Reviews for Phantasmagoria: The Potential of a dreamer
L.R chapter 10 . 3/27
Inko's better off without him. Hisashi was such a a$$hole. I'd shoot him.

The story itself is good, but could use a few longer than that, It's a great story. Keep it up!
0zymandias chapter 10 . 6/4/2019
huh I was wondering whether this was lovecraftian or soulsborne.
Linkskingsolomon chapter 5 . 5/5/2019
Seems cheap that his mind was just healed like that
Whitetiger789 chapter 9 . 5/2/2019
Great chapter
Whitetiger789 chapter 8 . 2/5/2019
Good story so far.
MasasinMaze chapter 8 . 12/20/2018
I Love it, you are really awesome, your fic is make me yell like a fangirl, ill be waiting for the next chapter, good luck.
Emerl G chapter 2 . 12/17/2018
Muy intenso
Diaz Chatnoir chapter 8 . 11/19/2018
I love this story, the only sad thing is that every chapter feels soo painfully shorter than they are. But I totally adore the fact you are crossing over Bloodborne and BNHA.
biinthegamer chapter 8 . 11/18/2018
loving the story. just wanted to point out that in chapter 8 you flipped all for one into one for all.
Kuro545 chapter 1 . 11/5/2018
the idea is brilliant and the story is just spectacular I've read through what is currently here 3 times now I cannot wait for more of this story
biinthegamer chapter 6 . 10/31/2018
I love this fic already and cant wait for more
Karlos1234ify chapter 1 . 10/20/2018
This is interesting