Okay, here's I fix the grammar and rewrite the story. I hope you guys liked it.
Voice actors for young characters.
Keoni: Hayden Rolence
Keilani: Claire Corlett
Lanuola: Madeleine Peters
Makala: Michelle Creber
The ocean
It's full of mystery and wonders, the creatures that live there are magnificent and beautiful. The ocean was the first living entity ever been created. Then the world's first island emerged as a goddess known as Te Fiti, she created countless new islands and the ocean serving as the force that connects them all. The islands were filled with life and unknown creatures. The creatures are called Dragons, made by the god Draco. Draco is the constellation, yet he is also a God of Dragons. Dragons were created in many lands, he even created giant dragons called Alpha Dragons called Bewilderbeasts, Red Deaths, Foreverwings, Screaming Deaths, and lastly Night Furies.
Night Furies are the rarest of all the fours, they may be small, but they are fast, strong, intelligent, and above all deadly. But they are known to be very loyal and trustworthy. Te Fiti made island homes for the dragons, safe havens that protect them from any danger. The dragons were happy to have beautiful islands to live. The humans that live there didn't mind having dragons around. In fact, they enjoy the dragons as company, allowing them to stay. If they promise not to harm their live stocks and farming.
The dragons didn't bother them at all, the dragons help the humans with fishing, hunting, and sailing. And soon, they became friends and family. Draco was grateful of the news that the dragons and humans are getting along.
Thanks to Te Fiti's kindness and the humans of the islands, there was peace on the lands, both humans and dragons, living side by side, as equals. Cause of this, Te Fiti and Draco became great friends. And there were would be a celebration of dragons and humans for their peace and unity.
Life was great on their islands. But it all changed when the Heart of Te Fiti was stolen by a shape-shifting trickster Demigod known as Maui. Maui stole the heart to give humanity the power of creation. But in doing so, Te Fiti disintegrates into black ash, while Maui sails away freely with the heart in his hand. However, before he could escape, Maui was attacked by Te Kā, a volcanic demon from the underworld, wanted the Heart of Te Fiti to herself. The two powerful enteties fought with their might and power and created a powerful explosion that shook the earth!
And Maui was never seen again. The Heart Te Fiti was gone into the depths of the ocean.
Without Te Fiti, life was consumed by darkness. The islands that Te Fiti created became cursed to lose the life that she gave is now being stolen by the darkness.
The humans that live on the islands soon fled their islands, trying to escape from the darkness. Only few were able to escape from the darkness because some of them were devoured by the evil monsters of the sea. Without Te Fiti, there's no safety on the ocean and islands because she was the one who kept balance between the monsters on their realm from coming to the human realm.
The dragons tried to help, but the humans couldn't live in their islands anymore and were soon disappeared. The dragons have no choice but to leave the islands that Te Fitit made and were forced to live at the barbaric lands of the Norse Region, where they were hunted and killed by men called Vikings. Draco was saddened and angered by the news of Maui stealing Te Fiti's Heart and ruining the lives of both humans and dragons.
He vowed that Maui will pay for his crime on what he did to Te Fiti, the humans, and the dragons. Draco created strong and powerful dragons called Vahloks. Vahloks are powerful dragons that are both intelligent and dangerous. They're mission that Draco assign them is to capture Maui and bring him to Draco for his judgment. And the Vahloks will find him and made sure he will pay.
Yet, Maui was never to be found as he was lost like the islands that were slowly consumed by the darkness.
However, there was a prophesy that two beings, a girl and a dragon, will return the Heart to Te Fiti and bring peace to the land and dragons will return to their home of the safe islands of Te Fiti. But the story doesn't start here, it begins millennium later, on the island of Motunui.
This is where the story starts.
A big and beautiful island, filled with coconut trees, fruits, rare plants and flowers, and beautiful huts that are made. The people that lived on the island of Motunui worked together in order to keep themselves alive and well provided. Their chief is name Tui, he is a great leader like his ancestor the Great Matai Vasa that discover Motunui. Tui keeps his people and family safe from danger. However, he is known to have aquaphobia, fear of the ocean for some reason. But that doesn't stop him to keep everyone safe, especially his family. His wife, Sina, gave him a child, a beautiful little girl named Moana. Moana is a cute little baby, so full of life and cheerfulness. Tui believes that Moana will become a great chief when she grows. But Tui's mother, Tala, believed that Moana has something more than meets the eye. Moana has this special connection with animals. Wherever she goes, the animals will follow her, as if she was their leader. It was cute and Tui jokingly said that Moana was a born leader since the animals followed her around. Moana is a special child, yet she can be lonely since she barely could make friends in the island. Luckily, Tui has a good friend that has a son closer to Moana's age.
