Disclaimer: I do not own Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia. The only character I own is Monica.

I was so glad to be done with college. My mom and my little brother, Jim, watched me graduate a couple weeks ago. I quit my college job and I'm now going to move back to Arcadia to live with Mom and Jim till I find an apartment for myself and a new job. I missed them so much over my college years. What's even better, I get to surprise Jim on his 16th birthday!

I arrived the night before his birthday. Luckily, Jim was asleep, so Mom and I were able to bring all the boxes up to my old room. We somehow managed to keep the whole me moving back home a secret from Jim.

The next day, Mom and I got up early. In the bathroom, I brushed out my long, straight red hair and my blue eyes, the same as my brother's, stared back at me. Many people say that my mother and I look a lot alike, but my mother says that while I have inherited her red hair, my facial structure was similar to Jim's. I threw on a dark blue long sleeved shirt accompanied with black wide leg pants . Mom made her special birthday pancakes for Jim. Mom told me to wait down here while she woke up Jim.

When she came back down, she ushered me to the stairs of the basement and told me to wait there. She was going to show Jim her present, then she was going to lead Jim to me.

While I was waiting, I noticed a flash of blue, but it disappeared before I could get a good look. Must've been my imagination. Then, the door opened and I was about to yell happy birthday to Jim, but I noticed Jim wasn't with Mom.

"I'm sorry, Monica. Toby needed Jim's help for something." She explained. I sat at the foot of the stairs and tried to hold back my tears. I knew that Jim hated celebrating his birthday. This was the day Dad left us.

"It's okay. I know that Jim doesn't like celebrating his birthday. I just wanted to make him happy on this day. It's been tough being away from you two during college." I said letting a few tears loose.

"I know, sweetie, but if Jim knew you were here. He would freak out. He's missed you so much. Don't forget that we both love you." Mom said kissing my forehead.

"Thanks, Mom. How's it been going with you and Jim?" I wondered.

"Jim's been distancing himself lately. A couple days ago, he got arrested for breaking into a museum." Mom said.

"What?" I exclaimed. That doesn't sound like Jim at all.

"I know. I don't know what's been going on with him. He's been missing classes, then I heard that he caused damage in the Nuñez home for throwing a party! Monica, please. Once Jim knows you're here, please keep an eye on him." Mom begged.

"Of course, Mom. That's older sisters do. I'll make sure my little brother doesn't get hurt." I promised while hugging her. Then, Mom left for work. This left me unnerved. Jim was usually such a good kid. What could drive him to do these things? Where was my sweet little brother that would always watch out for us? I finished unpacking and decided that it would be best to distract myself for the meantime. Suddenly, I thought I heard the basement stairs creaking and I was about to go investigate when my phone started ringing. It was my mother.

"Yeah, Mom?" I asked.

"Could you pick Jim up from school? I'm working late tonight, but we are still planning on having a celebration." Mom explained.

"Of course!" I exclaimed looked at the clock and gasped. School was already out. "Mom, school's already out though."

"Don't worry. I told him someone would pick him up. Bye, honey." Mom said and the phone hung up.

I smiled, grabbing my bike, then rode to Jim's school, but when I got there, I noticed that Jim was being attacked by a very large bird! What the flipping heck was that?! I stood there so shocked then snapped out of it. My brother was not going to harm him on my watch. I started running towards him at fulling speed.

"JIM!" I exclaimed. He looked over to me and his eyes widened.

"MONICA!" He shouted, then he was grabbed by the bird. They flew up into the air where a storm was brewing. No, you are not going to kill my brother.

I found some rocks and began throwing them at the bird. It didn't seem to affect it at all.

"For the glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command because I really really don't want to die!" Jim shouted. Suddenly, Jim was surrounded by a glowing blue light and armor appeared on him. WHAT THE HECK? Then, I saw Toby riding his bike with a huge stone creature with green hair following close behind him!

"He's up there! How do we get up there?" Toby yelled.

"No wings." The creature said. Toby turned and saw me.

"Oh. Hi, Monica! MONICA! What are you doing here?" Toby yelled.

"Forget about that! We have to save Jim!" I exclaimed. We hurried as fast could. Then, Jim and the bird were struck by lightning and Jim started falling. No! No, Jim! I can't loose you!

"Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!" Toby yelled to the creature. It ran extremely fast and it was able to catch my little brother.

"JIM! JIM!" I cried out discarding the bike and carefully taking Jim from the creature's arms. He coughed and looked at me and I cried with relief.

"Monica?" He weakly questioned.

"I'm here, Jim." I said. He looked over at the creature and it said, "Gotcha."

"Yeah, Aaarrrgghh!" Toby praised. Then, the large bird crashed into the canal and broke into stone pieces.

"This is why I hate birthdays." Jim stated. He looked over at me and said, "I suppose I better tell you what's going on."

"You better." I demanded. He laughed and began to tell me everything.