AN: This is actually the first fanfic I wrote. It is complete, but I didn't want to publish it all at once. Since this is completed, the updates should be soon, it depends on if I want to do it tomorrow or today. Oh well. Warning, I wrote this when I was 11, so quality may not be the best when it comes to writing style.

Disclaimer: I really wish to, but I don't own Percy Jackson or the Avengers. All I own is this storyline.

Hey Guys! We're the Avengers! This is a journal about how we met our friend Percy Jackson. If you have been to America, then you know who he is and what his story is. But if you don't, then this is for you…. Let's get start with some rules. THIS IS ONLY FOR PEOPLE WHO KNOW PERCY JACKSON AND THE AVENGERS! Hmm, I guess this isn't for people that are not in America, oops. You may notice that the writing styles are unusual. Take this journal for example, it's weird, right? In this we will be adding everything we say while writing (and separate it with this: ––––––, except longer), there may be humor. We will include all we were thinking at the time and now. So except it and move on to the story. You moving yet?



"Tony move over," This is Captain America, but you can call me Steve. Unfortunately, Tony was holding up this journal, so I am here to apologize for the inconvenience. Continuing on…

P.S. Cap types too slow and Tony talks too much, a win-win for the on-lookers ~ A neutral party - Clint and Natasha

Tony Stark/Iron Man's POV

"We can't just look for the kid to kidnap him!" I couldn't believe it. Director Eye-Patch wanted to kidnap a 17 year-old kid named Percy Jackson because 'he mysteriously reappeared from his nine month long disappearance' (you have to admit that was a bit suspicious). Let's take a look at the picture, shall we? Raven black hair, ocean green eyes, and an uneven, mischievous smirk (which kinda reminds me of Reindeer Games a.k.a Thor's Brother a.k.a Loki), how does that scream 'Criminal!'? Hmm, that sounded better in my head. Wait, this is my head.

"It's not kidnapping, we are simply bringing him in to ask a few questions, thats all." A different version of saying the word 'kidnap;' to Fury maybe not, but to me, yes. All the Avengers are here; Capsicle, Legolas, Double Agent, Enormous Green Rage Monster, a floating AI with no respect for doors(!), Platypus, a guy with wings (whom I have no name for, I need to fix that), Little Witch, Point Break, Underoos, and me, Iron Man. I felt offended that Fury thought (thinks) it's ok to just do whatever he wants, I look around to see if anyone agrees with me. Well well, look who comes talking.

"I never thought I would ever say this, but I agree with Stark, sir," Capsicle, Steve Rogers, is agreeing with me. I mean, I guess when you think about it, this is more Cap's area of argument.

"Tell me again why we have to ask them a few questions?" Clint did good with his sarcasm and air quotations. Glad to see someone agrees with me on the kidnapping part.

"Five years ago, he sent the US on a nation-wide manhunt. He blew up many things, like the St Lewis Arch. He was spotted with two kids, one girl and one boy, causing many terrorist-like attacks, including a gun fight with what seemed to be the leader of a cult. This continued throughout the years that he was on our radar. Twelve months ago, he was reported missing by a, Sally Jackson. He mysteriously reappeared three months ago. Each summer for the last five years he disappeared, and we want to know where." He slammed down a file containing information about Percy Jackson and his mom. The file was then passed around ending back to Fury. He looked around the room, "Should I go on?"

"Mr Fury, sir, I don't think we have to investigate him, I know him at school, in fact he is one of my best friends, I haven't seen anything wrong with him," Peter, Peter, Peter. Just go along with it. Maybe you won't get in trouble and he won't get furious.

"Why don't we just let the FBI deal with them?" said Clint.

Fury had a stern and annoyed tone, with that look that says he know more than us, now I am annoyed, "You will all go to his apartment and ask his mother some questions about his disappearances." Said it like he has influence over us, which I suppose he does. I guess this means we were going to getting him.

This is where Little Witch says, "All of us?" Using her Sokovian accent.

"She has a point, there are a lot of us. And all of us going could scare him," Double Agent, why haven't you said anything, you have been quiet this entire time?

"Three people should come, um, me, Spider-boy, and Stark," Why three people, Thor?

"My name is Peter. Why would you come?" He then quickly said, "Not that it is wrong, but you don't know him."

"I'd love to meet him." Why would Thor want to meet him?

"Uh, why three and why me?" Seriously why me?

"Uh," was he mocking me, or at a loss of an explanation," because you are widely know across New York, America, even the world. And who can turn down Tony Stark?" I am going for the first one. But, I love it when someone compliments me.

"Fine, I'll go. But why three?"

"You'll just have to find out," And with that we left for his mom's apartment.

Percy Jackson's POV

It was a normal last day of school — eat breakfast, head to school, fight a monster, start school, eat lunch, end school, fight a monster, get home, and eat dinner. Simple, right?

Okay, you're probably asking, what on Earth are you talking about? Well, I am a Greek demigod of Poseidon. I am also a hero to Olympus. And because of this my life is … difficult, to say the least. Those monsters I was talking about earlier, they hunt me because I have some sort of 'demigod scent,' and are the main reason of my hard life. I mean, I don't think I smell that bad. There are two people that help me through it. One, a beautiful daughter of Athena as a girlfriend. Two, my lovely mother. Anyway, we should talk about the story, I don't really like to talk about my life. I am only doing this journal thing because my friends wanted me to.

Anyways, I was strolling home from school and came across a dracaena. Luckily, it was facing away, so I just brought out Riptide and sliced her in half. And continued on with my day. I get home and find my girlfriend open the door with a surprise visit.

"Annabeth! I didn't think you would be here this early!"

"Well, Dad let me come earlier." I started walking in.

"Hmmm, monster dust, what did you kill this time?"

"Dracaena," I say it with such ease, dracaena. These monsters are a part of my life now. How sad. Half an hour later, we all sat down for dinner. Shortly after, Annabeth left for Camp Half-Blood. The next morning, some rather familiar heroes stopped at the apartment.

We were all watching some TV, when there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it," My mom walked over to answer the door and found that it was Tony Stark and my friend Peter Parker.

"Hi ma'am," My mom had a stunned look on her face. "Could we ask a few questions about Percy's disappearances." Tony Stark, a man (a very burly man), and my friend Peter Parker were at the door asking my mom questions about me.

"Uh … w-what do you want to know?"

"When was the last time you saw him?"

"Like a second ago, he is right behind me." She gestured behind herself and showed me sitting on the coach, stunned. She called to get me over here.

"Peter, what are you doing here?" I was utterly confused "And with the Tony Stark?"

"Uhh, I work with him at my internship." He looked nervous, but I didn't care about that.

"Awesome, why didn't you say anything?"

"I didnt want to draw too much attention."

"Are you kidding you would be famous!"

"Look, I don't really want to talk about."

"Sure, sure, sure. Hey, you're Thor, right? What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to make the group a total of three." He winked. I paled, I knew what that meant. He knew who I was.

"Uhhh, I appreciate the gesture." My voice was shaky and my legs were probably too.

"Uhhh, I don't get it, why would he appreciate the group being three?"

"Not your business." Thank the gods, Thor. If Stark, maybe even Peter, found out about me … finger over throat metaphor.

AN: So... is it horrible? Please no flames, I am a noob.