A/N: Okay everyone. I've decided to try something new. This is my first time venturing out of the Hetalia Fandom, so please go easy on me. I'm still getting a feel for everyone's characters. That being said, please feel free to comment and let me know what you think~! I'm still writing this, so updates will likely be few and far between once I catch up to where I'm at. Please enjoy!
This is the Guardians watching Jack's past (Immortal memories included).
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Rise of the Guardians.
Chapter 1: MiM
It had been two years since Pitch's defeat, and Jack Frost had never been happier. He had a room at the Pole all to himself, and could come and go as he pleased. He could annoy Bunny whenever he wanted—except on Easter—and he could visit Tooth at any time, too. And Sandy came by for a visit at least once a week, if not every night or two. For the first time in his immortal life, he wasn't alone anymore, and that thought alone made him smile.
Baby Tooth squeaked happily as Jack flashed her a grin. "Hey Baby Tooth. Come for another visit?" The little fairy had become rather attached to Jack, and the two usually spent their time together. She nodded, and settled herself down on his shoulder, making herself comfortable. He chuckled, and scratched under her beak—her favorite spot. She nearly fell off when she leaned into his touch.
He came out to the Globe Room, ready to attend the meeting with the rest of the Guardians. He still had trouble believing it himself. He, Jack Frost, was a Guardian! Oh, the other spirits hadn't been happy about that. That was one of the main reasons he'd moved in with North at the Pole—not that they knew that. Sure, he still practically lived at his Lake in the wintertime, but he steered far away from it during any other season. And whenever he'd visit Jamie and his friends in his off-season, he'd be extra careful to take someone—even if it was just Baby Tooth—with him. He did not want a repeat of 1812, thank you very much.
The other four were already there, looking somewhat impatient. Geez, I'm only three minutes late. "Oh, there you are, Frostbite!" Bunny glared at Jack. "Took your sweet time, didn't ya?"
"Oh, get over yourself, Cottontail. I'm only three minutes late." He waved off Bunny's ire.
"Well, now that everyone's here, we can start meeting!" North proclaimed, but Sandy noticed something that the others hadn't. He waved, trying to get their attention, but North and Bunny had somehow gotten into another argument about whose holiday was better, and Tooth had gotten distracted by her fairies again. Jack, however, noticed and stuck two fingers in his mouth. The sharp whistle instantly silenced the argument, causing the group to stare at Jack in surprise. He just pointed to Sandy, who pointed to Manny.
"Ah, Man in Moon! Why did you not say something sooner?" Jack and Sandy twitched in annoyance as North turned back to MiM. "What have you to tell us, old friend?"
The moonlight grew brighter, and they heard a voice. "My Guardians." Jack stiffened. Even though he'd become a Guardian two years ago, he hadn't heard MiM's voice since he was reborn. It was just as he remembered it. "I realize that you are not as close as I've intended you to be. To remedy this, you must learn about your newest member." They all looked at Jack.
"What d'ya mean? We already know about Frostbite." Bunnymund cut in, confused. What more was there to know about the kid? He liked snow, and messing with Easter.
"Exactly that, Aster. There is more to Jack than you all realize. Things he's seen that you must understand and accept if he is to ever fully trust any of you." Manny continued.
"But does he not trust us already?" North asked, confused, looking between MiM and Jack. Jack glared in frustration at the moon.
"Don't I get a say in this? I mean, what're you planning to do, show them my memories or something?" Jack twitched, annoyed that everyone was talking like he wasn't even there.
"Yes." The reply sounded somewhat sheepish, like he knew Jack was going to explode at the answer. Instead, he twitched. Several times.
"Which ones?" Jack asked carefully, taking several calming breaths. He wasn't exactly happy at the blatant invasion of privacy, and he wasn't exactly fond of Manny after so many years of isolation, but maybe… he'd be able to put his doubts of their care for him to rest if they knew everything. And there was no way in Hell that he'd be able to explain everything to them by himself. In all honesty, part of him agreed with MiM's decision, even if he didn't like it.
"Mortal and immortal. Including Pitch's defeat." Jack was quiet for a few minutes, thinking over everything. Everyone shifted from foot to foot; uncomfortable with the prospect of invading Jack's privacy, though they'd admit that they were curious. What had he done for the three hundred years of his life before he became a Guardian? North wanted to know what kinds of friends he made, and Bunny wanted to see why the kid caused so much trouble, because surely there was a reason? Tooth wanted to know what sort of hobbies he had, and Sandy just wanted to be there for him. Sandy was the only one who had any idea of just how alone Jack was for those years, because he was the only one who bothered to try to help the child before he was chosen.
"Fine." Jack finally relented, surprising the Guardians and Manny.
"R-really? Just like that?" MiM stuttered.
"Not like I can really stop you or anything." Jack shrugged. "Besides… If everything comes out in the open now, then… I won't have to worry about things being revealed at a bad time or something." He turned to the Guardians. "I'd rather be as open and honest with you all as I can be, and if that means showing you my past, then so be it." Even if I don't want to.
"Things being revealed? Like what? You wearin' footie pajamas?" Bunny snorted, but his mind went to Easter of '68. Maybe he'd finally learn what happened?
"Very well, then. We shall start with Jack's Human Childhood." The moonlight grew to encompass the five Guardians and Baby Tooth, who was still seated on Jack's shoulder. The light grew brighter and brighter until they had to close their eyes. Next thing they knew, the world faded away into a sea of white.