Reviews for Dobby's Help
angelicdeepti chapter 1 . 9/10
wow. superb. Waiting to read next
serrep43 chapter 42 . 8/25
I look forward to any future updates
Thank you
Guest chapter 42 . 8/23
Looking abandoned
ORKCHILD chapter 42 . 8/21
Just a couple of things, I very much enjoyed this story. Second I notice several spelling and grammar mistakes and would like to suggest the free program from the web site grammerly dot com. It is free and catches spelling, grammar, and context issues. Hope to see more chapters soon
lonewolf420 chapter 24 . 3/14
So is it all Ron or is he under a combo of potions? Love lust potions for her hate revile and jealousy for him
Fallow56 chapter 42 . 3/11
xxxx Kudos xxxx : )
Guest chapter 42 . 3/10
YES!Bout friggen time .Only thing more satisfying would be if Dobby tossed his ass through. Thank You
geekymom chapter 42 . 3/10
Wonderful chapter!
StarkillerRicardos chapter 42 . 3/9
Dumbledore tricked Harry into walking to his death in canon so him being tricked into walking into the Veil of death was very fitting. chapter 1 . 3/9
All I can say (and since it's a British thing) is "Get on with it!"
Wolfric chapter 42 . 3/8
Good chapter. Thanks for writing. W.
jkarr chapter 42 . 3/8
nice way to deal with Bumbles
Fallow56 chapter 41 . 2/29
xxxx Kudos xxxx : )
Guest chapter 4 . 2/27
Grrr I thought this would be good, and in theory it could be but you are using knowledge Harry doesn't have and reactions and things just don't seem to mesh well even if he is ooc
jkarr chapter 41 . 2/28
It is nice that Harry can be helped
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