This is the last chapter for Part one of this story! I'm already working on the sequel so expect an update soon! Please leave a review if you've enjoyed this story so far!

Diagon Alley 2001

The very next day, Holly was seated in front of the vanity that had replaced the desk in her room. Her desk had been placed back in storage while the brand new one that was much larger stood in her study.

Her mother was brushing her hair while humming a familiar tune. Holly could only fiddle with the various hair accessories in front of her. She would be seeing Fred and George today while they did their school shopping together in Diagon Alley.

Lily had spent the morning helping her daughter find the perfect outfit, a spring green dress that rested just above her knees and a pair of leggings. Her father would be accompanying her as well but James was currently in his office settling his paperwork before he could take the rest of the day off.

Holly was mostly secluded while growing up, while a majority of the marked Death Eaters had perished that fateful night ten years ago, there was the very real risk of the unmarked Death Eaters or other people who were sympathetic to the Dark Lord's cause still lurking about.

There had been an accident when Holly was only three, if not for the powerful magic that Holly seemed to pulse with, James would have probably have lost his daughter. So with the help of his wife, Holly was constantly kept under strong wards of the Manor or any other property that the young heiress would stay in.

She would be accompanied by at least two adults at any time when not under wards. Holly had known from a young age that her parent's paranoia was well founded. She had found the books in the library that her parents had tried to hide from her. Holly even had a special portkey in the form of all her earrings that she kept.

Should she touch either one of them and said the trigger words, she would be immediately transported to safety.

Books on Grindelwald's and Voldemort's reigns careful hidden under strong concealment spells and glamours that Holly would have missed had she not been purposely looking for them. The absolute horrors that the dark lords had caused to the Wizarding World and the chaos and mayhem they left in their wake..

It had left her wracked with nightmares for a week straight. Blurred images of a man with dark hair and bright red eyes destroying her front door. The hatred and anger in the blood red eyes bore in her mind and Holly would wake up screaming, face flushed and body covered in sweat, a wicked migraine pounding behind her eyes.

Holly hated the nightmares and sullenly agreed to the protection detail her father would assign to her. Holly had never felt trapped by her parents, she knew that if she had truly wanted to go out her parents would have agreed and given her permission.

Even if there was an Auror hiding out of sight for her protection. She knew that her trip to Diagon Alley today would be watched by no less than four trained and skilled Aurors under her father's orders.

Had she been any other person, she was sure that they would have been offended and would have thrown a fit at having a guard and being under constant surveillance. But she was Holly James Potter, she understood better than most and knew what was good for her and her family.

If hiring a protection detail would help her father to sleep better at night, then Holly would put up with it. She was just glad that her parents had always been transparent with her and had included her in any and all discussion when it came to her safety.

Holly was smarter and more mature than most children her age, her parents knew this and took it into consideration. There was no point in keeping Holly in the dark when their daughter would have figured out that she was being protected sooner or later.

Stepping out of the floo of the Leaky Cauldron, Holly drank in her surrounding with wide eyes. Looking around, she found her mother waiting for her and felt a tingle to her right. There was an Auror, probably under a disillusion spell. The tingle grew, hmm, seemed like there were two of them.

Holly stared straight at the Aurors for a second before continuing her sweeping gaze, looking for a horde of redheads. She heard Molly Weasley before she even saw them, the loud woman was standing close to a brick wall waving towards Holly and her mother.

Holly gave the woman a warm smile before waving a hand in greeting. Holly craned her neck and tried to spot her twins from the crowd that was beginning to form around her. When someone stepped directly in front of her field of vision, Holly startled and took a step back, quickly rushing to her mother's side.

Many loud voices were ringing in her ears as the crowd gathered around her and Holly could feel her breathing heighten as escape was futile with all the people standing around her. Her mother pushed her gently behind her, acting as a barrier between her daughter and the well-meaning public.

Trying her best to return the greetings being shouted at her, Lily's hand itched around her wand with a strong desire to blast everyone who was scaring her daughter. Holly quickly pulled the hood of her robes up and tried to hide her face in her mother's back.

