"Zyon? Zyyyyyyoooonnnnnnnnnnn…."

No response.


"Ahh!" Zyon exclaimed looking around startled, a blue print stuck to his face, looking around for an answer, he noticed his vision was blinded by paper. Pulling it off of his face, he spun around in his chair, and faced Gabriel Rayes, still wearing his black outfit and beanie and giving a huge 'asshole' grin.

"What?" Zyon asked, waking up.

"It's time to go." Reyes said, jerking his thumb over his shoulder. Pointing to the door leading to the hanger.

"Geez. Already?" Zyon grumbled. "Alright, let's go."

Standing up and cracking his back, Zyon picked up his carbines and holstered them as he strapped his armor to his body. Following Reyes out to a large ship he entered and sat down next to Reindhardt.

"You ready for this Zy?" Reindhardt laughed.

"You know it gramps." Zyon smirked in response. The two laughed while Mercy smiled at the two from where she stood. Looking around, Zyon saw the team, Morrison, Torbjörn, McCree, Reindhardt and Mercy. Securing his guns next to him he leaned back in his seat. Ready for a mission.

"Is Commander Amari coming?" Zyon asked, looking around for the team's sniper.

"Not today kid." Reyes answered. "She's got her own job to handle today. She sends her regard though."

"Alright." Zyon replied lying back. If he was being honest, he was kinda sad Ana wouldn't be on this mission, as he liked her, and she was always great to have on the team. But still, take what you can get and make it better as his dad always used to say.

"I'm coming!" A new voice shouted. Turning his head, Zyon saw a young girl in a blue outfit with an odd device strapped to her chest run up to the ship and suddenly appear in the ship, panting form the sprint.

"Huh." Was all Zyon said. Not sure how to react to what he just saw. The new agent laughed and sat down, looking around at the others until her eyes met his.

"Hi there!" She said in a preppy tone.

"Uh… Hey." Zyon replied with an awkward half-wave. He wasn't sure who this girl was, but he knew he had to break the ice somehow. Luckily, Gabriel decided to step in.

"Right. Zyon? This is Cadet Lena Oxton. Oxton, this is Zyon. Weapon specialist." Reyes introduced the two.

"You seem kinda young Zee…" Lena commented, looking him over.

"Eh, I'm seventeen." Zyon shrugged, while Lena gasped with a shocked look.

"What?!" She exclaimed, shocked. "How'd you…?! How'd you join us at such a young age!?"

"My father worked with Overwatch a while ago, I used to tag along and hang around the base with some of the agents." Zyon began

"Dude… You're like, totally into her." Came a new voice. Lena's eyes widened in shock while Zyon seemed annoyed.

"Damn it Phase! Will you shut up?!" He shouted at the ceiling.

"Sorry bro. Just sayin' what I'm seeing." Phase replied. Making most of the agents laugh.

"Phase?" Lena asked, still blushing slightly.

"His name's Hephaestus." Zyon explained. "He's an A.I. like Athena. My father built him to assist around the base." Pausing for a moment he asked aloud. "What's up with your voice?"

"The old man installed a new set of vocal modifiers dude." Phase responded. "It's like, totally radical man."

Laughing to himself, he looked up and stated: "Phase, revert to default voice mode."

"Okay." Phase said, his voice now sounding like a normal man. "So, listen up. We've gotten a swarm of slicers making their way through Kings Row. Bastion units have been sighted as well, a group of civilians are trapped in a building and it's up to us to get them out of there."

"Let's rock." Zyon grinned.

Twenty minutes later, the dropship landed and the Overwatch agents filed out, weapons at the ready, and uneasy tension in the air amongst them all. Most of King's Row was blasted to pieces, buildings remaining in rubble and smoldering ruins. Zyon frowned looking around, nervous as to what was going to happen next. He didn't spend a lot of time in King's Row, but still. If innocents were caught in the crossfire, it was time to be a hero.

