs that had been pumped throughout her body. "Time for meat."
The villain leaned forwards and wrapped own hand around Killer Frosts leg and dragged her towards him. "Huh!" She yelped, yet she was already in motion while her mind still reeled from the sudden the movement.
Her free foot lashed out and hit King Shark in his balls. "Gah!" The villain cried out, releasing his grip on Killer Frost's leg as he did so while stumbling away. But before he could even recover, Killer Frost had already swung her hands around, each encased in the metal container no doubt designed to keep her powers contained.
The metal slammed into King Shark's face with enough force to knock the creature to the ground and she followed, straddling the big guys chest while pushing the metal container up to the underside of his chin like it was a gun.
'Looks like the drugs they used on King Shark are still in effect.' Floyd deduced as he watched the villain get easily manhandled by someone who by all accounts, shouldn't have the necessary strength to knock him around. That left the only explanation being the drugs which would have been used in order to keep the villain sedated and easy to transport. 'Waller is nothing if not thorough.'
"Try it fish fingers and I'll show you the meaning of cold blooded." She threatened all the while people watched with varying degrees of surprise and humour.
"You're feisty." Floyd didn't know whether to take that as a flirtatious comment or as simple statement of fact, but whatever the meaning behind King Shark's words, he couldn't let people get distracted or Waller would use one of them as an example for what happens should they disobey.
As of right now, the team set up besides Harley and George was one of the better teams and he didn't fancy losing a team member so early on. Especially not when it would be another suicidal mission that would be more dangerous than it actually needed to be.
"Everybody, shut up." Floyd stepped forwards, his steps echoing across the room as he drew everyone's attention to himself. "I've been here before…"
Before he could even finish what, he was saying, Antoli rushed past him with a roar and slammed a fist into the metal door. Floyd would give him this, he managed to put a dent into it, but Waller had designed this room to contain the likes of Killer Croc, he wouldn't be getting out of here unless she wanted it.
"Yah!" The Russian assassin turned to the rest of the room's inhabitants. "I am leaving." However, Floyd had stopped paying attention to him, instead his eyes turned to where the blonde kid was staring.
And there she was, the big, bad bitch herself.
Amanda Waller.
"Stop." Sparing a glance to the rest of the Suicide Squad, Floyd couldn't help but tip his hat to her at how easily she commanded a room filled with powerful villains. "Sit down." She commanded as if they were children and one at a time, each villain did so.
None of the newer members knew why they did, but there was something about the calm, confidence she exuded as she walked into the room filed with some of the most dangerous people in the world. It just screamed, 'don't fuck with me.'
And none of them did.
"I'm Amanda Waller." She came to a stop as she introduced herself. "I'm here to indoctrinate you convicts into our special forces."
"Pass." Frost spoke up dryly.
"I kill to keep degenerates off the streets." The goatee man stated firmly as if insulted to be considered a convict. "I won't work alongside them."
"Fresh air and time off my sentence? Feel free to keep calling me up, love." George announced, almost happy to be a part of the team.
Without even giving them an answer, Amanda continued on. "Task Force X is an off the books government strike team. Made up of convicts," her eyes narrowed as she looked down upon them, emphasising this point. "With no hope for release. Serving as expendable agents for impossible missions." There was a brief pause as Amanda allowed that to settle in. "Succeed. And I'll shave time off your sentences."
"And if we don't?"
"You'll be dead. Any other stupid questions?"
"Yea." Killer Frost spoke up. "What's in my neck? Tracker?"
"Yes." Amanda then raised one hand allowing a number of holographic screens to appear. One showed a map, the other showed the image of a brain and another showed a piece of technology followed by a full image of a human body. "And a powerful nanotech explosive. Run away. Get yourself captured. Disobey an order. Hell, give me a right answer too slowly and I'll blow your head clean off."
To further punctuate her point the holographic images all went red.
Again, silence permeated the room as they all digested the information that had been revealed to them. Floyd himself crossed his arms across his chest as he looked around the room to see their reactions.
For the most part, shock was the common emotion which was something he expected. It had been his reaction when he was first introduced to the Suicide Squad.
"You are lying." The growly voice of Antoli spoke firmly.
Everyone turned to see KGBeast getting to his feet, his arms outstretched.
"You would not take all of this trouble just to kill us." Instead of answering him, Amanda simply stepped to one side, her holographic images disappeared as one of the metal doors rose up to reveal a corridor.
