Let's take some time to unwind from all the craziness that the story's been going through recently.

Also, I do appreciate the reviews that have asked me about a P-atreon (Gotta spell it this way since the site's censoring the word out) so they can donate. I don't have a P-atreon account and I don't intend to make one for Fanfiction. Technically, by all rights and laws, it's illegal to make money off someone else's work, even if it's Fanfiction. Sure, I created completely different stories from Highschool DxD, but I still use characters, locations, and names from the original Highschool DxD. That alone makes it impossible to make money of writing fanfics because by law, it's still not my property and it would be stealing and getting things based off someone else's work.

The only thing I own are the original concepts, storylines, lore, and OC characters invented for this story and my others stories. For example, the Aviturs and the storyline and all the stuff that didn't come from Ishibumi, like my version of the Abyss concept and Adelaide, etc.

Not only that but it doesn't personally sit right with me. I shouldn't be making money off fanfics because it's not 100% my own creation because it's not like I'm working for a company that has rights to it, you know what I mean? It's not like I'm writing something that Ishibumi wants, so within those grounds, I can't make money off it.

I'm still using characters and places and terms that Ishibumi spent his time creating. I'd rather write fanfics for my own enjoyment and other people's enjoyment, rather than make money off it. It'll start to feel like a job if I do that. I'd rather not have that happen.

If I were writing my own stories that were 100% my own original, then yes, I'd make a P-atreon, but that isn't the case here. I don't want people knocking on my door with a lawsuit, lol.

Regardless, I genuinely appreciate the sentiment. I just had to draw some lines just in case certain people came along to read my stories so I said what I said in chapter 58's Author's Note. Never can be too careful for future cases.

To close this intro Author's Note, I just want to thank everyone who's been supporting me ever since I started out on . All of the constant support, the feedback whether criticizing or pointing out what I did right and wrong, have always been appreciated. So, to the people I'm thanking, you know who you are.

Now, I should stop yammering and let you read.

Chapter 61: Resettling

Stepping back into the Lucifer Mansion was like stepping back into a pair of old favored shoes. At least, that's what Issei wanted to say. It had been so long, probably 4 months since he'd stepped foot in here. He glanced around. Everything looked the same, the air smelled the same, and the people here were still the same. Yet, it didn't quite feel the same. He couldn't put his thumb on it.

"I was wondering when you'd get back." Sairaorg said as he and Kuisha stepped into the Living Room.

Apparently, they'd been waiting and were eager to hit him.

Issei smiled to himself, ignoring the waiting punch. He walked up the steps and entered his old room. It was as if he needed to validate it. He wanted to see if he still truly had a place here.

"We kept everything the same, just in case you ever came back." Vali said.

Issei turned around and found that she was alone. Rizevim and the others had all stayed downstairs, probably to give them some privacy. The moment he stepped into the house, he felt the elephant in the room. He could tell that words were being held back. It was just that the right moment wasn't here yet.

"So, comfortable?" Vali asked.

"Yeah. It's been a while since I've been home. All that time traveling out there felt like years instead of just a few months." Issei nodded.

"Good." Vali smiled casually as she closed and locked the door behind her.

"Vali?" Issei turned to her in confusion.

Vali walked right over and slapped him square in the face. Issei was stunned silent. His left cheek turned red the moment she struck him, swelling with a burning sting. When he looked at her face, he saw the rivers of tears running down her face. Anger, sorrow, regret, and outrage were written all over her expression and in her eyes.

"Wha—" Issei was cut off as several more slaps struck him on the same spot on his face.

He felt the stinging pain burn hotter with each hit.

(Fate/Prototype OST – Knight of Sky Silver ~ Strings Version. Play Song.)

"Do you have any idea how crazy I've been driven?!" Vali demanded.

Again, she struck him.

"Do you understand how much you hurt all of us?!" She continued.

"JUST! WHAT! WERE! YOU! THINKING!?" With each word, came another slap.

Issei didn't resist. He was aware of the pain that everyone probably felt from learning everything that he'd orchestrated. He didn't argue because he understood the pain he'd caused.

"Do you know how much it hurt for us to learn that this entire time, you were dying?! It was even all the way from the end of the Rating Games! You stupid bastard! These several months have been hell for us ever since you left! Did you really think that by doing all this, we'd be happy?!" Vali slapped Issei again, knocking him onto the ground.

Vali knelt, grabbing his collar, looking him dead in the eye. The pain, the restrained worry, the anger, and the sheer anxiety that she'd bottled up all came rushing out.

"Do you know how much little sanity I had left?!" Vali squeaked out.

Issei didn't respond. He only listened.