"Stay close." Reindhardt said to the heroes. "We don't know where-"

Badda badda badda!

Zyon heard the bullets before they hit, and he ducked down as a hail of bullets impacted all around him, he cocked his guns and returned fire at the Omnics who were shooting at them. A splicer sparked and fizzed as some of the bullets hit right in it's head. Reindhardt brought up his shield and moved to cover Tracer and the others. Zyon looked nervously around for where the attackers were, but didn't see them. He saw something move and fired a few shots, but only heard someone on the other side yell:

"Don't shoot!"

"Hold your fire! There's civilians!" Reyes ordered. The group slightly lowered their weapons, but were still hesitant about making a move. Zyon didn't make a sound, smoke wafting the destroyed buildings. Pulling his mask on he silently snuck over to a building and began to climb. Reaching the top of what was left, he pulled his specs off of his belt and looked. He looked to the left and right, but there was nothing. No Omnics, no civilians… Where were they?

"Help!" Came a voice again.

Looking over the edge of the ruins he stood on, he saw a group of people hiding behind some rubble. He waved to the others and pointed to where he was heading, then upon seeing Reyes motion for others to follow, he jumped off the remains and landed near the family who backed up slightly.

"Hey, hey, hey. It's okay, I'm here to help." Zyon said, removing his mask to show his human face.

"Behind you." A woman whispered.


Jumping to the side, a Bastion unit began firing at him form a hidden place. Switching to its turret form, it began rapidly firing at Zyon who was currently running as fast as he could, unable to turn and fire back. Sliding under a toppled sign, he dropped to the ground and tried to wait out the hail of bullets. Suddenly, Morrison combat-dove over some ruins and fired a trio of Helix rockets at the bastion. The rockets found their mark and the robot exploded into scrap and debris.

"Zyon?" Jack called. "You alright?"

"Don't worry about me! Get to the civs!" He shouted in response and he crawled out of hiding. Standing up, he cracked his back and groaned in slight pain. He scanned around for any other threat. He saw a battle Omnic try to run and he quickly shot it in the back, destroying the central power source and shutting it off for good. He frowned looking at his guns, the kickback was stronger than normal, and the accuracy was a little off. Regardless, the civilians were safe, and that's all that mattered.

Meanwhile, Morrison and Reindhardt were moving chinks of building away to help the trapped family get out. Gabriel appeared on the scene and he and McCree escorted them to a safer zone.

"Not bad." Morrison commented. "You move fast, shoot straight, you're able to adapt. Nott bad for a first mission."

"Thank you, sir." Zyon nodded, despite his small smile on his face, on the inside he was practically cheering. He hadn't screwed up! Yet.

"Let's keep moving."

Nodding, Zyon followed Morrison down the street to where the other agents were waiting for them. He and McCree shoulder bumped as they walked by, and Mercy gave him a quick glance for injuries. Suddenly, Lena appeared, seeming dizzy.

"Oof…" She groaned. "Not quite… used to that."

"Welcome to the club Ox." Zyon smirked.

"Anything on the horizon commander?" McCree asked.

"No." Reyes and Morrison answered before looking to one another confused.

Zyon tuned the others out, listening to a low hum which appeared to come from nowhere. He slowly made his way over to the center of the square. The humming seemed to slightly get louder and louder. Looking around, Zyon reloaded his guns when the humming stopped. Suddenly, a large metallic leg shot out from the ground, destroying a nearby fountain. Five more burst from the ground and a large spider-tank appeared front under the ground, chunks of debris falling all around it.

"Crap." Zyon said, wide-eyed.

"THE HELL?!" He heard McCree shout in shock.

"It's uh… It's a spider tank!" Zyon shouted, running away as the large mechanical monster turned towards them. It began to fire as Zyon sprinted away from it. Suddenly, he was grabbed by Reindhardt, who turned and took the brunt of the blast. His armor took most of the damage, but the crusader armor was only so good.

"You alright?" Zyon shouted over the fire.

