Reviews for Incomplete
The Ghostly Minion chapter 10 . 8/25
Now, was that accidental or calculated on Hermione’s part? I mean the whole thing — she certainly would want some payback — maybe more?

The Ghostly Minion chapter 9 . 8/25
Now we have the full story from Hermione. That she stayed out of an obligation to Harry and her people makes perfect sense, given her character. Her character is also consistent with canon, I should say.

However, Harry Siriusly needs to man up and tell her outright. He rather spilled the beans as she wasn’t asleep, but now he needs to say it to her face.

The Ghostly Minion chapter 7 . 8/25
Tremendous chapter. Totally loved the music.

I loved Antoine channeling the Marauders. In a way his questions about courtships now puts the ball in Harry’s court.

Finally, the cliffhanger and Harry is about to go all Auror on some DeathEater arse!

The Ghostly Minion chapter 6 . 8/25
A really important day in their lives. The insights Harry gains about Antoine and Hermione deepen his love for each and strengthens his determination to protect them.

You mention as a throwaway how mature Antione is. For me, it is a sore point in the story. He is far too precocious. This would be far more believable were he say eight or even nine. Setting this with H&H at the ages of 32 to 34 wouldn’t change anything significant in the story and would I think work better.

K chapter 13 . 3/4
Most amusing! Completely off the wall, and all the better for it.
Guest005 chapter 2 . 2/2
10 million people? That's NOT a small country!
The Ghostly Minion chapter 4 . 11/28/2019
It’s hard to imagine a worse Cluster F*** as Hermione’s attempt to get Harry to notice her as a desirable woman.

The dress worked far too well. Harry wasn’t allured, he went directly into full protective mode. She should have stopped his drinking as soon as it started, or switched to champagne. She should have gotten him to take her to Potter Manor and with both sober laid out her feelings.

He still might’ve admitted he didn’t see as nor feel for her as a romantic partner. At least then they would’ve known where they stood.

That drunken sex couldn’t have led to worse results if she tried. No contraception? Since when is she that dumb!

Recipe for complete disaster.

The Ghostly Minion chapter 13 . 10/30/2019
A wonderful and appropriate finale. Apropos that even now Harry can’t win an argument with her.


The Ghostly Minion chapter 12 . 10/30/2019
That was almost as sweet and fluffy as they come. Trust Hermione for figuring all the angles. Her proposal was so nice, along with the bracelet.

The Ghostly Minion chapter 11 . 10/30/2019
Trust Luna to bring the truth to Harry with all the subtlety of a maul to the skull. The sad part of this is that it’s so true to canon. (The major reason that Harmony shippers have to change Harry’s attitude to bring them together). I’m happy she found Harry redeemable and will make a plan to bring them together.

I love the party. it was the perfect time for Tony to discover his magic. He’ll be fantastically powerful, with H&H as parents.

I love the disco. Draco stepped up with his apology to Hermione and more so when he brainstorms with Ron and Neville about getting them together.

Glad that Ginny set Hermione straight on Harry’s feelings — she could really heard Harry’s confession when they danced.

The Ghostly Minion chapter 8 . 10/30/2019
Sadly, I was right. Harry took care of the trash. But now he has to be strong for two. Idea: surely the Elder Wand can cure her of the scar. Hopefully he will find her in in a mood to accept his true feelings.

The Ghostly Minion chapter 5 . 10/30/2019
I love Antoine!. Off course Harry would fall in love with him. It is so clear Hermione still is in love with Harry. I hope they will break down the walls! At least this story has a reason to for this to drag out.

Security is a real issue. I wonder if it if neo-Death Eaters are operating?

En Avant!

The Ghostly Minion chapter 2 . 10/30/2019
... So we find out Hermione has quite the unknown back story! Clearly, the Crown Prince is their love-child. Harry clearly has to woe a queen. Awfully good to have a supportive, nonjudgmental Ron.

You had me at Hello.

starlite22 chapter 12 . 8/4/2019
How did Hermione tell Harry’s parents? I thought they were dead.
starlite22 chapter 6 . 8/4/2019
Best about the cabinet full of gifts he’d bought them over the years.
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