Disclaimer: I do not own anything (except my OC)








A/N: So here is another lemon for you... this one actually happens unlike most of them and this one will be a little different, not much lol... it is just that there will be more than just smut in this chapter and it does pertain to the story... think of this one as more of a mini-chapter from my fanfic as opposed to just a lemon almost like chapter 21 part 2 since it is a little over 13k words lol... Chapter 22 is about 80% done so I hope to have it out soon... I hope you enjoy this one... at least someone finally told me why you guys like my lemons lmao

It had taken Ainz much longer than he thought it would to get Zesshi situated, and show her where she could and couldn't go in Nazarick. It probably just seemed that way because he couldn't wait to have dinner alone with Rubedo.

Rubedo had been extra playful and bold today, and it was quite the sight for Ainz. He had been waiting for her to open up like that for weeks now. He knew it wouldn't be easy or quick for her to do such a thing, but he was glad she finally was.

He was sure he was excited for a dinner alone with her, but if he was being completely honest, he was looking forward to tonight much more than a dinner alone. He would have jumped in bed with Rubedo the very first day they spent together if she was comfortable with it, but it was easy to tell when they finally spent alone time together that she was new to anything that resembled romance.

There was an easy explanation for almost all of her behavior. Rubedo may have been a creation like the other NPCs of Nazarick, but she was created much differently than the other NPCs.

Unlike all the others, she was created using World Items. It showed in her power-level that she was unique to the other NPCs, but it also meant that no one created her settings. There was no background or history, other than being Albedo and Nigredo's sister, in her character information because she was created in such a way. It helped immensely in this world that there were no previous settings she had to overcome like the others of Nazarick.

She had no predisposition to hate anyone or think herself above any race. Rubedo was brought to life in this world more so than any other NPC in Nazarick because of this. As such, Ainz wanted her to make her own decisions especially when it came to her relationship with Ainz.

That was the biggest reason he simply waited for her to ask him into her bed. It was also why he was alright with her being a mistress instead of a Queen. Ainz had every intention of making her one just as Taylar and Albedo were, but she did not want any of the responsibilities that came with being Queen. She was completely content with being a mistress.

The knowledge that Rubedo was a mistress was quickly spread throughout Nazarick. It seemed every woman in Nazarick wished for the same thing when they realized they wouldn't need to shoulder the burden of being a Queen but could still be with Ainz.

Ainz had put a stop to that quickly. He is sure just about every man in existence would wish for such an arrangement especially when every woman was incredibly beautiful, but it was a little too much for Ainz. Between his two Queens, Aureole, the twins on the way, Rubedo, being a king, running a kingdom, and many other things, he simply wouldn't have the time for that.

Ainz wasn't just looking to use every woman in Nazarick for his own desires or their bodies. Rubedo was another story, it was impossible for him to look at her and not want her. She had the face and body of Albedo with the coloring and aura of Taylar. Rubedo even had white feather wings when she wanted like Taylar. She usually just made them out of light, it was one of the things she could do with her racial God levels.

All of his reflectings had finally led him to Rubedo's door. He realized she truly meant alone when there was no one standing outside her door as there usually was now. He knocked quickly and waited.

It did not take long for an answer, but not the one he expected. Ainz had come to her door plenty, and she always answered it herself. This time though, he heard her say through the door.


Ainz turned the doorknob and entered. He expected Rubedo to be fairly close but noticed she was off to the side of her room standing near the table. He didn't get a chance to look at her as he turned and closed the door before turning around.

His jaw dropped immediately.

Ainz had gotten used to the robe/dress that Rubedo had taken to wearing. It honestly didn't flatter her figure much, but he knew she possessed the same perfect body Taylar and Albedo do. It was nothing like what Taylar or Albedo wore, not that it made her any less beautiful, but right now...

That was not what she was wearing.

Rubedo stood by the table with their dinner already upon it. Her normal attire nowhere in sight. Instead, she was wearing a white dress. Her neck and shoulders were bare, save for the necklace Ainz had given her, and the dress didn't start until Rubedo's chest.

The white material wrapped tightly around her chest and followed her figure straight down. It did not matter that her stomach and waist were much smaller than her chest for the dress was still tightly formed to her skin even down there.

It was so tight, Ainz could see the outline of her belly button in the fabric. It continued down across her perfect hips and started down those beautiful thighs of hers. It didn't last much longer than that because the dress stopped abruptly.

It was barely enough to cover up her perfectly curved ass before he was met with nothing but bare leg. Ainz followed those perfectly sculpted legs down to a pair of white heels.

Ainz used this title probably too often to describe the women of Nazarick, but it was the only thing he felt fit such beauty.

She looked like a Goddess.

"You look... I mean... You are..."

Ainz tried to find a compliment that suited how divine she looked but simply couldn't find the words. One of these days he would have to make up a new word for the women of Nazarick. It should be impossible to look so pure and so sinful at the same time.

No words could do her justice though so he was in front of her in an instant. Ainz fingers tracing her perfect form down her ribs to the perfect curve of her hips as he drank her in with his eyes.

When he looked into her eyes after he got his fill, and saw she looked shocked at his reaction. He didn't let her think long as he pressed his lips to hers. It started slow and sensual as he lightly traced her curves, but turned passionate with frantic grasping quickly as Rubedo found herself up against the table their dinner was on.

Rubedo was the first to break away once she found herself sitting on the table with her legs wrapped around Ainz waist. She looked him in the eye for a moment before whispering in his ear.

"Thank you for the compliment."

She bit his earlobe gently before she giggled. She had been doing that quite a bit in the last few weeks.

'Only Lord Ainz could make me giggle like some silly little girl.'

Rubedo went to get off the table but Ainz didn't seem too keen on the idea of her leaving it. She gave him a cute tilt of her head before saying.

"Now, Lord Ainz, you are the one who told me I needed to spend the evening with the other girls from Nazarick. I don't want to be late for my first ladies' night."

She winked at him and gave him a light shove to get down off the table. She was being playful and throwing his words back at him, but it was also something else. She was nervous now where she wasn't before.

Rubedo and Ainz had kissed plenty of times, but never like that. He was always patient with her and let her dictate the pace. Finally feeling him, pressed up against her, completely filled with desire had let that nervousness creep in. She finally understood what Albedo had been talking about when she asked for advice about Ainz.

'How in the world is that going to fit inside me?'

Feeling Ainz member hard as a rock pressed up against her womanhood and up her abs as he gripped her ass to pull her closer and devour her mouth was intense, to say the least. She managed to get down and take a seat much to Ainz dismay but he sat as well.

