Here's the next chapter I hope you like it. Please read and review thanks love Hermione xxx

Minister Fudge was roused from his sleep for an extreme emergency Wizengamot meeting and declared that it had better be important if he was losing precious sleep over it. He arrived to find Madam Bones and Kingsley Shacklebolt waiting for him. "Minister before we go into the court room you need to view a quick memory in my pensive here. I'll be showing them in the trial but it really would be easier if you saw them first so you really understand what's going on!" she said as he frowned.

"Amelia I truly don't like this. I am awake at an ungodly hour but if I will understand more by doing this then I will do it. Someone had better have a wide awake potion ready for me though because if it is this important I'd rather not fall asleep!" he said seriously as she smiled at him. He walked with her into the side room just behind the courtroom and viewed the memory emerging and looking extremely pale.

"Well Amelia I am not sure it would be right for me career wise to be head of this particular court session. I hereby place all that power into your capable hands. I will be informing everyone of my decision. Besides which I was known for being close to Dumbledore at one point and I'd rather people not think it a conflict of interest" he said as Amelia perked up at that. She had waited her whole career for this opportunity. They entered the court and wide awake potions were supplied to everyone. They would last two hours and as a consequence of needing to be up so late in the night they would all be allowed to arrive at work around lunch time the next day.

"Ok everyone welcome to this emergency meeting of the Wizengamot. Quite frankly what shall be discussed here could possibly be a conflict of interest for me in fact it probably will be so I hereby appoint Amelia Bones the head of this trial. She will see that justice is achieved fairly. Her methods will be different then mine but treat her with as much respect as you would treat me!" he said as everyone gasped and watched him step down while Amelia Bones took his place casually.

"Welcome everyone I am about to reveal a piece of information to you which you may find unbelievable however I do have memories to back me up here. In a moment I will ask for the prisoner to be brought up here for his judgement" she said pausing to collect her memories into a vial for the pensive.

"His name is Percival Brian the famous writer however his real name is Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. Mr Dumbledore used this alias as a way to write dishonest stories about Mr Harry James Potter and recently tried to harm him in the worst way possible. I will instruct you all to view these memories with me by pressing on the globes in front of your seats please!" she said as everyone joined her most people feeling disgusted.

"To be honest after seeing these memories it is clear he truly isn't who or what we thought he was. His only are bad and filled with malice. I will ask for the prisoner to be brought in and we will use some veritas serum where I will question him on things I feel we need answers to as a society before his sentence is handed down. I would appreciate co-operation on this!" she said as all the pale people in the seats around her merely nodded as they found themselves incapable of speaking.

He was brought up in the courtroom cage where he was fed veritas serum. Most people there were fighting themselves as they kept going between feeling star struck and horrified. Percival Brian for the most part had been amazing until recently and until they had figured out who he truly was. He was fed more veritas serum and although they had said they had given him three drops of it four drops had been administered just to be sure.

"Please state your birth name for the court."

"Well my name is Percival Brian however my birth name is Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore."

"Have you ever forced anyone in this room to take a vow for you and who was it?"

"I have never forced anyone to take a vow however I have implanted in their brains that it would be wiser for them to do so. Cornelius Fudge, Thorofin Rowle and Lucius Malfoy have given me vows."

"What were these vows about?"

"Cornelius Fudge took a vow that he wouldn't tell anyone I had given him some money to put some things in the paper for me by force and influence. I erased it from his mind so he would not remember the vow. Thorofin Rowle gave me a vow that he would not harm the muggleborn girl he'd impregnated on a drunken night out the idiot. Then he had the cheek to look at me all shocked. Lucius Malfoy gave me a vow he wouldn't reveal any information about Severus Snape which I did not authorise first. He knows Severus very well and anything he should say about him could be defamatory in nature. If I am to succeed Snape is to be seen as I wish him to be seen and not in any other light."

"Have you ever seen bad conduct of your staff at Hogwarts and ignored it?"

"Yes I have truthfully because the people who got the flack did deserve it even if it was done in a cruel way. If people spent less time complaining to me about my staff or former staff anyway there could have been more successes at school instead of problems."

"Do you know the real name of Lord Voldemort?"

"Yes his name is Tom Marvolo Riddle and he is a half blood. All this nonsense he spouts about blood purity is nothing other then self righteous; hypocritical drivel those fools who call themselves his followers believe!"

"Do you know the names of any of his death eaters and how would we identify them?"

"Yes I do indeed. Severus Snape, Yaxley, Lucius Malfoy, Regulus Black, Bellatrix Lestrange and her husband Rudolphus and of course Amycus and Alecto Carrow. Well if you lifted up their sleeves on the right hand side you would see a dark mark there. It cannot be hidden by magic so you would definitely find it however Severus Snape is a spy for me and relays information about Voldemort to me so I can hope to beat him properly henceforth I will not allow him to be attacked in any way! I have always said he has my uttermost confidence and that still stands!"

Here the questioning was paused as Lucius Malfoy who was in the room was called forward and asked to expose his arms which he did showing no mark whatsoever.

"Lucius do you think he lied about you being a death eater as you clearly have no mark?" she asked as he looked at her thoughtfully.

"I truly believe he thought he was telling the truth alas I have no dark mark and am not a death eater!" he replied as she smiled after testing him rigorously to be sure he wasn't concealing it.

