The breath left Jinx's lungs as she was slammed into the ground, harder than a single stolen necklace should have warranted. Her pink eyes glittered with tears she would not let fall. It was not the pain that made them appear. It was not even the fact that she had just probably lost her ticket to a meal today.

This was what she was reduced to. Petty theft to get by.

Jinx gritted her teeth as she pulled herself to her feet, balling her fists up to face the Teen Titans. Their moronic leader, Robin, stood at the front of their little posse, hands on his hips, looking oh-so smug. "Give up, Jinx?" he asked with a hint of a smirk on his lips, as if he had already won. As if she did not have pink fire racing through her veins and fight beating in her heart.

"Not a chance, traffic lights," Jinx shot back, hiding her tired state behind snark. From the way Beastboy grinned and elbowed Cyborg, she must have succeeded. "Bring it." Her gray hands lit up with pink magic.

"Titans, go!"

Five against one was not a fair fight, even to a witch of Jinx's caliber. Even if the teens might have been holding back somewhat, do to respect for a former friend.

For a group of teens, they showed no mercy. Jinx was hit by a rhino at full speed, the horn piercing through her dress as if the hardy material was nothing but plain cotton. Sonic blasts tossed her like a ragdoll and starbolts burned her skin.

Whatever. She knew that children were cruel, cruel creatures.

Jinx spun, sending a wave of magic towards the ground, cracking the road and forcing her former friends to retreat. She herself ran down the street, searching for an escape. Two feet slammed squarely into her back, sending her forward, headfirst. Tucking herself into a ball, Jinx allowed the momentum to carry her for a second, before stretching her arms and legs out into a series of acrobatic flips.

"I'd say that was impressive, but it really wasn't," Robin taunted from a ledge. He sprung from the sill in demonstration, showing off his quick moves while cutting off her escape. Jinx backed away.

Remembering she had the rest of the team, Jinx spun around, seeing Beastboy and Cyborg on either side of the road. Starfire was in the air between them, emerald eyes glowing with power. Sensing dark energy in the air, Jinx risked a glance to the right, spotting Raven floating above a shop. She was surrounded.

"Stand down, Jinx," Robin ordered. "We have to talk about your... recent activities."

"Oh, this?" Jinx said challengingly. She held out her hand, the diamond necklace glittering on it. "Want it? You can have it!" She fisted her hand, pulling it back behind her ear. When she tossed it forward, it was glowing pink with her hex magic, ricocheting towards Batman's sidekick at dangerous speeds. Boy Wonder distracted by the cursed object, Jinx charged in his direction, aiming for the opening his divided attention provided.

She did not make it far before she was hit by a car covered in black energy. Jinx went tumbling through the air, hitting the pavement with a force that would have been fatal to baseline humans. She rolled for at least twenty more meters down the road, cuts and bruises accumulating over her skin. Jinx would be surprised if there was a single unmarked inch of skin left on her after this.

Jinx tried to push herself off the ground, but her arms trembled and gave out under her. Jinx laid prone on the ground, not sure if she had the strength to pull herself up again, not sure if it was worth it to put herself back together.

What did she have left? She turned her back on H.I.V.E. The other villains would not take her back after her time as a hero. The heroes themselves saw her as a joke.

Who was she joking?

Like her mother told her, she would never amount to anything. She was a freak of nature, an abomination that should have been destroyed.

Jinx was death, destruction, and chaos. She would not get a home, because she did not deserve one.

A monster deserves nothing but a monster's death.

With new resolve, Jinx slowly lifted her head up, eyes fixed unwaveringly on the five already-cheering teens that took her down. Well, four cheering teens. The cyborg and the little green changeling were exchanging gleeful fistbumps. Batman's sidekick and his alien girlfriend were standing a little too close to each other. The demonling, though, she was looking at Jinx.

Determined pink eyes met pure onyx.

First came understanding, then horror.

"Jinx, stop!" The urgency in the purple-haired teen's voice cut the celebrations short.

"Raven?" Robin asked.

"Get everyone out of here!" Raven said frantically.

"Titans, go!" the leader ordered as the team scattered to remove innocent civilians. "Raven, what's happening?"

"Jinx, you have to stop, you have to- Run!" the demonling screamed out, cutting off her previous words in a shout of warning. Black shields raised in preparation, but for once, they were no match for Jinx, bending and breaking under her power.

Jinx combusted in a explosion of magenta. Fuschia shockwaves blasted throughout the entire block, shattering windows, tearing up pavement, and frying electronics. Though it was not apparent at that time, the witch's last act had further-reaching effects. Even at distances over a mile away, reports would come in of cracked windshields and fallen trees. An electrical outage covered almost the entirety of Jump City.

At ground zero, however, a cloaked sorcerer floated down to stand in front of a crater. She picked up a black platform boot, all that remained of a once-powerful villain, and looked up, wondering if there was something - anything - that they could have done.

Congratulations, you have reached the end of what I got so far! Settle down for a long wait - I have other stories that I like more than this one. Well, one other story that I like more. Meh.

This is from Jinx's point of view. She can be an unreliable narrator at times. Maybe the Titans were actually 'cruel' and lured her away from the dark side, only to betray her. Or maybe it was because she ran away because of a misunderstanding, and they were glad to finally pin their teammate down. You choose, because I don't care.

That aside, have you guys seen the Titans fight? Dude, those attacks would probably kill me! Ouch, control your powers a bit on poor, poor Jinx!