Right after disagreement with Captain America

Tony Stark/Iron Man's POV

Ahh, the biggest nuisance of my life, and I had to recruit him for the Avengers.


"Oh, suck it up buttercup."

"Who you calling buttercup." It was much more a statement than question.

"Boys, boys, let's break this up, you have already done this once." When we backed down Pepper rolled her eyes and whispered, "Testosterone."

Let's just say, we weren't in a good place after an… incident.

I rang his apartment doorbell, assuming his mom would open the door and tell me his new address. I was mildly surprised when the boy in question answered:

"What now? I thought you were leaving me alone."

"Well you thinks wrong, kid. I got a job for you."

"What kind of job?"

"It's called the Avenger's Initiative, remember? How would you like to go up against Captain America?"

Now I know you are wondering, 'Wait, Steve was there, how was Cap there if you had the disagreement?' Well, we had a wrap-up after the whole Burn Notice section that was similar to the one above, but a different mission. Then I had to ask Percy to help me, but since the previous mission happened, I didn't get a real warm welcome. Let's say that SHIELD knows of the Greeks and Romans. He was not happy. Anyway, we deleted the other wrap-up and put this in, after Steve and I disagreed and I asked for Percy, but it is not settled yet. We don't plan on leaving it like this, but that is how it is for now, maybe there will be a sequel. Probably in a different format than this.

Read you soon!