He was wishing he didn't say that earlier. Rubedo could tell from their dinner, or Ainz lack thereof. She sat eating and blushing almost the whole time because Ainz didn't touch anything in front of him. Instead, he simply stared at her like he wanted to eat her.

It was embarrassing, welcoming, and completely arousing to Rubedo. Ainz was the only one who had ever looked at her as a woman. Now, he was looking at her like she was his woman. One he very much wanted to claim right then and there. She could only take so much intense staring before she said.

"Not hungry, Lord Ainz?"

The look in his eyes said he was very hungry, but not for the food on the table.

"I'm looking for a different taste..."

The intensity in his gaze didn't diminish, it seemed to intensify with his words. Rubedo was soaking through her tiny little thong panties Albedo insisted she wears. More fabric would have been better for this occasion because she was practically dripping.

"And what taste would that be, my lord?"

Rubedo tried being as seductive as she could. Ainz had her mind spinning with his gaze and she needed to get back some control or she'd end up pouncing on him and that wasn't how she wanted this night to go. Rubedo honestly thought Ainz would say her, but that isn't what he said.

"Vanilla and honey."

Rubedo was a little confounded at his words, but they made sense quickly. He was talking about her, he just didn't say it so bluntly as she assumed he would. His quick stand and slow walk toward her did not diminish her desire to skip the rest of the night and spend it locked in this room.

When Ainz finally made it behind her chair, he spun the whole chair around abruptly and kneeled in front of her. Ainz was tall enough that even on his knees, they were almost eye level with her sitting.

"I-I-I'll be l-late..."

Rubedo said weakly with absolutely no conviction in her voice. He could tell he had her if he wanted it. He wanted their first time to be more than some frantic tangle of limbs and quick relief. He wanted to worship this Goddess as she deserved, so he would just relieve some of her tension before sending her off.

Perhaps it would give her something to think about while she was gone and have her hurry back. He was certain he wouldn't be able to think of anything for the rest of the night except her in that dress until he got it off and was inside of her.

Ainz leaned toward her but bypassed her lips until his mouth was right next to her ear. He licked the shell of her ear and gently nibbled on her lobe before whispering.

"Don't worry, love. I'm just going to relieve some of your tension..."

Ainz slowly dragged his tongue down her pulse with the occasional feather-light kiss along her pulse. His hands softly trailed down her bare thighs as he slowly pushed them apart. His tongue traced its way down her bare shoulder then down toward her perfect tits.

As much as he wanted to pull down the top of her dress and expose those immaculate tits, he resisted the urge knowing he didn't have the time to give them the attention they deserve. Instead, he dipped his tongue into her cleavage for a taste before he trailed his lips down the rest of her over her dress.

Ainz never took his eyes off that flushed, beautiful face as he sunk lower to the floor. Rubedo was already panting, chest heaving, as she took shallow, rapid breaths. Ainz thought she might come undone before he even started.

He finally made it to his prize. Her dress was so short that with her legs parted, the only thing now in his way was the incredibly sexy white thong Rubedo was wearing.

He wrapped both his arms around her thighs and pulled her to the end of the chair. He hooked his left arm around and ran his finger through the fabric of her panties covering her mound. He was pleasantly surprised to find it bare of any hair as he ran his finger over her mound to hook the tiny little piece of fabric covering her wet lips.

As soon as he moved the fabric from his prize, he slowly ran his tongue up and down her dripping folds. Rubedo began to whimper immediately. As he traced her up and down with his tongue going deeper and deeper with every pass, Rubedo began writhing and look for anything to grab onto.

First the air, then the chair, then the table. She finally found her heels firmly planted in Ainz back as he works his tongue in and out of her eager lips. She tried watching him, but it was too much for her. She was sure watching him work that magical tongue on her would end her in no time, and as much as she said she needed to not be late, this was much to heavenly to hurry.


Rubedo cried out as Ainz plunged his tongue into her depths, she was flailing in the seat from all the pleasure her body was experiencing for the first time. Her whole body felt like a fire was building within her she was worried she would squirm right out of the seat.

Rubedo received some help steadying herself as she felt Ainz hands come up and grab her wrists before putting both of her hands in his hair. She was grateful for the balance it afforded her, but as she looked into Ainz eyes, she could see it had another purpose before he said.

"Show me how you like it, beautiful."

He plunged right back into her waiting lips and she finally got the meaning of his words. Not that Ainz needed any help pleasuring her.

'No one... needs to show... you anything!'

That was exactly what Rubedo thought as Ainz worked his tongue inside her. He knew exactly where to lick, where to suck, how hard or soft to do it. The only help Rubedo added was to spread her legs wider and pull him deeper inside her.

She could feel the fire about to erupt in her core. She was panting like a dog in heat at Ainz attentions. She was making noises she didn't even think a being could make at his wonderful tongue working her.

She knew she was so close to her first. Ainz seemed to sense it too as he doubles his devotion to her pleasure. He kept his tongue probing her insides but also began to suck on her pearl. Her body felt like it was about to explode and then he slid his finger into her, and that is exactly what happened.


Rubedo screamed so loud it would have woken the dead as she came undone. Ainz kept slowly drawing his finger in and out of her to prolong her pleasure as he lapped up every drop of her sweet nectar he could. He was getting exactly what he asked for.

Vanilla and Honey.

That is what Rubedo tasted like, and he couldn't get enough of it. It looked as if she couldn't get enough of him as well as she gushed into his mouth moaning like some sex-starved slut for anyone to hear.


Rubedo was pulling so hard on his hair, he thought she was trying to shove his whole head inside of her. The tremors and her moans finally subsided and Ainz pulled away a bit. He kissed the inside of each of her thighs before moving up her body.

He planted a few light bites on the top of her tits that were showing, traced his tongue up her collarbone and neck before whispering in her ear.

"I knew I'd get my vanilla and honey... It tasted even better than I thought it would."

Ainz saw the goosebumps rise on her skin as he moved to look Rubedo in the eye. She didn't say anything, but she did surprise him. She grabbed both sides of his face and smashed her lips to his.

The first passionate kiss they ever share was just moments ago when he entered the room, but it seemed as if Rubedo wanted to surpass that amount of passion as her tongue explored every inch of his mouth it could reach.

Ainz enjoyed every moment of the more sexually confident Rubedo. Ainz attempted to devour her mouth, but his attentions must have awakened something in Rubedo for she was matching him every step of the way.

It wasn't just her mouth either. Her hands were trying to feel every inch of Ainz. This was something new as well. Even when they cuddle at the lake or sat next to each other, Rubedo didn't do much more than hold his hand or lean into him.

She had never been bold enough to feel very much of him. It seemed as though she was trying to make up for all of that missed time during this one kiss. Her hands were everywhere on him, his shoulders, arms, back, chest, and abs.