"I hereby request that all charges against Lucius Malfoy be dropped and all suspicion be removed of his person. Ah yes Moloney did you check on the prisoners as I asked you to?" she asked the Auror who has just entered the courtroom.

"I did and it's very strange ma'am. Both the Lestrange's and Carrows had died. We don't yet know what caused it but initial examinations have shown they literally burned from the inside out naturally. Now I know that doesn't sound realistic but blood tests on the remains have indeed proven that they are who we thought they were. Do you need anything else?" he asked as she smiled.

"Yaxley is home sick today so please go to his residence and check him out for the dark mark. Arrest him if he has the dark mark!" she ordered calmly.

"I can't ma'am. Yaxley was duelling some people in the ministry duelling pit and when he was removed of his wand shortly after his arm burst into flames and he died right there. Cornelius Fudge himself asked us to tell everyone he was currently at home sick so as not to scare people. We didn't know what is was but do now. He did have the dark mark but it rejected him killing him instantly. If he had his wand on him at the time he might not have died but did." He said as most people there gasped.

"Very well you are excused. Lucius you may retake your seat and now Mr Dumbledore we'll continue with your interview" she said addressing Dumbledore who looked bored and as though his time was wasted there.

"Have you ever kept vital information from Mr Harry James Potter that you didn't feel he deserved to know about himself or indeed his unique situation?"

"Yes I did many times either because he's too young to hear about it or didn't deserve to know about it at that particular time. I have always intended for Mr Potter to know everything but only at the pace which I myself set and not any other way as he would have it."

"What information was this?"

"There was a prophecy about his life which was told to me but Severus Snape was listening at the door and he got stunned before he could hear it all. He somehow revived himself and told Lord Voldemort about it however as it wasn't the whole thing he then thought it was about Harry Potter and came after them killing them! Harry doesn't know about the prophecy because I have not seen fit to tell him about it yet."

"Who was the secret keeper for the Potter family?"

"Initially it was indeed Sirius Black however I tested James and found out it had been changed to Peter Pettigrew in the meantime. Pettigrew went crazy as all maniacs who haven't had their moment in the damn spotlight do and betrayed the Potters to Voldemort himself. I left Sirius in jail as for me he was safest there. I couldn't tell who was after him and didn't really want to risk him finding Harry and giving him the good childhood he was never supposed to have."

"Why do you say he was never supposed to have a good childhood?"

"Because the prophecy said neither one can live while the other survives. He was meant to die at Voldemort's hands in order to save us all. He was supposed to sacrifice himself but never would have done so willingly if he'd had a good childhood. I knew his muggle relatives did not like magic to put it lightly and so I knew he would have the harsh kind of childhood I needed him to have there!"

"Have you ever used Legillimency on your students at school?"

"Yes I have all the time in fact. I know I'm not supposed to do it but I seriously don't see the harm when most of them only think of schoolwork or their latest crush anyway!"

"Have you ever seen anything very dark in the mind of a student and refused to report to anyone about it?"

"Yes I have. In Marcus Flint of Slytherin house I did see that he would willingly kill anyone to save his own skin. I did not report it because I thought well…wouldn't we all realistically say or think that at some point or another? I mean to report his thoughts would have been ridiculous considering he did not and I repeat did not act on them. Had he done so I'd look like a fool right now."

"Have you ever used Legillimency on your staff?"

"Yes I have but most of them have very strong barriers I could not penetrate however I did force Sybil Trelawney to tell Harry he would die if she ever saw him in the corridor. Again I needed him to be scared and vulnerable so he'd sacrifice himself to save us all. One life over every single other is a win in my book and I will seriously harm anyone who ever tries to tell me otherwise!"

"Have you ever used it here at work on anyone?"

"Yes I have and on you too. Your barrier is too strong for me though. You are too strong and secure for me and I am afraid I will have to change that soon. You cannot be allowed to feel secure when all others don't. That's not allowed. I have basically used it on everyone I've ever met but no one has ever had any thoughts worth hanging on to. I mean all Tom ever thought about was blood and snakes. I just thought he was a freak. I couldn't have known he'd become dark!"

"Have you at any time in your life actively practiced the dark arts for any period of time?"

"Yes I have when it suited me and my needs. I did not do it very often because truthfully I did not like it but it did get the job done."

"Have you ever abused an animal?"

"Yes I accidentally killed a hippogriff in my youth with a badly aimed diffindo spell but at least his death was a quick one eh?"

"Why did you attack Harry Potter tonight?"

"Tom Riddle was not fast enough. I wished for Potter to fulfil that damn prophecy now and so if he would not submit I did plan to kill him and anyone else unfortunate enough to try and stop me. With him dead that prophecy could be put to bed and Voldemort would be mortal once more and then I could kill him and take the credit which we all know I do love doing. I ADORE THE FUCKING SPOTLIGHTS BITCHES!"

"Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for your crimes you will be asked to pass through a magic door and walk straight ahead which will lead to your punishment of some jail time. The door will be brought here now!" she instructed banging her gavel on the counter. The veil of death which had been transfigured into an ornate and old looking door was brought into the court and Dumbledore believing all would be well walked forth literally into his death. It was a satisfying end to an old creep who truly did not deserve to live after all he'd done. It was satisfied Wizengamot members who returned home and would surely sleep well tonight.