"I wanted to go insane when you died. I felt like I was dying. The entire time we were together, you'd tried to set me up with Sairaorg. You manipulated all of us. You manipulated me. You knew that we had crushes and tried to manipulate it into love. The entire time, you knew who we were. You knew I was Aria and you didn't say a thing. We could've been together, but you denied us that. You went around helping everyone with their problems. Yet, you were dying on the inside the entire time! You did everything with a smile on your face! Why didn't you tell anyone? Why couldn't you trust me?! I was supposed to be your best friend! We're supposed to be able to tell each other anything. You wanted everyone to be happy, but did you ever stop and think that you'd become our happiness? Didn't you stop to think that our happiness would go with you? Why did you decide to do everything alone?! You even died! You died right in front of me! Do you know how it tore me apart to see you like that?!" Vali cried.

The answer to all her questions had already been answered. Issei knew that she was only venting now. She had to empty out all those thoughts, lest she snap completely next time something happened. To be honest, he hadn't expected the fallout of his manipulations to have been this high. He'd expected everyone to have moved on upon his death. Yet, here he was.

"If you want everyone to be happy, then start with yourself!" Vali wailed with all her heart.

She choked on her sobs, clutching her aching heart. Rivers of salt water kept dripping from her eyes as she gasped for air. Issei didn't respond, instead, he just wiped the tears from her face with an understanding look.

"I can't do it, Issei. It's impossible! I can't be happy without you! Every day, I had no idea who I was becoming. No matter what I did, nothing felt right. I can't imagine life without you anymore. I love you so much! I love you so much that it kills me when you're not with me! Please, I'm begging you with everything…please don't leave me." Vali begged hysterically.

She had the most broken frown of tears. She shuddered violently as she failed to control herself. Her mind kept swinging back and forth. She was angry at him for leaving her behind. She was angry at him for manipulating everyone. She was angry at him for not telling her the truth. And then, she was sad and regretful for failing to see the hell that was raging in Issei's mind and heart. She had gazed into his eyes and failed to see what was hidden in them every time.

"I'm sorry, Issei. I'm so sorry! I should've noticed it all! I failed you so many times!" Vali sniffled.

"No, you didn't fail. It's because I kept so many secrets from you and everyone else." Issei shook his head.

"I wanted you all to be happy. I wanted your final memories of me to be happy ones. I wanted to at least leave a legacy that had done some good. When I learned that I was dying, everything changed. I knew that after I'd died, I'd reincarnate, but the next version of myself wouldn't be the same. At the end, I'd just be a memory. That's why I did all that. I wanted to help everyone however I could in whatever way I could. I wanted nothing else before the end came." Issei said.

Vali looked up at him, slowly calming down as her initial outrage subsided. To be honest, Issei had reflected on this ever since he'd regained his memories. The consequences of hiding the truth and what all these recent events would do to everyone. Even so, Issei had steeled himself to face everything he'd done.

As of this moment, Issei was reeling from the fact that Vali reciprocated how he felt. If he hadn't met Adelaide, then he'd be jumping for the moon to give it to Vali. However, he was conflicted. He now had feelings for Vali AND Adelaide. People weren't playthings, men nor women. He had to treat this seriously.

Vali could tell what he was thinking. The troubled look on his face told it all. She took a deep breath. The next part wasn't going to be easy for her to speak.

"I'll give you time to decide how you feel. I know that…Adelaide has a heart in your place now. I don't know where I fit or if you still feel the same way, so I'll wait. That's the least I can do for you." Vali slowly stood up.

"Thank you." Issei quietly said.

"Still…can we stay like this, at least? Please?" Vali asked.

"Okay." Issei nodded.

Vali laid down into his arms. At long last, she could unwind, freeing herself from the insanity of the past many months. She felt herself going back to normal now that Issei was back in her life. That gap that had swelled open when he disappeared hadn't closed itself one bit no matter what she did. It was only thanks to his safe return that she was able to get that peace back.

Yes, everything was finally right and as it was supposed to be.

(Fate/Prototype OST – Knight of Sky Silver ~ Strings Version. End Song.)

Of course, Issei got hit, a lot, when he went back downstairs. Rizevim and the others had the decency to avoid his swollen and purple left cheek, going for his right one instead and other areas. Lefay's kick towards his knee was particularly sharp. Still, Vali had done their share of speeches for them, so it'd have been overkill to repeat the same thing over and over.

The most important thing was that Issei was back home, safe and sound. At least, that would've been the case if it weren't for the fact that everyone was venting their frustrations with hits rather than words.

Sairaorg put him in a chokehold and punched him on top of the head the moment he came back downstairs.

"I just returned to life a few months ago and now you're gonna send me back to the hereafter?" Issei tapped his arm.

"We won't talk you to death. We're just going to beat you black and blue for lying to us, manipulating us, and making all of us cry." Sairaorg proceeded to noogie him.

"Vali already slapped my left cheek purple! Don't rip my hair out!" Issei pleaded.

"Nope. It's our turn to pay you back for all those painful secrets." Lefay shook her head.

"Traitors!" Issei flapped his arms.

Before long, Sairaorg released him and everyone sat down after several hours of lectures that were along the lines of what Vali said. Apparently, everyone changed their mind on lecturing him and decided to torment him for his extremities. Honestly, Issei almost passed out from hearing similar tirades over 12 times.

