Title: Legacy

Authoress: chibidark angel

Summary: yami's the popular rebel and yugi's the loner, bully victim. They're worlds apart, but someone has come to bring them together.

Pairings: yami/yugi, bakura/ryou, marik/OC, mai/anzu, seto/jou.

Warnings: YAOI AND YURI! Slight angst, and messing with the characters. AU, of course, and OC plus OOC, cause I've screwed with some of the personalities of the characters, I don't exactly remember what all the characters look like, but I'm trying, if I get anything wrong, pleeze tell me. Remember: guy on guy action, don't like, don't read.

A/N: hidee-ho minna-sama! This is my first yugi-oh fic, I wanted to write it after reading sooooo many fics where yugi is this total loner and crybaby with no self confidence, so I decided I'd bring someone in to be his friend and help him out!

Funky: just as I'm helping you out.

cda: yeah, well, I don't need that much help.

Funky: oh, but you do. Without me, you'd be NOTHING! BWAHAHAHA!

cda: hey, that's my evil laugh, take it back!

Funky: never!

cda: *sigh* fine fine, I'll leave this till the gundam wing fanfics. Will you read the disclaimer pleeze?

Funky: fine, but just this once! Chibi owns nothing, please don't sue, she is veeerrryyyy poor!

cda: thank you, well, onwards and upwards, here's the fic!


"Watch where you're going!" the white-haired teen snarled viciously, backhanding the small teen aside as he strode through the corridor.

Yugi simply sighed and winced slightly as he went flying back into the all, the books in his bag jamming into his back, then lowered his head and continued on down the hall, oblivious to the jeers and occasional pushes and shoves that came his way as he made his way to his locker. Quickly, he twisted the combination lock this way and that, then neatly stepped aside as it opened, allowing a shower of popcorn and several frogs to fall out onto the floor, then quickly reached in, pulled out the necessary books and slammed the door shut. Knowing the janitor would clean the mess up like he did every other day, the small, emotionless-looking teen made his way up the stairs to his home room for first class, unknowing of the watchful eyes that followed him.


Lyra sighed as she walked up the leaf-blown path that would lead to her new school.

'Another town, another school,' she thought depressedly.

'Another chance to make a new friends?' the voice in her mind enquired.

Lyra laughed short and hard, 'Yeah, another chance to have a fucked up friendship yet again,' she thought bitterly.

Stopping at the bottom of the steps of her new school, she sighed again and looked up at the school, frowning at the fading paint that was peeling off the ancient brick.

"Domino High," she muttered, "Well, say hello to your newest student, you'll never be the same again after this encounter my friend."

Grudgingly, she trudged up the steps and into the school. Glancing around, she concluded it was just another school: the jocks and cheerleaders strolling along like they owned the place, the rockers and Goths in huge piles on the floor, listening to loud profane music, looking for all the world like they really couldn't give a shit about anyone, the nerds and computer geeks in the corners talking and muttering among themselves while comparing notes and books and the rappers and hip-hoppers, mostly black, dancing and shouting in their groups around the lockers. (A/N: no offence to anyone who is part of these groups. Gomen, I've never been to a school anywhere else in the world, I'm irish and I go to an all-girls school, so I'm basically making this up as I go along, from my imagination and what I've read or seen in films)

'Yup,' she thought to herself, 'Just another school. Oh well… Maybe there'll be something different, just maybe.'

Little did she know, but there was something, or rather, some people who would make lifer very interesting at Domino High.

As Lyra made her way to the office to get her timetable and other information she'd need, a group of teen entered the school, walking with steady strides through the hallway, which was quickly cleared as they made their way along. At the front was a tall, elegant-looking boy, with purple spiked hair, and blond bangs that fell over deep amethyst eyes. He looked about his with an air of indifference, as if challenging anyone to try and talk to him, interest him. On his left was a girl, with wild, but cleverly styled blond hair, and a dangerous glint in her violet eyes, which narrowed as she sneered at the cheerleaders, who gulped an either looked away or glared back, depending on how bitchy they were. On the spikey-haired teens left, was an even taller teen, with brown hair neatly gelled back, icy blue eyes, and an attitude that screamed, 'I reeeeaaaalllyyyy don't give a shit what you think.' Lastly, on the brown-haired boy's right-hand side was another, menacing-looking boy. He had wild, silvery-white hair that was spiked up in all directions and which fell in long bangs over his dark, rusty brown eyes that glinted violently, and he glared at anyone who dared to glance at him, and people shrank back from his the most, fear evident in their expressions. One of the younger students, not looking where he was going, accidentally bumped into the white-haired teen, who snarled and shouted, "Watch where you're going!" before backhanding the small boy away.

