A/N: After so long, I finally wrote the epilogue. Sorry about the delays, life happened. New job and now I'm juggling that with my MBA. But I promise to continue writing my other story, All Because of You. I'll write that and some more. That's a promise!


The Quibbler Exclusive – Halloween 2018 Edition

An Intimate Revelation of Consort Harry Potter after Ten Years of Royal Life

By Luna Lovegood-Longbottom

On Halloween 2008, history was made across both the wizarding and mundane worlds as Lord Harry James Potter of the Ancient and Noble House of Potter married her Royal Majesty, Queen Antonietta Hermione Jean Granger – Kournikova of Karthegenia. Of course, many of us are privy to Harry and Hermione's love story that has been a fairy tale adventure from the time they met on the Hogwarts Express at the tender age of eleven. Their romance has been an epic adventure of friendship, struggle, and love. And now, ten years after the royal wedding that married the prince of the wizarding world and the queen of the mundane, Harry reveals what's going on in his royal life…

LLL: Your Highness, thank you so much for allowing the Quibbler to get this exclusive interview.

HJP: Come now, Luna, you know you can always call me Harry. We've been friends for 20 years. [chuckles]

LLL: Well, this is an "official" function Harry. I'm not here to visit my best friends.

[HJP rolls his eyes]

HJP: So, what's the first question Luna?

LLL: Alright! We have ten questions for you Harry. Ten questions that I am very sure our readers are highly excited to be answered. Are you ready?

[HJP nods with a smile]

LLL: It is well known in Karthegenian culture that when the monarch is a queen, she cannot be proposed marriage to. Instead, the queen must ask the man she intends to marry. So, after ten years, can you finally reveal to our dear readers how the smartest witch of the generation and the queen of Karthegenia asked you to marry her?

[HJP has a faraway look in his eyes matched with a fond smile]

HJP: Can you hold on for a sec, Lu? I will have to check with Hermione for a bit. This is juicy stuff you know. I wouldn't want my queen to get embarrassed or something. [HJP says with a wink]

[HJP on the phone with QA]: Hi Love! Are you busy? Right, I'm with Luna right now. Yes, for the Quibbler interview. She's asking if I can share the story of how you proposed marriage to me. Ha-ha! Fine then. Not the juicy stuff, just high-level details. You owe me this time, love. You know you can't use that execution threat on me. Ha-ha! I'll see you later. Love you my queen!

LLL: This ought to be exciting since I've heard from your conversation, mention of some juicy stuff? [LLL playfully wiggles her eyebrows making HJP laugh]

HJP: You know Hermione will punish me Lu if I share embarrassing details. So nice try, but I don't want to sleep on the couch thank you very much. [chuckles]

LLL: Ooohhh… Does his highness get the couch treatment by her majesty?

HJP: Merlin! That's one of Hermione's worse punishments.

[LLL laughs]

LLL: We're waiting your highness.

HJP: Alright! Hermione proposed to me on Valentine's Day 2008. It was actually a funny story. Since she wears the Lady Potter ring even before we got married, I felt a pull from her ring and I thought she was in trouble again. So, I hurriedly port keyed to her location tracked by my ring and I was in for a surprise. I arrived in a luxurious waiting room with a painting of Hermione. Anyway, we talked for a bit and she gave me a bracelet with the Kournikova coat of arms. She popped the question and I said yes. [HJP recalls with a smile on his face]

LLL: Really? That's it? Doesn't sound so juicy.

HJP: Ha-ha! That's all I'm sharing on this. Long story short, it was one of the greatest pranks pulled on me since the Weasleys, Minister Kingsley, Andromeda, Teddy, and Tony knew about Hermione's plan.

LLL: Well, since it's the first time readers will even know about some detail on the proposal, that should suffice. After all, we don't want you sleeping on the couch, now would we? [LL says teasingly making HJP laugh]

[HJP laughs along]

LLL: Second question, as readers are already familiar with your love story, could you share to us the most difficult part of wooing the heart of a queen?

HJP: To be honest, the most difficult part about wooing Hermione's heart is not related to her being a queen at all. It's actually our complicated past and my stupid mistakes that almost caused us to not be together. When Hermione first left the wizarding world, it caused my world to crumble. And when we finally met again, it was of the most unexpected circumstances. I mean, can you imagine? I was to be the bodyguard of a foreign queen who was receiving threats and this queen just happens to be the best friend I lost. It was hard to woo the woman I love very much since I was always doubting myself if I ever did deserve her. I knew I was not worthy of Hermione but I was selfish and I had to try. Fate must finally be on my side since everything turned out alright, I guess. [HJP says with a sigh]

LLL: Wow! That sounds sad yet sweet. I can't imagine how hard it must have been for you to convince Hermione to give you another chance.