Now, everyone was just laughing and joking.

Vali couldn't help but feel a wide crescent creep across her face. As expected, Issei's return marked the return of laughter and joy in their home. The atmosphere returned to being bright and everyone returned to their carefree selves. It was a lost wish realized for Vali. She was just so relieved to have him back in her life. For the first time in a long time, she could smile from the very bottom of her heart. Her smile itself, seemed to brighten the room as she joined in on the laughter that this family had reclaimed.

Sadly, Issei's laughter was short-lived. His mind kept traveling back to Adelaide. What was happening to her? What was she being asked and what was she doing?

Adelaide sat alone in a darkly lit room. It was common to interrogation rooms used by human police. Were they trying to get her to relax with familiarity or intimidate her with it? She'd been here for a few hours already, kept in complete silence with cuffs around her wrists. She could feel them restricting her ability to use magic and mana. Not only that, but magic circles were layered over each other on the ceiling and floor to keep her weakened. It wouldn't be far-fetched if there were invisible guards standing in the room with her.

Finally, the door to the room opened. Rizevim entered, holding a plate of French fries with a double cheeseburger, all still steaming hot.

'Good cop, bad cop routine?' She wondered, only, there was no one else with him.

"I apologize for the long wait. Issei told me to make sure to keep you well-fed, so I'll be keeping that promise." Rizevim gently set the plate down in front of her with a tall glass of soda.

Adelaide stared at the food.

"Don't worry, I promise there's nothing in it." Rizevim chuckled as he unlocked her handcuffs.

"So, when're you going to start asking questions?" Adelaide asked.

"As soon as you finish eating." Rizevim shrugged.

Adelaide was made aware that her biology made her immune to several things. That didn't mean there were holes in her defenses. If this food was laced, she didn't know what combinations were in here.

"I'll eat after, if you don't mind." Adelaide said.

"Understandable. Well, then, let's begin with who you are." Rizevim nodded.

"My name is Adelaide Motoié. I was born human and lived a normal life until a few months ago. I'm 18 years old and I'm of Half-American and Half-French descent." Adelaide replied.

Rizevim gestured for her to continue.

"I was human until I'd met Issei Hyoudou a few months ago, where my powers awakened, and my memories of past lives returned. I'll assume you know how this all works?" Adelaide raised a brow.

Rizevim only nodded again.

"Tell me, Adelaide, you're part Avitur, are you not?" He asked.

Adelaide was still hesitant to trust anyone here. The knowledge of her connection to Issei was extremely dangerous in the wrongs. She had to keep the fact that she could influence Issei out of mind as much as possible. She was certain they already knew, but still…

"My biology might still be the same. To be honest, I don't really know, myself. All I know is that through the use of Bahamut's power, the spiritual and mental parts of me that are Avitur have been purged. It was through some sort of mental spell that he did it." Adelaide sighed.

"I see. And tell me, how were you made aware of that fact in the past?" Rizevim asked again.

"It was through impulse and choice suggestion. I could sense it and so could Issei. It's only natural since the Aviturs and Bahamut are polar opposites." Adelaide calmly crossed her arms.

Rizevim knew that Adelaide was keeping some things secret. He didn't blame her. He'd also been grilled in the past concerning secrets about Issei. He needed to know more and Adelaide was a vital source of information. He had to get her to trust him if there were bigger problems ahead.

Despite the stories Vali told, Adelaide didn't strike him as a violent or disturbing person. She was calm, collected, and perfectly coherent. She showed no signs of aggression and even helped out in the previous battle.

"If you're trying to get some dark secret out of me, then you don't want to bother. I don't know any more than whatever it is that Issei's told you. To be frank, Issei's been in this reincarnation game a lot longer and has more knowledge and experience than I do. I wasn't even aware in several of my past lives. I don't know when I became part Avitur." Adelaide crossed her legs.

She wasn't sure where Rizevim was trying to go or what he was trying to learn. Issei had told her before that Rizevim and the Lucifer Household had been like family to him. He trusted them with his life. Even so, this was the Headquarters of the Alliance. There were other eyes and ears here.

"What were your reasons for kidnapping Issei?" Rizevim moved on.

"I wanted him to be safe." Adelaide answered without batting an eye.

"Excuse me?" Rizevim looked mystified.

"I wanted Issei to be kept away from all the fighting. It's no secret that he died. He made me aware of that before we arrived at the previous battle. He told me of his journey around the world, hunting the Aviturs and his death after defeating their human forms. Time and time again, Issei was left to become a weapon and not once did he ever get the recognition and care he deserved. He was left to die, alone and forgotten. If he was as loved and cherished as stated by others, there'd be monuments to his past lives and his last few months as a human wouldn't have been so tormenting." Adelaide leaned forward.

