Reviews for Gale of Memories
Demi clayton chapter 16 . 7/22
I think you should write more, when you can as it really good so for, please and thank you.
Penny chapter 16 . 6/23
Hey,I hope that you're still planning on writing sequels or chapters. I do believe or rather I hope you have a lot of time during the quarantine. Also, you are writing really well and I would love to be able to read the movie from Jack's point of view with the reactions of the guards.
With kind thoughts and best compliments.
Neah-D-Campbell1 chapter 13 . 6/1
Références a Feli et Lovi en tant que général winter et summer check ! (merci)
Scififan33 chapter 16 . 4/9
So Jack has a split personality? poor kid! what caused a village like that to exist? it'll be good for them to see the movie events from his viewpoint. Hope they find the other seasonal sprites and give them a good talking too! Wonder if Jack knows the other part-time reapers outside of when they reap together? hope they can help him accept he is wanted. Great story!
Scififan33 chapter 13 . 4/9
Poor Jack! He won't get in trouble for them finding out right, since MiM is the one doing this?
Scififan33 chapter 6 . 4/9
Poor Jack! This just makes his life even sadder
Seylin chapter 16 . 1/5
You've made some choices I probably wouldn't have if I were writing this, but I'm not and I'm enjoying seeing how you develop this story. I really hope you will cover the scene right before Sandy comes back in the movie, when Pitch is about to attack Jack from behind. That scene made me gasp the first time I saw the movie.
OneLonelySnowflake chapter 16 . 12/30/2019
Please do some more! I really want to read the scene with Pitch
Demi clayton chapter 16 . 12/27/2019
I think you should write more, when you can as it is really good so for, when you can, please and thank you.
Kraehenhexe chapter 16 . 12/26/2019
AAAA I am so happy to see you updated! I was seriously hooked when I read this several months ago, and I'm psyched to see this chapter! I wanted to know SO badly who the mysterious figure was, and you didn't disappoint. The name is so sinister and cool too! I really love the family dynamic building between the Guardians /sobs
Thank you so much for writing! I can't wait for the next chapter xx Your story is so riveting!

Hope you had a great holiday!
Demi clayton chapter 16 . 12/24/2019
I think you should write more, when you can as it is really good so for, please and thank you.
ManoonooKittty05 chapter 15 . 12/17/2019
Wow, your writing is wonderfull. And 5 pages! I struggle to write two if i write any at all! Can't wait for more, and have a wonderful day!
Banana Bird chapter 15 . 10/28/2019
Oh blimey. Well they had it coming. Poor Jack... (cue sobs) but he is right. You can’t change the past...
Guest chapter 15 . 10/22/2019
If you ever continue this fic I really look forward to your future chapters! :-D
UnderLust-Sins chapter 15 . 10/13/2019
always did like movie POV stories like this :D

can't wait for more!
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