Reviews for Ayira The Cunning
Female Guest chapter 4 . 11/27/2019
HEYYYYYY, I REALLY REALLY REALLY REEEEEEAAAALLLLYYYYYYY LOVE this fanfiction, it so unique, creative, interesting, and so much more, every chapter makes me want to see more. PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU TO UPDATE IT PPPPLLLLEEEEAAASSSEEE!
Shelegthedestroyer chapter 4 . 6/4/2019
Great start! I hope to read more!
kacchanfangirl1347 chapter 4 . 5/12/2019
love this story! please continue!
allen Vth chapter 4 . 1/28/2019
What are you apologizing for? Uploading a little later than usual? That's still a better track record than most fanfic writers.

Now it looks like things will pick up with both Princesses in the room.
Guest chapter 4 . 1/28/2019
Very well written so far.
Star's Keyblade4114 chapter 4 . 1/27/2019
Where the hell have these two been!?
Guest chapter 3 . 1/4/2019
You know, there is one more MAJOR problem that could be a threat to Ayira.

Mina Loveberry.

Might want to do something about that.
allen Vth chapter 3 . 1/3/2019
There's probably no magical remnants in Eclipsa's chapter because Marco took it all that one time. And hey, Ayira now has something in common with Marco, since he comes from basically nothing and has to earn respect. At least that's part of the plot point in S3A until it was pushed aside for other bigger things.

Is Eclipsa going to become some sort of second-Mother to Ayira, because it's really shaping out to be that way. And yeah, all the Monsters left...somewhere. Still not sure where. One final thing, Ayira forgot of a Princess who ruled incredibly young during a dark age, and that's Moon.
Star's Keyblade4114 chapter 3 . 1/3/2019
This girl Ayira, is possible to show fanfiction like this to the writer of Star vs the forces of evil!? Or better, show this to Daron Nefcy! I bet you anything she would love this.
SugarQueen97 chapter 3 . 1/3/2019
I think the ease with which Ayira can see the Eclipsa chapter has to do with her original Butterfly bloodline.
nightmaster000 chapter 3 . 1/3/2019
Brilliant chapter. It's interesting and believable to see Ayira have doubt's in herself. I think it's a great touch and makes her more human/mewman. After all no one is perfect or likes a OC that's perfect mary sue.

But i'm glad to see your avoiding that with Ayira, and in fact i'm coming to really like the characters you've created in her.
Guest chapter 2 . 12/28/2018
Really a peasant? Is that the best you can say Hekapoo? Jushtin was the rightfull heir to the throne how can you say that to his descendant. Bitch. Although I am curious how that happend. Jushtin married nobility from the Spiderbite Kingdom. How did his descendants ended up being peasants? And if Jushtin had children why was not any of them placed on the throne or something like that?
Star's Keyblade4114 chapter 2 . 12/28/2018
Very interesting read, can't for more.
Sugar chapter 2 . 12/27/2018
Well, good to despise Hekapoo I detest his attitude as a teenager, how hypocritical he was and how angry he was with Marco for lying to her when she not only lied but ruined a girl's life and KNOW the consequences of this over the years. I'm tired of her being untouchable in the fics just because she's supposed to be pretty, a waifu or because of the idea of the Markapoo. It is a liar and point has done more bad things than openly hated characters like Pony Head that beyond being something superficial and immature does not ruin lives.
allen Vth chapter 2 . 12/27/2018
Ayira certainly traveled. These are two problems solved. MHC captured and Globgor free. I imagine Marco and Star will be part of this new commission, but I imagine there will be others. More OCs perhaps, which is fine.

That moment earlier in the chapter, whether or not Solaria would've accepted Meteora...that's a tough question. I would like to be an optimist and say yes, but it's tough. This is probably something Eclipsa asked herself. And if you really wanna push it, there's that spell that raises the dead, of sorts. Though there's one thing clear, Solaria would've been angry beyond reason to know her daughter was crystalized for 300 years.
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