The crowd was growing rowdy and Holly could her the roughhousing and upturning of furniture as the people tried to get a closer look at her and her mother. Someone tried to shake Lily's hand and suddenly a loud uproar broke out as everybody tried to shake the Headmistress' hand.

The green fire flared angrily and James Potter strode out of the fire with a confident walk and a scowl on his face. Casting a sonorous, James ushered the public away from his family and bundled his daughter in his arms, pulling the hood down and smoothing her hair down.

"While the Potter family is highly flattered by the warm welcome you have given us, we would love to spend the day in Diagon Alley without further interruptions. My daughter is still unused to large crowds and I wouldn't want to overwhelm her and have her first trip to Diagon Alley ruined for her."

The crowd began to disperse the moment they caught sight of Holly's pale face and frightened eyes. Feeling bad the people murmured their apologies to the two war veterans and went back to where they were. Some even called out greetings to Holly who could only look at them with a small smile as she buried herself in her father's protective embrace.

Lily joined her husband and child, placing a comforting hand on Holly's shoulder. James leads his family towards the Weasley's, who was waiting with anxious faces. Molly held on to her two youngest in her arms, a pouting Ron and a worried Ginny, whose face lit up the moment she saw Holly.

Fred and George stood near their father anxiously scanning the room for their mate. When blue eyes met green, it felt like the world had slowed to a stop. Holly could only stand there as she greedily took in Fred and George and tried her best to burn their faces into her memory.

The twins broke free of their father's grip on their shoulders and quickly made their way towards their soulmate. Which was definitely the greatest thing that had happened to them. Even more incredible than being able to go to Hogsmeade and peruse the display shelves of Zonko's.

Because Holly had their mark on her skin. Holly was theirs. They had strong suspicions since their birthday but now it was official. They could both have Holly in their lives without anybody trying to break them apart. Because they were SOULMATES and even Magic herself would protect their bond.

James tightened his grip on his daughter, unhappy to see that the two boys were already making their way towards his daughter, before Lily discreetly pinched him on the fleshy part of his bum that made him release his grip on his daughter, shooting a glare at his wife.

Holly turned to look at her parents, the scowl on her father's face and the indulgent smile on her mother's. Quickly taking the chance that had been given, Holly took timid steps to Fred and George, who scooped her into their arms with loud laughs, anybody could hear the joy that the boys were feeling to have their mate in their arms.

James had already wandlessly cast a silent disillusion spell and simple repellant charm on their small group. Which helped them from attracting public attention with Holly and her twins' reunion. While it was widely believed that casting wandlessly and silently were feats only the best of the best could accomplish, James Potter would not have been the youngest Head Auror in history for sitting idly on his arse.

He knew that his daughter had been a bundle of nerves all morning, worried out of her mind despite his best efforts in trying to calm her. Lily had walked in on a pacing Holly before herding her away to get ready for their shopping day. He had meant to cast the disillusionment spell before Lily and Holly could leave, but he had been distracted by a large owl carrying even more paperwork to his study.

James watched the three children hugging with a clenched jaw, uncomfortable with the thought that his baby girl now had not one but TWO boys as her life partners. Fond memories of his time in Hogwarts sneaking kisses with Lily and various other unmentionable things happening across the castle crept into his mind and James valiantly reigned his temper in an attempt to portray the image of a kind and genial father to the outside world.

Lily continued to watch her husband tense at her side as he observed their child with her soulmates and sighed. Catching Molly's eyes who nodded understandingly, the Weasley matriarch rounded their large group towards the brick wall where James tapped the bricks in sequence with his wand.

Holly stood in between Fred and George, who was on her right and left respectively. The three were standing so close they would occasionally bump into each other, though if Holly had carefully observed the ecstatic grins on her twins' faces she would have known that it definitely was.

Lily handed her daughter a bag of coins and with a stern warning towards the three children to not cause any mischief - she only got innocent grins in return and Lily knew that something was definitely going to happen before the day was through.

