((And here I am again with another collection of random stories! Like the summary says, these will take place between the Battle of Killahead Bridge and before Jim becomes the Trollhunter, so you can expect a LOT of Blinky, Aaarrrggghh, Kanjigar, Daya, Vendel, and all our favorite Trolls taking center stage! There will be humor, friendship, adventure, possibly some angst and hurt/comfort fics, and who knows what else - it'll be as the must takes me.
Like with 'A Recapitulation of Trollhunter Lore' the suggestion box is wide open for any scenes you might like to have put into the story. Just PM them to me or mention them in a Review, and I'll see what I can do!
As a warning, though, the timeline may jump around a bit here, so I'll be posting a chronological timeline on my profile as the chapter count builds. Enjoy!))
Chapter 1: Play
It was little short of a miracle. It had required them to search long and hard, even crossing an ocean, but finally they had found a new Heartstone, and it was here that they were beginning to build their new home almost a century after the defeat of Gunmar. There were natural caverns and caves that attached to the cave where the Heartstone had been found, so at the moment Daya and a wise Troll named Vendel, who had been elected the leader of this new home, had everyone out among the tunnels mapping and exploring, within reason. They needed to know how far these tunnels went, and where, so they could begin planning how to build within it safely. This was a task carried out with enthusiasm from all, including a certain pair that Daya had been keeping an eye on. Blinkous - known as Blinky to his larger companion - and said companion, Aaarrrggghh, had already gone through two tunnel systems and the scholarly Troll had mapped then out in a very skilled hand (Including a possible location that he vowed would be ideal for a library, much to her amusement).
But now it was drawing close to evening mealtime, and everyone had orders to be back by then unless Daya had told them otherwise, and she saw no sign of the large Krubera over the others, nor the smaller blue-green Troll. This got a frown. Blinkous and Aaarrrggghh were typically very obedient Trolls when it came to her requests for one thing, and for a another the tunnels had already proven to be dangerous in parts as rock slides had been found. Dallying was risky, and getting severely lost a possibility.
" Good evening, Master Daya," Vendel greeted as he came to stand beside her. He glanced at the Trollhunter, then looked out back over the gathering Trolls. "Hmm, I see nothing amiss, but you look as if there is." Daya sighed.
"It is more what I do not see than what I do. Or rather whom." Vendel scanned the chamber then sighed.
"Blinkous and Aaarrrggghh."
"Yes. They know the rules we have set, yet they are late."
"Hmm... I see Kanjigar by the Heartstone, but he too is peering around searchingly. I would wager he is trying to find them before you do." The assessment, probably accurate, got a chuckle.
"His past history aside, I am quite pleased with Aaarrrggghh, if for nothing else than the benefit he had provided for Blinkous. And for all these decades he has only had three outbursts of note, all triggered by witnessing acts of violence and quickly suppressed, mostly due to Blinkous' response."
"Yes, they have been quite vigilant in upholding their promise to you." The newly-appointed leader tapped his staff against the ground. "But still, the pair of them seem to be a magnet for trouble, and with them out of sight the chances for said trouble can only multiply exponentially." Daya sighed.
"I am honestly more worried than upset with them. I will go look for them, and I think I know exactly where to find out what direction they went. If you'll excuse me." Vendel nodded his farewell, privately thinking that Daya had far more patience with the pair than he himself had, then moved off on further business and left Blinky and Aaarrrggghh in the capable hands of the Trollhunter.
Said Trollhunter was making her way through the gathering Trolls, being greeted every so often and though she replied politely she ensured that she was never 'trapped' in conversation for more than a moment. Kanjigar caught sight of her moving towards him just a split second too late to try and head elsewhere without seeming highly impolite, so he smiled at her instead, inclining his head respectfully.
"Good evening, Master Daya."
"Good evening, Kanjigar." Oh, he knew what she was about to ask him about. It showed in his eyes, and she could tell he was worried mostly about the 'why' of the questioning. Though it was amusing, and heart-warming to see the bared loyalty the Troll had towards his friends, the Trollhunter thought dragging this out would run against her needs. "I notice that someone isn't around right now. Two someones."
"I'm sure Blinkous just got distracted; you know as well how curious he is."
"I'm aware." Daya put her hand on his shoulder. "While I commend you for your loyalty to them, and desire to not see them reprimanded, I am not upset with them." Kanjigar visibly relaxed.
"After Aaarrrggghh accidentally knocked over half the supplies the other day, I think he's been a little jumpy."
