Reviews for The Supreme Beings of Life and Death Exxxtras
Guest chapter 7 . 4/29
Hope for more soon.
Jess-Bess chapter 1 . 3/30
Awwww don’t be going changing characters for reasons such as that pleeeaaase. Everything about the story and especially the characters is perfect as it is. Don’t let others get to you and make you deviate from the story. It makes it weird. You should stick with the original storyline and delete the last part of this chapter. Other than that great chapter looking forward to future updates.
Guest chapter 7 . 3/30
Another fantastic lemon, and just a damn fine addition to the story overall. I like that their relationship has it's own unique quirks and that their sex scene still felt so different without relying purely on new positions. Personally I think there should be some pregnant Albedo action, if only just oral, but I get why you would steer clear of it.
Possibly a non-canon chapter with Zesshi?
Maybe a chapter full of smaller occurrences? Like Ainz being blown below his desk, Taylar training then banging Lupu, Nferia and the elves. Just a collection of concepts too short to be a full chapter.

Keep up the great work!
Guest chapter 1 . 3/28
Rubedo is adorable with Ainz. Love her character!
Sidius66 chapter 1 . 3/27
Godslayer God of Death Baby?! This is truly a miracle during the apocalypse looooooooool... that is really cool. Stick with your story because it is awesome and most importantly it is YOUR STORY. Kinda agreeing with everyone else in the comments below mine. Stay safe peeps
Tina chapter 1 . 3/27
Hahahahaha hahaha Taylor is a character. Love her. Rubedo is truly becoming a fully fleshed character. Looooove it. Wish I could have gotten into the thoughts of Ninya during that scene. Could be interesting idk. The stunned expressions was funnyyyyyy. The ending kind of shocked me. Kinda hope you don’t change the story based off hateful comments. Stick with the story you planned and don’t let comments like that change your story. Otherwise they win. Stay safe loves. Oooooooo I almost forgot I CANT WAIT FOR GODSLAYER BABY! lol alright love all ya stay safe!
Guest chapter 1 . 3/27
Cool chapter. Like the Runedo character progression. All coming together. Though I hope you change your mind about changing the story based on a comment in such a way. Stick with the story you intended to make and not have other influence it in such a toxic manner. No good comes from that, and you and the readers will be much happier with the story as it is perfect as is without the nonsense
Chinyawn-19 chapter 1 . 3/26
Love the new chapter! Been excited for upcoming chapters. Finally Rubedo has become something other than a weapon. Really cool stuff. I personally don’t like that you changed something based on what someone says just to screw with them. It does not do your story justice. Staying true to the story would. Should stick with your story how you want to write it. Reading the comments and I agree that the effect that Lord Ainz had on the Godslayer of all women was a pretty cool aspect that I would hate to be discarded. Should stick with how you planned to write the story. It was perfect how it was. Anyways looking forward to future chapters. Hope everyone is staying safe during these times.
Ashano chapter 7 . 3/26
Changing a character that was interested only in Ainz, which in your story was something unique, to being in love with Taylar too, just because 'you want to piss off some people that trolled you' won't make them go away.

Some of those "trolls" complain because in your story your OC have much romantic and sexual scenes with other females, all the females seems interested in her and she seems more interested in other womans and Albedo more than Ainz, so how "giving them more ammunition", aka having another girl that wasn't bi being interested in your OC, is pissing them off?

It's a bit weird but it's your call.
muricomi chapter 7 . 3/26
The chapter was fine, you shouldn't change your original plans just to troll some people. It's true that you had all the women being interested in your OC without "actual reasons" even the ones interested only in Ainz, you had the NPCs being way too OC and when you got one girl interested only in Ainz you go and change it just to piss some people...

Do what you want as is your story but changing things that you weren't planning to do just to piss someone or to assert that you are "superior" to them, it's really childish. Maybe you are SI yourself in your OC, that may be why "she is that awesome and better than Ainz in all things and get even striaght womens interested in her because reasons".

If you can't accept criticism or reviews that don't say what you want, then I don't know why you are writing a story, just don't read the reviews then.

Now you can go and ignore this review as it isn't a "good chapter review" or procede to ignore it and then try to pass it out as me being another troll, it will make you a great writer that can't even accept reviews that you don't like.

Have a good day.
Lissa-Sings chapter 7 . 3/26
Love this part B or whatever to chapter 21. Excited for chapter 22. The ending kind of caught me off guard. Don’t know who you are talking about but screw those trolls or whatever. Love the relationships. Though I was very much enjoying the kind of exclusivity with the Godslayer and Ainz. She was like the only girl that seemed to be exclusively Ainz, and I really really liked that. Nothing was more hot than “Lord Ainz being the ONLY ONE to be able to turn the GODSLAYER into a little girl”. Hopefully that stays the same. But in the end it does not really matter I guess. Still love it. Write the story how you want to. Don’t let others make you change it because they don’t like it or some bs. Hope everyone staying safe in these times
Liz chapter 7 . 3/26
My happiness at another chapter here and hearing of chapter 22 coming out soon can not be expressed enough. Soooo excited. Been dying for new chapters for a long time. I love this story too much lol. Not to mention especially in these times of isolation. This is amazing. Thank you so much. Very excited to see what is to come from my favorite fan fiction ever! Hope everyone is staying safe!
Guest chapter 7 . 3/26
Simply brilliant sir.
Guest chapter 7 . 3/25
Thanks for the new chapter. It was brilliant as always. Hope the next chapter for the main fanfic story comes out in. Until stay safe from the coronavirus. God bless.
Guest chapter 6 . 3/23
Please update the main story along with this spinoff soon, si we'll gave some comfort in this insane pandemic.
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