"Try me." Amanda replied and Floyd released a sigh.
'There's always one.' Shaking his head, Floyd remained where he was. While he would have liked to keep Antoli alive for his skill, Floyd wasn't going to risk his life for it and Amanda would make an example out of somebody to prove a point. It's why he chose to keep his mouth shut even when someone skilled and useful was walking to their graves.
Antoli grunted and started walking towards the door when all the convicts looked to see what he would do. "I wouldn't do that." Naruto eventually spoke up as he sat comfortably on the floor.
"What?" Antoli asked, turning to face the blonde.
"Well, I'm simply saying that you're being stupid." Naruto pointed out, the insult causing Antoli to grit his teeth in annoyance. "I mean come on, it's quite obvious she isn't bluffing and while I'm all for letting guys like you die." Naruto then turned to look at Amanda out of the corner of his eye to see her staring at him calmly, giving nothing away. "But if we really are expendable, then that means she'll be sending us on some seriously difficult missions that by all accounts, no one would take. I like living, so I'm gonna ask you to stop being hasty and sit down."
"She will not kill us." Antoli responded and Naruto shrugged his shoulders.
"If you want to believe that, then by all means do so, but the truth is already in front of you." With a wave of his hand he indicated towards Floyd, George and Harley. "Those three have quite obviously being here before. They recovered the quickest out of all of you and they also complained about this situation in a way that says this isn't the first time it's happened to them. The fact that they didn't even blink an eye nor seem shocked at the bitch's words says all you need. She ain't bluffing."
Floyd quirked an eyebrow impressed at the kid's deduction. It definitely showed that despite his young age, the kid was definitely skilled and he was forced to reevaluate his opinion on what he had written off as another body that would no doubt be killed.
'Though if Antoli does listen to his words then Amanda may make an example out of the kid just because she can.'Floyd thought as he watched Antoli think over Naruto's words. 'It definitely wouldn't be the first time.'
Antoli looked at Naruto who stared right back and while he certainly considered Naruto's words, Antoli wasn't about to let some fat woman or some snot nosed brat tell him what to do. And so, without a sound, KGBeast walked towards the open door pausing only for a moment once he reached the threshold.
Then he stepped over.
One step.
Two steps.
Three steps.
Beeping sounded, clearly heard in the quiet and tense atmosphere of the room in which they resided. With barely any chance to let out a shout, Antoli's head exploded the force of the explosion destroying the brain and skull leaving nothing except a few splatters of blood on the walls.
If it was possible, the silence of the room became even greater as they watched Antoli's headless body drop to its knees and then falling to the ground.
"Anyone else?"
No one said a word.
-X- Line Break -X-
Thursday 30th April, 23:30.
New Jersey,
Gotham City,
Iceberg Lounge.
Stepping into the room provided to him by the Penguin, Naruto looked around cautiously. His eyes scanned the room for any cameras and after fully checking the room and finding nothing, Naruto undressed himself and collapsed onto the bed.
Interlocking his fingers behind his head, the blonde stared up at the ceiling deep in thought as he went over everything that had happened.
After the death of what Naruto came to know was the Russian mercenary, KGBeast, Waller had explained the mission. 'She really wasn't kidding when she said that we were expendable.' Breaking into Arkham Asylum was something no one wanted to do. It was well-known that those working at Arkham were sometimes, just as bad as those that they were treating. It was also guarded by a large amount of security, an entire private army to be exact all to keep people in. Though that wasn't really working as those that were corrupt were far more plentiful than those that were actually trying to do good.
So breaking into Asylum wouldn't be difficult, but not getting caught while inside would be. To actually then find the Riddler's cane was going to be even more so and Naruto didn't really fancy his odds of that.
Against common thugs, Naruto was more than confident and capable to deal with large groups of them on his own. Why wouldn't he? They had next to no training and often got in each other's way in fights making it easy for him to take them out. But as corrupt as those security guards working at Gotham were, they were also well-trained and had received even more training to put down superhuman individuals.
And above all else, if anyone snuck into Arkham and were found, a large amount of GCPD officers would appear cutting off any escape by sea and covering the entire bridge – the only way to get on the island not by boat – with enough police cars that it would appear to be a sea of white and blue.
Not to mention Batman would be upon Arkham and would tear through everything in his way to ensure that everyone remained in their cells.
Naruto had done a bit of gambling in his time growing up, but even he didn't like their odds right now. Especially not with their team.
