Reviews for Full Disclosure
malleys8 chapter 11 . 12/5/2018
So, everyone involved in this crisis approaches it calmly and with love and understanding for each other. Then, fate steps in with an eraser.
malleys8 chapter 9 . 12/4/2018
Ouch! Things don't get better in this chapter they slide downhill, all the way to the bottom. It's VERY hurtful..., well you'll see.
malleys8 chapter 8 . 12/4/2018
This chapter has a new family matter situation I've never before seen in ANY of the many Caskett stories I've read. It's not brought to any conclusion in this chapter. I'd be willing to stand in line to find out what happens.
FDWojo chapter 9 . 12/3/2018
Like many (all?) of the reviewers I saw here, I'm in agreement with Kate (and Martha). However, having said that, I can't help but see this particular plot obstacle as very contrived. Granted, Rick *might* over-react when he would find this out, but as far as being in character goes, it's very out of character for him. But even more importantly, his text that he sent to Kate saying that he still thinks he's right is totally unbelievable for him. He is not that stupid, no matter how much his daughter might have disappointed him.

I'm curious to see how the rest of the story goes, so I'll keep going forward from here.


P.S. After Caskett met Meredith at that restaurant after dropping Alexis at college, they had a discussion and they said "I want you to know all of the secrets, the nightmares the horrible things I have done before you find out after we're married, and I am a disappoint to you." Well, when I read this, my mind immediately recalled the situation with Mr. Smith and the secret papers that were holding the Dragon in check. Isn't that a big secret that Rick hasn't confided to Kate yet?
FDWojo chapter 2 . 12/2/2018
Well, as I'm reading this, I'll admit that I do get a minor feeling of "out-of-character-ishness", but it's not too bad, so I'll ignore that.

However, one thing I read that confused me is when Kate said:

"You're an ASS, can't you see how many things I do to impress you, my hair, the way you like it, my shampoo the cherry smell you love, my skirts, the slits on your side so I can show you the leg, I know it doesn't sound like much**

So first, it seems like pretty much all of this statement is made up out of whole cloth, i.e. from you, not from canon. Not that that's bad, but I get the impression from this and the surrounding text of the story that you saw this in the show, and I can't say that I saw that at all. Plus, when (before season 7), did Kate EVER wear a skirt to work?

Also, it seems you're making an assumption about her choosing the hairstyle and shampoo because Rick approved of it. I was under the (mistaken?) impression that she was an independent woman who wore what she wanted based on professionalism, and not some annoying writer's opinion?

Additionally, what is the ** for at the end of her statement?

Now, lest you think I'm hating the story, please understand that I love 99% of what you've written, but it just seems that your impression of the show isn't matching what my impression of the show was, at least for this tiny part of it.

I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the story, but if you have a chance, I'd appreciate you being able to enlighten me about that particular statement that Kate made.

Jbug47 chapter 15 . 11/5/2018
Gosh, another great story! I am so enjoying reading each of your stories! Keep it up!
Jbug47 chapter 12 . 11/5/2018
I love that last statement in your notes!
Jbug47 chapter 9 . 11/5/2018
Hey, what a great dream scene! I
You had me believing it completely! I really couldn’t believe that Rick would act like that but you were so detailed! Wow!
life's a mystery chapter 15 . 11/4/2018
great story and happy ending :)
Guest chapter 15 . 11/1/2018
This is amazing! We read only Castle.
Guest chapter 10 . 11/1/2018
Ignore those who critiqued the dream negatively. It is stupendous. We read only Castle.
Guest chapter 9 . 11/1/2018
This is so far better than the Slaughter episodes. Love this. We read only Castle.
Guest chapter 8 . 11/1/2018
WOW! Nice twist but wow, hell of a twist! We read only Castle.
Guest chapter 7 . 10/31/2018
This story is so nice. As normal as it can be. It is captivating. We read only Castle.
Guest chapter 3 . 10/31/2018
This is so nice and emotions so well verbalized. We read only Castle.
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