"That's why I took him away. I'm sure Vali Lucifer has told you already. I'm the other Songstress of Serenity, created when our original soul was split in half by a conflict between the Void and Abyss. Like two kids pulling on a teddy bear, Vali and my soul were split in half. The Abyss took Vali's half and the Void took my half. The rest is history." Adelaide said.

"And after that, I learned of what sort of things Issei went through in his past lives. He either went off on his own and died fighting Aviturs or he was thrown at them like an attack dog by others. Therefore, I sought to keep him safe, away from others who would try to control him through sweet words and fake kindness or manipulation." Adelaide explained, glaring past Rizevim.

"If that's the case, then why have you only come now? Where were you?" Rizevim asked, his tone a bit impatient from her implications.

"I only discovered the truth and my powers after meeting him a second time. I then spent the rest of my time trying to track him down. Unfortunately, I failed to find him before he died. It was a matter of time and circumstance."

"And what're your intentions now?" Rizevim asked.

"That depends on Issei. All I want is his safety and happiness. However, I'd rather try to see to it myself whether or not that'll be the case." Adelaide thoroughly explained.

She wasn't going to take someone else's word for it. She wanted to see with her own eyes.

"And what'll you do with me? Lock me up? Kill me? Treat me like a lab-rat?" Adelaide continued.

"No. I promised your protection and so have others. However, how can we trust you? How do we know the Void isn't controlling you? How can we be sure that you're sincere?" Rizevim already felt like she was telling the truth. There were a ton of things that would've happened already if she were indeed an enemy.

"If I was on the Avitur's side, then I would've taken him away and dropped him at the feet of the Void already. I would've taken control of him, brainwashed him, and had him fight and destroy. Yet, I didn't because I'm not like that. I have no intentions of harming Issei or any of you. I just want to live my life freely with him. I'm sure you understand that." Adelaide responded with sincerity practically overflowing from her eyes and words.

Rizevim had done his fair share of interrogations. He'd dealt with liars. He'd dealt with accidental victims and framed people. He'd dealt with people from all sorts of walks of life. He looked behind Adelaide, looking at the wall that doubled as a barrier and invisible window. Watching the entire thing were Veritas, the Roman goddess of truth, Buddha, Vishnu, Odin, and Gabriel. All of them were brought there to help serve as lie detectors. So far, Adelaide hadn't told a single lie, judging by the approving nods Rizevim saw.

"Yes, I do. For the final question, why did you come to help during the previous battle?" Rizevim asked.

"Because you needed help. Also, it's because I decided to let Issei go free. I was reminded of how wrong it was to keep him locked up while the people he cared about were in harm's way." Adelaide replied.

Yes, that sounded that something that Issei would approve of. Based off the interaction he'd heard and seen, Issei and Adelaide had developed a very dependent relationship with each other. If one approved, so did the other. If one went into the battle, the other joined. It was a double-edged sword, both beautiful but very unnerving. Still, if Issei was approving of her, then he'd put faith in his decision. For now.

"Very well, thank you. You should eat before your meal gets cold." Rizevim exited the room.

When he went into the observation room, the others watched Adelaide as she analyzed her food. She looked at it and smelled it, trying to detect it for anything before taking a bite. She only smiled. This wasn't the smile of somebody who felt like they'd won an argument. She wasn't smiling like someone who'd just pulled off a great ploy. She smiled in enjoyment of her food.

This was only the first phase of the investigation. It was Rizevim's idea to try the gentle approach first and foremost. Aggressive questioning had lost its touch and he'd already promised Issei that it wouldn't come to that. Besides, there was no knowing if things would get worse if they acted like how they did in stereotypical cop shows.

"What do you all think?" Rizevim turned to his colleagues.

"She hasn't lied thus far. I don't sense any dark presence from her, either. The girl has told nothing but the truth. No doubt, a byproduct of her remembering lessons learned from past lives. Even so, there could be things at work that not even we are able to discern. The child should stay here for a while longer, under observation before it is safe to release her to the outside world." Buddha said as Vishnu nodded in agreement.

"And how do we know there're others here that won't try to exploit her?" Gabriel wondered.

"It's no lie that there are less-than-savory people in the Alliance. They act out of sycophancy to vie for power from us. Even so, we cannot have her so close to the Host of Bahamut should anything be amiss. As Buddha has said, further observation is necessary." Odin stroked his beard.

"He won't like that. He's seemed to have developed quite a complex relationship with her, borderline codependent in some ways." Rizevim replied.

"He has no choice. Not everyone can have their way and for the sake of avoiding a possibly dangerous future, this must be done." Veritas shook her head.

"Visits are allowed, but they cannot spend all their time together. Proximity spells and enchantments grow stronger with time and shorter distance. As a precaution, we will observe her for one week and discern her intentions and any underlying threats. If cleared, we'll let her go." Vishnu stamped his staff.

"I'll relay that."

As expected, Issei wasn't happy with the verdict. Still, he understood why it came to this.

"And how will I know something's not going to be done to her?" Issei crossed his arms.