It consisted of George Harkness, aka Captain Boomerang. One of Flash's enemies whose personality made him a very difficult man to get along with. Especially with the de facto leader of the ground, Floyd Lawton, aka Deadshot.
Seeing his first, real threat was certainly a shock. While Black Mask had been his target, Deadshot had been the biggest obstacle between him and said target. In reality, while he had killed Black Mask, he hadn't actually beaten Deadshot. Though he imagined with his new powers a fight might have a different outcome all together.
In fact, out of all the people here he was one of the two people Naruto would actually be willing to work with. Sure, they had a fight and Deadshot was trying his hardest – well maybe not hardest, Naruto would admit that much at least – it hadn't been personal and was just business.
Then there was King Shark, he was quite obviously the muscle of the ground and wasn't much of a talker. He also wasn't very smart.
Naruto didn't like him because he reminded Naruto far too much of Killer Croc.
Next was Harley Quinn, another person Naruto didn't like. Not only was she a known colleague of the Joker – despite how she claims she's no longer with him – she was still responsible for hundreds of deaths. He would have killed her as soon as he figured out who she was, but the bomb in his neck stopped him from doing so.
After that was the final two members of their team.
Eric Needham, aka Black Spider. He was a vigilante like himself and Naruto could respect that, even if the guy was a little too stuck up and self-entitled. He was certainly the lone wolf type and Naruto would have been fine with that, so was he. But Naruto knew that right now, being a lone wolf would only get them killed.
Finally, there was Crystal Frost, aka Killer Frost. Her powers would certainly make her an asset and probably the most dangerous out of them all. 'Plus. She's hot.' His teenage mind whispered and Naruto shook his head with a light blush forming on his cheeks.
Hearing a knock on his door, Naruto sat up and looked at the door curiously. "Oi, Naruto." The voice of Crystal sounded on the other end as she knocked on the door once more. "Open up."
Not knowing what else to do, Naruto walked up to the door wearing nothing but a pair of pants and opened the door to Crystal stood there in her outfit with a smile on her face.
"What'd you want?" Naruto asked gruffly, making sure to keep his eyes on her face and not elsewhere.
Her smile strained at his greeting, but her eyes flickered down over his body and it came back in full force. Despite his best efforts, Naruto couldn't quite help the light blush that came over his face which in turn caused Frost to laugh lightly.
"I just came to talk." She said, stepping into Naruto's room before he could say anything. Naruto himself couldn't even if he wanted to as he froze in shock as she brushed herself up against him, considering there was plenty of room for her to get by without doing so, it left Naruto a little unsure and flat-footed.
However, he quickly recovered and shut the door. "Come in then." Turning around Naruto watched as she lifted up his mask in curiosity.
"So, you're Black Hood?" She questioned, putting the hood with the face mask sewn in back on the drawer and ran her fingers over his full body suit.
"What's it to you?" He asked, leaning against the wall as Frost spared him a smile over her shoulder. "I stick to Gotham; you don't even go there. Doubt we'll run into each other in a long while."
"Oh, so that means you don't have plans to stick to just; Gotham?" Naruto remained silent which was all the answer she needed. "Anyway, I'm just interested. Vigilantes like you are pretty rare, especially ones that are so popular. Black Spider has been a vigilante for far longer than you have and he's nowhere near as popular. I think it kind of pisses him off."
The way she said the last part jokingly made Naruto's lips twitch up into a small smile.
"But the thing that catches my attention is how young you are?" Turning to fully face Naruto she leaned against the desk and leaned back against it in a way that brought attention to every inch of her partially covered body. "I mean, you can't be no older than what…nineteen?"
"Sixteen." Naruto corrected earning a small whistle.
"Jeez, younger than I thought."
"Only by a few years."
Smiling at the little byplay they had, Crystal pushed off the counter and walked towards Naruto in such a way that her hips swung a little more than they needed to. It brought a smile to her face when she noticed him struggling to keep his eyes on hers and not on her body, but his attempts only highlighted his darkening cheeks.
"Even so, you're younger than most would think. Especially considering what you do."
Naruto crossed his arms over his chest. "Robin's younger."
"Hmm, I'm sure." Frost hummed coming to a stop in front of Naruto and realised that without her heels on – she having removed them when studying his uniform – she was quite a bit smaller than him. "Doesn't change the fact that you are incredibly young."
"I doubt you're any older." Smirking, Frost reached out with cold fingers and ran her right index finger up a particularly long scar along his bicep, the muscle twitching under her cold touch.
