So, I got the Book of Spells for Christmas this year and I've been inspired. Also, reading it got me mad at Star. All this information and power and she's only read one chapter. I finished the whole thing in a day! In this story, Star's gonna wish she had read it all the way through. Now, on with the fic!


The Era of the Galaxy, Year 1:

Mewni has fallen greatly since the time of Skywynne, Queen of Hours. If I allow things to continue as is, it would be an injustice to my people. It it my sworn duty to serve my people and better my kingdom. I can no longer stand by and allow my kingdom to fall to ruin. It is time for change, it is time for something new. It is time for me to take my place on the throne.

You may be wondering who I am. My parents gave me the name Ayira. I am not royalty, not yet anyway. I suppose you're thinking, "Why is a simple peasant girl trying to make a claim to the royal throne?" So, I'll tell you.

I am the direct descendant of Jushtin The Uncalculated.

Don't believe me? Then why do I have these marks on my cheeks despite never having interacted with the Royal Magic Wand? (They're clusters of stars by the way, galaxies if you will.) I am his twelfth great-granddaughter and his only living descendant. His royal blood flows through my veins.

Jushtin, as you may already know, was the son of Skywynne, Queen of Hours and her firstborn child. He has a chapter in here, but it's only a few pages because his mother was pregnant with a girl. Solaria the Monster Carver became the next Queen of Mewni after her mother.

I think it's rather unfair, actually. Jushtin could not rule Mewni because he was a boy. So that means all Butterfly heirs have to be girls? That's kind of dumb. According to Skywynne, Jushtin had a lot of magical potential when he was young. He could have been great, but was cast aside because of his gender.

Then again, after reading his chapter, perhaps it was for the best. Jushtin was not the most prioritized person.

Anyway, you might recall that the Book of Spells was destroyed- not pointing any fingers (*cough* Star Butterfly *cough*). Well, I managed to salvage it. It's actually pretty simple, really. All I needed was one of Glossaryck's silkworms and it was good as new in no time! Of course, if Star had read the book, she would know this as well.

How did I know this? Why, it was written on the page I just happened to stumble a cross. Well, some of it. I had to work the rest out myself. It took some time, but I eventually figured it out.

Future generations, be sure to make a note of this.

I have been watching the current Butterfly's for some time and I'm afraid to say that Mewni needs my help. The Royal Magic Wand has been destroyed multiple times, the Book of Spells was stolen and then burned, the princess- though she has good intentions- lacks focus, ambition, and would much rather have fun than serve her kingdom, and the citizens of Mewni are living in poverty while the royals live lavishly.

I respect Princess Star's morals, I really do, but she is unfit to be queen. This fact was made apparent when she handed her wand over to Eclipsa, Queen of Darkness.

I understand that she felt bad for the loss of Eclipsa's daughter, but she just handed the Butterfly heirloom, along with her throne, over to the literally Queen of Darkness (Eclipsa not really being evil is neither here nor there).

Eclipsa is now in charge, but I'm not sure she is much better. She is very intelligent and her spells are powerful, but it also doesn't seem like ruling Mewni is at the top of her list. She would much rather free her lover and live with him and her daughter in peace.

Lucky for her, I can make that happen. If she relinquishes the wand and throne over to me, I will free her husband using a spell from this book. Fun fact, the spell was actually made by her other, Solaria.

Well, I'm off to see Eclipsa now. Hopefully, we can reach some sort of arrangement.

-Ayira, Future Queen of Mewni

Ayira closed the giant Book of Spells, more than thankful she had been able to restore it. Although she had always fancied herself clever, without that book, she would have been lost. Now, she had the knowledge and wisdom of every Queen of Mewni at her disposal. She had spent the entire night reading it once she had fixed it, not wanting to waste another second without knowing its secrets.

As she read, she had become increasingly worried about the mindset of some of the queens. Solaria was a bloodthirsty psychopath, Crescenta was controlling and manipulative, and Estrella refused to talk or write anything useful down. Were these the legendary queens every looked up to?

Well, there was no time to dwell on that now. She was going to change things, after all. So, packing some food and the Book of Spells, Ayira set off for the Butterfly castle.


Ayira dusted herself off as she finished fending off the guards protecting the castle. Beating them had been relatively easy, though she had a feeling that they weren't trying all that hard to defend Eclipsa. The girl sauntered through the halls to where she knew the throne room was. Eclipsa sat upon the queen's throne, a crib- which more than likely contained Meteora- next to her.

The power around the Quuen of Darkness was eminent. The magic she now possessed (thanks to her newly reacquired wand) was practically rolling off her in waves. The look in her eyes was calm, but analytical as she took in anything and everything. Her mind must have been going a mile a minute.

Star was lucky that Eclipsa was never her enemy. She would have never stood a chance if it came to that.

Eclipsa gave a thoughtful hum. "Seems like you've gone through an awful lot to get my attention," she addressed her, those narrow, violet eyes- much like her own- studying her carefully. Her voice was friendly, but she could hear the underlying warning in her tone. "What can I help you with, dear?"

Ayira did not bow. Instead, she just kept looking up at Eclipsa. "I have something you want," she spoke clearly.

Eclipsa raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Really?" she asked. "And what, pray tell, do you have, my dear?"

Ayira took out the Book of Spells. "The key to everything you want," she revealed. She resisted the urge to smirk, though it was hard. Not many could say that they had a leverage over the Queen of Darkness.

