Full Disclosure by Castlefan6

Authors Note: Thisis my AU version of events as the end of Episode 4-22 played out. A discussion was held about therapy and the future between the two, then dropped. Picks up after Kyle walks away, but before the zombie ending with Rick and Alexis. Some old characters owned by both Marlowe and me will pay a visit in this story. This will have ANGST, but I think you will like the end result. I liked the TV Show, but several areas bothered me, how many times has "this will be our last case used?" This will take the conversation to the next level, but not everything will be smooth sailing.

I don't own Castle, I use the characters for amusement purposes only

Chapter 1


The actual transcript is copied below credit to Dust Jackets for that. I had a problem with the way this episode ended, it was a beautiful way to initiate true adult conversation, but it stopped and picked back up with the argument, and Kate being thrown off a building. I think a lot of the intimate conversations could have been generated about family settings, perhaps Alexis will appear in more chapters than my previous works, but remember this is not canon, it's AU. Thanks, and hope you enjoy, Tim

Copied from Dust Jackets for transcripts.

You know what? Keep it. My zombie walking days are over. I just want to put all this behind me.

He smiles sadly. CASTLE waves as he turns to leave. They watch him go and CASTLE sighs.

How does somebody put something like that behind them? He's going to need therapy.

It helps. (CASTLE is surprised) First he won't even be able to deal with it. It's going to take everything he's got to just put one foot in front of the other and get through the day.

I didn't know you were seeing a therapist.

Yeah well, I didn't want to make any excuses. I just wanted to put in the time and do the work. But I think I'm almost where I want to be now.

He's cautious.

And where is that?

She smiles slightly.

In a place where I can finally accept everything that happened that day. (she pauses to see if he understands) Everything.

(nods slightly) I think … I understand…

And um… that wall I was telling you about? I think it's coming down.

Well I'd like to be there when it does.

She can't stop her wide smile.

Yeah, I'd like you to be there, too.

Only without the zombie makeup.

I don't know. I kinda think that the zombie makeup suits you, Castle.

Yeah, I make it work.

She laughs, then smiles.



Rick turns to leave, feeling more optimistic than he had felt in months about the possibility of a relationship with Kate, she had almost admitted she wanted one as well. The words "In a place where I can finally accept everything that happened that day. Everything" was not lost in his conversation, especially when she paused to look into his eyes to be sure he understood EVERYTHING.

Kate is at her desk shutting down the computer and locking up for the night, she just can't help stealing a glance at him, even in his ridiculous outfit, the man just does something to her, and she is tired of waiting. As he steps into the elevator he turns and catches her eyes focused on him, the smile he flashes is her smile, one she hasn't seen in several weeks.

Castle's Loft

6:30 PM Same Day

Rick is thankful that he decided to drive for one of the few times today, he couldn't imagine the looks he would get in the subway, or even if a cabbie would stop for him. For once in his life, he was glad that Martha was an actress, if anyone had the high-powered removers for makeup he was going to need, it would be her. Martha's gasp and shriek as he entered the Loft proved the makeup was still doing its job of representing the undead,

"Richard, what on earth do you have on, and who did that ghastly makeup on you, it's absolutely terrifying."

"Hello Mother, and it's nice to see you again as well. This is the result of the case, which I might add did have a happy ending for most, this costume and makeup fooled the murderer into making a confession with the tapes and cameras running, except I do need your help."

"What on earth for Richard, I really don't want to look at you like this, I mean I love you kiddo, but this tries even a mother's love."

"Mother I need to get this off, and I know the regular strength removers won't do the job, so I figured that yo*"

"Really Richard, you figured I wore such powerful makeup I would be able to assist you, there's where you are wrong. All mine and Alexis is completely organic and is water based, so it's easy on, easy off. I do know someone from the theatre, but I would insist she come here, God you might get shot if you try to travel like that."

Martha pulls out her phone and makes a few calls waving her hands as she speaks so dramatically about the mess her son is in, and he needs help right away. After a few more minutes and words than Rick can't make out, she finally ends the call.

"Madge is bringing over the heavy-duty remover tray Richard so please don't be a snob when she gets here. She is doing this as a favor to me, and I don't want you to make her feel uncomfortable."

"OK Mother, but no wine or booze till she finishes the job, for you or her, Understood? Don't make me lock it in my vault."

"Richard you are such a cad and so rude sometimes, but yes we will wait till your face has been restored before we indulge, but it's gonna be the good stuff tonight kiddo."

A few hours later, Rick's face has been cleansed of the Zombie look, but not after countless selfies were taken, and sent to almost everyone on his mailing list. Alexis had made it home, and to her delight had missed her Dad's attempt to scare her at the door, part of the deal with Madge, who said, "Get your ass in the chair Rick or I am going to put a sealer coat over that pretty face instead of removing this gunk, see how many pretty ladies will want their chests signed then?"

"Madge you know I don't do that anymore, I am a reformed man."

"Since when?" Madge counters,

"Since Detective Beckett said she may like him a little" Alexis offers from the other side of the room.

"Enough about my love life, don't we have anything else to talk about," Rick complains as he washes off the final coat of moisturizing cleanser revealing the "Normal" Richard Castle.

"Well I gotta run Rick, Martha and I are going to wait till you re-stock the bar for payment, so I'll see you later" and she is out the door.

"So, Dad, if you have some time, I do want to talk to you about something important" Alexis is very nervous.

"Sure, Pumpkin always have time for you, no matter what I am doing or where I'm at."

"Let's sit down Dad" as Alexis leads him to the sofa in the living room and Rick is beginning to panic thinking all sorts of terrible scenarios.

"This sounds serious pumpkin, what's on your mind?"

"Remember we were talking about colleges a few weeks ago, and you encouraged me to follow my heart?"