"Well, remember Holly, Neville will be waiting at Fortescue's so head there first. Your Aunt Alice will be there to make sure you're safe and then the adults will be going to do their own shopping." Holly nodded eagerly to her mother's words, bouncing slightly on the balls of her feet, the earlier fear from almost being mobbed gone now that she was in between her twins.

"Now boys, I'm trusting you to keep my daughter safe, so absolutely no exploring of Knocturn Alley, understood?" Lily narrowed her eyes at the twin devils who only nodded seriously before grinning brightly, hooking arms with Holly the two of them frog marched her daughter towards the shopping district. She could feel the tickle of the disillusioned Aurors going after the children and only then did Lily breathe a sigh of relief.

Holly knew that her father had cast the disillusionment spell on her and the twins because her skin was tingling all over and also that there was hardly anybody who paid the trio any attention. Squeezing the arms of her twins, yes they were hers and nobody else would ever be able to take them away!

Fred and George exchanged a look before looking down at Holly who was almost an entire head shorter than them, their soulmate had giggled and if that didn't send a flutter to their stomachs, not that they hadn't already been nervous before leaving for the Leaky.

When Holly looked up and trained her large green eyes at either one of them, doing her best to look at them both they could only feel the love they held for each other and squeezed her tighter between them.

They didn't really know what to say to their soulmate, she wasn't even their girlfriend yet, such a superficial title didn't seem to fit their dark-haired mate. Holly was too young to understand something like dating, but with how smart she was, she probably did understand but wasn't interested in it.

"We're soulmates right?" Holly asked seriously as she stopped in the middle of the street with a frown on her face. The frown made the twins want to fuss over her until she would give them a smile and they immediately turned so that they could face her properly.

"Of course we are," Fred answered immediately. "Did you have any doubts?" George asked with a concerned look in his eyes. "Well, no. Not at all. I knew we were soulmates the moment the three of us danced during the ball." Holly admitted shyly, glancing up to them from under her bangs. Taking a deep breath, Holly released her hold on their arms and slid her hands down the sleeves of their robes, feeling the taut muscles that were developing from all the practice they were getting from Quidditch.

"Well, I just.." Holly slid her hands in both of theirs and interlocked their fingers. "I wanted to do this…" Holly flushed hotly as she looked to the ground in embarrassment. Fred and George exchanged surprised looks and immediately pulled their joined hands so that Holly would stumble into their embrace.

Holding on to the smaller girl between the two of them, Fred and George tried their best to show how much they wanted her with only the skin contact that they were allowed. "Oh, Holly…" George breathed into her ear and didn't that send shivers down her spine as she rested her head on their shoulders.

"You never have to ask if you want to touch us or hold our hands." Fred continued will stroking the top of her head with his free hand. George joined in by resting a hand on the small of her back. "We would never turn you away, Holly."

"Even if you want to beat us black and blue for annoying you." George added which made Holly laugh. "Especially if you're upset, we would never turn you away." Fred chimed in as the continued to run his fingers through Holly's lustrous hair. He wished time would just stop so that he could spend an eternity playing with a dark lock.

Holly blinked at Fred, the fingers in her hair sending her into a momentary daze until she felt a squeeze coming from the hand that George was holding. Turning to face her other mate, giving George a bright smile, a smile that made the butterflies in his stomach morph into angry hornets and without realizing what he was doing, George dropped a kiss on Holly's lips. Or at least that was what he was aiming for but Holly had moved and his lips landed on her cheek.

The shocked faces on both Fred and Holly's faces made George laugh, they both shared mirrored gaping expressions and they looked so alike. Holly turned to face Fred who narrowed his eyes at his twin.

"Now that's hardly fair Holly, you can't let George have all the fun." Fred grinned and dropped a light kiss on her forehead. Holly turned a bright shade of red, her heart was working overtime in her chest.

