Epilogue: And so my friends, we come to the end or our journey. I hope you had as much fun as I did…I hope you enjoyed your birthday gift, my dear Ginger713!

Two Months Later

In the end, Robert Parrish made the only decision he really could. He surrendered to authorities and was taken into custody. Several of the other members of the Settlement did likewise. And the rest? Well, under the leadership of their newly elected leader Eric and his wife Serena, the group moved out of the tunnels and down to the ranch in Texas. Some of the people opted to move elsewhere and start over... start lives of their own, lives free of the Settlement, but most stayed.

As for the tunnels themselves, what Cap and Mike had told Parrish was exactly what eventually came about. The old sewer system was used to pump foam into the fire areas, and the fires were put out by the capable Las Vegas Fire Department. though the chambers where the Settle had made their homes were indeed destroyed in the process.

As for the men of Station 51, the media made a bit of a hoopla about their adventure and they had to endure some teasing from their colleagues for a few days, but it died out fairly quickly. Cap did get his picture in the fire department newsletters leisure and hobbies column, holding his precious RISK trophy. As for Murdock and his team? Well, they made their way from Las Vegas back to Los Angeles, and none of their new firefighter friends were inclined to say a word about their participation in the adventure at all.

Murdock sat down with Hannibal and explained about the property in Texas. He had inherited it from his grandfather, which was something his father had never forgiven him for. He had never gotten along with his father, and he had left home at age fifteen. The inheritance had come through while he was in Vietnam. He hadn't known how to handle the fact that his father had fought him over it until the day he died, trying to prove his son was unfit to receive the land and money.

Murdock had looked seriously at his commanding officer. "I never understood why my grandfather withheld the inheritance from my father. That was not my fault. But my father hated me for it. I got the letter about my grandfather's death, and all the legal stuff my father kept pulling while I was in country. Most of it was before we were captured. He tried to have me declared dead after we were thrown into the Hilton." Murdock's chocolate eyes were large and sad. All Hannibal could do was do what he did for any of his boys. He listened. He was there.

Finally, Murdock wound down and the pilot begged the colonel not to give the details to anyone else, and though the story left Hannibal incredibly sad and in shock, he agreed. He figured the pilot has his right to privacy, and he respected it. Besides, it wasn't long before the wily colonel got wind that a gang of extortionists were shaking down an old folk's home in Fresno... and well, it really seemed they needed the A-Team...

~The End~