"True." She concurred, her eyes running over the hard plains of his lean and muscular torso while using her free hand to trace some more scars. "I'm just surprised is all." Her fingers reached his shoulders and began tracking down his chest, marvelling at how warm his body felt. "Tell me something." Reaching his abdominals, she felt them twitch and tense under her fingertips in a way that she appreciated greatly and then looked up into his eyes with a devious smile on her face. "Are you a virgin?"
The random question caught Naruto off guard and his face burned in embarrassment. "W-what?"
Laughing, Crystal moved away making sure to out extra away into his hips. "I'll take that as a yes." Sitting on his bed, she sensually crossed one leg over the other in a slow manner. "I'm honestly surprised, you're a really good-looking guy so I'm shocked you are. So that leaves only one answer, there's someone else."
Naruto remained silent for a few moments, his face still red with embarrassment, but he was instead focusing on her words. "I'm not a virgin." He denied, trying to change the subject after she got a little close for comfort.
"Oh please, your face says it all." Frost waved her hand dismissively. "It's alright if you are, I mean I was a virgin up until I was seventeen and that's because my dad was an asshole. So, you've got nothing to be ashamed of." She then looked at Naruto closer, studying the change in his mood as well as the frown on his face.
She knew what that meant.
"So, it is a girl." He tensed and it gave Frost extra credence to her thoughts. "That's a shame, though by the way you're acting I'm guessing she either doesn't know about how you feel, or does and either ignored them or rejected you." Again, silence was her answer. "Okay, not giving me much to work with so I'm going for the former 'cos that's usually the case from my experience."
Going quiet, Crystal began to mull over her thoughts as she tried to figure out more about Naruto. Despite the calm and nonchalant exterior, he presented in the room that detained them earlier, he was still an emotional teenager who by his reactions to her, didn't have much experience with girls. So, his reactions to her left him a little vulnerable and she was seeing quite a lot.
It was quite obvious to her that this girl he liked either knew about what Naruto did and didn't approve of it. Whether that was because he killed people or because he risked his life or both, she didn't know. Or she didn't approve of Black Hood while unknowing that it was Naruto.
Either way, it left Naruto a little vulnerable.
Feeling her smile grow, Crystal stood to her feet once more attracting his attention. "So, Naruto, aren't you going to ask why I'm here?"
Naruto stared at her blankly. "I did and we're doing exactly what you came here to do; talking." He replied dryly causing Frost to sign in mock disappointment.
"Come on now, I mean ask me what I really came here for." He raised one eyebrow and then released a sigh of his own.
"Okay. Why did you come here, Frost?" He asked.
"That's simple really." With a smile on her face, Crystal reached for the clasp on the back of her neck and pulled it apart. Pulling other ends around her leotard started to come loose and with a coy smile, let both ends drop from her hands, her leotard falling from her body with it.
The wide eyed look on Naruto's face threatened to cause her face to split with how big her smile was.
Stepping out of her leotard which also removing her mid-thigh high stockings and boots, Frost stalked towards Naruto once more who was frozen in shock. "Does this answer your question?"
Unable to answer due to the sight before him, Naruto remained rooted to the spot as Frost took his hands and uncrossed them. Interlinking her fingers with his she led his hands round until they rested on her derrière and then ran her fingers up his arms while pressing her breasts against his chest.
A shiver ran down both their spines at the skin on skin contact, Naruto due to how cold her skin was and Crystal due to how warm his was.
"Just relax, Naruto." She whispered into his ear, admittedly using her powers to release a colder than normal breath that washed down his spine electing even more shivers. "It'll be fun." One hand moved up to rest on his shoulder while the other moved to his cheek, one nail dragging along it.
This it seems, snapped Naruto out of his state of confusion and he pushed Frost away.
"What are you doing?!" He snarled and while frowning at the rejection, Frost didn't let any of her annoyance show. "I'm not going to have sex with you!"
"And why not, hmm?" Frost asked, crossing her arms underneath her chest causing them to draw more attention. "You're a hot guy who happens to be a virgin I'm a hot girl who happens to not have had sex in a long while. This is just a way for us to blow off some steam."
Naruto opened his mouth to speak, but Frost had already closed the gap between them and placed one finger upon his lips.