HJP: You have no idea!

LLL: Alright. Third question then. We all know that Princess Emmaline was born on September 1, 2008. So, we just wanted to know how you handled a pregnant Hermione and well, managing life with a new born baby that was then followed by your wedding on October 31st.

HJP: Oh, Luna! Trust me! A pregnant Hermione is not easy to deal with. I mean she may be known as a great ruler in the mundane world but, come on! She's the brightest witch of the generation. So, you can only imagine how she reacts especially her magic during mood swings. It's super adorable but scary. [chuckles]

LLL: Tell us more!

HJP: Well, I would end up on the couch for a month at the very least if I divulged. Let's just say that I love Hermione with all my heart but the mood swings induced by her pregnancy hormones which creates a havoc on her powers, not to mention the cravings are cringe worthy at worst. I'm always on my toes when Hermione is pregnant. And with Emmaline, the first pregnancy I shared with her, well it's an eye opener. I felt so bad to have missed her pregnancy with Antoine but at the same time relieved to have missed being on my toes. Seriously though, I would go through all that and more since I love her very much. And there's just so much joy when I first laid eyes on Emma and cradled her in my arms. Of course, all that and planning the wedding is hard but we had a lot of help. As for the wedding date being on the 31st of October, it was my idea. I wanted to marry her as soon as possible in case she changes her mind. [HJP shared with a wink]

LLL: Fourth question, what is the best part of royal life?

HJP: The best part is actually being with Hermione and our family. As much as I wanted a normal quiet and private life, I wouldn't change anything for the world. I'm very happy with our family. I love Hermione and our four children very much and basically; they are the best parts of my royal life.

LLL: Come now, Harry, surely there must be something that you like about being royal aside from your family? It can't be that bad can it? [chuckles]

HJP: Hmmm… Let's see… I love the opportunity to help out in charities. There is that, but that is not exclusive to royal life. If you can't include that, then I would have to say the personal chefs and the 24-hour room service from food to massages.

LLL: Now that we have talked of the best, let's discuss the worst. Fifth question, what is the worst part of royal life?

HJP: That's easy. I have to follow a schedule as to when I can see Hermione every day. I mean seriously! I had to plan what time I get to see her for dinner for example or some quality time. Aside from breakfast and sleeping time, that's the only sure things I do not have to schedule.

LLL: Wow! That does sound hard.

HJP: Yes, it is. It was really hard for me to adjust with it. I mean it's been ten years but it still pisses me off sometimes. But hey, I knew what I was getting into when I married Hermione. She has a duty to her people as queen so I have to accept that and just support her.

LLL: Sixth question, Harry. Do you think that your royal duties have a negative effect on your romance and marriage? Sorry for the blunt question but the readers really do want to know. You were after all, the most sought-after wizard.

HJP: Honestly, our royal duties do not have a negative effect on romance and our marriage. Of course, our schedules are busier compared to other couples and there is the public opinion to be really conscious about. For me though, as long as we talk whenever we can, sleep in the same bed at night, and get a chance to sneak off and just immerse ourselves in each other, it's all worth it. Because at the end of the day, despite the pressures of royal life, I am so blessed to be married to my best friend and the love of my life.

LLL: That is so sweet, Harry. Hermione is such a lucky queen to have such a supportive and understanding husband.

HJP: Thanks Luna. Let's just hope that Hermione agrees! [HJP chuckles]

LLL: Seventh question, Harry. When the wizarding world found out about Hermione's real lineage as queen, there was a controversy that you knew all along she was royalty or that Professor Dumbledore conspired to bring you and Hermione close together so that you can eventually marry her. Any thoughts and comments on that since you have never replied to those accusations ever.

HJP: To be honest, I rode the Hogwarts Express for the first time and met a bushy-haired know-it-all girl. I saw Hermione as just a brilliant yet sometimes annoying girl who became my best friend. Likewise, she saw me as a skinny runt with unclear vision who loves Quidditch but slacks in class. Hermione saw me as just Harry and for 17 years, I've seen Hermione as just Hermione. When I found out she was queen, of course I was intimidated. I mean I know I fucked up before she left the wizarding world and I knew I didn't deserve her. But to woo a queen? Merlin! I can't even describe how the shock hit me. One minute I was just so happy to finally know I can see her again and then there was a panic because she is queen. But then, I looked back on the girl I met on the train and I just see Hermione. The Hermione who was always there for me, my best friend, the woman I love and intended to marry. So, there is no conspiracy here. And no one can blame Dumbledore for me and Hermione getting close. Maybe it's destiny, fate, or whatever. But Hermione remains to be the best blessing that's ever happened in my life. Queen or not, I would still be in love with her.

