Izuku was walking down a hall in UA academy, when he spotted Jiro standing around

"Hey wassup, nigga?" he said.

"I'm waiting for Momo to come out of the toilet." She replied.

"Oh, I see."

Then they heard water flushing and Momo came out.

"Oh, hi." She said and left.

Jiro then tried to enter the bathroom but Izuku grabbed her hand.

"Jiro, listen…" he said. "I can't do this anymore."

Jiro raised an eyebrow.

"Do what?" she asked.

"Life, man…. Like, I can't go on like this…"

"Izuku, u need to be strong, mate." She said. "I'm concerned, really."

Izuku sighed. "Yeah, I guess. Hey, by the way, I'm gonna play some Roblox now, would u like to join later? If u wanna…"

"Yes, I would like to play some Roblox with you :)" Jiro replied. "I'm gonna go to the toilet right now, go to your room. I'll come in a few minutes."

"Cool! :) See you in a few minutes then!"

Midoriya ran to his room and Jiro entered the toilet. She took a shit down the shitter, then wiped her ass, then flushed the toilet, then washed her hands very carefully, and then she went to Izuku's room.

It turned out, by 'Roblox' izuku meant 'anal sex', but Jiro didn't mind. After Izuku sprayed his DNA inside Jiro's anus, Jiro took out her own pee pee and did the same to Izuku, much to his surprise.


what the fuck