"Face facts Naruto, if this girl you like doesn't like what you do now, then what makes you think that'll change? You're entering a world where death is a very real possibility, you really wanna die a virgin?" She listed off her questions and Naruto remained silent. "You can't keep pinning over a girl who is obviously not interested in you. I, on the other hand, am interested in you."
Again, she lifted one hand and dragged her finger across his cheek.
This time he didn't push her away.
"You really going to spend your whole life chasing after a girl who is probably out right now on a date or getting fucked by some other guy."
"She wouldn't!" Naruto angrily replied as he glared at Frost.
"You sure about that?" Frost quickly responded. "How sure are you that she isn't? You think because you know her and like her that she won't go out with other guys. Maybe you're right, maybe right now she isn't on a date with another guy. But what's to stop her tomorrow, or the day after that, or the day…"
"You've made your point." He cut her off as he felt his stomach twist in sadness at the thought of Barbara with someone else.
"I know." Frost said. "That's why I'm asking you to just, let go for a little while. Who's going to know about this besides me and you? I won't be able to tell this girl of yours because I don't even know who she is and you won't either. So, let's just have a little fun and stop worrying about what other people might think. Who knows, you might even like it?" She whispered suggestively with a seductive smile on her face.
Rubbing her knee up the side of Naruto's leg, Frost pulled his head down and pressed her lips against his. It was a brief meeting of lips and she slowly pulled away, nibbling on his bottom lip as she did so.
"See, that wasn't too bad." Taking his hand, Frost walked towards the bed, pulling Naruto with her and then pushed him onto it. "You don't really need to do much; I'll take the lead." Sensually, Crystal crawled up his body and straddled his stomach, leaning down to so that their lips were inches apart. "Or, you could surprise me."
Seeing that Naruto wasn't answering, she just kissed him once more while one of her hands moved down to play with the hem of his boxers.
"Come on, Black Hood." She whispered against his lips. "Surprise me."
Naruto gasped out when her cold digits wrapped around the length of his manhood. A sound that only made Frost laugh lightly, more than pleased to hear the sound she had elected.
"Mmm, you're bigger than I expected." She murmured, kissing him once more as she reached down with both hands to pull down his pants. While he had yet to do more than hesitantly reciprocate her kisses, he didn't stop her which was all Frost needed to know that she could continue.
Pushing up on her knees, she let his fully-erect cock flop onto his stomach and then with a smile, dropped her lower lips onto it. At the same time, she leaned back, bracing her hands on his lap, gently moving back and forth. The feelings it elected made Crystal let out a slight moan and she smiled when she saw the way he tried to keep his own noises of pleasure hidden behind a steely exterior.
However, the blush on his cheeks as well as the way his chest was rising a little quicker, she knew that she was having an effect.
Eventually, after a few more moments in which she continued to rub herself against him, Naruto started to move. He no longer felt the need to keep his noises of pleasure hidden and instead let out the grunts and groans of pleasure at the feeling of her lower lips massaging his manhood.
Soon after, his hands started to move, no longer remaining rigid by his side and instead moving to stroke up the side of her thighs and then to ass.
"See, now you're getting it." Frost breathlessly said.
Taking his hands in hers, she brought them to her chest and left them on her breasts. While unsure what to do at first, Naruto just did what he felt he should and just began to squeeze them.
Frost let out a small moan as Naruto began to grope her breasts. He was inexperienced and just squeezing them, but he was getting better.
Bringing her movements to a stop, Frost leaned down, pulling Naruto up to her into a sitting position and kissed him deeply. He returned the kiss though it was sloppy on the account of being inexperienced.
Pulling away, she then directed Naruto's head down and without even needing to tell him, Naruto latched his lips on her left nipple. Gasping at the warmth of his breath, Frost laughed and began to rub her hips against him once more.
Starting to gain some more confidence, Naruto took one hand to her free breast while his other hand moves down to grip her ass. It proved to be good handhold which Naruto used to aid her with her movements.
A few more minutes later and Naruto felt his end starting to come and by the way, Frosts hands tightened around his neck, she was too.
"Mmmmm." A low moan escaped from Frosts lips as her body was wracked with pleasure, Naruto's own sounds muffled by his position in her breasts. "That was good, I'm surprised." She murmured appreciatively, loosening her grip on his head allowing him to pull away.
Breathing heavily, Naruto looked up to see Frost staring down at him with a smile on her face. A light blush was on her cheeks and she was breathing a little heavy, but by the look in her eyes, Naruto had the feeling they weren't done just yet. Surprisingly, he was actually excited by this.