"Yeah honey and you chose Columbia, is anything wrong?"

"Actually, yes Dad, I chose Columbia for you, my heart told me Stanford even though I was rejected for early admission, I do want it bad enough to get over the hurt.

I'm sorry Dad but you were so depressed, and I was afraid to go that far away. I actually had already enrolled at Stanford when you looked like I just threw you a life jacket when I said I thought Columbia would work.

I'm sorry Dad but you have to let me live my life, where and how I choose. I'm leaving for Stanford in 3 weeks, not Columbia, I just hope you understand, and aren't angry."

Rick pulls his little girl, well no longer his little girl but a young lady in close to him on the couch.

"Alexis, I want you to do what will make you happy, regardless of if I agree with the choices or not I will support you, as long as you are doing your best and not turning into some party animal. Very few young adults are offered this opportunity, and if this is where you need to be, then go with my blessing, I will miss you like crazy, but I could fly out,"

"DAD, NO, promise me you won't just drop in like that, I'm a woman now Dad, you need to work on your relationship with Detective Beckett, not worry about me."

"Honey no matter what happens with Kate, or anyone, I will always worry about my little girl, and you'll be that till I die, it's a Dad's privilege, you can look it up, I swear" as he smiles and kisses her on the top of her head.

Alexis turns her head into his shoulder to hide the tears she is shedding, but the sniffles give her away, along with his wet shirt as she says,

"I love you Daddy, I always will and just holds him tight."

She misses the far away glance Rick has as he glances to the piano and the montage of pictures of the two of them ranging from 18 months till her most recent graduation picture, and the single tear that falls from his eye.

"Pumpkin do you have plans tonight or can we plan on a Dad-Daughter night when you have a night open?"

"I can stay home if you'd like but I had planned on going over to Paige's for our last sleep over, she leaves for Europe next week, and we don't know when we'll see each other again."

"No Baby Bird, you go on with your plans tonight, just save one night for us, OK?"

"I will Daddy, I'm going to miss you terribly, but this is something I have to do, I hope you understand."

"I do, remember I'm the cool Dad" he gets out as Alexis kisses him on the cheek obviously a huge weight off of her, and bounces towards the door, "I love you Daddy, see you tomorrow, "

"Love you too, pumpkin, have fun."

He sits on the couch, trying to contemplate what just happened, his little girl, his life has grown up and wants to move to the other coast, 3000 miles away from him. His memory floats back to a tiny redhead with her entire hand gripping his little finger as they walked through the park, life is fleeting for sure.

Beckett's Apartment

6:50 PM

Kate had arrived home in a much better mood than she had been in for weeks, she is hopeful Rick caught her message. She is on a high when her mind asks how much more time would he wait, that question begins to haunt her. Hell, he has waited four years already, the hurts, the boyfriends, the living with his family, his trip to Los Angeles to assist her with Royce's murder, she just keeps ticking how much he had been there for her.

She places the takeout on the counter and finds her phone. Without a second guess or question she sends Rick a text.

"Rick, hope you made it home without someone actually thinking you were a zombie, and you could get that stuff off. We couldn't have solved this without you, Big Thanks" xoxo Kate

Her phone pings a moment later with his reply,

"You are welcome Kate, and I made it home fine, it took a Broadway Makeup Artist to get the goop off the face, but all is good now, just going to get dinner" Rick

"Hey if you haven't eaten yet, I have Chinese, and I somehow ordered your favorite as well as mine, must have been thinking of you when I ordered, you are welcome to come over, " Xoxoxox Kate

A moment later just a short reply,

"Thanks Kate, see you in twenty minutes," Always, Rick

Exactly 20 minutes later came a soft knock on Kate's door, right on time as always. She opens the door and Rick greets her with a gentle hug.

"Hi Kate, thanks for the invitation, I brought desert" as he hands he a bag with her favorite ice cream

"Rick you didn't have to bring anything, I don't know what I was thinking when I called the order in, but I've had you on my mind since you left the station. Are you OK, I know it was a tough case, but is everything OK?"

She notices the sad tired look in his eyes, God why had it taken her this long to realize the path to his soul was directly through those beautiful blue eyes that just made her melt.

"Kate, let's eat, enjoy the food then I'll tell you everything" as he eyes grow even sadder.

"Rick, I'm sorry if did anything, I don't want you upset, or sad just tell me is it me or someone else that has made you this sad?

"That obvious I guess, it's not you Kate, it's Alexis and there's nothing we can do, she's leaving for Stanford in three weeks"

"I thought she was going to*"

"Columbia? Yeah so did I, turns out she was worried and would have gone there but she knows I'm in a better place than I was when I pulled that crap with Slaughter and hurt yo*"

Kate engulfs his mouth with hers as she kisses him softly, tenderly, and whispers, "Hey it's OK, I know you will miss her, but she's growing up, you have to let her" then ends her statement with a deeper, sweeter kiss pouring out the emotions she has yet to find the courage to show.


"Yeah, Rick"

"Do you want to eat or keep kissing, because a few more of those and I can't promise anything"

"I guess there's time for comforting after food, just promise me you won't leave before we get to the real desert, OK Rick?"

"Kate, I'm slow not stupid" as he kisses her back and they both laugh.

"It's a long story so, we better eat first."

"Do you have anywhere to be tonight Rick? We can talk all night if we need to, OK? I'm just worried about you, and yes Damn it this wasn't the way I was going to say it, but I love you Richard Castle."

Rick stands in shock, as Kate leads him into the apartment and to the counter. After a few minutes, Rick is finally able to say, "I love you too Kate,"

"I know Babe, shh eat then we'll talk"

A/N Leaving the first chapter here as we await feedback to see where the characters are going to head to.