Both Fred and George were sharing victorious grins and Holly could feel her poor heart thundering at the sight. She wouldn't be surprised if the twins could hear it with how loud it was in her ears. "I think we could get used to this Georgey." Fred muttered as he took in the beautiful sight of Holly who's face had turned an interesting shade of pink.

"I believe so, Freddy." George answered. It was the fact that Holly Potter, usually unfalliable in the face of danger or injustice. Who had not even broken a sweat when facing against opponents much older and bigger than her, was now a flushing pink vision in their hands.

The very idea that only they could do this was intoxicating. George was about to drop another kiss on Holly's face when the younger girl abruptly pulled away, having anticipated George's intentions.

"W-we've got to go." Holly stuttered and pulled them away, back down towards Floresque's. The twins laughed but squeezed her hands in an attempt to soothe her. They hadn't meant to tease, well they truly didn't but they couldn't help it when Holly turned such a pretty shade of pink when she was flustered.

Too bad that Holly couldn't see the besotted grins on the twins' faces as the three of them holding hands. It was only a minute or so later when the trio stood in front of Fortescue's waving at the blond boy who sat at the store window with his mother opposite him.

Neville joined the three of them outside not long after, wiping away traces of his dessert from his face with handkerchief that he then pocketed, Aunt Alice, giving the three of them a winning smile when she saw the joined hands.

She wasn't quite sure who was whom, but she could feel the happiness radiating from her goddaughter. And well, even a pygmy puff could tell that the twins were ecstatic to have found their soulmate. She kissed Neville on the top of his head and waved the children goodbye, nodding surreptitiously at the disillusioned Aurors who made to follow the children.

She had known that Frank would be one of them and she would bet her last galleon that Sirius was the other. Though only Merlin would know how Sirius would be able to maintain his self-control when it came to Holly.

"So where are we heading to first?" Neville asked he stood awkwardly next to Fred? It might have been George, but he was next to the twin on Holly's left and it was awkward because neither of them would relinquish their hold on Holly. Neville frowned to himself and tried to beat the jealousy away with a beater's bat.

He would have preferred to beat the twins away with their own beater's bats. But he took in a deep breath, held it and released it and the jealousy ebbed away. "I think we should get our wands first! Don't you Fred?" Holly asked the twin that was on her left. Ah, so Neville was standing next to George.

"Of course, Holly." Fred smiled indulgently. With their mum's job at the Wizarding Primary School, all of the Weasley children had been able to get their own wands even though Bill had been a fifth year and had been using a hand me down wand at the time. While the eldest son had never complained about his family's lack of wealth, Bill had been as enamored with his brand new wand as any first year.

"Anything you want, Holly." George chimed. Holly only let out a pleased sound before pulling their hands so that they could lead her towards Ollivander's. Neville followed silently behind, glaring slightly at the joined hands before doing his breathing exercise in an attempt to control his jealousy.

He knew if he acted out Holly would be upset. Finding your soulmate so early in life was a privilege, a miracle even considering how large the world was and how there was no guarantee that your soulmate would even be born in the same continent, and Neville would be damned if he was the one who ruined Holly's day. So mentally preparing himself for a day of silent suffering, Neville forced a smile on his face and locked the dark thoughts away to the back of his head where he could revisit them when he was alone.

The bell jingled and Holly met eyes with the strange old man who sat behind the counter. The shop looked old, actually, all of Diagon Alley looked to be quite old, and this man in front of her looked like he fit right in with his decor.

"Well if it isn't Holly Potter and Neville Longbottom. Welcome to my store. I am looking forward to matching you with one of my wands today." The man smiled at them, in a way that Holly would have thought creepy if she were a lesser woman. But Holly had many a book on the human psyche and as many books on wandlore that she had available to her.

So she knew that Mr. Ollivander had a keen intuition if not a slight empath who could sense the emotions and personalities of those that entered his shop. Holly gave a tense smile, her nerves getting the best of her.

