Reviews for legacy
Psycho Lover 289 chapter 5 . 12/26/2013
Love the story!
But why haven't you updated?! I was just really getting into it to! :(
cheetahkit chapter 5 . 5/13/2008
nice foundation!

can't wait til ryou and joey make their debut! iz ryou visiting lyra or iz he transfering like she did? and wat 'bout joey? will their b an explaination 2 his absence?

on a final note, remember this: teen movies r NEVER far from the truth.
Kiwee chapter 5 . 7/31/2004
ohohohohoho...i cant wait for the next chapter! it's gonna be so fun! i beg u to update really really soon! plz!
citrus luver chapter 5 . 7/30/2004
KAWAII! Aww. Yami and Yuugi finally became friends thanks to Lyra. And I actually like her even though she's like a bounderline mary sue she's cool. Better than any Anzu contraption. Anyways. When Jounouchi coming back... more like where did he go? Did he know he was leaving and that's why he made Yuugi promise him that he'll be strong and stuff. And what about Ryou? He'll come soon too right? You are going to let Lyra stay aren't you? Hmm... Kaibo and Bakkie... funny! Please don't give up on this fic. It's too good to be given up on. LOVE IT!
Widow's FeatherPen chapter 5 . 7/15/2004
Aika: _ This is a wonderful story! Can you continue it?
Yami Demon-PH33R M3 chapter 5 . 3/8/2004
This is greats. Hope u UPDATE SOON! BAI! :)
Machinegungirl chapter 5 . 12/28/2003
Love the ficcy, I added you in my faves list, I also liked your GW fic "What's Popularity Gotta Do With It?"! Please update this fic, pretty please... *puts on the puppy dog eyes* And when is Ryou gonna appear? AS a exchange student from England? And Jou's gonna come back out fo thin air? Please update! I'm getting too curious for my own good!
Hikari Kura chapter 5 . 12/9/2003
LIke it, can't wait for the rest
Icy Flame chapter 5 . 12/9/2003
Cute! I love it! This is seriously great! You have an awesome style of writing! Can't wait to see what'll happen next! I wonder where Joey disappeared to? Hm maybe he went to go help his mum with his sister. I hope he makes it back, him and Seto make such a perfect couple! hehehe I'd write more but my cat is sleeping on my one hand so I'll do better next time! *grins* *waves*
Later yo,
Lylli Riddle chapter 5 . 8/19/2003
"I don't like Bakkie." "I don't like Kaibo." "Serious, she gave you all these nicknames?" "Don't talk Yami." "Forget it, you two are too much moody for me to deal with."

Great one. Just keep the story up.
BatSupe chapter 5 . 8/14/2003
HELLO AGAIN! Nice chapter yet again! Yay! Yugi and yami are finally talking to each other! And those nicknames were funny, I liked Kaibo! HeHe! I like what you've done with Lyra though, Just putting her in so that she could get them together, it's cool. Well, Ja! and get the next chapter out soon!
The New Mae chapter 5 . 8/9/2003
yay! i liked this chapter alot. heres your review promise ;)
Atari-chan chapter 5 . 8/9/2003
Woo, cool! _ Yay Yami/Yugi fics! Update soon!

RiverWhiteDragon chapter 5 . 8/8/2003
Blond jokes? crossing a thin line there chibi, this is your final WARNING! But, being wonderful, I reviewed anyway!

The chappies funny and blushing nervous Yami is adorable! Seto and Bakkie are really good in this one too, and of course, your Oc is still kick-ass! Write the next chappie really soon, or I WILL take revenge on you for doubting my 100% brown-hairedness (if there is such a word.)

Okay, Marik (the evil one?) has good hair...kinda ...

um..okay, well drop that one and Ill go. Thanks for the chappie!

ChaosDragon013 chapter 5 . 8/7/2003
Really good! I love it! _ Great work! - Keep it up!
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