Since neither required breath, their tongues battled the entire time Rubedo was exploring Ainz. It wasn't until her hand found its way sliding past his abs and over his length that he finally broke away and stood. Rubedo looked perplexed like she did something wrong. Ainz just held his hand out.

"Come, my love. It's time for you to head to the restaurant."

Rubedo might not be very in tune with other people's emotions, but the smirk on Ainz face was easy enough to figure out. He was torturing her just as she did to him earlier when he entered. She had a better idea though.

"I think they will be fine without me."

She stood and swayed her hips as she approached him. She saw him gulp and was happy she could affect him in this way. She had never felt sexy or beautiful before. She only felt like a weapon. Ainz showed her every second they were together that she was all of that and more.

Rubedo finally made it to Ainz, but she didn't stop any distance away. She pressed herself right up against the front of him and ran her hands up his muscled abs and chest as she peered into those beautiful Ruby-Red eyes.

Rubedo moved her arms around his neck and pulled him down for another kiss. She loved wrapping her arms around his neck as they kissed. It made the kiss feel more intimate to her. She loved that Ainz couldn't keep his hands to himself when they kissed like this.

She could feel his hands lovingly running up and down her sides and back as he devoured her mouth. She couldn't help but moan into his mouth as his hands skimmed down her backside. He squeezed her ass and lifted her so she had to wrap her legs around him as they lost themselves in the kiss.

Rubedo thought for certain Ainz would carry her over to the bed and she would finally get to lay with Ainz, but that isn't what he did. When he finally set her down and they broke away, she noticed they were by the door to her room. She raised an eyebrow and Ainz chuckled before he said.

"We don't want you to be late now do we, beautiful."

"You think I want to be anywhere but here, after what you just did to me?"

Just the thought of what Ainz tongue had done to her had her core heating up again. She had to bite her lower lips to hold back the moan and need building in her at that thought. Ainz chuckled again at her adorable pout before he said.

"Don't worry love. That wasn't a one-time thing. You tasted much too delicious for me to never do it again."

Rubedo couldn't hold back the small moan that escaped at the thought. She didn't want to be acting like some horny girl, but Ainz sure brought it out in her. They hadn't even actually done anything yet, other than what Ainz just did to her, and the thought of not being here to allow him to have her any way he desired was already hard to bear.

"Now you are just torturing me because of what I said when you got here, aren't you?"

Ainz didn't chuckle at that, he laughed. At first, she would have been correct. A little teasing her as she did him, but now, that was not the case. He had an actual reason he wished for her to at least spend some time with the other girls.

"No, Rubedo. I promise it is not to torture you."

"Does that mean you don't want to-"

Ainz didn't let that nonsensical sentence continue and cut her off.

"I want nothing more than to throw you on that bed and have my way with you, Rubedo..."

"Then why..."

"That is precisely why you should spend some time with them. I do not want your first time with me to be frantic and fast. You got me so worked up, I'm afraid I'll hurt you. We've never done that and you are not used to my size. I'm afraid if I don't calm down, we won't be making love, I will be fucking you. That is not how I want you to remember your first time."

Rubedo was sure she couldn't love Ainz any more than she did a moment ago, but he proved her wrong again. He was right of course. As horny as she now was, she was still nervous about fitting that inside of her.

She stepped closer to him though, she did have a little more time and something Albedo told her about popped into her mind. She ran her hand over the front of his pants up and down his impressive length before saying.

"I've never done it before, but Albedo told me about something I could do with my mouth that could relieve a bit of your tension."

Ainz was very tempted. Imagining his cock in between those pretty lips was very arousing, to say the least. That wouldn't help though. He would just end up ripping that dress off her and throwing her on the bed after she was done if he allowed it. So he leaned into her ear and said.

"I can't imagine a sexier sight, my love, but we can do all of that later. We have all night to try anything you want, but I believe that will only make me want you more. Go and have fun for a bit, I'll be waiting right here for you to return."

Rubedo pouted adorably but left after one more kiss and straightening her dress. Once she was gone, Ainz just slumped in the chair. He thought a nice long fight would get him under control faster, but he was in no mood to be missing when Rubedo returned. Instead, he sat and thought about taxes, property division, and supplies to distract his mind.

In the restaurant in Nazarick, the last of the ones joining ladies' night were finally trickling in. Almost everyone had their seats and they were talking amongst themselves. The doors nearly burst open and everyone turned to the entrance.

Claire rushed into the restaurant almost frantic. Normally, someone acting like this you would assume danger or an emergency. The way Ninya bolted up from her seat being a good indication, but Taylar knew Claire well enough now.

She only acted like this when some incredibly juicy gossip was ready to be told. Claire didn't disappoint as she went right over to where Taylar was sitting with everyone.

"Lady Taylar! You will never guess who called on my services today!"

"Oh? And what do I get if I guess correctly?"

Taylar winked at Claire. She loved being playful with everyone from Nazarick. It had taken a while for them to relax even a bit around her and Ainz so she did everything she could to make them feel comfortable enough to always act like that.

"Oh... I... umm... I didn't really... I mean..."

Taylar cut off her worried rambling with a quick laugh.

"I was just joking, Claire. I still think I can tell you who you finally went to today though."

"Do you really, Lady Taylar?"

"Of course, you were going to tell me you helped Rubedo today correct?"

"Y-Yes, Lady Taylar. H-How did you know that?"

Claire looked amazed she knew such a thing. Claire probably thought she wouldn't guess Rubedo since the woman had never gone to Claire. Even if Taylar didn't know beforehand, Claire did make it a little obvious being so excited that a particular person showed up.

"I thought she would seek you out after the conversation she had with Albedo. That plus how excited you were about your new client kind of gave it away."

Taylar laughed at Claire's expression. The girl looked disappointed she couldn't surprise Taylar. That only lasted a moment though as another bright smile adorned her face. She turned back to Taylar and asked her.

"Did you get to see her in the dress she is wearing tonight, Lady Taylar?"

"I can't say I did. I honestly assumed she would wear what she always does. I don't think I've ever seen her in anything else."

"I couldn't believe it myself when I went to her room to do her hair. I've never seen Lady Rubedo look so..."

Claire was searching for the right words but couldn't think of what to say right now. Albedo got impatient. She wanted to see her sister today too, but Rubedo only took advice and refused to let her sister help pick out something to wear.

"So what?"

Claire flinched a little at Albedo's tone and even Taylar looked at Albedo wondering why she was so upset with Claire.

"Sorry, Lady Albedo, the words escape me... maybe feminine? No that's not right umm... soft perhaps. That's not really right either... umm..."

