So… A new story, huh? Well, it's something at least, after a long period of writer's block. Still, enjoy! ;)

Disclaimer goes here…

Duality Of Time

Chapter One

Obito sat on the edge of the roof, legs dangling as he watched the people below going by about their business. Munching on the dango he'd bought at the stall earlier, he kept his eyes peeled for one person in particular, who'd been behaving rather oddly lately. Normally, Kakashi was such a stick-in-the-mud, rule obsessed moron, but a few weeks ago, he'd had an apparent personality switch. Oh, he'd tried to hide it, and he'd definitely fooled Rin, and sensei too, kinda.

But Obito was on to him.

The Bakashi usually came along this route at this time of day, which was after morning training, and before afternoon D-rank assignments. Without fail, he'd go to the same food stall for his lunch, Ichiraku's, and today was no different. He was already there right now, and had to come this way in order to head back to the training grounds, where their team would meet with sensei before heading up to the mission's desk for their D-rank.

Ah-ha! Speak of the oni! Kakashi was walking along the road, an outward appearance of the boy he was supposed to be projected around him. Ha! Big fat liar! Obito knew that it was all an act, and soon, the jig would be up! Swallowing the last of his dango, he positioned himself in a crouch, and leapt down in front of his team mate, who didn't even startle at his presence, to Obito's disappointment.

"Bakashi," Obito greeted.

"Stalker," Kakashi replied, and Obito scowled, even if it had been a bit true lately.

"Shut up!" he yelled. "I'm no stalker! Besides, we've got to go meet with Rin and sensei! Can't have you being late like you were yesterday. And the day before. The one before that, too."

Kakashi just rolled his eyes. "Whatever, dead last," he said, ignoring Obito's glare. "Let's just get going."

As they walked together, Obito kept stealing glances at his team mate. Kakashi, pretending not to notice of course, just walked stoically beside him all the way to the training ground, where sensei and Rin had yet to show up. Obito settled in on his favourite stump to wait, while Kakashi leaned against a tree that had countless kunai scratches on it.

Cocking his head at his team mate, Obito studied Kakashi's posture. The poor guy really was trying to act like nothing was wrong, but he saw it all. The guardedness had changed in nature, going from 'Stay away or I'll gut you' to 'I want to let you in, but how can I trust you won't hurt me again'. Obito sighed, feeling quite responsible for a whole lot of that.

Kakashi glanced over at him, and Obito stuck out his tongue. He felt inordinately pleased at the 'look' the baka then gave him, before he went right back to ignoring him. Obito frowned, not that pleased with being ignored. Sighing again, he figured it was time to amp things up a bit, see if Kakashi would crack and spill all.

"So, what mission do you think we'll get today?" he asked. "Helping the orphanage with their grocery run? Fixing old man Tanaka's roof? Yes, it got wrecked again. Or maybe we'll be sent off to catch that cat that keeps running off from the Daimyo's new wife, what's it's name? Oh, right, Tora the Second. Or maybe we'll actually get out of the village on a courier run. Nah… those are generally handed out in the mornings. So, what do you think, Bakashi?"

Kakashi was giving him another 'look'. "What?" Obito asked. "Just wondering. I mean, what else could we be doing? Well, there is the old bridge over in the north eastern section that they want demolished…"

Ha! A reaction! Kakashi stiffened ever so slightly at the mention of destroying a bridge! But finding out why would only be half the fun, Obito still had more tricks up his sleeve, so to speak.

"What?" he asked. "That bridge is a hazard! Did you know three kids fell off it last week, and straight into the water below? Lucky thing we're in the middle of summer dry spell, and the water wasn't very deep. But… if you don't want to do that, maybe sensei could get us a different mission, if necessary."

"…Why are you talking to me like this?" Kakashi asked. "You never have before."

"What? I can't want to try to get along with my team mate?" Obito asked, askance. "We're gonna go on missions where our lives will be in each other's hands, y'know! We should at least not be antagonistic towards each other!"

"Why would I want to get along with a cry-baby ninja?" Kakashi practically sneered, and if he'd said almost anything else, it wouldn't have affected Obito, and he would have seen that Kakashi's heart hadn't really been in the insult.

"I am not a cry-baby!" Obito practically bellowed, leaping up to his feet. "Just because you're an emotionally stunted asshole, doesn't mean that anyone who shows even the slightest bit of emotion is a cry-baby!"

Kakashi stood before him, absolutely stunned. Obito breathed deeply to calm himself, then noted the way that he was being stared at was more than just the typical 'you're acting weird, stop it' kind of look he'd sometimes get from Kakashi,especially lately.

"What are you staring at?" he asked belligerently.

"Your eyes…" Kakashi breathed, and Obito started at that.

"What about them?"

"…You activated your sharingan," was the answer. "Three tomoes!"

"What of it?" Obito snapped. "I got them months ago."

"No," Kakashi denied almost immediately. "No, that isn't supposed to happen. It's not supposed to be like this. You weren't supposed to get them until…"

He cut off when he realised what he was saying, but Obito's curiosity was piqued. "What do you mean by that, Bakashi?" he asked carefully, wondering if now was when he was going to get his big windfall that he'd been chasing.

Kakashi just shook his head, refusing to speak, so Obito knew that it was up to him to get the secret out. "When was I supposed to get my sharingan?" he asked, pushing further. "Is there some sort of timetable you're not telling me about? Does this have anything to do with your apparent fear of wrecking bridges?"

A small twitch and Obito knew he'd hit the jackpot. "It doesn't matter, I guess," he said. "I mean, if you really do have such a phobia, the Yamanaka have some techniques, like hypnosis, that could help you. Heck, even a genjutsu to bring you peace and happiness could…"


Obito was startled at the vehemence of Kakashi's suddenly denial.

"No genjutsu would ever bring eternal peace!" he raged.

"I never said anything about eternal peace," Obito said. "Maybe infinite…"

Suddenly Kakashi's kunai was against his throat. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't," he growled. "One reason not to end you right now, make sure that the future is safe from you."

Despite the kunai at his throat, Obito grinned. "Because, Bakashi," he said, "you're gonna need all the help you can get when it comes to Madara and Zetsu."

Kakashi dropped the kunai in shock.

"I knew it was you, Bakashi!" Obito crowed in triumph.

So what did you think? Review please! :)