Tui's friend is name Kale. Kale is the leader of a Clan of Warriors called Keahi. They are good fighters and would defend the islands from invaders. They are skilled and deadly in both combat and weaponry. And they are forever loyal to the village and would protect it with their lives along with its people.
Kale is a father of four, he has three daughters and one son. His triplet daughters named Keilani, Lanuola, and Makala. Keilani is the oldest, she is a born warrior. She is very skilled and deadly, yet she is protective of her family, making her the leader and fighter of the triplets. Lanuola is like Keilani, a strong warrior, yet she prefers hunting, and is known to be an excellent tracker and trapper at the same time. And then there's Makala, and like her sisters, she is a strong warrior. She's the brains of the group and is amazing healer and strategist. She also known to observe her opponent's weaknesses.
Lastly, there was Keoni, Kale's only son, and he's close to Moana's age. Even though Keoni is young, he was more mature and focus, and somewhat quiet. Kale and Tui agreed that the two of them would be friends. And thus, creating a strong bond with the two little ones.
Moana and Keoni became inseparable. The two toddlers enjoy each other's company and quickly became best friends. Sina and Keoni's mother, Pualani, were happy that their babies are getting along very well. And hoping that they would one day get married.
Keilani, Lanuola, and Makala, adore little Moana, she was so cute and adorable. They would play and spoil with little Moana and their baby brother. Keoni, even though he was still young, found this really annoying of his sisters keep bothering him and Moana when they are playing. He would lead Moana away from his sisters, hoping that they can't find them. But no matter how hard they hide; his sisters were able to find them. It didn't bother Moana, in fact, she finds it fun, like a game.
Speaking of Moana, the little toddler was at her home, playing with her doll on a fine afternoon. Her Gramma Tala was watching her play as she sits at the corner, drinking coconut milk, enjoying her relaxation. Sina was at the village, helping weave nets for the fishermen. And Tui was doing his chief duties. So, Tala watches little Moana for a while until her parents come home from their duties.
Gramma Tala lifts her head up and smiles at the entrance to see Keilani with her little brother by her side. The girl is very though and has a fire within her. Tala waved at her gently.
"Hello Keilani, what brings you here?" Tala asked gently.
Keilani smiles at her. "I'm bringing Keoni here to play with Moana, my dad is busy training some beginners while me and my sisters are off training, and we need someone to watch Keoni when we're done."
Tala nodded in understanding. "Alright, I'll watch your brother."
Keilani smiles at her brightly before gently patting her brother's head and runs back to the training ground while calling out to Tala.
"Thank you! I'll pick up Keoni before dinner! Be good Keoni!"
As Keilani runs back to the training grounds, Moana giggled as she went over to Keoni and holds her doll out to him.
"Play! Play! Play!" Moana giggled.
Keoni blinks at her. Keoni was born with a serious expression, always staying quiet and focus. Kale believes that he will be a great warrior in the future and possibly, the next leader of Keahis.
Tala couldn't help but chuckle at them in amusement. They're so cute together.
"You two play for a while. Gramma needs a rest." Tala said gently.
Moana cheers happily as she runs off with her doll and Keoni follows her from behind, making sure she doesn't fall or hurt herself. Tala chuckles in amusement before taking a quick nap on the hut. Moana and Keoni walked towards the village, holding hands. Moana's doll was on her other hand, swaing back and forth by her. Some of the villagers, mostly females, cooed and adore at the two little ones. Moana would giggle and waved at the villagers with her doll while Keoni make sure Moana doesn't run off somewhere. The two toddlers went to the beach and was greeted by some fishermen. Moana waves at them as she drags Keoni towards another part of the beach, far from the adults' watch.
They made it to the other side and began playing. The two toddlers like to be chase each other around, trying to get one another to be it. Moana squeals happily as she runs away from Keoni, who was chasing her. The two toddlers played for hours; they were so having fun that they forgot the time when the sun began to set.
Until Moana found something on the beach.
Moana was running farther away from Keoni, giggling in delight as she runs a little faster, trying to escape from Keoni. Keoni could catch her in a second since he was known to be a fast runner but wanted to make Moana have fun and happy with him. Moana was about to make another run but stops when she saw something on the water. As a child, curiosity got the better of her. Little Moana walks towards the source on the water. Keoni notices it and soon follows Moana. He too was curious on what Moana had just found. The two toddlers walked closer to the edge of the beach and saw a strange small black creature.