"Messers Weasley and Weasley, welcome back." Mr. Ollivander greeted with a too bright smile. "Dogwood and dragon heartstring, twelve inches, very flexible." Mr. Ollivander stared at Fred who gulped before smiling in greeting. "A quirky wand for a quirky master if what I've heard from the halls of Hogwarts are to be believed."

"Ah yes, willow and unicorn hair. Eleven inches, reasonably springy." The unsettling gaze traveled to George who nodded his head in greeting. "A healing power yet for those who are insecure but filled with great potential." George flushing slightly at the man's comment.

"Who would like to go first? Mr. Longbottom?" Neville only looked at the shopkeeper with frightened eyes and pointed a finger at himself as if to ask, 'who me?', "Up you go Mr. Longbottom, sit on the stool and extend your wand arm for me." Neville nervously shuffled to the stool and kept glancing back to Holly who stood determinedly to his side in a show of support.

For almost twenty minutes, Neville spent sitting on the stool while a pile of wands was quickly placed and replaced in his extended right hand. His hand was already beginning to ache, so silently wishing for Mr. Ollivander to hurry when the man went to the back of his store to find a particular wand that he knew 'would be absolutely perfect fit for you, young sir'

Neville sighed and dropped his arm, Holly immediately breaking from the twin's hold and went up to her godbrother and massaged the aching muscles in his arm. "I can't wait for it to be your turn." Neville grumbled while Holly on let out a soft laugh at his suffering.

"It won't be long now, maybe this wand will really be the one." Holly soothed as she patted his arm. Neville sighed once again, the insecurity of never being able to find a wand once again entered his mind. What if his magic was so weak that no wand actually wanted him. Trying to blink away the tears before Holly could catch him, Neville was pleasantly surprised when Holly hugged him and rubbed his back.

"Alright Mr. Longbottom, hold out your arm." Mr. Ollivander called out as he stepped out from the back of his store. In his hands was a fairly long box, longer than the ones that had been previously presented.

"This, young sir, is cherry wood and unicorn hair.." Mr. Ollivander described as he took the wand out of the box, Holly made a noise of interest that Neville couldn't decipher when the wand was placed in his hand. "13 inches, reasonably springy, give it a flick." the man encouraged.

When Neville finally closed his hand around the handle, a warmth emanated from the wand and traveled across his body. Ollivander gave a knowing smile as the child gave a flick and gentle sparks appeared from the tip. "Cherry wands tend to possess strange power, if used by the right wizard it can also produce truly lethal magic. I hope you take good care of the wand, Mr. Longbottom."

Neville blinked owlishly at the man before hopping off the stool, rather shakily, almost toppling over Holly who squawked in surprise, completely unprepared to support his weight. Fred and George immediately came over from where they had been waiting near the store's door to help their poor mate.

"Now, Ms. Potter, please have a seat." and Holly then spent what she thought was the longest hour of her life as she tried practically every wand in the store. Her arms were achy, tired and sore, she had made the mistake of inform Mr. Ollivander that she was ambidextrous and thus had been made to wave, swish, flick every wand he had brought forward to her with both hands.

After what felt like an age and Holly could hardly believe that not even an hour had passed, based on the clock that hung on the wall above Mr. Ollivander's head, when the man finally produced a wand from a box that had been sitting on the very top shelf at the very back of the room.

Holly huffed as she stretched her fingers and prepared herself to what was probably the very last wand in the store. Neville shouldn't have been worried at all, it was Holly who was having trouble getting a wand. Fred and George exchanged knowing looks, Holly was getting tired and grumpy and would likely snap at the next person who tried her patience.

"Holly and phoenix feather, a most unusual combination for a most unusual customer." Ollivander held out the wand box for Holly to take and Holly forgot her tiredness at the prospect of this wand not being the right fit for her.

But when her hand closed around its handle in a firm grip, bright sparks shot out from its tip in a brilliant show of light. Holly could only blink while an equally bright smile spread across her face.

Ollivander allowed himself a small smile at the sight of the young girl and her wand. He coughed delicately in his hand and continued with his narration. "A slightly volatile wood," he began as he searched the eyes of his latest customer, "a symbol of luck, prosperity, and protection from evil."