Lyra was nearly at the office, when she heard the shout. Feeling the tension in the atmosphere, she turned in time to see the white-haired teen backhanding the smaller teen. Here eyes grew dark and she frowned, growling slightly.

"So I've found you. Hmm…… and so quick too. Good thing I suppose, the quicker I find you, the quicker I deal with you," she thought menacingly, glaring out openly at the band of teens, especially the white-haired one, as they walked into an empty classroom.

Averting her gaze, she found that the boy was walking up to his locker. He was cute- kinda small, with porcelain skin, and purple and blond streaked spiced hair- infact, he looked a bit like the leader of that group that had just walked through. His head was lowered, so she couldn't see his eyes, and she sighed sympathetically as he neatly side-stepped to avoid the shower of crap that obviously wasn't his, which fell out of his locker, quickly took his books out and closed it, before going up the stairs.

'He looks nice, you should become friends with him.'

Lyra snorted in contempt.

'Yeah, until I move away again? No special friends, better just to float by until it's time to go- I'm sick of leaving a piece of myself behind at every school, I'm waiting till I can settle down for definite.'

"Better get this done with," she sighed, and turning back around, knocked on the door and entered the office.


"What did you do that for Bakura?" the spiky-haired teen asked, as the group entered the classroom.

The white-haired teen shrugged, "He got in my way," he answered nonochantly.

"You didn't have to hit him," came the dark reply.

"Woah, Yami looks pissed," the blond girl whispered to the brown-haired boy.

"Yeah, but don't go meddling in this Mai, we don't want a fight breaking out just because you happened to say something stupid."

"Oh, that is so mean Seto, how can you say such a thing?" Mai pouted in reply, but Seto just smirked, his blue eyes flashing.

"Because that's what happened last you decided to open your big mouth and take matters into your own hands."

"That's entirely not true, I only got them shouting at each other, the fighting was their doing. Now, come on guys, lets not act like children. Yami, what's wrong, why are you acting so pissed?"

"Yeah, all Bakura did was hit some kid out of the way, he does that all the time, and you never said anything before," Seto added.

A sudden pink tinge appeared on Yami's cheeks, and he averted his gaze to the ground, mumbling, "It was nothing, it just wasn't a nice thing to do, that's all………."

A sudden evil grin appeared on Bakura's face, and his eyes lit up in evil delight.

"It wasn't what I done, oh no, it's who I done it to," he slowly said, watching Yami's reaction.

Yami's blush deepened and his head shot up, shock clearly expressed on his features.

"Who was it?" Mai asked, eager for more information.

"It was his midget look-a-like."

"Oh!" Mai squealed in delight and excitement, "You mean that cute little boy that looks like a doll? He's so cute! How could you hit him Bakura?"

"Hey, don't get on my case, everyone hits him," Bakura cried in protest, raising his hands.

"Bakura's right, the kid's a walking punch bag; he's got no friends, well, he had two, but on moved away and the other disappeared. Really, he must be one tough kid, I mean, he never cries out, he just takes it all in, and I'm surprised he's not black and blue all over."

"How'd you get so much info on him?" Bakura asked suspiciously.

"Hello? I'm a fucking computer genius! I know everything about everyone. Besides, when that kid had friends, he was pretty popular; he always smiled, was full of confidence and liked to talk to everyone. Then when he lost his two best friends, he just became isolated by the jocks and other bullies, lost all his self confidence, and became this quiet loner."

"Yeah, poor kid," Mai clucked sympathetically, "So, Yami, you like him, no?"

By now, Yami had managed to control his raging emotions, and he stood tall and impassive yet again.

"I never said I did," he replied.

"Ah, but you do," Mai teased.

"Maybe…" Yami trailed off vaguely, staring into the distance.

"Oh, for Christ's sake, just admit it, you got a thing for him."

"Well, maybe I do, but that doesn't mean anything."