The guilt he felt at doing this with Killer Frost of all people had lessened as they had gotten further into it. Now, all he wanted was for things to continue.
Leaning forwards, Naruto spun them around and with his hold on her hips, pressed his still hard manhood against her pussy. "Well, well, well. Look who's decided to take some action." Just as Frost went to open her mouth to say something else, Naruto kissed her. Smiling against his lips, Frost wrapped one leg around his waist while twisting her hips in a way that sent a rush of pleasure down both their spines.
"Do you always keep talking?" He asked.
"Only when someone's boring me." She shot back cheekily gaining a half-hearted glare from the blonde. "Why don't you stop being a pussy and fuck me." Reaching down, Naruto gripped his cock and positioned himself at her wet lower lips and Frost only gave him a cocky smirk.
Slowly, Naruto pushed forwards easing himself into her in order to let him grow used to the feeling of how she felt inside. Contrary to his belief, Crystal wasn't actually cold inside like her body was outside and in fact, she felt slightly hotter than the average person. Not as much as his own internal body temperature, but enough that it was noticeable.
As he pushed himself further and further into her wet cavern, Naruto couldn't help but release a groan of pleasure at the feeling of her inner muscles massaging him.
A minute later and Frost could barely contain the moans escaping her mouth as Naruto repeatedly thrust in and out of her. Each time he fully sheathed himself in her, his admittedly bigger than normal size hitting deeper than most of her previous partners had done so.
Even with his thrusts being basic, his size and the speed in which he was thrusting in and out of her was enough to make up for his amateurish movements. Her legs, wrapped around his waist tensed up helping to bring him deeper into her core while she gripped the sheets tightly.
Naruto himself was struggling to hold off his impending orgasm as he thrust in and out of her. His hands resting beside her head as he moved his hips back and forth, her legs squeezing to bring him deeper into her.
But much like before, he couldn't hold off forever and Frost knew this. She could feel him twitching inside of her and she didn't fancy getting pregnant or simply running the risk of it. "Pull out, mmm." She moaned out as Naruto who had steadily being learning what she did and didn't like through the course of their session. "When you're, mmm, close." Not able to say anything as he focused on the task at hand, Naruto instead just nodded his head sharply while he picked up his speed.
The sudden increase in speed of Naruto's thrusts had Frost unable to fully focus on anything. But there was a short moment of clarity within her mind as she gripped the bedsheets to the point of nearly ripping them. Here she was, Killer Frost being fucked by Gotham's newest and most infamous vigilante, Black Hood.
And she loved every second of it.
A/N: So, yea, Naruto and Crystal Frost hooked up and had sex and Naruto also lost his V-card. Go on Naruto! Also, the suicide squad has being introduced with Naruto being a member so should be interesting to see how that works.
There should only be about another two chapters after this in which case, the arc will be finished so for those of you who are wondering when the Young Justice season 1 begins, there's only one arc after this one. After that, the first two episodes will be made into an entirely separate arc. So, in reality, there's only about two arcs left that will be no more than three chapters at most, possibly four.
Now, onto the questions:
Storylover213: Yes, its going to be Naruto x Barbara x Koriand'r (Starfire) x Kara (Supergirl). But it wo't be the usual harem so if thats what your worried is going to happen then don't worry because it won't.
hrbeamer: Yea I got that, no Killer Croc but there is King Shark.
RedDragonRaven: He's going to have a multitude of weapons including, shuriken, guns, knives, katanas and a staff. He'll probably have a few more but he wont have them all on him at one time, instead selecting his weapons based on the mission. As for Starfire and Supergirl, the former will be introduced between thetimeskil of season 1 and 2 of YJ. As for Supergirl, she won't be introduced until a while after that because she's not even on earth yet.
Adam2point4: No ninjutsu as such, but I will recreate a few techniques using other means. As for power scaling, yes it is broken but for a story that makes it very difficult to actually write a proper story if there is no proper power scale. As for Naruto's feats, the number of DC characters who can do the same is laughably high. Though you are right, Naruto is a dangerous individual to fight and I'm not denying that.
Guest: Yes, and thats post-crisis, pre-crisis feats are even more insane. You're right it would be impractical to move at that speed so I look at this way. Depending on how durable the individual they fight, they lower their own strength and speed in accordance. Take Captain Cold and Flash for example. Flash should be able to beat him before Captain Cold can even see him coming. But if you've watched the Tv show, the Boys - if not I definitely recommend watching it - when A-Train runs through the main guys girlfriend she explodes. So they reduce the speed based on who they fight.
