A young woman with light red hair, tan skin and light green eyes was making dinner for herself and her son; a 4-year-old with soft black hair, light tan skin and bright blue eyes, when a light in the backyard caught her attention. The woman grabbed a broom and went to investigate. When she got outside she had to squint her eyes as she looked at the light.
After a minute or two, the light died down and it left a young boy, the same age as her son, with messy black hair, very pale skin, light blue eyes with red and gold specks, he had small spiral ram horns that stopped right below his scared eyes.
The woman gasped and walked toward the shivering boy causing him to let out a terrified gasp and back away.
"Pl-please do-don't hurt m-me" the little boy whimpered.
The woman held up her hands, after placing the broom on the ground, and began to talk softly to him.
"Hey, hey it's alright. I won't hurt you" she began, "my name is Barbara and I am a nurse. And you are?"
The boy stared at her with tear-filled eyes, "E-Eclipse. My na-name is Eclipse."
Barbara nodded, "where is your family?"
Eclipse began crying and collapsed to the ground. Barbara gasped and quickly engulfed the boy in a hug.
"Th-they... I-I wa-wasn't lik-like the-them s-so I-I lef-left... I-I ra-ran 'way!" Eclipse cried and clung onto the woman.
The nurse hugged him as she softly sung a lullaby. The unusual boy slowly fell asleep, in her arms, feeling safe. The woman gently picked him up and carried him inside. After she laid him on her bed she went downstairs and told her son about him during dinner, explaining to him that Eclipse was going to stay with them until they could find his family. Her son didn't mind having a brother and was very excited to see him for the first time. When he did, he wasn't afraid. He was happy.