It's about the same size as a chicken, it somewhat resembles to a gecko in general appearance and has two pairs of wings with a shape like a bat, two mobile, ear-like appendages on the back of its head as well as other pairs around its jaw. It was lying on the beach near the water as the wave gently hits it.
Moana and Keoni looked at each other before walking over to it. They carefully pulled it away from the water and near the dry land. Moana gently pats its head, but no respond, it was breathing, but it was weak. Moana looks at Keoni with a worried expression on her face.
"Help! Help! Help!"
Keoni nodded and helps Moana to pick up the creature before they headed towards Keoni's home. Keoni's clan lives farther away from the village since his kin trained near the jungle. The two toddlers worked together to reach Keoni's hut to see Makala walking out from it. The two toddlers hurried over to her while carrying the unknown creature. Makala saw them and smiled but soon vanished when she saw the creature that they were carrying. Worried, Makala went to them and kneels in front of them as the two carefully puts the creature down, Makala check on the creature and notices it really-weak.
"It's still alive." Makala said to them, observing the creature. "Come on, I'll heal it up."
She picks up the creature and brings it inside the hut, followed by Keoni and Moana. Makala sets the creature down on a soft mat and heals it up. The two toddlers watched Makala's work in healing the injured creature. After a while, Keilani, Lanuola, Tui, and Kale came in when they search for Makala. They became shock to see a strange creature that Makala was taking care of.
"What is that creature?" Keilani asked curiously, wondering what it is.
Kale inspects the creature and became shock to see that creature. "It can't be." He whispers out.
Lanuola looks at her dad in confusion. "Can't be what, Dad?
Kale looks at Tui and said to him. "Remember when we were young, my father would tell stories of these creatures called dragons."
"What are dragons?" Keilani, Lanuola, and Makala asked unison.
"Dragons are creatures that were made by a God name Draco." Kale explains to his daughters, remembering his father's tale of the dragons.
"Your grandfather told me and Tui stories of theses magnificent beast that can fly through the sky, swim in the deepest water, and runs on land with incredible speed. He said that the dragons used to live in our world until they disappeared, never to be see again."
Tui shook his head as he looks at the creature being watched by Moana and Keoni. "That's impossible. Dragons were just stories that you father made when we were kids."
"Or is it!" Came Tala's voice came. They all turn to the entrance to see Moana's grandmother coming in.
"The creature there is a dragon, Tui. What else could it be?" Tala asked, walking in the hut.
"A bat." Tui said in a deapna tone.
Keilani, Lanuola, and Makala gave the chief the 'really' look. That creature a bat? Yeah, right. Tui saw there looks and added to defend himself.
"What? It could be a bat…a really big bat."
"A bat does not have four legs." Tala said.
"Mother, don't start this, we can't scare the kids. We don't know if it's a threat to us." Tui said in annoyance.
As he and his mother have the talk, Keilani, Lanuola, and Makala along with their dad watched on the sideline. The mother and son would have these talks about who is right since Tala knows every legend since the beginning. Meanwhile, Moana looks at the creature curiously, its black scales matched the night sky. Moana looks at Keoni who looks at her, the two toddlers looked at each other before looking the creature, who was still unconscious.
Curious, Moana placed her hand on the creature's head. The creature flinch on its sleep before Moana started stroking it gently. She felt its scales. They were soft and a bit scaly. Moana giggles silently and strokes its head gently. However, her touched caused the creature's head started to stir from its sleep.
Moana withdraws her hand and watched in awe as the creature slowly moves and opens its eyes slowly. It blinks its eyes, adjusting them from the tiredness. Once its sight was cleared, Moana and Keoni saw its eyes were blue like the ocean. Then the creature slowly lifts its head up before meeting the eyes of Moana's. The creature suddenly froze in fear when it looks at Moana with wide fearful eyes. Moana became confused on why the creature was so afraid of her. Moana lifts her hand and the creature curls itself to a ball, shaking in fear as it closes its eyes shut. It was terrified on what might come of it.
The creature then felt something soft on its back. Opening one eye slowly, the creature glanced up at Moana. The toddler slowly strokes the creature's back gently, assuring it that she wasn't a bad person. The creature opens its eyes that became widen as it looks at Moana with shock and curiosity. Moana giggled at the creature and gently strokes its back again before scratching the back of its neck. The creature felt great amount of pleasure there and couldn't help but wag its tail and letting out happy purrs, shutting her eyes at the delightful touch.
This caught attentions of the others as they turned towards Moana, Keoni, and the creature before they became shocked to see Moana scratching the creature's neck as it purrs happily, acting like a cute puppy.
"Well, with you look at that." Kale spoked in awe.