"What is most curious…" Ollivander trailed off, seemingly lost in thought. "Sir?" Holly asked nervously. "Curious." Ollivander continued when his eyes seemed to focus on Holly. "It so happens that the phoenix whose tail feather is in your wand gave another feather — just one other."

Holly swallowed the bile that was beginning to crawl up her throat. 'Don't say it. Please don't say it.' She thought reverently to herself. "It is very curious indeed that you should be destined for this wand when its brother, attempted to kill you. Yes, thirteen-and-a-half inches. Yew." and Holly let out a disappointed sigh as her suspicions were founded.

"Well, thank you Mr. Ollivander, but I'm afraid we cannot spend any more time here." Holly smiled tensely at the shopkeeper, pushing herself off the stool with Fred and George flanking either side of her.

"Do you have a wand servicing kit? We would like two sets please." Neville requested politely as he made his way to the counter, coin bag in hand, ready to pay for their wands. "Of course, Mr. Longbottom. It will be seven galleons for each of you." The man placed the wand kits on the countertop from where he kept them under the counter. "The kits are two sickles each."

While Neville dug out the required coins, Fred and George were both fussing over Holly who frowned at their mothering. But it felt nice when they massaged her sore arms. "Could you shrink the kits for us, Mr. Ollivander?" Holly requested politely with a tired smile, "I don't think I could quite move my hands at the moment."

The kits were immediately shrunk with an indulgent smile from the shopkeeper and Neville pocketed his while passing Holly's to who he assumed was George judging by how much Fred was fussing over Holly, or maybe it was the other way around?

"Thank you, Mr. Ollivander." Holly bowed her head in respect, Neville echoing after her, before Fred opened the door for her and led her out, pocketing her wand servicing kit as he did so, George still had yet to let her go. When Mr. Ollivander had said his wand had healing properties, Holly hadn't thought that it would extend to his mothering nature. Though she knew that George would have decked her if she ever mentioned it to him out loud.

Not that George would ever lay a hand on her without expecting dire retaliation in the form of Holly's many father figures. Of that she was sure of, her father would have words with anybody who even thought of harming her. It made Holly very embarrassed whenever they were in public but she had grown accustomed to the random threats to strangers who even looked at her the wrong way.


"What should we get next?" Neville asked as he studied his booklist. He had nicked one of the twin's lists as well and comparing them. Holly leaned tiredly against George, unused to shopping and it had only been the very first store.

"How 'bout we go get our school robes? Or our trunks?" Neville suggested. Holly hummed as she thought about it, she knew that the twins would be alright with whatever they choose, it wasn't their first year after all.

"I don't think there's a store here that specifically sells trunks for the students." George pointed out as he glanced around the shopping district. Fred nodded in agreement. "Besides I think you could get better ones France."

"Well, we haven't been to France in ages." Holly hummed while Neville shrugged, not really caring one way or the other. "Neville and I can get our trunks from France some other day, let's go get fitted for our robes." and with that Fred and George gently pulled their mate after them as they made their way to Madam Malkins.

Holly stood on a stool while a homely woman that she assumed was Madam Malkin waved her wand with a piece of parchment floating behind her, a Dictation Quill floated and scribbled after the woman as she magicked the measuring tape around Holly, noting her measurements in a confident routine voice. Neville, Fred, and George had left her alone for the moment as they went to purchase their cauldrons Potage's.

Once the boys were finished shopping, the twins would bring Holly to Slug and Jiggers to purchase the potion ingredients that they needed.

"Well if it isn't Heir Potter." Holly immediately turned her head only to lock eyes with Draco smiling smugly with his mother standing next to him. Lowering her head in greeting, considering she wasn't allowed to move, "Good morning, Heir Malfoy, Lady Malfoy. It's nice to see you in good health"

Narcissa only smiled politely, returning the greeting while Draco scoffed. "Now that that's out of the way, how have you been, dear cousin." Draco leaned against the wall, earning a disapproving look from his mother who allowed it as she turned to face the shopkeeper. "Madam, a standard set for Hogwarts for my son here, please."