As for Sage mode, the Third Raikage is Light speed at a push, even so, we don't know how much Sage Mode would help. There's no denying it would, but how much? Green Lantern's don't need to go normal speed, in fights they have contended with the likes of Flash, Wonder Womans and Superman in fights that were beyong the speed of light, faster than the Raikage can move.
Then there's chakra, its a mix of physical and spiritual, but nowhere is it stated that magic is either of those. Superman is vulnerable to magic, Chakra is much like Chi or Ki in the sense it spiritual. Its not like magic and Superman is only vulnerable to magic not spiritual energies. But even so, if Superman was vulnerable to Chakra, it still wouldn't mean much. Superman has fought many powerful beings who used magic and has taken spells that are stronger than anything Naruto can do and still got up for more.
I love Naruto's characters and he inspired me when I grew up and believe me, I would love for Naruto to be much higher up on my list. Even when my friend - a real Naruto geek, more so than me - kept on listing all of his techniques and abilities in comparison to DC characters' there are a lot of characters we just couldn't find a way for him to beat. More than I would have liked.
Vizard890: Believe me I'm just as confused as you. Seriously, how do you attempt to create a serum that makes you immune to the truth serum, only to make you a superhuman? It baffles the mind.
Iamnothere12: I know and I'm not denying that. I love fics were Naruto fucks with DC, but in the context of my fic where I'm showing how powerful DC characters are and how powerful Naruto needs to become, theres a huge gap. Especially when people incorrectly believe that Naruto could fuck over the vast majority of characters in DC like he's taking a walk in the park and tell me how I'm disrespecting Naruto's character by making him so weak. It got me annoyed and I decided to burst their bubble by showing them how powerful guys like the Green Lantern's are.
tamagat: I do actually have plans to give her and unpowered heroes like Nightwing power boosts later on. As for Deathstroke and his interest in Naruto. It is a mystery for now, but no, its not to do with his parents or him being friends with them. Kushina and Minato were ordinary people who's main friend was Jim Gordon and his family.
K1B4ND: Don't worry, Naruto won't just use a blade. He will use a lot of weapons, if you want to know read my response to RedDragonRaven above.
TehStorm: Yep it was a dick move and was done on purpose. Barbara is still a teenager despite being Batgirl, a hormonal teenage girl who is in love with her best friend who also happens to be a killer, even if he does it for a good reason. She lashed out and regretted it instantly. I wanted to show that Barbara isn't perfect and can be petty and dickish so that was it.
Vongola Ninja: Don't worry, I will definitely give reasons as to why he got them. As for relationships, it will definitely be trouble in paradise. I won't go into detail about the problems, just know there will be problems. Even Naruto and Koriand'r will have problems.
Ado Teixeire: No problem, when I put that I expected a response. For my reasoning, look at my response to the Guest above. Should help cover some of the confusion and explain why I ranked Naruto so low.
SpencerDorman: That's true and I admit I didn't consider that however, the Green Lantern have still shown the ability to match the likes of Superman, Flash and other fast beings who have a number of fast, in atmosphere feats beyond anything Naruto has shown. And thank you.
Coleslawter14: Absolutely not, no Bruce/Barbara sex scene. That was both wrong and pissed me off when ai saw it. So, that's never happening, but the paralysis is because it's a pivotal character moment for Barbara.
Issexwithyourcloneincest: Thank god, someone finally understands what I'm saying. You won't believe the amount of PMs I've got from Naruto fans thinking I'm shitting on Naruto by making him so weak. 8 wasn't even going to bring it up, but when people like them kept saying I was making Naruto weak in comparison to his canon self and it being an insult, I decided to burst their little bubble and they couldn't handle the truth. Also, love your username, it certainly raises some questions that I just need answering now, so thank you for that.
niichristou: No, after this arc, Naruto's whole character while go through a little fuck up due to outside interference. Believe me, it is not just so I can have Naruto fit into the YJ cast, but because of a later arc I have planned out. And yes, eventually when things get all apocalyptic Naruto will get a team and he will work with other teams as well.
Spacecore94: Naruto and the girls will come to a point where they need to take a break from one another. They will get back together eventually, but it will be a break that could range from a couple of days to years.
uchihaNaruto247: Yes, unless Nekron decides to revive him for his Black Lantern corp. and that whole arc will happen but I'm undecided on who will be revived as a member of the Black Lantern Corp.