Keilani, Lanuola, and Makala awed and cooed at the sight. They find it adorable to see the little creature getting along with little Moana. Tala smiles and looks at her shocked son. The little creature became friends with Moana easily.
"Does that creature look like a threat to you?" She asked teasingly.
Tui gave her mother a blank look before looking at Moana and the little creature. They were getting along very well, and Tui doesn't have the heart to separate her from the creature. So, letting out a defeated sigh, Tui looks at his mother.
"Fine, the creature is not a threat, but we still don't know how it got here." Tui said.
"Moana and Keoni must've found it washed up on the beach." Makala said. "When I was checking it, I notice it was wet."
"It must've lost its way and ended up in the ocean." Lanuola theorized.
The creature ignored the others as it nuzzles Moana's hand, wanting her to continue scratching it. Moana smiles and scratches the creature's neck again, making it purr in delight. Keilani looks at the creature. She wonders what it is and where did it come from. She then turns to her dad with a questionable look in her eyes.
"Dad, you said it could be a dragon, right?" Keilani asked.
Kale shrugs at his daughter as he looks at the creature playing with Moana. "Could be, but I don't know if it is one." He answered.
"Well, we can't always call the creature an it. We should know the creature's gender first and give it a proper name." Keilani said.
Makala looks at the creature and notices it more comfortable around Moana. It lets out happy purrs before it snuggles close to Moana with no problems. And Makala knew what's its gender is.
"It's a girl." Makala answered.
"How do you know it's a girl?" Kale asked his healer daughter with the others looking at her.
Makala points at the creature nuzzling Moana's body. "It's a girl because she's more comfortable with Moana than with a boy." She informs.
Keilani nodded in agreement. "Now we know it's a girl, we should name her."
"And what should we call her?" Tui asked curiously.
"Aliikai." Keilani said with a smile. "It means Queen of the Sea because she came from the sea and she looks like a queen."
"I understand that she came from the sea, but she doesn't look like a queen." Kale joked, causing Tui and Tala to chuckle a bit.
Kailani waved at her dad off. "Oh, you know what I mean." She said before looking at Moana. "So, Moana, do you want the creature to be called Aliikai?"
Moana nodded her head happily and repeats the name the best way she could. "Ali! Ali! Ali!"
The creature now named Aliikai looks at them curiously, already forgetting her fears about them, and tilts her head as Moana looks at her with her arms spread wide.
"Your name Alii-kai! You family!"
Aliikai froze when she heard the word family. She remembers hearing that word before. She used to have a family until a storm came and…she lost them. But now, she has a new family
They wanted her to be part of their family!
Aliikai looks at Moana in shock and happiness. The little toddler smiles as she continues spreading her arms wide. Aliikai couldn't help but make a toothless smile, which surprise the others, before jumping on Moana's arms and was being hugged by the toddler. Aliikai hugs her back before giving Moana slobbery licks, causing Moana to laugh in delight.
Everyone was shocked to see that. Aliikai already grew a bond with Moana and two almost looked unseparated. Tala smiles at the scene, knowing the two little ones will grow up together to be sisters.
"Well, it looks like Aliikai is part of our family now." Tala said to her son.
Tui looks at his daughter. Moana continues hugging Aliikai happily as the little dragon was giving Moana endless licks of love, causing Moana to giggle uncontrollably. Tui couldn't help but smile at the scene. Moana feels happy to have a new friend. Aliikai can keep Moana company with Keoni if they were busy. Tui sighs at them gently and turns to the others.
"Alright. Alright, Aliikai can stay here with us." He said.
Moana cheers with pure joy, knowing that Aliikai was going to live with her now. She bounced around with Aliikai in her arms, squealing in delight. Keilani, Lanuola, and Makala smiles and laughed a bit when Moana went to Keoni and gives Aliikai to him.
"New friend!" She said to him.
Aliikai purrs at Keoni before licking his face. Keoni wipes off the saliva off his face and smiles at Aliikai before stroking her head gently, earning happy purrs from her.
"If Aliikai's a dragon, what kind is she?" Keilani asked her father.
Kale rubs his chin and looks at Aliikai curiously. He remembers seeing a drawing of Aliikai on a piece of cloth from his father's work when he was little. His father told him what creature is on the cloth and explained to him what the creature is and can do.
"Night Fury." Kale answered.
"A Night Fury?" Kelani asked her dad as she, Lanuola, Makala, Tui, and Tala looked at him.
Kale nodded at his eldest daughter.
"Yes. Your grandfather told me a story of this magnificent dragon called Night Fury. They are known to be the smartest of all dragons, superfast on both air and land, incredibly strong, and most important of all they are known to be loyal to the one they be friended to." He explains as he looks at Moana, followed by the others.