It wasn't Claire, Taylar, Albedo, or anyone else they thought would describe Rubedo. And the word sounded strange coming from Ninya because they would never think of the quiet girl to describe another woman with such a word as.


Every head in the restaurant turned toward Ninya. Finally, Taylar asked what they all wanted to know.

"How would you know to describe her like that, Ninya?"

Taylar had spent plenty of time with Ninya and the girl didn't seem inclined toward women so her description of Rubedo threw Taylar off. As far as Taylar could tell, Ainz was the only person of either gender that Ninya got flustered around. That Taylar could understand, the man was breathtaking.

However, Ninya didn't answer. She wasn't even looking at Taylar. She was still staring straight ahead looking at no one and just pointed. They all looked in that direction and every jaw dropped, even Albedo's.

Rubedo was slowly walking toward the table, and they all agreed with Ninya. Nothing about Rubedo said Godslayer right now. She obviously dressed to impress someone today, and they all knew who that was.

She probably didn't plan on impressing everyone in this room right now, but even the music had stopped and the bartender was staring at Rubedo. Taylar saw even Lupus Regina and Solution squirming in their seats at how ridiculously incredible Rubedo looked at the moment.

Taylar also noticed the flush of Rubedo's cheeks, the shallower breathes she was trying to hide, and the fact she was a little uncomfortable with everyone staring at her. So she made room on the bench by sliding over a bit and patted the seat for her to sit down.

Rubedo looked at it at first but quickly sat. The music had come back on, but everyone was still just staring in silence so Rubedo squirmed in her seat looking anywhere but at the other people in the room. Albedo is the one that broke the silence.

"Alright everyone, she isn't an exotic animal."

Taylar laughed and so did Rubedo. It broke the awkward silence for a moment then Taylar had to start with her teasing. She knew that look on Rubedo's face, at least, she was pretty sure she did.

"I'm surprised you had the restraint to come here after only one time with Ainz."

Taylar bumped into Rubedo's shoulder playfully and Rubedo blushed like an embarrassed teenager. Rubedo's reply was barely above a whisper.

"W-We didn't do that..."

"Really? Then why are you..." Taylar seemed to figure it out. "Oh... right... that tongue of his... it is magical isn't it..."

All three women at the table who knew what Taylar was talking about had to press their legs together. That tongue really was magical. Rubedo had the same reaction she had been having for what seemed like an eternity now even if it had only been minutes.

She had to close her eyes, lean her head back, take deep breaths, and press her legs together to fight the arousal building in her. She really shouldn't have left that room. At this point, she wouldn't mind Ainz ravaging her even if it hurt for a bit.

"Can we... please discuss... something else... Thinking of that is..."

Rubedo trailed off as she tried to compose herself. It was not helping at all being here. She was supposed to come here and calm down. Just a few words about Ainz tongue got her heated to the core already. Taylar is the one who asked.

"I have a better question then. Why are you here instead of there?"

"I-I teased Lord Ainz a bit and got him a little too worked up. He said he didn't want to hurt me so I came to spend some time here to calm down." Rubedo giggled before looking at Taylar and saying. "It isn't helping, by the way."

Rubedo laughed as did everyone else. It did lighten the mood a bit but Taylar thought she should give Rubedo some advice right now.

"I see, well then, off you go..." Rubedo looked at Taylar as she tried to push her out of the booth. "You know where you need to go, so off with your sexy little ass!"

Rubedo was stunned. Not only at Taylar insisting she leave, but she also thought.

'Did she just call my ass little and sexy?'

"But Lady Taylar... Lord Ainz said..."

"Oh, I know what he said. You have nothing to worry about. Get your cute little butt back down there, now! Here, I'll even help you."

Taylar touches Rubedo's shoulder and uses her ring to teleport her in front of her door. No need to walk back down. That girl really needs Ainz. She was about to explode just talking about his tongue. A few hours with Ainz should cure her ailment. Taylar couldn't help but think.

'You really turned the Godslayer into a horny teenager with your tongue didn't you, my love.'

Rubedo was out of sorts for a moment until she realized where she was. She knew Taylar was right, her need for Ainz was unbearable after what he did to her. No more stalling, it was time for Rubedo to become Ainz's.

Ainz was lounging on the couch in Rubedo's room thinking of how to manage the different brackets of taxes he planned on implementing in his kingdom when the door to Rubedo's room swung open.

He looked over and saw Rubedo enter and shut the door immediately. The sight of her in that dress made him rock hard in a moment once again. If she continued to wear things that tight, Ainz doubted he would get much of anything done anymore.

Ainz could still taste her and the look on her flushed cheeks said she remembered it as well. He watched her stalk over to him and it really turned him on. Rubedo had never been one to try and be feminine or seductive, but she was very good at it when she tried.

The way she had her hips swaying, the way her legs were rubbing together as she walked forward, and the downright predatory look she had in her eye were mesmerizing. Ainz couldn't take his eyes off her.

When she finally made it to him, she didn't stop as he thought she would. Rubedo climbed right into his lap, claimed his mouth, and started grinding against him so erotically, Ainz thought he might be the one to come undone this time.

Ainz let both of his hands find their way to that perfect ass of hers and grip it firmly. Rubedo was so wet already he could feel the front of his pants getting soaked as she ground her lips up and down his length.

Ainz couldn't remember the last time he was this turned on, quite the accomplishment from Rubedo considering he shared his bed with three other women on a regular basis. He stood almost immediately to head toward the bed.

They never even broke the kiss as Ainz stood up and Rubedo wrapped her legs around his waist. Ainz led her to the bed but did not lay her down on it as Rubedo thought he would.

Instead, Rubedo's back felt the post of the bed as Ainz hands finally moved from her ass and slowly trailed down those perfectly smooth thighs until he couldn't reach down anymore. He then slowly felt every inch of her back up her thighs, to her hips, then her ribs, and finally slowly up her arms.

The feeling of Ainz hands roaming up her body had Rubedo relax so much that her feet hit the floor and she let Ainz move her arms from around his neck to wherever he wished. She felt her arms go straight up as Ainz locked their fingers then she felt herself gripping the post of the bed.

Ainz finally broke away from her mouth as Rubedo felt his grip tighten around her hands and made her squeeze the bedpost. He trailed kisses up her neck until he was finally licking the shell of her ear before whispering in her ear.

"Hold on tight while I take you out of this dress, my love."

Ainz words made goosebump rise all over her body and her aching, wet core drip even more. Rubedo did as he commanded and gripped the bedpost so tightly as his tongue and lips made their descent down her body, she thought she might crush the bedpost.