"You have my word and the words of several others. You may not know it, but your actions on the day that you defeated the Aviturs have become the talk of many circles. You have gained metaphorical weight, Issei. Sadly, it's out of fear in several circles. The fact that you defeated 6 Aviturs alone in their human forms, despite being below prime condition has confirmed you as a powerful entity. That'll be the insurance that can be used to keep others from harming her." Rizevim sighed.

Issei rolled his eyes. So fear was the only redeeming factor that gave him any kind of sway? That was one of the last things he wanted to happen.

"For now, just be patient. We'll be keeping her under observation for a week. If everything checks out, we'll let her go." Rizevim gave Issei a gentle shake on the shoulder before walking away.

"Rizevim…" Issei called out.


"Why was it that I didn't go through this process?" Issei asked the one question that he knew would morph the atmosphere.

"It's because we chose to believe in your better nature, not Bahamut. We were persuaded by the fear of Bahamut's possible rampage but we learned who you were and what you believed in. Adelaide's a completely blank slate to us. The fact that she kidnapped you was the first course of action that made her suspicious."

"So you spied on me." Issei concluded.

"Yes." Rizevim admitted.

Issei didn't fault them for their caution. He'd always suspected this, but he didn't say anything due to his circumstances at the time.

"And now, we're doing the same thing. We need to learn what she's like and see what she believes in. The only difference is that it's not just me who has sway this time. This is the Alliance that has involvement now, not just us." Rizevim casually responded before giving Issei a piece of paper.

"Special ticket. Call her." He smiled.

Issei lied down on his bed, unable to take his mind off Adelaide. What was she doing right now? Had she eaten the food he'd sent to her? Was she safe from anyone who'd try to take advantage of her? He was so nervous that he had to fight the urge to fly over to Alliance HQ and see her.

Sadly, he had to make do with a call. He activated the piece of paper that Rizevim gave him.

Shimmering to life was a projection of Adelaide.

"Issei?" She smiled brightly.

"Are you okay?" Issei eagerly asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Rizevim gave me some food and they're letting me stay in a nice suite for now. They also took off my cuffs. Still, I'm sure they've got somebody like Thor or Hades nearby in case they feel threatened." Adelaide chuckled.

To be honest, she didn't like the face Issei was wearing. He was worried, nervous, and conflicted.

(Doctor Who OST – Clara? Play Song.)

"Stop giving me that look. Everything will be okay. I've told them the truth, already. They didn't seem to have a problem. You just sit tight and wait for me." Adelaide shook her head in exasperation.

"I don't like this. Bahamut may not be reacting but my gut tells me that I need to be there." Issei grit his teeth.

"Issei, stop thinking about me and remember your situation. You're back home now. You're also with Vali, the girl you loved above all until I walked into your life. Don't you think you should give her a chance and decide what to do? She loves you and you love her. Don't you think that deserves your attention, not me?" Adelaide lightly reprimanded him.

"I…" Issei trailed off.

"She confessed her love." Adelaide concluded.

He didn't even need to say anything. Just from a look into his eyes, she could tell what was in his heart. He was in so much turmoil. Given what he was like, only serious emotional matters or a moral crisis could get him this bothered.

"Yeah." Issei nodded.

"I'm okay with sharing." Adelaide flatly said.

"WHAT?!" Issei looked at her, gobsmacked.

"I know you. The reason you're so conflicted is because you're afraid of what I'll say and feel. Your human lifestyle also won't let you do it. Still, we're in the supernatural world now. Polygamy is common. I understand that if I hadn't come along, you two would be together. I don't like thinking about it but that's the truth. I won't deny either of you that. It's your life, Issei. I love you. I don't want to hold you back." Adelaide shook her head, rejecting that notion.

"I love you too." Issei's head sunk.

"I know you do. That's why I appreciate your loyalty so much. Still, think about what you want and how you feel. It's not happiness if you're not happy completely, either. Besides, Vali and I are two halves of what was originally Aria, so in a way, it's not really cheating." Adelaide shrugged, chuckling. She joked, hoping it'd do something to brighten his mood.

Issei couldn't help but smile lightly.

"Just…don't hold yourself back anymore, Issei. I promise, when I get out, we'll talk more and come to a compromise. I don't mind if you two hook up, but, don't forget me, either when the time for a final decision comes, please…" Adelaide quietly said.

"I promise." Issei swore.

"I love you. Bye." Adelaide waved.

"I love you too." Issei bucked up as the call ended.

(Doctor Who OST – Clara? End Song.)

Issei sat alone in his dark room. He pondered his intention behind his last sentence. 'I love you too'. Did he mean that he reciprocated her feelings back like the textbook meaning of the phrase? Or did he mean that he loved her as well as Vali?

The next morning, Issei went to go visit his favorite sages: Hana and Tobi.

"So, lad, what brings you here today?" Tobi asked.

Tobi, Hana, and Issei sat at a table, sipping tea.

"I've got a big problem and I figured you two were the best people to go to." Issei gulped.