Madam Malkin ushered one of her assistants to take Draco to the side, where he stepped on a stool next to Holly. "How was your summer, Draco?" Holly ventured innocently if she were, to be honest, she just wanted to know if Draco still held feelings for Neville.

"It was pleasant, Mother and Father brought us to the countryside in France. It was beautiful." Draco smiled wistfully. Holly observed her cousin as he seemed to lose himself in thought. "Draco, dear, I shall be perusing the stalls that have been set up outside. I shall meet you outside when you are done." Narcissa called out to her son.

Draco nodded to his mother, a hint of a smile pulling at his lips which Holly caught, sending the blond a knowing smile of her own. "Goodbye Holly, I hope we'll see you at Malfoy Manor for one last visit before you have to leave for Hogwarts." Narcissa turned an indulgent smile at the dark-haired girl.

"Of course Lady Malfoy. I'll inform my parents when I get the chance." Holly beamed at Narcissa before she closed the door behind her. Turning back to Draco, who now had a hesitant look on his face, Holly grinned.

"So Monsieur Malfoy," Holly smirked, "How would you like to show me and Neville around in France's shopping district?" Draco blinked owlishly at her, grey locking with green. "Excuse me?" He frowned at the dark haired vixen in front of him. Being mates with the terrible twins was already affecting her.

No, Holly had always been a tease. Mischievous and playful since they were toddling in their diapers.

"Well, Neville and I need our trunks, I don't fancy using anything from the Potter vaults. I doubt Neville would want to use something from the Longbottom vaults either. So Fred suggested getting them made in France." Holly shrugged, earning a tsk from Madam Malkin.

"Well, I suppose, I wouldn't mind it too much." Draco hemmed and hawed. "I'll propose the idea to Mother and see what she has to say." he added finally. Holly clapped her hands together in delight. "Excellent. I'll ask Daddy if he'll come too."

"Well lookie there Georgie, its Dwaco." Fred cooed at the grey-eyed blond standing next to their mate. Draco only rolled his eyes at Holly's twins. Because that's exactly what they were now. Hers. Thus making them her responsibility to reign in.

Draco shuddered at the thought.

"Hullo, Draco." Neville greeted with a small smile. Draco furiously pushed down the blush that was threatening to appear on his cheeks and greeted the boy with a stiff smile. Holly snickered at her side and Draco shot a glare at her direction.

"Well, you're all done, sweetie." Madam Malkin ushered the small girl off her stool. "Now would you like to pick them up or have them delivered?" Holly stood in front of the counter and looked at her options.

"Delivered please, Madam." Smiling politely at the shopkeeper. "Alright then, write your address right here," she pointed out a blank spot in the parchment and while Holly was scribbling her address with an old quill that was provided, she felt Fred and George coming up behind her.

"We have your cauldron and scales, Holly."

"All ready to the Apothecary then, Holly?"

Holly leaned into their warmth and hummed in agreement. Noting the price at the bottom of the parchment, Holly fished out the coins from her money pouch and placed it on the counter. "Thank you, sweetie. Have a magical day." Madam Malkin bid them goodbye. Holly turned to give Draco a wink that Neville had spotted.

Draco groaned when he felt the questioning gaze from the other blond boy. Holly had done it on purpose, knowing that now he definitely had to answer Neville's questions lest he came off as rude.

Fred and George were asking about the wink as they exited the store and Holly bumped into a rather large and intimidating figure. "Why hullo there' Holly Potter!" a deep and rough voice greeted her and Holly blinked and looked up, and up, and up to see the joyful smiling face of Hagrid.

"Hello there Hagrid." Greeted the smaller girl. "And the Weasley twins, nice ta see ya outside of school." Hagrid greeted. "Cheers Hagrid, can't wait for Care this year." George replied while Fred nodded in agreement.