When Ainz finally made it to the top of her perfect tits, he hooked her dress on the sides and slowly pulled it down as he kissed every inch of perfection that was now revealed to him. Once he had her completely exposed to him, he swirled his tongue around her nipple before sucking it into his mouth.

Ainz continued to suck on her hard nipple as his tongue flicked it up and down in his mouth. Ainz freed one of his hands and kneaded the other perfect breast while lightly pinching her nipple as it passed through his fingers.


Ainz hadn't even left Rubedo's chest yet and he could tell she was about to explode. He was bringing her so much pleasure, he could hear the wood of the bedpost beginning to crack under her grip.

Ainz finally trailed his tongue along her immaculate tits to the other nipple and gave it the same attention. He used his other hand to knead the tit he just devoured while the one he just replaced with his mouth found its way to her dress once more.

As he slowly slid it down her body, he finally left her other nipple with his mouth as he couldn't reach down any lower. He trailed his tongue through the valley of her breasts as he slowly sank down.

When his tongue finally made it to her abs, he thought she was turned on even more somehow. As his tongue trailed its way down her center, she began panting even harder and he could hear the wood splintering above him.

The dress finally fell to the floor around her feet and Rubedo was now in nothing but her necklace, white thong, and white heels. His lips finally left her skin so he could take her in. He had dreamed of seeing Rubedo completely bare, but his dreams did not do her justice.

She was pure perfection. There was absolutely nothing he would change about her. He ran his hands up her thighs and under the strings that held that sexy thong up. He missed her taste already and ran his tongue along her panty line as he slowly pulled them down to her ankles.

Rubedo was soaked down there and her panting only increased as he ran his tongue along her bare mound as her panties moved closer to the floor. When his prize was finally bare for him to see, he worked his tongue on only the top of her lips so he could see her squirm more as he found her pearl and worked it slowly for her.

Ainz knew she was about to come and the bedpost was about to snap so he took his tongue away and stood before her. He couldn't help his hand trailing up her center, between her breasts, and finally around the back of her neck.

It looked as if he had finally pulled her from the edge, but he knew she wouldn't last long when he started again. Ainz quickly snaked both his arms around her, one behind her back and one behind her knees and picked her up princess style.

It was certainly the most erotic princess carry he had ever done as Rubedo was wearing nothing but a pair of heels and a necklace right now. He drank in every inch of her with his eyes as he made his way to the bed. Ainz gently set her down like she was some delicate flower, and it made Rubedo swoon even in the moment.

Ainz robe hit the floor in a flash as he stood at the side of the bed. He was tempted to just rip his shirt and pants off but held himself back. It looked as if Rubedo thought he was taking too long though. She slides to the edge of the bed and went straight for his pants as he unbuttoned his shirt.

Rubedo had his pants undone and around his ankles before he even had half his shirt unbuttoned. He was going to laugh, but Rubedo obviously didn't want to wait any longer and ripped the last couple buttons at the bottom and threw his shirt to the floor.

Rubedo's hands trailed up and down his chiseled abs and chest as she stared at his hard length. There was only a pair of underwear separating her from what she had been wanting all night. She licked her lips as her hands found the band of his underwear and she yanked them down quickly.

The sight made her gulp. It was one thing to feel it, and know you might not be ready for something that big. It was an entirely different thing to finally see it. Albedo had told her it was big, but she failed to mention it was enormous.

Rubedo took Ainz in hand and slowly stroked him up and down. Ainz let out a groan as she worked her hand on him. Rubedo was slightly amazed. Ainz was hard as a rock, but he was also soft. She had no idea how that was possible.

Luckily for Rubedo, Ainz was very tall and she wanted to pay him back a little for earlier. Remembering what Albedo told her earlier, she moved her head down and swirled her tongue around the tip of Ainz cock.

Rubedo was rewarded with a moan from Ainz as she felt his fingers weave their way into her hair. Emboldened by such a reaction from Ainz, Rubedo continued to stroke him while swirling her tongue and she slowly took his tip into her mouth.

Rubedo felt Ainz grip on her hair tightened and heard another moan escape his lips. She wouldn't think it would turn her on so much to pleasure Ainz like this but it was. Remembering what her sister said to get it in her mouth easier, she stopped stroking Ainz and pushed his cock straight up to lay against his stomach.

She moved her head down further and licked him from root to tip then back down. She continued this over and over again moving to both sides of his cock until it was nice and slick for her.

She went root to tip one last time but didn't lick back down. She slid her lips over his tip and slowly opened her mouth as she took Ainz down her throat. She got a little more than half of him down before she slowly went back up. She was rewarded for her efforts by Ainz praise.


Just hearing Ainz reacted like that had Rubedo dripping again. She couldn't believe the thought she had at Ainz reaction. She wanted nothing more than to touch herself as she pleasured Ainz, but she didn't.

Her sister had told her to use her fingers on herself to prepare a little for this, but she wanted Ainz to be the first to do everything to her so she didn't. A part of her wished she did when she saw his length, but a lot more of her wanted Ainz to be her first everything so she held back.

What she didn't hold back on was Ainz. Hearing that sexy voice of his tell her she was good at this gave her more confidence. She took him down again, but this time faster. She bobbed her head up and down on his length taking more and more of him down each time.

She gagged a few times when she was taking a lot of him down her throat, but to Rubedo, it seemed to turn Ainz on even more when she did so she never relented. She forced every inch she could take down over and over again until her lips were wrapped around his base.

Rubedo never thought she would be able to get all of him down her throat after seeing how big he was, but her sister's advice did pay off. Having his cock so slick with her saliva made it easier to slide it down her throat. She would have to thank her sister later, but right now, Ainz moans were more than enough reward.


She bobbed back once more, but only took a couple of inches out before going back down to his base. She kept almost all of him in her throat as she bobbed up and down faster and faster slamming his cock down her throat.


Ainz was losing his mind at how well she was sucking his cock. He couldn't believe she had never done this before. It was her first time and she sucked cock better than anyone he had ever been with.

When he gripped the back of her head with his hand full of her hair and started thrusting into her mouth, he knew he was close. Rubedo didn't seem to mind, on the contrary, she was moaning herself with his cock down her throat.

Ainz wanted to paint her throat and mouth with his seed, but not yet. He stopped face fucking Rubedo and slowly pulled his cock out of her mouth. His tip left her lips with an audible pop as she looked up at him.

Ainz didn't let a single second go by after his cock left her lips, and he crashed his lips to hers. He finally broke the kiss and pushed Rubedo to lay on her back. He grabbed her left leg and trailed kisses and his hand up it until he came to her heel. He removed it from her foot, tossed it on the floor, and then gave her other leg and heel the same attention.