'They are going to detest me after today.' Issei groaned.

He was kind of scared of that. If Rizevim and Ezagyra were like maternal grandparents to him, then Tobi and Hana were like paternal grandparents. They were a connection that he didn't want to lose. In this crazy world of demons, gods, angels, and beasts, Issei felt the need to retain his connection to the part that used to be human. Sure, he wasn't human anymore, but his heart and mind still felt like it.

"Fire away." Hana munched on an onigiri.

"You see…there are two girls that, well, that're in love with me." Issei started.

Tobi nodded for him to continue.

"You two were right. That one girl that I told you about was in love with me. The only thing is that I'm pretty much in a relationship with another girl that I met while traveling. But I still have feelings for the previous girl, so I feel for both of them." Issei said.

"Oh, dear…" Hana rubbed her forehead.

"Wow, so you managed to get two girls to fall in love with you." Tobi chuckled.

"The problem is that where I come from, polygamy is legal, but given how I was raised and the values I've got, it feels wrong." Issei said.

Tobi and Hana had complicated looks on their face.

"Hm…you are in a real bind this time…" Tobi tapped his chin.

"Let's start by summarizing how you feel about these two girls. Start with the first one that you met." Hana said.

"Well, her name's Vali. She…I…pffft…" Issei was at a loss as to where to start.

"Deep breaths and take your time." Tobi sipped his tea.

"Well, when I'm with her, I want to make her happy. I want to do everything I can to help her succeed in anything she does. When I closed my eyes, she'd be the person that I saw. I did a lot of things for her sake and I just wanted her to have a happy life, no matter how much it hurt. I loved her back then and I feel that…I still love her." Issei groaned in distress.

"And what about this second girl?" Hana asked.

"Her name's Adelaide. She's somebody I met while traveling. The thing is, I had an accident and lost my memories for a while. She took care of me and as it turned out, we knew each other when we were younger. I used to really like her too." Issei had to change up some aspects but the meaning was still the same.

"So, you're like childhood friends." Tobi asked.

"Yeah, kind of." Issei nodded.

"Go on." Hana prompted.

"So, while she took care of me, we grew closer. As of now, we haven't officially declared it but given how we act, we're practically dating. As for how I feel, it's pretty much the same. I want to protect her. I want her safe and happy and I want to spend the rest of my days with her." Issei sighed.

"And are these two girls aware of this situation?" Hana asked.

"Yeah…" Issei stared at his teacup.

"And somehow, you're still alive…" Tobi snorted.

"Somehow." Issei snorted too, though less jokingly and more nervously.

A long silence washed over the table. Nobody had an idea of what to say. This wasn't exactly something that Tobi and Hana could give much advice on. They were at a loss as to how to help him. It was an odd problem that wasn't looked upon kindly, but Issei wasn't the kind of person to play with people's emotions for enjoyment.

"You know, when you showed up today, I was thinking to myself 'wow, he does not look okay today.' Never did I realize that you were going through this sort of thing. You're scared out of your mind, aren't you?" Tobi asked.

Tobi dropped all pretense of his jovial nature. He was much gentler in handling Issei.

Issei only nodded. He was. He was so scared of losing any relationships, any connections. At the end of the day, they were all he really had in this world. Power didn't mean that much in the face of his relations to others. He didn't want to lose Vali or Adelaide or his connection to Tobi and Hana. He didn't want to lose his friends. He didn't want to lose anyone.

"Well, clearly, you have a major crisis on your hands. Unfortunately, maybe thankfully, neither of us have experience with this sort of thing. I can only advise you to go with what your heart tells you. Right now, it might be confused. You're torn between two people and circumstances weren't ideal, so you got lodged into a situation that you weren't expecting. Still, I think that you should spend some time with both of them. Not together at the same time, of course, but separately. Get yourself together. Get your thoughts together. Decide for yourself what your heart feels. Remember, don't think, but feel when it comes to your heart." Hana advised.

"It's really selfish. Here I am, contemplating what to do when I'm already hurting both of them. They won't say it, but I can tell. Yet, here I am, selfishly trying to cling onto them instead of being mature and making a decision." Issei sipped his tea to try and calm his nerves. He failed.

"Boy, life decisions like this aren't easy nor simple. It might seem selfish but the fact that you're here, trying to figure out a conclusion while agonizing proves that you're considering how they feel. I get it. You don't want to choose one and hurt the other, but sometimes, you've gotta do something, even if something unfortunate happens. You can't lead the two on, either. A real man treats women with respect and as people, not as toys or things to conquer. Only sick people think like that. This is reality. So, my advice to you is the same as what Hana said. Spend time with both of them and decide what your heart says. If polygamy is legal where you come from, then that's also an option. The laws of your land don't apply everywhere, and the laws of other lands don't apply where you come from either. It just depends on whether or not you can live with your decision." Tobi set his teacup down.