"A minor accident, little more and already forgiven. Do you know where they went exploring?"
"Down a passage in the south-east. They were in there yesterday, and Blinkous said he saw something interesting but he wouldn't tell me any more about it."
"South-east." Daya thought a moment then nodded to herself. "Stay here and keep an eye open for them. I'll go try to find them, but there is a chance they somehow double back behind me."
"Yes, Master Daya." Kanjigar moved to a better vantage point, waiting for a meal until he knew his friends were safe, and Daya went to the south-east tunnel.
Like several of the tunnels, there was no lighting aside from what the Trolls themselves brought, so Daya made certain that she had an illuminated crystal in hand to light her way. After a few yards the noises of the newborn Troll home – they really had to come up with a name for it at some point – faded behind leaving her with silence. She saw occasional signs that they had passed this way, a footprint here and there or a hand print in the dust on the wall, but for quite a bit she saw nor heard anything to indicate where they were. Just as she was getting well and truly worried, she saw a faint light flickering ahead of her. Small dots of light like stars in the midnight sky. They provided quite a bit of light, and she thought she heard a noise from that area so she pocketed her own light and approached in all stealth.
The chamber beyond was dotted with a few stalactites and stalagmites, and every inch of the stone was studded with varying sizes of white crystal that had a natural glow, granting enough illumination to see without being too bright or harsh on the eyes. It was actually quite beautiful, and she thought that if she wasn't searching for a pair of lost Trolls she wouldn't mind sitting in there and just meditating for a bit.
Speaking of 'lost Trolls' at least one wasn't so much lost anymore. Blinky she saw in the middle of the largest clear area, back to her and moving around cautiously, as if listening.
And he was alone.
Daya frowned. While over the decades she had become a bit more lax about Blinky's charge over Aaarrrggghh, she still expected the blue-green Troll to know where the other was most of the time, and definitely for them to remain within the same building – or in this case cave – as one another. But by all appearances Blinky had no idea where the Krubera was, and was in face searching for him... warily? Had something happened? It was a worrisome thought. She was taking in a breath to call out to Blinky when suddenly a shadow loomed to the scholar's side, and before she could react to warn him a large shape lunged out to grab hold of the smaller Troll, taking both to the ground and rolling.
It was Aaarrrggghh.
In an instant Daya's hand was reaching up to where her sword would materialize on her back and the first word was forming on her lips to summon her armor, even as she prayed she would be in time to save Blinky from the attack. But the action died a moment later as she realized that the sound following the yelp of surprise wasn't cries of terror or pain or for aid, but... laughter?
Yes, it was laughter! From the both of them, as the startled Daya registered a deeper sound below the lighter. She watched, mouth open in blatant shock, as Aaarrrggghh rolled finally to a stop, letting Blinky go in the process. Blinky quickly stood then rounded on Aaarrrggghh, and the Krubera scrambled up to run away though not so fast that it didn't seem Blinky was more than a pace from catching him. They weaved around the stalagmites, even circling around one several times, then Daya saw Blinky discreetly scurry up the side of another and duck around it to hide. Aaarrrggghh paused when he realized he'd seemingly lost his pursuer, until Blinky jumped off the stony formation and landed on the larger Troll's fur-clad back with a giddy yell.
Now it was Aaarrrggghh's turn to jump, but he laughed - before today had the Trollhunter ever heard him laugh? - and made a small dart around the clearest places in the chamber - given his strength he could have easily thrown Blinky from his back had that been his intent, but clearly he had no care for the small Troll clinging with all four hands to his fur - before simply letting himself fall flat on his stomach, limbs outstretched in a sprawl and eyes closing.
"Give up, Aaarrrggghh?" Blinky laughed, panting... then he frowned slightly as there was no response. "Aaarrrggghh?" He remained atop his friend for a moment, then climbed off and gave him a little shake.
From her hiding place Daya clapped one hand over her mouth to hide her own laughter, and the other to her forehead in disbelief.
Blinkous! Please tell me you're too smart to fall for this! It seemed he wasn't, as Blinky crouched, shaking Aaarrrggghh's shoulder and calling his name... then with a playful, soft roar Aaarrrggghh suddenly rolled and grappled with Blinky, the pair swatting at one another and even at one point the Krubera threw his playmate into the air only to catch him again, then pinning Blinky on his back. Both were panting, laughing between gasps and Daya could see their smiles even in the dim lighting.
