Some nights ago, I had a Star Wars-themed dream: In my dream, Kylo Ren kidnapped Rey and he also kidnapped Hulk and took them to a brand new Death Star which was even bigger than the other Death Star from The Force Awakens.

Inside the Death Star Kylo Ren ordered his droid servants to change the clothes of Rey and Hulk, and made them wear the same clothes of Prince Leia and Han Solo respectively.

Then he ordered them to act in some sets he built inside the Death Star and force them to reenact several scenes from A New Hope with some brand new dialogue he wrote which was basically the same dialogue from the original movie, only with more quips.

Kylo Ren also kidnapped a bunch of kids and forced them to be the test audience of the new version of Episode IV he was filming inside the Death Star, and put them inside some kind of twisted amusement park where they were forced to cling on their childhood, entering inside some weird machines that resemble wombs where they were force to reenact their respective births and also there were some attractions where the kids played with some droids that looked like their parents.

In my dream, the kids looked very weird and unrealistic, as if they were South Park characters instead of real kids, and one of them resembled Butters.

Meanwhile, Hulk and Rey were getting tired of having to reenact the scenes from A New Hope, but then Kylo Ren appeared wearing a new outfit similar to the outfit of Jareth from Labyrinth and the outfit of Sephirot from Final Fantasy 7. And he also he claimed to be a vampire, like Edward Cullen from Twilight.

"I am the new Darth Vader, and this is how Darth Vader will look from now on, because this is what kids today like" said Kylo Ren and he was ready to kiss Rey but then Hulk said: "Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker," and he punched Kylo Ren head off.

The children cheered and then Hulk and Rey discovered that Kylo Ren the vampire was actually a robot with a mutated rat inside that looked kinda like Scrappy-Doo at the ending from the first live action Scooby Doo movie, and the rat started insulting Rey and Hulk, but Hulk just stepped on the rat and the kids started cheering again.

Then Hulk and Rey stole a ship and escape from the Death Star, which exploded quickly afterwards. Then they arrived into a beautiful planet where they started kissing each other in the mouth and there was a fade to black followed with a message that said: "A James Gunn film."

Then my dream ended, and while I don't know what happened with the kids that Kylo Ren kidnapped, I like to think that Rey and Hulk rescued them and adopted them all, because only in that way this story would have a truly happy ending.