A/N: Thanks for all the nice reviews, everyone!

You are all too kind!

Disclaimer: I don't own Generator Rex.

Rex woke up feeling as if he had ran ten thousand laps around the petting zoo. Letting out a small grunt, he quickly opened his eyes, expecting to be in his Providence room. Except, this room wasn't painted with white walls, and it certainly wasn't in a newly constructed building. Sitting up, the blankets that were on top of him fell off and he looked around quickly with wide eyes.

"What the-?" He asked, but the memories of what happened before he passed out came back to him. Blinking suddenly he gripped his head as a massive headache suddenly overcame him, and he leaned back on the bed. Staring at the cobble stone ceiling he couldn't help but think how quickly this had gone so wrong.

The teenager knew that he needed to escape from Abysus and warn everyone that Van Kleiss was going to attack. He stood up slowly and walked over to the open window. Placing his hand against the stone wall he glanced out at the view – he must have been on the fifteenth story. Blinking slowly, he tested his nanites to see that they were responding to him.

He watched in mild relief when his gloves on his hands started to light up the familiar blue color.

"Okay," Rex said, standing up on the window sill. "Wish I could say that it was a nice visit…" he trailed, about to jump in the air and make one of his builds to fly, but was prevented when he felt a lingering gaze on him. Slowly, he darted his head towards the left where Van Kleiss was watching everything unfold with his arms crossed in amusement.

Rex's eyes went wide when he knew that he had been caught trying to escape.

"Taking in the view?"

The teenager was taken aback by the question and the laid back tone, even though he knew that the man knew exactly what he was trying to do. "I've seen better back at Providence." Rex shrugged off the question with a taunt but the only thing that Van Kleiss did was raise an eyebrow.

"Have you, now?" The man then turned to observe the landscape in front of them, watching how a vine would occasionally get into a fight with another vine off into the near distance. "I'm surprised that they even let you have a window in your holding cell…" He trailed, and as if feeling Rex's scathing glare, he brought up a hand to his mouth. "Oops…I meant room."

"You knew exactly what you meant!" Rex argued, arching his shoulders back, as he was about to launch at the man and punch him across the face. Taking a step forward, he was going to do just that, but then remembered the agonizing pain from yesterday. He took back his step slowly and looked off to the side with a glare, not knowing how to take down the man when Van Kleiss could control his nanites.

Van Kleiss eyed the teenager from the corner of his eyes and smirked. "It seems as though you are quick on the uptake. Perhaps that is why they let you on such a long leash." He turned to look at the teenager, who was now once again fuming at the backhanded talk being directed towards him. The man let out a pause before concluding his speech. "But a leash nonetheless."

"They trusted me enough to go out and see the world!"

"Ah, but only with their agents with you," the man spoke, and Rex flinched at that. The teenager opened his mouth to retort but found that the words died in his throat. "The green cladded agent, as well as that monkey…" He trailed out, letting the teenager soak in his words as if the boy was a sponge.

"They always made sure you were well within their sights. And, if I'm not mistaken…that boy that was here the last time…wasn't he an undercover agent tasked to befriend you?" Rex closed his mouth and clenched his hands at his sides. He tried to not let the words get to him even though they did. "Seems to me as though you never obtained the freedom that you were so convinced you had. They never trusted you at all."

Rex let out a scream of frustration before walking back inside of the room that he had awaken from. Shaking his head, he brought his hands up to his ears to prevent any more of Van Kleiss' infectious words from being heard. He would not believe them. Providence was his family. They were looking out for him, and Noah is one of his best friends now. There's no way that they don't consider him family – that they don't trust him.

The teen glanced up and noticed the door. He quickly walked over to it and yanked it open upon seeing that it was unlocked. Rex stuck his head out and quickly looked both ways before not seeing anyone. Then, he decided to jog over towards where he thought would be stairs.

One thing was for certain, the longer he stayed here, the more Van Kleiss was going to try and bring him over to his side. Biting his lip in thought he turned the corner to see some stairs. He would have celebrated with a loud cheer but knew that this wasn't the time, and definitely wasn't the place for such a small victory.

He stealthily placed one foot on the steps before quickly placing another one and then increasing his pace. When he reached the next floor he found that many Evos were looking at him as they stopped walking in the hallway to stare at the newcomer. There were seven or eight of them, and they all were very tall and could easily throw him into the nearby wall.

Rex swallowed nervously and waved his hand at the high powered Evos. "Uh…Hey, guys!" He called out. "I don't suppose any of you know how to get out of here…?" They all then ignored the teenager and continued on their work. Some were cleaning the floors, while others were wiping down the walls of the castle.

Rex blinked in surprise at their nonchalance at him being there, but decided to not question it as he began to walk further down the hallway.

He didn't want to run and be attacked by any of them. Figuring that walking was the safest bet, he picked up the pace but didn't run as he rounded another corner. There was another flight of stairs and he was already beginning to feel pretty winded. His body still hadn't recovered from when Van Kleiss was controlling his nanites, causing his entire body to suffer distress. Shuddering away the memory, he hoped that that would never happen again.

