Chapter 21 – No Regrets

The knocking at the door was loud and persistent. "Bart, can you get the door?" Doralice called from the kitchen, where she and Lily Mae were making cookies for the church bake sale.

"Oh, no. You know what happened the last time I answered the door."

Doralice shook her head. "Travis Cole is dead, Bart."

"I don't care. I ain't answerin' the door."

She wiped off her hands and went to the door. Bart was once again sitting on the settee, reading a book. Normally he'd be out in the barn, working with some of the new foals, but after what he'd been through he'd decided to take some time off. She couldn't blame him, either for the time off or for not answering the door.

"Were you sleepin'?" Bret asked as he entered.

"I'm not answerin' the door," Bart replied.

"Afraid of what you might find?"

"Damn straight. Wouldn't you be?"

"Probably. I just came by to tell you I got the tickets for the opera for Friday. Claytonville's got a new steakhouse named the Cattleman's Club and I made reservations for supper at five o'clock. The opera is at eight. We'll pick you two up around three thirty. And yes, Ginny is wearin' the dress."

"I hate to disappoint you two, but I can't get in the red dress. And before you all start laughin,' just remember that I've had six babies; Ginny only had two. But I promise to wear somethin' equally as nice. I've seen that green dress."

After Bret left Bart questioned Doralice about the red dress. "I can still get in it," she answered. "I just didn't want to wear it. We'd look like a pair of Christmas ornaments. I'm wearin' that blue silk dress you bought for me."

"Oh, yes," Bart answered. "I remember that dress."

"Now can I go back to the cookies?"

"Yes, ma'am. I have to make a quick trip into Little Bend."

"Little Bend? Whatever for?"

"Just never-you-mind. I'll be back soon."


They were getting ready on Friday afternoon when Bart pulled out a silver package wrapped with a blue bow. "What's this?" Doralice asked.

"Open it and find out."

She had trouble taking her eyes off him. He was dressed in a midnight black suit with a silver vest and a black tie. He hadn't gotten dressed up in a long time, and she was enjoying the sight. Finally she tore her eyes off him and unwrapped the package. Inside was something she'd seen in one of the shop windows as they walked the boardwalk in Little Bend. A silver silk shawl with silver fringe, she'd paused only long enough to find out the price, then walked on when she realized how expensive it was. "Oh my God, Bart, the shawl! But it . . . it cost so much!"

"And worth every penny, darlin'. It'll look gorgeous with that blue silk dress."

"I . . . I don't know what to say," she commented as she pulled it across her shoulders and whirled around.

"Say thank-you."

"I love you, Bart Maverick."

"Not as much as I love you, Doralice Maverick."


When they were coming out of the opera, Bret asked him a question. "Now that it's all over, do you have any regrets about what you went through?"

Bart pulled Doralice close and gave his brother his answer. "No regrets."

The End