Now the only thing she was wearing was the necklace he gave her, and he had no intention of taking it off. Ainz made his way onto the bed but not over the top of Rubedo, he laid down beside her and trailed his hand up her body.

He could see the goosebump rise on her flesh as he lightly trailed her smooth soft skin. When he trailed his fingers over her mound, her breathing quickened and she let out a moan as his finger trailed through her soaking lips.

He took one of her nipples in his mouth again as he soaked his finger in her juices. When they were nice and slick, he slowly inserted his middle finger inside of her.


Rubedo's back arched and she moaned out the moment his finger penetrated her. His mouth left her nipple and he left kisses up her chest and began to suck on her pulse as he slowly worked his finger in and out of her.

Rubedo was fisting the sheets beneath her as she felt Ainz everywhere on her. With his finger inside of her and his mouth on her skin, it was almost too much for her. When he inserted the second finger, Rubedo cried out.


Ainz knew she was close, he could feel her walls starting to constrict on his fingers, but he couldn't have her cum yet. He stopped the assault on her skin with his mouth and positioned himself above her as his fingers continued to stretch her out.

Once he was above her, he took his fingers out of her and claimed her lips with his. He wiped his wet fingers on the tip of his cock and took himself in hand. He was still slick from her mouth but wanted it wetter.

He rubbed the tip of his cock up and down her wet lips to get it soaked. Rubedo moaned so loud at the sensation, he thought she enjoyed it more than his fingers.


Ainz couldn't help but stare at this Goddess who wanted nothing more than for him to claim her. He took in her flushed face and stared into her eyes as he lined himself up with her entrance.

Ainz silently asked if she was ready and she gave an almost imperceptible nod that she was. His tip parted those waiting, eager, wet lips and he slowly slides inside of her. Even after all that work, Rubedo was incredibly tight. Ainz had to use all his willpower not to cum immediately once his tip was inside of her.

Rubedo could feel Ainz stretching her out and it was painful, but it was also the greatest pleasure she had felt as well. Feeling Ainz claim her inch by inch was something Rubedo would never forget.

Ainz had only gotten halfway inside of her then he hit a barrier. He was surprised because Taylar, Albedo, and Lupus Regina had not had maidenheads, but apparently, Rubedo did. That could mean all kinds of things, but Ainz only thought of one at the moment. Rubedo might get pregnant much easier than Taylar, Albedo, or Lupus Regina.

Ainz hesitation was noticed by Rubedo, and the moment turned around completely. She wasn't sure why he stopped, but she feared the worst and voiced it.

"I-Is there something wrong with me, Lord Ainz?"

Ainz was taken aback by her worried tone. He shouldn't have hesitated, but he had a hundred things running through his mind right now. Of course, he would be the jackass to ruin the moment.

"No, you're perfect. You have a maidenhead and none of the others did. You might get pregnant easier than the others so I'll pull out when the ti-"

Ainz didn't get to finish before Rubedo interrupted him.

"NO!" Ainz was shocked at her yelling. "Please, I want nothing more than to have your children. Please claim me, make me yours in every way, Momonga."

Ainz didn't waste another second. He claimed her lips as he pushed through her barrier. The sensation was overwhelming for both Rubedo and Ainz. Neither could keep the kiss as both their bodies reacted to claiming each other for the first time.



The moment Ainz was buried inside of her to the hilt, and his tip touched her womb, both let out a moan and came undone at the same time. Rubedo's walls squeezed Ainz cock to milk every drop it could and Ainz painted her velvety walls with his hot seed.

They had both been teetering on the edge for a while now, and being joined for the first time overwhelmed their senses until they only felt bliss. Ainz stayed buried hilt deep in Rubedo and didn't even need to move to spurt load after load into her womb.

Rubedo's whole body had shaken and trembled underneath Ainz. It felt like she was exploding from the inside and the feeling of Ainz seed coating her walls was the greatest pleasure she had ever felt.


Rubedo cried out and Ainz was turned on just hearing her call him Momonga instead of Ainz. Her walls clamping down on his cock was leaving him in a trance. It felt like she was stroking, sucking, and licking him all at the same time.

Ainz couldn't believe how much of his seed spilled into Rubedo as he thought he counted eight spurts. That had never happened before and he was pretty sure that Rubedo just made him cum twice in a row inside of her.

Ainz usually recovered pretty quickly, but he must have laid on top of Rubedo not moving for a solid minute before he could move. His cock was still rock hard, but he didn't resume making love to Rubedo. He pushed up from the bed a bit and looked down at Rubedo. She seemed to have the same reaction he did.

"That was..."

"I can't believe..."

Probably not the most appropriate time, but they both laughed. The smiles didn't leave their faces, but the funny look did. They were both immediately looking into each other's eyes intensely as Ainz told her.

"You are incredible, Rubedo. I've never had that happen before."

"Feeling you inside me is the greatest feeling I've ever had. Now, please make me yours forever, Momonga."

Ainz nodded his head, braced his hands beside her head, and slowly withdrew his cock from her tight pussy. He only took a few inches out as he slowly pushed his way back inside until he was buried to the hilt.

He saw it still hurt a little by Rubedo's face, but it only lasts a couple of thrusts in and out of her before there was no pain in her face or moans, just pure pleasure, and bliss.


Rubedo wrapped her legs around his waist as she begged for more so Ainz picked up the pace. He was going halfway out then back down to the hilt again until he touched her womb then repeated. He wasn't slamming into her, but it wasn't gentle either. He knew she still needed to be stretched out a bit before she was ready for that.

Rubedo didn't look far away from that moment though. Her back was arch so much from the pleasure, the only parts of her body touching the bed any more were her hands fisting the sheets and her head.

Her whole body was arched and the top of her head was flat on the bed and she was staring at the headboard. Ainz took advantage of this and moved his right arm from beside her head to around the small of her back to hold her up. He then assaulted her neck with his teeth, lips, and tongue as he changed pace.

He pulled out until on his tip was left inside her then thrust back in, but only a few inches. He did this over and over again going faster and faster every time he did. He could feel his tip rubbing her spongy g-spot. It didn't take long for his desire effect.


Rubedo didn't need to voice that out loud because Ainz could feel her walls trying to suck him dry and her juices coating his cock. The moment he did, he buried himself balls deep into Rubedo in one powerful thrust.


Rubedo cried out louder than she had all night as Ainz cock pushed through her spasming walls and his tip touched her womb. Ainz did not stop there. Holding her up with his right arm, he pulled back to the tip and thrust into her again and again.


Ainz was doing all he could to draw her orgasm out as long as possible, but he was surprised as well. Her walls clamping down on his cock as he thrust harder and harder into Rubedo was bringing him to the edge every passing second.