"Very well, my friend," Blinky chuckled. "You win!" Aaarrrggghh have a contented rumble, lowering his head briefly to bump forehead to forehead with the scholar in a gesture of friendship, then sheepishly grinned when his stomach growled loud enough for Daya to here even from where she was hiding and stepped back to let Blinky up.
"Heh heh, I'm hungry. Good workout!" For all it was stunted to begin with, Aaarrrggghh's grasp of Trollish had expanded by leaps and bounds over the years. Blinky paused mid-movement, then quickly got to his feet, eyes wide in alarm.
"The evening meal! We're late!" Aaarrrggghh frowned, concerned and Daya might even say worried or fretful.
"Will the Trollhunter be angry?" Blinky patted the larger Troll's arm reassuringly.
"Not if we get there before she notices! C'mon!"
Quickly Daya made a stealthy retreat back the way she'd come, ducking down a side tunnel and quieting her breathing; she didn't want them to know she'd been unintentionally spying on them. For one it was impolite, and for another she feared that if they knew they'd been caught they wouldn't feel comfortable to enjoy games with one another like this, and that would be a terrible loss. About a minute later Aaarrrggghh came jogging by, Blinky clinging to his back to allow them greater speed. She let them get a good five minutes ahead of her, then followed at a sedate pace back to the gathering place at the Heartstone. As she walked, she mused over the sight, committing it to memory in her heart. To see two in their own ways battle-scarred Trolls who were also fully-grown adults playing like whelps and laughing happily even after everything they had been through told her in no uncertain terms that all she had strove for over the course of the war had not been lost. That the many sacrifices, both from others and from herself, had been worth it. It was a far greater reward than she had ever hoped for.
Daya entered the chamber and gave a glance around. Ah, there they were, Blinky and Aaarrrggghh standing with Kanjigar. The warrior Troll was speaking quite urgently to his friends, though when he glanced past them and happened to meet the Trollhunter's eye he abruptly fell silent. Blinky and Aaarrrggghh turned as one and saw her, and as she started to approach she could see them bracing for a reprimand at the very least.
"Master Daya," the blue-green Troll quickly spoke up when she reached them, "I take full responsibility for our tardiness and any complications it may have caused. I failed to keep track of time. There was a fascinating cavern with minerals I had never seen before, and -" At this point Daya held up a hand to quiet him. Aaarrrggghh meanwhile seemed to almost be trying to hide behind Blinky, as impossible a task as that might be.
'Are you both alright?" she asked, seemingly catching them off-guard by starting with a concerned query, rather than censure.
"Er, yes. The tunnels and caves in that sector are remarkably sturdy." Daya smiled and nodded.
"Good. Try to be a little more aware of your surroundings in the future, Blinkous? And let me know if this cavern might have any use for us." The scholar lived up to his name with a rapid blink, but nodded.
"Of course!"
"My thanks. Now go and enjoy the meal." The Trollhunter patted the smaller Troll's shoulder as she passed, took about five paces away, then stopped, saying over her shoulder and in the process catching the three sharing incredulous whispers. "Oh, and Aaarrrggghh? " The former Gumm-Gumm jumped a bit before looking at her.
"Umm, yes?"
"What happened the other day could have happened to any Troll. There was little damage done and no injuries, and in full truth if the supplies has been stacked better they would not have fallen so easily. So release the burden of your guilt; it is unneeded." Aaarrrggghh stared at Daya for a moment, as if trying to process the unexpected words of reassurance, then offered her a big, relaxed smile and an accepting nod. With a smile of her own, Days moved away to see to her own evening meal.
A few minutes later Daya sat on a ledge overlooking the entire cavern, a bowl of food in her hands and a quietly contented smile on her face. She often took her meals in this place as from it she could see every point of entry and most if not all of the Trolls she had long ago vowed to protect. But this eve she wasn't alone for long.
"I see you found them." Daya turned towards Vendel as he came to stand beside where she say, and she nodded, her eyes turning out to find the pair. Blinky was telling Kanjigar some tale or another, quite an elaborate one to judge by his gestures, while Aaarrrggghh listened in quite attentively though likely he'd heard it all before.
"Yes. Just a harmless misplacement of time, little more." Perhaps Vendel heard it in her voice, for she saw him studying her out of the corner of her eye, but he merely nodded.
"Well, at least they've kept themselves out of trouble for one day." Daya nodded without comment, and they were silent as the Trollhunter ate. No, she wouldn't tell the white-eyed Troll what she'd seen. It was a gift for herself and herself alone to cherish...well, and perhaps belonging to two others.
The gift of laughter.