"Oh yes it does- talk to him, get to know him, ask him out- just go for it!" Mai scoffed encouragingly. (A/N: okay, that's sooooo contradicting itself, but I think it describes exactly the way she says it)

"I don't want to," Yami stated firmly.

"Oh just go for it, before it's too late!"

"What do you mean 'before its too late' ?" Bakura sneered, "The kid's a loner, it's not like he's going to make a friend like that. Yami can take his time, he can talk to the kid anytime he wants, heck, the kid'll probably be overjoyed it Yami says "hi" to him."

"Exactly, as long as the kid has no friends, I can take all the time I want," Yami added.

"Yeah, plus the kid's the loner victim, and Yami's the popular rebel; they're miles apart and no one's going to bridge that gap," Seto stated firmly.

"Which means, I'm not going to do anything," Yami finished.

Mai threw her arms up in frustration, "Eugh, men!" she cried, "It's always the rep and clicks that matter to you, argh!"

With that, she stormed out of the classroom as the bell rang, while boys followed, smirking evilly.


"So that's your timetable and a map of the school, along with a list of books you'll need and a recommended reading list," the principal said, handing Lyra a bundle of sheets of paper, who took them, smiling back at the young man.

"Alright, well you've been to quite a few schools, and never long enough to get some permanent long distance of grades, but from what I've seen and heard, you work hard, you're grades are good, and you're an all-round positive and optimistic student, I'm sure you'll fit in great."

"Thank you very much Mr. Pegasus," Lyra smiled, standing up, "Is it alright if I go now, I have to get lost a couple of times down some dead ends before I find my homeroom."

The principal laughed, his brown eyes twinkling with mirth. Lyra decided he was young-and definitely cute: he had a tall, elegant frame which had obvious hidden strength Lyra could detect only through small things; his confident stride, the comfortable, but upright way he sat and the slight rippling of muscle under his clothes as he moved. Long, silver hair, which was tied back in a loose ponytail hung halfway down his back, and longs bangs fell over an oval, tanned, good-natured face. (A/N: seriously, I think that if Pegasus weren't so evil and arrogant looking, he'd be really cute, especially if his hair was the way I've put it!)

"Ah yes, the new student tradition, I guess it must be upheld. Oh, and please call me Max, I am only a few years older than you, ya know."

"Yes, sorry Mr. P- Max," Lyra smiled, holding out a hand, speaking as she shook hands with Max, "it's been a pleasure, I'd better go, I'll c-ya around I suppose."

"Yes, of course, goodbye," Max smiled as Lyra turned to go, "Oh and Lyra?" he called, just as she reached the door, "One more thing?"

"Yes Max?" Lyra asked, turning around, frowning slightly I puzzlement.

"Well, I don't know if any of the teachers from your other schools mentioned this, but they have all noticed what you call your 'legacy'"

A look of slight shock, fear and surprise flitted over Lyra's face before she stuck her hand behind her head bashfully. (A/N: oooo, total anime pose! ^_^)

"Ah," she said, "I see. Well, you know, it's something I like to do; I don't stay in one school for very long, so I try to do something good in the time I have."

Max smiled sympathetically. (oh man, is he OOC or what!)

"I know, and I'd like if you could do the same thing here, Lord knows we need it, although I'd prefer it if you could stay; I think you'd like it here, and I think you'd do the school good."

"Well, I was already planning on leaving my 'legacy' but you know I can only do it with no teachers around. As for the whole staying thing, well, we'll see about that. Goodbye."

With that she turned and opened the door, starting to go out into the emptying hall.

"Goodbye. Oh and Lyra?"


"Welcome to Domino High."

Lyra smiled and continued out, shutting the door behind her.

Max sighed, and slumped down into his chair, massaging his temples.

"I only hope your legacy will succeed," he sighed hopefully.

A/N: oooo, whatever could Lyra's 'legacy' be? Your just going to have to wait for the next chappie, I think the explanations in that, I couldn't be too sure well, there you go, done, and that's only the prologue! It's going to take me a while to get the next chappie up, pleeze be patient! Constructive criticism welcome, but flames shall be met with oil-soaked rags and a catapult! ^_^ pleeze review, I need to know if I should continue or not, any length, even a good job! Will do, pleeze!?