Ainz screamed out at Rubedo after just a couple more thrusts and spilled inside of her once again. He didn't slow down his relentless assault on her womb as spurt after spurt of his seed hit her womb.

Ainz felt possessed, like he was trying to push his seed directly into her womb and impregnate her. He had released as many, if not more, spurts into her than he did the first time, and he couldn't believe he did that again.

Ainz collapsed on top of Rubedo still hard inside of her in utter disbelief. He could definitely go again right this moment, but he relished this feeling. He was nearly exhausted after cumming only twice. Really, it was more like four or five times, but this had never happened to him before.

He rarely got exhausted from making love, and normally, there were two or three women in bed with him. He and Rubedo had barely gotten started for what he planned to do to her tonight, and he was actually happy to end it here if she wished.

Rubedo seemed content herself. She had her legs wrapped around Ainz waist still and she was simply stroking his back and hair, a pleasant smile on her face. She couldn't believe how utterly perfect that just was.

Even the pain she expected wasn't nearly as much as she thought it would be. No doubt that was from him making sure she was ready, but it made her love him even more. And that last orgasm!

'Fucking hell, I didn't know I could cum that long or that intensely!'

Rubedo felt Ainz about to roll off her and was about to groan in protest. However, as he rolled, he brought Rubedo with him and they ended up switching positions. Her face was now buried in the crook of his neck, body spread across his.

The movement made Ainz slip out of her just a bit and when she stopped on top of him, he was hilt deep again. She was so sensitive and it felt so good, an erotic moan escaped her lips when he was fully sheathed again. Rubedo did not miss the way Ainz cock twitched when she moaned into his ear.

She couldn't believe he was still hard as a rock after giving her so much of his seed. She pushed herself up a bit to look in his eyes. She had to close her eyes for a moment and bite her bottom lip to hold in the moan as he somehow went deeper inside of her as she tried to look up at him.

When they locked eyes, Rubedo saw all the love in the world for her in them. She traced her finger down his temple to his cheek then over his lips. When she tapped those sexy lips with her finger, he kissed it in perfect time with her tap.

She giggled. She did that a lot now. Only someone as perfect as Lord Ainz could turn her into a silly, swooning maiden.

Ainz trailed his finger down her temple as well but didn't continue her path. He tucked her loose hair behind her ear and just stared at this perfect Goddess.

"You are perfect, you know that right?"

Rubedo's mouth just opened and closed like a koi fish at Ainz statement. She was about to say the same exact thing to him. Nothing about him wasn't perfect.

"Says the most perfect man in existence."

She had to say something, and that was the first thing to come to mind. If she was perfect, she wouldn't have left for even a second earlier. She should have known Lord Ainz would never hurt her even if he thought he would.

"No, I'm-"

Ainz didn't get to finish as Rubedo put her finger over his mouth and shook her head. He didn't allow her to say anything either as he took that finger in his mouth and sucked on it while swirling his tongue around it.

Rubedo closed her eyes and moaned at the sensation instead of telling him that he was indeed perfect. She wasn't sure if having him all night to herself would be enough.

'I just came and he already has me halfway there just sucking on my finger!'

She pulled her finger out of his mouth and put her hands on his chest. She pushed herself upright and tried to stare him in the eyes. It was harder than she imagined it would be as his cock was going deeper and deeper into her the more she sat up.

Once her back was straight, she moved her legs so her feet were flat on the bed. It felt like Ainz was in the back of her throat with how deep his cock was now buried inside of her.

When she realized how much deeper he could go with her legs spread like this, she wanted nothing more than to lay on her back and spread them as wide as she could so he could pound deep into her womb.

However, she needed to reward him for being so gentle with her and making sure there was as little pain as possible for her. She knew he loved it when he was being ridden like a dragon.

She finally got her feet flat on the bed, her hands braced on his thighs, and looked him in the eye before saying.

"Let me reward you for giving me what I wanted more than anything..."

She slowly rose from his hard cock then back down to the hilt. Over and over she slowly slid him in and out of her tight, wet walls. When his cock was nice and slick once more, she slammed down on him and fucked him at a furious pace.

Rubedo thought his tip rubbing against that spongy spot felt amazing, but nothing compared to when his tip would slam into her womb. She was bouncing up and down on his cock so hard, she was afraid she might break the bed, but she couldn't stop.

Instead, the feeling of his cock touching her womb made her even more frantic for him to be deeper inside of her. Every time his cock wasn't touching her womb, she felt empty. That gave her an idea.

Rubedo slammed down hard on his cock but didn't rise back up. Instead, she ground her hips against his crotch. The feeling of his hard tip rubbing back and forth against her womb was everything she hoped it would be.

She was approaching the edge rapidly. She felt Ainz left hand grab her ass and speed up her grinding. His cock was rubbing her womb so quickly now she knew she would be undone in moments.

When she felt his right thumb start to circle her nub, she could hold it no longer. She screamed so loud at the ceiling, she thought she may have cracked it. Her legs could barely hold herself up as they quivered and quaked, and she could feel her juices gushing out of her.

Her juices ran down Ainz cock as she squirted everything she had onto his cock. The sight made Ainz feral and he grabbed her ass tighter with his left hand, continued his thumb playing with her nub, and started slamming his hips up into her as he pulled her down onto his cock.

The smell of her juices, the sound of Ainz pounding into her, and her walls trying to milk him sent Ainz over the edge as well. He knew he could fuck for a while and provide seed for any who wanted it. The memory of three women lying in his bed sated and thorough fucked made him believe it, but he thought he might run out fucking Rubedo.

He filled her to the max again. Pushing his seed directly into her womb and velvety walls. It must have been ten thrusts before he was finally done spasming inside of her. It was Rubedo who collapsed on him this time.

He played with her hair with one hand, while the other stroked her back up and down. His cock never left her, it hasn't since he first put it inside her. There was no danger of it slipping out either as he was still hard as a rock.

A content sigh escaped Rubedo's lips and Ainz felt her smile into the crook of his neck even if he couldn't see it. He felt exactly the same and a smile adorned his face in moments. Rubedo moved a bit and captured his lips with hers. When she finally broke away Ainz said.

"I told you, you were perfect."

The genuine, radiant smile that lit up her face made Ainz day. Even if he hadn't gotten to finally lay with Rubedo, that smile would have made his day worth it. Then she said.

"I know it's selfish, but could you stay inside of me forever?"

"No, you're perfect. I'd stay like this forever too, but I'm not done with you yet..."

Rubedo was going to make a remark as well but instead, she squealed as Ainz somehow turned her around so her back was on his chest. She had no idea how he did that without his cock leaving her but he did.