"Wher' are the lot of ye of ta?" Hagrid asked. "The apothecary," Fred answered with a smile. "Which we really must be going. I would like to avoid the crowds." Holly nodded a tense yet polite goodbye before walking away with either twin on her side, sliding their hands into hers. Fred and George waved goodbye to the half-giant who lumbered towards Gringotts.

Holly watched the man leave and gave a waning smile. "Come on, Holly." Fred tugged her hand gently. "It's only up ahead." George added as joined in the tugging, they could see that Holly was getting tired. They knew that she didn't particularly care for shopping, which they could wholeheartedly attest to.

In the apothecary, Holly was perusing the shelves, knowing better than most from her sessions with Uncle Severus. Who would be an actual teacher to her once she got into Hogwarts! Fred and George told her many stories over the years of how he held favoritism towards his snakes and how he was especially strict compared to all the other teachers.

Holly had only cocked her head to the side and held her tongue. While she would have loved to defend her uncle from anybody besmirching his good name, she knew how the twins were like, boisterous and loud and chaos personified. It was only normal that her uncle would be stricter to them compared to other students, lest they exploded a cauldron or Merlin forbid actual kill someone in an accident.

But that was just how the twins were and Holly wouldn't change them for the world and she knew that if they had an idea in their head, or a strong belief in their hearts it would have taken Morgana herself to change their minds.

Gathering her supplies, Holly brought her basket to the cashier, paid for both hers and Neville's purchases and proceeded to wait outside for her mates. The Apothecary was dark and dreary and had a strange musty smell permeating the air that bothered her nose.

A stall on the other side of the road caught her attention. There was a young man trying to sell copies of the Daily Prophet, advertising his wares loudly over the noise of the crowd. It was the moving photo on the cover page that got her attention.

'ATTEMPTED ROBBERY OF NICHOLAS FLAMEL' with a photograph of a broken safe that looked like it had been blasted open. Holly glanced back to the apothecary and noted how her mates were still inside so she paid for her copy, placing the knuts on the counter before walking back to the front of the store.

The article wrote about how late last night the Flamel Castle was attacked yet only this one particular safe had been the focus. Holly didn't know that she was doing it but her lips were pressed in a thin line and her brows were furrowed as she scanned the article.

Nicholas Flamel and his wife were famous for many things, including their alchemy. Holly had read about many of their accomplishments over the years. The biggest one, of course, the Philosopher's Stone.

A stone that could turn metal into gold and when used as an ingredient in a specific potion would create the Elixir of Life. If there was only a single damaged safe, that had ended up being empty and the perpetrator obviously failing his mission. Holly wondered if the Flamels have set up the necessary protections they would now need, now that they know that their precious stone was a target.

Frowning, Holly noted how Mr. Flamel was working closely with Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Gaining his old friend's assistance in protecting the stone. That certainly seemed suspicious.

Holly jumped when a pair of hands landed on her shoulders and she dropped her newspaper. Huffing in irritation in an attempt to hide how startled she had been, Holly narrowed her eyes at her soulmates who were grinning at her as they flanked her sides.

Fred immediately bent down to pick up her fallen paper and George took her shopping from her, holding it in one hand while linking his hand with her now free hand. Fred held on to the Prophet and linked his own free hand with Holly's and the younger girl once again blushed at the contact.

"Come now, Poppet." George started as he took a step forward, in sync with Fred. "Let's go fetch your brother." Holly allowed herself to be lead by her mates, enjoying the warmth that they shared with their joined hands. She hadn't thought about how complete she would feel now that she knew exactly who her soulmates were.

It was like something had been missing from her life this entire time and she hadn't realized until yesterday when the boys had confirmed their soulmark with her. Touching Fred and George got her feeling full, her chest warm and happiness a glow at the back of her mind.

She couldn't wait for Hogwarts.

Thank you for joining me in this journey, it has been a long couple of months but the first chapter of the sequel will be posted soon. Please look forward to it! Favourite, review or follow me so you'll be updated when I finally update!