LLL: There you have it dear readers. No conspiracy just like I expected. Of course, at least Harry finally addressed this issue.

HJP: It actually hurt when I first heard about these conspiracy theories but I never reacted since it would just stir more rumors. But I figured, this is the right time to finally answer this.

LLL: We're down to our last three questions. So, here goes question number eight. Prince Antoine is going to be a fourth year at Hogwarts and Princess Emmaline is a freshman. How does it feel to have your kids all grown up and going to Hogwarts? How do you and Hermione cope with it?

HJP: It is nostalgic actually. When we first dropped Tony on the train, Hermione was in tears. When Emma went with Tony this year, I was the one in tears. My little princess is already off to Hogwarts. I hope she doesn't meet a skinny runt inside the train. I can't take it when my daughter introduces a boyfriend soon.

LLL: Is that a threat to future suitors, Harry?

HJP: Well consider it a threat. My princess deserves the best and no bloke is going to come in and break her heart. I'm actually convincing Hermione to build a dungeon for potential suitors but she just laughs it off. [HJP says with a frown making LLL laugh]

LLL: Merlin! If you feel that way about Princess Emmaline, I can't imagine how protective you could be of Princess Alexandria!

HJP: Alexandria is just three years old, Lu. Please don't talk about suitors yet. It pains my heart! So, can we just go to the last two questions, please. [HJP says dramatically]

LLL: Alright, then. But you do know it's inevitable Harry. Our children grow up, date, and eventually get married. Anyway, here is question number nine. You've been living in Karthegenia for the last ten years and we all know that Prince Charlisle is the heir to the Ancient and Noble House of Potter. What does this mean for the future of your magical house?

HJP: Well Lyle is just five years old, Lu. So, I really do not know. I am not sure if this would have any impact on the Potter family magic. Of course, Tony is Crown Prince of Karthegenia but that is only if he does not abdicate the throne. We'll never know what happens in the future anyway. Yes, Lyle may be heir apparent to the Lord Potter seat but it's more of an honorary title now. I hardly even attend Wizengamot sessions and only have my proxy attend it. If Lyle or whoever assumes the Lord Potter seat will take a more active part in the wizarding world, it will always be their choice and Hermione and I will always be supportive of our children's decision. To be honest though, that's too far ahead. Lyle is more interested in pranks and music at this age.

LLL: Now, we are down to our last question. What is your anniversary message for her majesty?

HJP: To the most beautiful queen in the world and to the queen of my heart, thank you for making my life complete. The past ten years have been amazing. Every day with you and our children is an adventure. My only wish is that you would consent to having more bushy and messy haired sprogs with me. I love you Hermione! Thank you for sharing your life with me.

There you have it folks! Those are the ten questions that his highness, the Prince Consort of Karthegenia, Harry James Potter, heartfully shared with me during our intimate reveal all discussion. Based on his answers and how his eyes light up, the royal couple's marriage is indeed a fairy tale happily ever after story. To Queen Antonietta and Prince Harry, we wish you more happy years of togetherness!

"Harry, can I talk to you for a bit?", Hermione entered the door to the master suite's bathroom where her husband was enjoying a soak on the jacuzzi.

"Yes, love?", Harry said with a smile.

"Remember your message for me on the Quibbler's special edition?", Hermione asked.

"Yes, I do remember. After all the magazine was just released a month ago!", he said with a chuckle.

"Well, I guess your wish came true", Hermione said with a smile.

"What wish?", he asked with a frown.

"Harry, I'm pregnant again!", she said with excitement. Harry was quiet and his face then lit up with joy.

"Really! You're pregnant again? That's brilliant love!", he said standing up from the jacuzzi.

"Merlin, Harry. Don't get me wet! I have to attend to a people's visit this morning. And I'm already running late", she grabbed a towel and wiped the splash of bubbles.

"Awww! Come now, love. We need to celebrate this!", Harry said with a playful wiggle of his eyebrows.

"Nice try Harry Potter! But a Kournikova's duty is to her people first", Hermione shook her head.

"But I'm a citizen here. So, I'm part of the people you should put first", he said with a pout. Hermione contemplated his answer before she walked closer to the edge of the jacuzzi.

"Nice try, love. But it won't work. We'll just have to celebrate later tonight!", she said with a whisper before placing a chaste kiss on his lips. Harry smiled as she pulled away. When Hermione reached the door, Harry called out.

"I can't wait for tonight, your majesty", he said with a wink which made her laugh before she closed the door and made her way to the throne room.