Ainz sat up and repositioned his legs so he was behind Rubedo. She was on her knees and he had her flush against his chest. His cock still buried deep inside of her. His mouth was just below her ear at her neck as he slowly thrust in and out of her wet lips.

His hands and mouth were all over her. Ainz kissed, sucked, and licked her pulse up and down while occasionally nibbling on her ear. His left hand fondled her breast and pinched her nipple before moving to the other to give it the same treatment.

Rubedo couldn't believe it felt like Ainz was everywhere. She felt his hand and lips all over her skin as he slowly took her from behind. She couldn't believe she was building toward another orgasm so quickly again.

When his other hand finally found its mark and he rubbed his fingers into the top of her wet lips and ground on her nub, she started moaning and writhing uncontrollably. Ainz was playing her body like an expert musician plays an instrument.

It couldn't have been more than a minute or two before Rubedo was screaming out again. Her walls squeezing on Ainz cock as pleasure coursed over her entire body. Ainz went harder and faster as her juices coated his cock again.

Rubedo knew now that he was drawing out her orgasm as long as possible by doing this, and she didn't know how many more of these she could take. Every wave of pleasure seemed to sap her stamina, and she was sure she was getting low on it already.

She couldn't believe Ainz didn't spill inside her this time. He was sucking on her neck, pounding her hard, fondling her breast, and playing with her nub. She knew she was only still upright because Ainz was holding her there. If he let go, she would have collapsed face first down on the bed.

When the waves of pleasure finally ceased, Ainz stopped thrusting and kept himself buried inside of her. He slowly released her from his grip and she fell toward the bed as she thought she would.

She had her face down in the sheets, arms splayed out in front of her, but her ass was still up with Ainz buried deep inside her. Rubedo mumbled something into the sheets that Ainz couldn't hear, but she moved her head for him to hear and said.

"You're amazing! I don't know how much more of you I can take."

Ainz leaned over her and turned her face a bit to look at him.

"Don't worry. I'll claim you once more than I'll let you rest... for a bit~"

Ainz gentle words soothed Rubedo's soul until the end. Ainz last three words turned incredibly sexy. Rubedo had never heard Ainz tried to be seductive. It was the sexiest thing she had ever heard.

She didn't have long to think about how wet it made her though as Ainz straightened up, grabbed both sides of her hips, and thrust hard and deep inside of her. Every powerful thrust caused Rubedo to scream out, but they were all muffled by the sheets her face was buried in.

Now that Rubedo was used to Ainz, he fucked her from behind with reckless abandon. He pounded her from behind like he was paying her for this. The sight of his cock disappearing into her tight pussy was enthralling to him.

Watching her tight lips stretch around his cock only to try and close back up as his tip slid out until he thrust back in and split her open was erotic. He could tell though, he wasn't going to cum again until he felt those velvety walls squeezing his cock.

He wasn't sure if she would like this, but if she did, he was sure it would make her cum quickly again. He snaked his hand around and rubbed his fingers back forth through her wet lips.

Once his fingers were nice and soaked, he brought his hand back around. He took his middle finger and slowly inserted it into her ass. He knew immediately if she liked it or not. Her head shot up from the sheets and he heard her scream.


He moved his hand from her hips and took a handful of her hair. He continued to pound into her tight pussy as he slowly finger fucked her asshole. She was screaming, moaning, and panting like he would expect some crazed sex slut like Lupus Regina to do.

It was so fucking hot for him to see Rubedo like this and the moment he felt her walls clamping down on his cock, he spilled inside of her once again. Like the first time he came inside of her, the feeling was so intense, he didn't even pound into her to draw out their orgasm. He stayed planted hilt deep against her womb as his seed coated her insides.

It lasted even longer than when he tried to draw out their orgasms and he never felt more sated after such a short period making love. He still didn't plan on leaving her though and collapsed on his side turning Rubedo slightly with him.

He had her back flush against his chest as they laid on their side. He was still buried hilt deep inside of her and planned on being there all night unless changing positions became impossible to keep himself there.

With his left arm around her neck and hand slowly tickling every inch of skin it could reach, Ainz let out that same content sigh Rubedo did a little while ago. His right hand started gently tracing her skin on her other side from her calf to her shoulder.

Rubedo was tall by the standards of the women of Nazarick, but Ainz still had almost a foot on her so it was easy for him to reach any patch of skin he desired in such a position. He moved his lips to her ear as he traced her skin and said.

"I hope I didn't disappoint."

Ainz was joking a bit. He knew she enjoyed it, but he wanted to say something. Her reaction was not was Ainz anticipated though. She spun so fast to face him, his cock finally did leave her. She took his face between her hands and kissed him fiercely. She didn't even wait a moment and forced her tongue into his mouth. She finally broke away and said.

"It was perfect. You are perfect. Nothing about anything we did could have been better."

Ainz thought maybe he could get away with a joke now without such a strong reaction.

"I know one thing that could be better..."

Rubedo raises an eyebrow thinking he is full of shit. There was nothing she would change since she stepped back in this room for Ainz to claim her.

"You could have spun slower to kiss me so I was still inside of you..."

Ainz pouted adorably and Rubedo smiled at his playfulness. She agreed though and put her left leg up on his, grab the base of his cock, and slowly put it back where it belonged, touching her womb.

If there is such a thing as a content moan, Ainz and Rubedo both just released one. They both realized that and laughed at each other.

"Don't tell anyone, but I've never had orgasms that intense. I'm glad your sister and Taylar were alright with this after you told Albedo you weren't attracted to women."

Ainz was trying to find something to talk about. Rubedo did say she needed a minute and it felt like she did. Her body was molded to his in such a relaxed state, he was surprised she hadn't turned to jelly yet. Rubedo stroked his face and stared into his eyes before she said.

"I'm glad too." she left a light peck right on his lips. "You make me feel like the most delicate flower to ever exist. I'll never be able to explain to you how much that means to me."

"Mmm, you are my delicate flower." Ainz runs his hands along her sides and sees Rubedo shiver as the goosebumps rise on her flesh. "See... shaking and shivering from the lightest touch. My. Delicate. Sexy. Beautiful. Amazing. Flower."

Ainz placed kisses all over her as he let her know just how much she was his rose. The last one on her pulse seemed to get Rubedo going again, and her exhaustion disappeared in an instant. She quickly mounted Ainz again and from the look in Rubedo's eyes, Ainz had a feeling that this time, he would be the one begging for release.

So another lemon in the books... As I said up top, this is more like a mini-chapter so think of this like Chapter 21 Part B or Part 2... hope you enjoyed it and if you didn't... I could give a fuck less