"I'll live!" Reindhardt groaned.

"We need a plan, and we need one NOW!" Reyes shouted to the others, all of whom were firing at the spider tank. Their weapons seemed mostly ineffective, making the situation even worse. "Is this one of yours Lindholm?"

"No!" Torbjörn shouted back, firing his scrap gun at the beast. "Not one of mine!"

"So, you don't know any weak points?" Reyes shouted back.


"Commander Morrison! I have an idea!" Zyon exclaimed.

Crouching down behind some ruble next to Zyon Morrison nodded to him, signaling for him to explain.

"The new recruit, Oxton." Zyon said, somewhat out of breath. "She can teleport, right?"

"Somewhat, what's your idea?" Morrison asked.

"Have her warp up there, look around. If I had to guess, the joints will have coupling we can take out, and the whole thing will collapse in on itself."

Tracer looked to Jack, who nodded to her and she blinked towards the spider-mech. Jumping up and feeling slightly dizzy, she made her way up. Finally holding onto a section of the leg, she began breathing heavily, not used to the feeling.

"There's something up here!" She finally said through her mic. "There's defiantly a number of bolts holding it together! If we damage them, we might be able to stop them!

"Jesse! Head up that building and try to take them out! Reindhardt, Ziegler you take the right side. Reyes and I will try to draw fire. Torbjörn, get your amour packs ready." Jack relayed the orders to everyone. "And Zyon? Try to find any remaining civilians."

"On it." Zyon nodded. Pulling his mask back on he ran down the road, scanning for civilians.

Meanwhile, Reyes and Morrison were running towards the spider mech, both had their weapons drawn, waiting for their chance to strike, Morrison began to move faster than Reyes, whose eyes widened and narrowed slightly in anger. Tracer was firing at the joints, blinking around but began to feel the mech shake around, trying to throw her off."

"Cowboy!" She shouted, waving to him. "Over here!"

McCree's eyes narrowed as he slowly aimed his gun. Then fired four shots, he missed twice, but managed to hit two of the joints, causing the mech to stagger and spark. One of the legs groaned loudly and fell to the ground with a tremendous THUD!

"One down. Seven to go…" Morrison commented. He aimed at the legs and fired his helix rockets at it, blowing a chunk of it off. It turned and aimed at them. Right before it could fire, Reyes grabbed Jack and yanked him out of the way of the fire.

"Thanks." Morrison nodded.

"No problem." Reyes nodded.

Meanwhile, Reindhardt had his shield up and was pinned in a corner as a battalion of Bastion units fired upon him. His shield, however, was slowly losing its charge. Groaning in anger and determination, he began trying to think of a strategy. Suddenly, Zyon came down from above and blasted two of the Bastions in their power cores, effectively destroying them. Unsheathing his two mini-scythes, he slashed another Bastion's turret, causing it to spark and explode, then drove both swords into the remaining unit. It whirred for a second, then stopped.

"You good?" Reindhardt asked.



The remaining Bastion suddenly exploded, sending Zyon into a wall and burning his face slightly. He landed on the ground and groaned in pan as he held his arm.

"MEDIC!" Reindhardt yelled into the fray.

Meanwhile, McCree was still firing at the joints, succeeding in damaging them, granted, no more legs had been destroyed. Tracer finally had to jump off and blinked down to Morrison and Reyes.

"Commander Morrison!" She exclaimed. "I found something!"


"A hatch, I believe if we fire something powerful enough in there, it could fry the whole thing!"

"Alright." Morrison nodded. "We need a plan…"

A.N. Chapter One done. So, this is a new story I'll be writing every now and then. I think you'll like him. So, the story is gonna start during the Omnic crisis, but it'll jump around. Part two will end the 'Omnic Crisis' Era, and we'll jump to more modern times. Hope you enjoy! Also, MAJOR props to LucaBinoco on Deviantart for the cover art. (That's Zyon's armor later on BTW) See ya soon!