Moana was laughing happily as Aliikai runs around her and Keoni happily. Tui couldn't help but smile at them, knowing that the little dragon can protect Moana from any danger as she grows up with Moana.
"Alright, I should inform everyone about our new member of the family." Tui said.
They nodded as Moana picks up Aliikai and carries her outside the hut to the village. They headed towards the village square to announce Aliikai's arrival and welcoming. Aliikai awed at the villagers, they were working or chatting about. She wonders if they are her new family too. If so, then she will be very kind to them. When they reach to the center, Chief Tui stood and spoke loudly to get the villagers' attentions.
"Attention, attention everyone!"
The villagers stopped on what they are doing as they turn towards their Chief with curiosity. They wonder what was going on. Tui saw that he has their full attention and soon nodded his head before announcing about Aliikai.
"Today, my daughter, Moana, and Keoni had discover a stranger creature called a Night Fury on the shores of our island."
Tui gestured Moana to step forwards. Moana did while holding Aliikai up, showing her to the villagers. The villagers gasp in shock and amazement to see Aliikai. The little Night Fury was curious about the villagers, wondering if they will accept her into their home.
"Aliikai will be staying with us as are new member of the family. Let us all welcome her as one big happy family." Tui said with and smile.
The villagers cheered in agreement. Aliikai made a toothless smile as she chirps happily to the villagers, knowing that she is welcome in their family. She soon licks Moana's cheek with pure joy, causing Moana to giggle happily. Soon, the villagers greeted Aliikai happily, welcoming her to their family. Aliikai chirps at them happily, greeting them back as they gave her pats or scratches for her.
After the villagers got to know Aliikai, they resume back to their work. Moana went home with her parents and gramma. Keoni and his family went home as well. Moana was happy that Aliikai is staying with her and her family, she always wanted to have a sister since Keoni has three sisters. And now, Moana has her own sister.
She will make Aliikai a special and happy sister. They'll grow up together, play games, and make their bond strong. They headed home, where Sina and Tala prepared dinner. Moana and Aliikai were hugging each other, laughing happily as they try and tip each other off. Tui just watched in amusement as Moana and Aliikai play their games. When Sina and Tala finished, they all dine in. Tui, Sina, and Tala learned that Aliikai has retractable teeth that she could eat food properly without getting any toothache. And Aliikai likes to eat fish and sometimes fruits.
Moana was happy that her friend could eat as she shares her food with Aliikai. And the little Night Fury would share her food with Moana, but Sina and Tui made sure that Aliikai doesn't give her food to Moana since they saw her regurgitate the food and it wasn't healthy for Moana to eat.
Once they finished eating their dinner, Moana was particularly bouncing around the hut as she and Aliikai started playing. Sina watches from the sidelines, laughing gently at the sight of Moana and Aliikai playing, trying to stay awake and not go to sleep. However, it was passed their bed time and they need their energy for tomorrow. Sina stood up and went towards her daughter before picking her up.
"Alright, my little minnow, it's time to go to sleep." She said softly.
Moana was sad by this. She can't continue playing with Aliikai anymore and she was having so much fun with her. But Sina told her that Aliikai can sleep next to her, making Moana happy. Sina carries little Moana to her room with Aliikai following them from behind as they reach to Moana's little room as Sina moves the cloth-flap like door and pushes it gently as she walked over the bed and placed Moana there. She tucks Moana on her mat before giving her a blanket. Aliikai went over to Moana and lies down beside her, snuggling close to her new sister. Moana smiles and hugs Aliikai before they both drifted into sleep. Sina smiles as she kisses Moana's forehead and then Aliikai's, knowing that they will share the same dreams together.
"Sweet dreams." She whispers to them with a smile.
The little ones slept on as Sina got up and headed out towards her room, leaving the two little ones sleeping together. When she left, Tala came in the room few minutes after Sina finished tucking the little ones to bed. Tala pushes the cloth-flap a bit to see Moana and Aliikai sleeping together. She smiled at the sight before her. The two little ones just met, but they become close with one another, like sisters.
Tala could tell they have greatness within them. They'll work together to face any challenges that get in their way and will always have each other's back. They will share a bond that can never be broken, a bond of love.
Yes, those two will always be together. Tala knows something that others do not. She maybe the village crazy lady, but she is also a wise woman who knows many secrets of their home that is hidden away.
"You two will bring life back to the islands soon." Tala whispers.
Tala slowly turns away and let the cloth-flap closes the entrance, leaving the two little ones-no, sisters to sleep peacefully, knowing that they will never leave each other's sides.
Because they are Sisters by Bond.
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