Yohnos: Read my response to TehStorm, should explain why Barbara dis what she did. And yes, she will be but her redemption arc is still a long way away.
Bladewolf101: Not those characters in general, but Killer Frost and maybe a few others yes. When Naruto and Barbara, Starfire or Supergirl are on a break, like most tend to do they go elsewhere (believe me its more common than you might think) so Naruto will do the same, just purely physical though there might be some one-sided feelings in some cases. As for appearances, I'm not bothered how you envision them, I like to let you choose what they look like and the only time that changes is when I actually write a description of what they look like.
LightninXX: No, there is actually one storyline with Jason Todd where his parents where acrobats known as the Flying Todds and they were killed by Killer Croc. That's the Jason Todd storyline I've gone for.
Yakuza2010: A good idea and I might make mention of that, but I plan to skim over the whole Terror Twins arc. I'm not planning to have Naruto involved in every episode and so some episodes I'll skip entirely, make brief mentions of in later episodes while in others Naruto will be going off and doing his own thing. This is mostly because I plan to have the members of the Team develop not only in terms of powers but also as characters and there are a few episodes that emphasis this point.
Unlike some authors who are too unsure about letting other characters develop and sometimes seem scared about people forgetting a fic is a Naruto crossover and as a result, have Naruto involved in everything that happens. Which takes away from the character development that the main cast of YJ go through in some of those episodes.
Poke'boy24: I do plan to have Galate make an appearance, but Power Girl will not exist in this universe. She will exist in the multiverse, but will not make an appearance in this Universe.
Vlad-reaper: Please do, I'm really glad when people tell me that I inspire them to right stories. So I would definitely like you to let me know if you do.
howclay: Yes, I do plan to have it have an impact in the future. But not straight away, it will come up again in the next few chapters, but not right away. Naruto is currently spending his time fighting crime practically 24/7 and so isn't really listening to the rumours that's going around. Plus, he's rarely ventured out from East End to hear the said rumours, but someone has and they will use it for that exact purpose.
As for the Naruto/Frost aspect, I plan to keep out how it is mostly because what happened is similar to a one-night stand. I'm in university and on night outs there's a few times where I've literally met a girl, talked to them and danced with them for a few minutes before heading back to theirs or mine. There both teenagers and things like this happen. Sudden? Yes, but uncommon? Not really, things like this happen a lot in reality.
Guest: I plan to include a lot of popular DC comic storylines, as well games and animated movies. The Court of Owls arc was inspired and based off the events that took place in Batman vs Robin animated movie. This Arkham Assault arc is based off the game and animated movie, Batman: Assault on Arkham. There will be plenty of adaptations included in my story.
SurvivalHorror: Yes, I won't tell what exactly because that will spoil some of the future plot, but I do have plans to include as much content from DC games, movies, shows and comics (all) as I can while making a cohesive plot that has a beginning and end point.
NoobDude: Naruto does have skill with daggers and I did plan to give him a sword but that would be a secondary weapon. His primary weapon and the one he's most skilled in will be a staff. I started watching Fate/Stay Night again and Lancer is just a beast.
ninjafanhein: Yes, that's true but Naruto has never shown any intellect on par with Shikamaru and I'm not going to bend the truth so that he could be on par with the powers of DC. I'm taking what Naruto has shown ability wise in manga and anime, no what ifs or anything like that. So your Shikamaru with the power of Kaguya, while yes, terrifying, does not exist. Therefore I cannot make that happen.
Sultan Asil Arslan: To be honest I don't even know if that's possible however it is possible for people to wield the power of the Emotional Spectrum without a Lantern ring. The Lantern rings just make it easier to access and use. Naruto's use of the Lantern ring will be a little different than other Lantern users mostly because of his unique powers and his magical knowledge.
nlichristou: There will be a few episodes where I skip over entirely, like the Happy Harbour with Mister Twister and the team first starting to work together. In episodes like that, Naruto will either be doing something else entirely or, in the case where episodes are focused on individual characters developments, like the Terror Twins with M'gann and Superboy's relationship starting, the one where Aqualad returns to Atlantis and so on, will be skipped over entirely. This is because I'm not going to have Naruto in every episode just so I can cover every episode. Some of those episodes are focused around the individual development of certain characters and by including Naruto in said development, I take it away from those characters.
Hope that clears up any confusion and if not, please leave a review.