"Don't worry it will all be over in 45 seconds" the sludge villain cooed in Midoriya's ear as he invaded the child's body, streaming into his orifices. But All Might was not there to save Izuku in his desperation. Tears streamed down his face as he frantically struggled against the villain, his vision dimming in a pitch black haze, yet in his delirium he heard to echoing clap of unburdened feet slapping the ground in a leisurely pace as he lost consciousness.

"What a terrible time to be alive" the individual let out with a throaty chuckle as the sludge villain froze mid possession.

"D-don't interfere dumbass or the boy dies!" the villain belted out in a frantic rush, his pupils dilating as his instincts told him to free this eerily calm man, Garbed in nothing but black pleated hakama pants and stained dull beige cloth bandages extending from the nape of his neck to his wrists and heels.

From beneath a mane of shaggy obsidian hued hair, eyes the color of moon kissed amber glowed with mad glee, contrasted from the man's ashen skin. "Would you kindly die for me?" the man queried. Stalking forward with a predatory lope before disappearing as if a mirage before appearing behind the Villain, grabbing hold of the sludge being with both arms in a vice like grip seemingly unaffected by the Villains quirk augmented form before sinking his teeth into its body, a macabre cacophony of sound following as the villain was devoured in gnashing teeth and a slurping of fluids, leaving only the boy alive.

Midoriya regaining consciousness with a start, patting himself down before yelling out with jubilation "YES! Im, still myself". But joy gave way to confusion as no form of existence was found of the villain who had nearly killed him.

Turning around his hair stood on end as he jumped in fright at the sudden appearance of the man he hadn't seen before blacking out. "I'm sorry, but did you save me, Hero?" Izuku intoned as he took note of the man's features, thinking that the echo of unladen feet he heard was potentially from this man, who looked no worse for the wear, though with a slightly distended stomach that somehow still retained the man's overall lithe muscular physique.

"It would be a crime for you to die before becoming a true hero, wouldn't it boy?" the man said, flashing a coy smile. "That villain became part of the cycle of this world, as we all will be one day, because he thought to rob you of the most fantastical part of a human" the man paused, a calculating gaze stirred in his glowing amber eyes. "Your potential, to strive, claw, rip, and tear at the world to shape it in your beliefs" His gaze turned to a maddening gleam as he beheld the boy, who looked even still unnerved by his monologue. "I would imagine you're questioning who or what i am? Good. Because you should always dispute anything and everything in this world. Phantasmagoria wills it"

the now named Hero finished with a flourish of his hands towards the boy, holding an orb of swirling blackness. "Being without a quirk is only a minor hiccup when you're full of…..potential" Phantasmagoria started with a throaty laugh, leaving the young Midoriya somewhat hesitant to take the sphere, his mind reeling with the possibility that this hero, because he had to be a hero to defeat that villain, could grant him the power to be the hero that saved others with a smile.

"What is that orb though, Phantasmagoria?" Midoriya questioned before the mans abrupt movement shook him out of his mumbled query.

"Its Potential" the man replied in a silken lilt of speech. An abrupt palm thrust with the orb a suction like grip in the man's palm lifted the boy off his footing, suspended upon the orb before it seemingly melted into his body with nary a blemish. "Do try to reach your peak, young Midoriya, otherwise it might be such a terrible time to be alive" the man finished with an echoing laugh, fading away as if a dream.