Eclipsa gasped and practically jumped out of her throne. "The Books of Spells!" she breathed. "But I thought Toffee-!"

"Destroyed it?" guessed Ayira. "He did. But all it takes is one of Glossaryck's silkworms to restore it."

The Queen regarded her for a moment. "Answer me this, sweetie," she said slowly. "Who are you?"

Ayira finally bowed slightly. If she wanted the throne, she would need to show Eclipsa that she was not a threat. "My name is Ayira, Your Majesty," she answered. "I am the direct descendant of Jushtin The Uncalculated."

Eclipsa's eyes traveled to the girl's cheeks. "I thought your appearance was a bit odd for a normal Mewman," she thought aloud. "And you've inherited the eyes of my grandfather, Gem-robin."

"Much like yourself," observed Ayira.

Eclipsa regarded her for a moment. "What is it that you want?" she asked tentatively.

Ayira looked Eclipsa in the eye, violet meeting violet. "Isn't it obvious?" she responded. "I want the throne."

The Queen stared her down. "Why?" she bit out.

Ayira resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "Do you see how the people of this kingdom live?" she almost snapped. "The streets are dirty, the houses are poorly built, and some can't even afford to feed their families. Not to mention the prejudice against monsters. I would leave that to you, Queen Eclipsa, but I know that you would rather not deal with the hassle of being queen again. You wand to leave in peace with your family, something I can understand. Besides, it's going to take a while for Mewmans to accept monsters in normal society. How do you think they'll react to a monster king and a half-monster heir?"

Eclipsa seemed to mull this over in her head. "I suppose this is personal to you?" she guessed.

Ayira flinched, memories of her childhood forcing themselves through her mind. The harsh, cold winters. The many weeks without food. The fever she and her family had, restraining them to their beds. The day her parents were ripped from her...

She blinked, refocusing. Now was not the time to get distracted. She needed to keep her priorities sorted and her mind sharp. "Very," she finally replied, her voice thick with concealed tears.

Eclipsa nodded. "Tell you what, dear," she decided. "I will give you the throne and the wand in exchange for my husband's freedom on one condition."

Ayira's eyes widened slightly. She hadn't expected the Queen to take her deal. However, this one condition did worry her. "Which is?" she asked.

"My condition is that you will not harm Star Butterfly."

Ayira tensed slightly. Of course, she did not want to hurt Star, but she had made peace with the fact that it was inevitable in what she was doing. Agreeing to this deal would leave her open to an attack by the blond should she ever want to reclaim the throne. She could lose everything she worked for.

So, Ayira looked up at Eclipsa. "I will not attack her first," she vowed. "but if she targets me, I have to defend myself. However, should she attack, I promise, not to kill her."

If she and Star ever were to meet, Ayira would be glad to offer the former princess a position among the (soon-to-be) newly former Magic High Commission. Her squire could even join too, if he wanted. They would prove to be valuable members of her court. Not to mention the fact that Star was the most powerful "fake" Butterfly. It would be good to have her on her side.

(It would also be fun to test their skills to see who was the more magically powerful one.)

Eclipsa seemed to think about this for a moment before nodding. "I suppose we have a deal then," she agreed. She held her hand out.

Ayira raised an eyebrow. "If I do that, my hands won't turn black, will they?" she asked warily.

Eclipsa laughed. "Oh, don't worry, dear," she assured her. "You're not doing any dark magic like Moon did. We're simply making a magical promise, just to ensure that we both hold up our end of the bargain. Deal?"

Ayira pursed her lips before taking the Queen's hand in her own. "Deal," she accepted. Immediately, she felt Eclipsa's magic course through her veins and vice versa. Honestly, the older woman's power burned a bit because it was so immense.

Eclipsa pulled back, a thoughtful look on her face. "You're a strong one, aren't you?" she asked. "Can you do wandless magic?"

Ayira shrugged. "A bit," she lied. "Only a few simple spells, though. Though, I've been studying magic my entire life." Not just Mewman magic, either. She had traveled across dimensions, learning as much as she could about magic. In truth, she could actually do a lot of magic.

The Queen nodded. "Smart girl," she commented. She glanced down at the wand, which was in the shape of her umbrella, in her hands. "I suppose you need this to perform the spell?"

Ayira gazed at the beautiful Butterfly heirloom. She had always admired Eclipsa's umbrella. It was so sleek, so powerful. It was truly a stunning form for the wand. Tentatively, she reached out and wrapped her fingers around it. Instantly, a bright light came from the wand and it transformed into a gorgeous dagger with a sapphire in the middle of the hilt. Said hilt was also a dark azure. The blade itself was a blinding silver.

Eclipsa hummed in thought. "Interesting," she remarked. "The last queen who wielded a wand in the form of a weapon was-" She stopped before shaking her head. "Well, that's not important." She gestured for the girl to follow her. "Come along, dear. It may take a while to get there, so we ought to head out."

Ayira followed Eclipsa and was left to her thoughts. She had been working for this for so long and now it was finally happening. All she had to do was recite the spell that Solaria had invented and free Globgor. She vaguely wondered why Eclipsa hadn't done this herself, then figured that the Queen might not have remembered the spell her mother made without the Book of Spells at her disposal.

Ayira grinned to herself; it was lucky for Eclipsa that she was here.


I'm trying so hard not to make Ayira OP. If I am, please tell me and I'll fix her. It's hard not to make OCs OP. Anyway, I hope you like it and please review!