"If I can just get to doc, then she can get those nanites out of me."

By the time he made it to the next floor, he realized that it was the thirteenth floor, and he let out a heavy breath. He leaned back against the stone wall and then looked out the open window that he was standing next to. It was still high up from where he was at, and he narrowed his eyes out at the horizon. Rex could see the mountains in the distance and knew that civilization was just beyond them. "I need to chance it. I don't know when he's going to attack."

Jumping out the window, he used one of his builds to make him fly and quickly took off down the side of the castle. Then, he took a straight shot through the forest, trying to not look back to see if Van Kleiss was watching him try and leave. He made it a little ways into the forest before his build completely disassembled, causing him to tumble on the ground a few feet before he landed harshly on the ground.

Letting out a groan, he placed a hand on the ground and looked up to see what had happened. He froze on the spot when Van Kleiss teleported in front of him instantly. He was standing directly in front of him with his arms crossed. "Now, Rex, where did you think you were running off to?" Rex hated how his tone mocked what one would hear when a 'father' lectures you.

"I thought you said that you weren't going to keep me on a leash?" Rex couldn't stop the accusation in his tone as he slowly stood up to face the man that was holding him captive. It wasn't a secret to the both of them that he was trying to escape. The teen clenched his hands tightly, about to build his B.F.S. but then Van Kleiss rose his hand.

Rex watched closely at his outstretched hand with narrowed eyes. He knew the man was going to do something to him, and was bracing himself for the inevitable pain that would soon come.

"And you aren't going to be," the man stated with a smirk. "But that still doesn't mean that I trust you enough to stay within Abysus. Think of it like…" He trailed, and then clenched his outstretched hand into a fist. "An electric fence."

Rex glared at him. "Okay, can we stop with the dog analogies-!" The teen didn't get a chance to finish his demand when his nanites were suddenly activated and his entire body started to convulse. Unable to remain standing, or feel any of his legs underneath him, he fell and his vision started to spin once again. He let out a strangled yell and then closed his eyes while turning on his back.

Then, it stopped as suddenly as it had begun. Rex let out multiple breath of reliefs while straining to open his eyes. He could feel his eyebrows furrow from the repeated attempts at trying to see. Once he opened them, he looked over at Van Kleiss and started to sit up. He didn't want to look weak in front of his arch enemy.

"This will be a common reoccurrence if you continue to try and escape."

The teen didn't want to say anything. Van Kleiss continued to speak, and Rex knew that the man loved hearing his own voice by how much he talked.

"Then, if we are done here…I do believe that it is time for dinner."

Rex continued to stare at the ground.

Van Kleiss started to walk towards the castle, but looked back at the teenager. "I'm sure that you will need time to understand that you cannot go back to Providence…" He trailed and then glanced to the side thinking over his next group of words. He then let out a smirk as he looked down at the teenager who was still sitting and staring at the ground. Although he could already see the steady rise of anger from the teenager and couldn't help the words that fell from his lips. "Or rather, simply put…I'm not going to let you go back to Providence."

"I don't take order from you!"

Rex suddenly charged at the man, but like the other time this had happened, Van Kleiss merely grabbed his fist with his own hand. The teen's eyes widened, and he desperately tried to pull his fist from the man's grasp. Using his other free hand he tried to pull at it, but the man would not release him. "Then, who do you take orders from?" He asked rhetorically, tilting his head to the side. Rex furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"I…Well, Six usually…" Rex trailed out, not knowing where he was going with this.

"Is it typical of family members to order their family around? Shouldn't they trust them enough to formulate their own opinions and not be led to believe a certain way by someone else?" The man asked, making Rex's eyes widen at the words. The teenager shook his head in disbelief and tried to free his hand more quickly. The man grinned as he looked down at the teen. "This one you call Six, he was there beside you from the very beginning, was he not? This is a man that you desperately thinks trusts you, and yet he orders you around. He does not trust you. He is your handler."

Rex felt a cold chill surge through his body. He didn't want to think of Six like that. Six was part of his family. He didn't want to hear how Six didn't care about him – that he didn't trust him. "L-Let me go!" Rex yelled out, and Van Kleiss complied. The teen went hurdling back down to the ground, and was breathing heavily. Once more, his head had started to hurt, and he brought his hands up to the sides of his head as he sat up.

"Come along, Rex. It's time for dinner," Van Kleiss said, offering a hand down to the teenager to take. Rex looked up with panicked eyes and looked at the hand. Standing up on his own, he glared at the man while he crossed his arms and looked straight ahead towards the castle. The man chuckled behind the teen, and Rex brought his shoulders up in irritation.

He could not continue to stay here.

Not with a master manipulator like Van Kleiss breathing down his neck spitting out his hateful lies. Rex was sure that he would think of them like abhorrent truths after a certain amount of time. The teenager clenched his arms tightly to try and concentrate on something else.

He was going to be sure that his next escape plan was going to be more thought out.

Van Kleiss wasn't going to win.

To be continued…