Disclaimer: I do not own Fifty Shades Trilogy



As those words tumbled from his lips, Ana's eyes began to water, and then she avoided his gaze. While a tear rolled down her cheek, Christian felt something stir inside of him.

Ana definitely needed him, even though she tried to deny it.

So without over analyzing what this feeling was or what this would mean or, how this could change things between them, Christian cupped her face with both hands and then whispered." I'm here… for you. Look at me?"

Well, there was no turning back now. Ana looked him in the eyes and in a blink of an eye, Christian gently pulled her in a tight embrace. She finally was able to let it all go…

Her sobs echoed in her bedroom, as Christian held her like he never wanted to let her go-ever! At one point her closeness overwhelmed him, and it was in that very moment that he realized something…

As a huge lump formed in his throat, he replayed significant moments in his head. And all of them were of Ana. The first time they met. The first time she was angry with him. That evening after work, when he told Ana all about his struggles…

All of those memories flashed through his head, his heart burning bright, making him feel at home.


Christian never thought that a simple hug would make him feel this way… so liberated.

Ana was always there for him- she was there if and when he needed her… to help at work, and at charity events. He considered her a true friend, and before now never considered that she and him could be more than friends.

Christian saw her in a different light now…

As he wrapped Ana in his arms, he finally felt happy and at ease, because he didn't feel useless anymore.

She needed comfort and that was what Christian was going to give her now. Now, but tomorrow… tomorrow will be a different chapter. It will be an epic chapter; he'll make sure of it.

As a sigh escaped her lips, Christian's eyes fluttered shut. He took in deep breaths and felt his heart flutter inside his chest. By the third inhale, his heart had kicked up two notches, while holding her oh so tightly in his arms, inhaling her sweet, seductive scent.

Again and again.

Ana's head rested on his chest, and she held onto him for dear life. She felt comfortable and at home. She wished that he would hold her like this forever though.

Honestly, Ana felt so safe- the safest she'd ever felt in her whole troubled life.

"I'm here for you whenever you need me, Ana…Don't ever forget that, OK." He whispered." I may not know what the nightmare was about, but I want you to know that I'm here for you when and if you decide to confide in me.

In response, Ana reluctantly pulled away from the hug, and locked eyes with him." Thank you." She whispered, her voice filled with pure emotion.

He looked down at her and smiled. "You're welcome, Ana. And I'd like to take this opportunity to tell you how grateful I am for having you in my life." He confessed, eyes still connected with hers." Time and time again you're there for me to help me with everything. I just want you to know that I really appreciate having you in my life. In the past, I have taken people for granted, but I don't want to make that mistake again. Not with you. Also, I want you to know that you mean a lot to me."

The air in the bedroom suddenly felt so electric, and thick with tension. Ana was still very close and so he took the opportunity to caress her beautiful face, inhaling her divine scent.

Suddenly her eyes landed on his lips, and his also landed on hers. His hands did some exploring and landed on her hips. The night gown that she was wearing was so thin, so he was able to feel how warm and soft her flesh was. A content sigh escaped her lips, as he softly massaged her sides…

Christian wanted to get lost in the moment, only feeling her skin on his fingertips, the tension around them thick, while endlessly inhaling her addictive scent.

But, luckily he snapped back to reality just as fast as he got lost in it.

"Ana…" he whispered, his voice a plea.

"Yes?" she replied, as she licked her plump, pale lips.

"Do you want to talk about it? About your nightmare?" he asked, as he tore his hands with great difficulty from her heavenly hips.

She nodded." Uhumm, yes, I do."




Ana was sitting on her bed, as she told Christian all about her nightmare." You didn't do a thing… you uhumm, y-you just watched as Hyde kept hur-hurting me…" She said, while avoiding his gaze.

He grabbed a chair and sat in front of her. Then he gently wiped her tears away and said. "Ana, look at me."

But, she kept her eyes fixed on a spot on the wall.

It was difficult for her to talk about the bad dream, because it made her feel so vulnerable and to her it felt like she was reliving it all.

"Look at me, please?" he repeated, and grabbed her hand.

It was then, when Ana decided to look him in the eyes, so he could continue." That night I didn't watch, as he hurt you Ana… That didn't happen! I didn't abandon you and I promise that I never will." He confessed." That night I made sure that he would never ever hurt you again. You know that, right? He's rotting in jail, for a very long time… Hyde will never lay a finger on you again."

She nodded, as the tears kept spilling from her eyes." I have nightmares of him since that night. They never stop, Christian!" Ana told him." I wish they would, but even behind bars, Hyde is haunting me."

Christian had never seen Ana like this before; so fragile like a porcelain doll. He knew that other version of her: fierce… and witty… super smart, determined, confident and tough. Christian didn't realize that the awful experience with Hyde had affected her this much. He had asked her a dozen times, if she needed to talk. He told Ana that if she didn't want to talk about it with him, he could arrange sessions for her with a therapist.

But Ana kept declining, and kept telling Christian that she was fine.

As she attempted to stop the waterworks, Christian lovingly caressed her cheek." Hey, we will get through this together, OK? You are not alone."

He gave her a heart-stopping smile, so she reciprocated with a teary smile.

"God, you're beautiful." Christian muttered under his breath.

"What? What did you just say?" Ana asked, perplexed.

Christian had a shocked look on his face, his head shaking." Did I say that aloud? That wasn't supposed to come out of my mouth. OK, your babbling is really contagious, because I'm doing it now…" he rambled on.

In response, Ana laughed wholeheartedly at his reaction, while placing a hand on his chest." Shut up, will you?" she jokingly said.

As he watched her, a smile graced his handsome face, and he placed a hand over hers." Well, it's your fault." he scolded.

"What? My fault? At the moment your brain-to-mouth filter is broken! Not mine." Ana countered.

"Whatever. Hey, I'm getting tired and sleepy." He told her." Mind if I sleep on your couch? I'm too tired to move beyond your place."

"Why don't you call Taylor to pick you up? He would never refuse, you know." Ana pointed out.

"Yes, I know that, smarty pants." Christian replied.

"So tell me this; do you really think I'm beautiful?" She asked playfully.


"Grey" She countered, while a smile played at her lips.

"I'm serious; I'd like to stay here for the night. In case you need me…" he remarked, and squeezed her hand lightly." You know… in case Hyde visits you again in your dreams."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, Ana…"

"OK, follow me? I'll show you my comfortable couch." She responded, as a smile graced her gorgeous face.

While he walked behind her, Christian felt his heart flutter inside his chest for the second time tonight. He wasn't sure what 'this' was, but he damn well was going to make sure that Ana doesn't feel lonely anymore.

He was going to make sure that she won't have any nightmares anymore...

Yes, Christian Grey was determined to let Anastasia Steele know that he would never in a million years abandon her…





Note: Thank you so much for reading this little 2-shot.

Leave me your thoughts?

I'll be updating 'When did I become so numb?' this upcoming weekend. ;)