"Love is great but it's so complicated yet simple. It's not really something you should only think or only feel with. It looks like you've done your share of thinking so now it's time to feel. Whatever the case, good luck." Hana patted Issei on the head.

"Thanks, Hana, Tobi." Issei smiled.

"Any time. You're always welcome to come here at any time and any day. Our doors are always open to you." Tobi ruffled his hair.

When Issei returned home, he was greeted by Vali right at the door.

"Welcome back." She smiled brightly.

"Where'd you go?" Ezagyra asked.

"Just went to visit some friends." Issei sat down.

"You have no idea how eager Vali was. She was pacing the entire time. The moment the door handle started turning, she was already over there." Bikou whispered.

"Bikou!" Vali scolded him.

Issei only chuckled. He recalled that Rizevim told him that he had to keep the rest of his day clear. He was on pins and needles the entire team, waiting for news.

"Good, you're home. We're going to go to Headquarters for an appointment. I figured you'd want to be there." Rizevim walked downstairs.

"Yeah, let's go."

"Ah." Vali paused.

Just like that, Issei left with Rizevim. Vali couldn't help but feel disappointed when that happened. He had barely spent much time with her ever since he got back home. They'd talk casually but she couldn't help but sense that Issei was maintaining distance with her. It was kind of unnerving. She knew she'd promised to give him time, but the wait was killing her. Sadly, she didn't want to push Issei. He'd gone through enough already. Her being pushy wasn't something he needed on his plate.

When Issei arrived where Rizevim intended for them to go, it was a large white room that was full of equipment. In the wall was a protective shielding that gave a view into another room. He peeked through to find Adelaide strapped into a machine with a bracer on her arm and a headband on her head.

"What is that thing?" Issei's eyes instantly narrowed.

"It's meant to help delve into a psyche. We're trying to recreate magitech from ancient humans and this our first real breakthrough. Today's test is to see if there're hidden motives and to see if there's more Avitur influence inside her mind. However, I know that you have reservations, so I wanted you to be here just in case. I promise she won't be harmed. This is merely a precaution." Rizevim cleared his throat.

Issei looked around at every single person in the room. From mages to scientists, to Rizevim, Azazel, Artemis, Odin, and Gabriel.

Rizevim didn't tell him, but this was also to try and get Issei to relax and trust in the Alliance. Things were always tense whenever Issei approached the subject of Adelaide. It was only natural. Adelaide, Vali, and him were very powerful and were seen as opportunities. Still, he wanted Issei to have faith. No doubt, he remembered the past deeds of the people in the Alliance before the Alliance was ever imagined. There was truth to the cruelty of the pantheons and the people involved.

"Let us begin, then, Ms. Adelaide." Azazel laid back in his chair.

"Do you have any intentions of harming the Host of Bahamut?" He asked.


Every time she answered a question, marks appeared on the screen that Azazel monitored.

"Do you have any intentions of harming the Alliance?"


"Do you plan to engage in any violence?"

"Only if attacked first."

"Do you still feel the Void's influence within you?"


"Do you know if the other Aviturs are alive?"


"Are you part Avitur?"


"Did you lie at yesterday's questioning?"


Questions continued to be asked and Adelaide was obliged to answer. Every now and then, Azazel would change up the questions and the randomness, perhaps to see how she'd react.

"Any traces of Avitur energy?" Odin asked a staff member.

"None, Lord Odin. She's not showing any signs even with proximity to the Host of Bahamut."

"Good." Artemis nodded in satisfaction.

When the session was done, Adelaide was released for the day. Upon entering the room, Adelaide restrained herself from hugging Issei, not wanting to act so affectionately in the company of others.

"You get 5 hours together, but only in Adelaide's quarters. After that, you've gotta leave. I couldn't secure you more time." Rizevim whispered to Issei.

He nodded gratefully before Adelaide lead him out.

When the door closed, Odin chuckled.

"Young love."

"Can you blame them? Eons of lives and they're reunited." Rizevim scratched his head.

"Rizevim, aren't you steamed? Isn't your granddaughter in love with him?" Azazel asked.

"Yes, but that's their business. I promised that I'd only interfere when safety was risked. If it's romance, I won't lift a finger. We can't breathe over their shoulder at all times." Rizevim shook his head.

"And what'll you do if he doesn't choose Vali?" Odin asked.

"That's his choice. I will admit, I'll be angry. I'd give the world for my grandbaby, but I understand that Issei's entitled to his own happiness too. We all are." Rizevim grinded his teeth.

"If this were in another lifetime, he'd probably have a harem." Odin mused.

"Good thing he's not a dog. As a guy who fell because of sex, it rots you inside and you get promiscuous if you have too much with too many people." Azazel shrugged.

"And now look at you, dating. Even you've succumbed to the charms of married life." Odin elbowed him.

"How did you find out?" Azazel paled.

"Michael." Rizevim shrugged.

"Why? Why is it always him that embarrasses me?" Azazel growled.

"It's a big brother's duty to embarrass his little brother." Odin snorted.

