Chapter 22 – Making the Connection

Three days after the wedding, it was time for Beau and Dani to gather up their flock and head back to Baton Rouge. Benny, of course, was staying in Little Bend to finish his final year of school and gain some experience working on the ranch. Abby was both looking forward to being the only child at home and feeling lonely without her brother.

Beau had spent the three days thinking about his discussion with Bret. Maybe he would talk to Dani about buying a saloon. He just had to pick the right time . . .

Bentley didn't realize how much he missed his brother until he'd come back to Little Bend. Beauregard seemed to have the right idea, find a woman and get married. Dani always had ladies she wanted to introduce him to; maybe it was time he let her.

Speaking of Dani, she'd done something she hadn't expected to – thoroughly enjoyed herself. Still, she was glad to be heading home to a more civilized part of the country. She would miss Doralice and Ginny and Maude, however, and promised to write a 'group' letter every month.

Ginny and Doralice were both looking forward to life on the ranch getting back to normal. No more big dinners to worry about or extra laundry to wash. Much easier to absorb one extra person in the household rather than five.

Beau leaving was bittersweet for Bret and Bart. For one whole month the three of them had been together again, and it was almost like old times. Almost. Beau was different, as were Bret and Bart, and somehow they'd been unable to recapture the joy and brotherhood of their youth. Connecting the dots just wasn't as easy or as effortless as it had been when they were boys. Still, Bret and Bart had a good time, and were sorry to see Beau leave.

The brothers drove the buggy and wagon into town, along with their precious cargo, and said their goodbyes when the stage began loading for the trip back east. Bret pulled Beau aside for just a minute before his cousin boarded the stage. "Don't forget what I told you. Talk to Dani. Tell her what you wanna do. See what she has to say about it. And good luck."

With everything and everyone loaded, the stage took off for Baton Rouge. Bret and Bart watched it until it couldn't be seen anymore, and then turned to each other. "Looks like it's just you and me again, Brother Bart."

"That ain't so bad, is it, Brother Bret?"

"No, sir, it ain't so bad at all."

The End