Adelaide led Issei down the halls of the Headquarters. She knew she was under surveillance, but she didn't care. She wasn't going to waste her precious time with Issei. They entered her suite, which was a large Living Room with several couches, a coffee table, a monitor, and lights. Connected to it, was a Kitchen and Dining Room with a hallway leading to her bedroom.

By all accounts, this was luxurious treatment for a suspect. No doubt, strings had been pulled for her.

(Doctor Who OST - Madame de Pompadour. Play Song.)

"Have you been treated well?" Issei asked.

"Yes, very. Rizevim and a few others have made sure that my stay's comfortable. Food's nice, suite is comfortable, and nobody bothers me. It's really quiet, but I'm used to it." Adelaide nodded.

"And what about all those questions and tests?" Issei held her hand.

Adelaide gently squeezed it back.

"It happened a lot. They tested my blood, scanned my anatomy and biology within morale boundaries, and have done a lot of psychological evaluations. They did things human style for the first part of the week. Then, they did things all over again the supernatural way."

"I see." Issei breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey, I'm a big girl now. I can take care of myself. Besides, if things check out and they keep their promise, I'll be back with you soon." Adelaide gently cupped his face.

"Yeah." Issei nodded.

"And you need to do things right by Vali. She deserves your love just as much, if not more, than I do." Adelaide pointed out.

"Are you truly okay with that, though?" Issei asked.


"Me being with another woman while you're not there. What if things change? What if we realize that this wasn't meant to be? What if what we have now crumbles?" Issei asked.

"That's a risk we're both taking, isn't it? You knew what it was going to be like, going back to this life. Still, what matters to me is that you come to a decision in the end. It won't be easy, but something's gotta happen. Just like how you said, we've got choices and we have to pick one or we'll go nowhere." Adelaide prompted.

She was right. Issei had to come to a decision. He knew how he felt and he'd been resolute. But now, in the face of the matter right up against him, he faltered, the full scale and weight of his impasse weighing down on him. Time was no longer running out on him unlike before where he had to come to a decision quickly. He had the time to be scared now. It was such a complex feeling that he'd failed to realize in the past.

"Okay." Issei nodded.

"Good boy."

(Doctor Who OST - Madame de Pompadour. End Song.)

When Issei's visit was over, he returned back to the Lucifer Home for one very important mission. With a deep breath, Issei knocked on a door.

"Come in."

Issei entered Vali's room and asked.

"Vali, I wanted to ask if you were busy this Saturday."

"I'm not. What's up?" She smiled.

"Did you wanna go on a date?"

Issei felt his palms sweat as his feet started going cold. It was amusing how he still got nervous from this sort of thing with Vali, but not Adelaide. Was it because of the purpose behind this? Was it because he was scared to see how he felt about Vali now at this point within the deepest darkest parts of himself?

Vali was silent for a while, her eyes widening before smiling again.

"Yeah." She nodded.

"Great! How's tomorrow sound?" Issei asked.

"Perfect. Where did you want to go?" Vali asked.

"It's a secret." Issei said as he closed the door.

Vali turned around and took a deep breath, clutching at her heart. Was this what she thought it meant? Was Issei reciprocating and intending on solidifying a relationship? Or was he trying to figure things out with test runs? It dampened her spirits a bit to think about that.

Vali shook her head. No, she wasn't going to let anything spoil the mood. Issei had just asked her out on a doubt. That was really all she needed to be sent into a happy mood. She looked forward to whatever Issei had in store for the two of them.

She didn't know what was going to happen but she did know that she'd appreciate it this time. To be honest, she feared that Issei no longer loved her the same way he used to, the way he said he did in his logs. However, they'd all come too far now to just turn back or pretend that their feelings weren't known. It was time to make life move forward.

And that's the end of this chapter.

I felt that this was an appropriate chapter for Issei. Now that he's no longer dying and short on time, he's got the time to truly see how big things are and is dealing with the effects of his actions upon himself. It's only natural since he never expected to be alive for it all. Now, he doesn't have to make decisions on the fly or spend only a few minutes. With more time, he's realizing the weight of everything he did and he's got new questions for himself, allowing him to grow more now.

I've still got big plans for the rest of the storyline. I'm also working on a side story for "The Grim Herald" too. I've spent so much time working with a lighter-toned story like "The Heroic Calamity" that I feel like I've been out of touch with the dark stuff for too long.

I need to grease my gears again for my suffering machine that's meant to torment the characters and readers. Yes, I'll admit it, I do have some sadism when I write. I do agree a bit with the notion that suffering helps add weight to a character(s) and story. I want to make you all feel your feels. Anyways, I will most likely publish the "Grim Herald" side story first before I go back to writing the main one since things are in their dark period there too. I gotta plug my head back into the characters so that I can try and make the story coherent again.

Again, thank you to everyone who's stuck with me this far for all your support. It means a lot to me, it really does.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I'll see you next time.