[PATCH NOTES 1.01: Consolidated Authors Notes. Dialogue and Syntax edits. Lengthened conversations with Ozpin.]
Name changes: Ruby Rose to Rose Xiao Long. Adam Taurus to Adam Belladonna. Rose is Yangs full sister. Adam is Blakes younger brother.
Timeline changes: Fall of Beacon is in team RWBY's 3rd year. Their will be 2 Vytal festivals in year 1 and year 3. This is too allow me to expand on the characters over a longer period of time, as well as introduce concepts in classes for the cast to exececute during big moments.
Currently the basic plan is Year 1 will be team RWBY trying to catch Roman Tortchwick. Year 2 will be RWBY fighting the White Fang. With Year 3 being when all the arcs come to a head and combine. Gives more time to develope villains and allow Blakes guilt over the white fang to build up.
Characters: Most if not all the cast will have altered and expanded backstories and their personalities have been adjusted accordingly. Their will also be quite a few Original Characters in order to introduce more lore and most importantly to buff up the number of teachers at Beacon since I will actually be showing classes.
Personalities: Rose isn't very cheery. More focused on being strong and dislikes having to rely on others. Yang is more cheery in lieu of Rose, but also has a more pronounced temper. Blake is similar to her original, with mostly just backstory being adjusted to better fit her actions, she is more talkative however. Weiss is entirely different. She will be played more in line with a rebellious billionaires daughter. Which i felt goes more in line with becoming a Hunter to escape her family.
Lore: To put it simply, the Great War wasn't very important in the main series other than a reason for a tournament. I will be including a lot more ramifications for the war, and (hurhurhur) remnants of it that are still causing problems. The Relics are also never given a good enough (or at least in my opinion interesting enough) reason for them being a major plot point, so I have both given them a more interesting reason for Salem wanting them (which i wont tell because spoilers) and an actual concrete use and effect on the world as is even when they aren't held by someone.
Misc: Ages adjusted. All first year students who were 17 are now 19. Rose is 16. Adam is 18.
Magic: Dust will be adjusted to have more concrete scientific uses and limitations. Aura has been expanded allowing for higher power caps of elite Hunters. The background for Ozpin remains about the same. Silver Eyes have been reworked but for the most part function similarly.
Volume 1 Chapter 1: One Small Favor
Rose Xiao Long enjoyed reading her weapon magazines.
Of course, she wasn't planning on buying them, after all she had subscriptions to just about every weapon magazine in Vale (and as as many as she could get her hands on from other countries) and once she got to her home on the island of Patch they would surely be resting prettily on her bed where her father, Taiyang Xiao Long always put her mail.
But she just couldn't wait. She had visited into the dust shop Dust till Dawn intending to merely purchase some more dust ammo for her weapon, but once she saw the stand of magazines in the back corner she immediately got distracted by the wonderful pages filled to the brim with the latest gears and gizmos, blades and bullets, chainsaws and... well you get the idea.
The kindly old shop owner had only smiled at her antics when rushed away the moment her transaction was complete to rifle through the magazines. Rose came by every few weeks and old man had long since gotten used to her obsession with all thing weapons. The few words of conversation the old man had managed to draw out of the small girl were solely centered on questions of new weapons technology and if he would be getting new shipments of, "the goods" as Rose called them.
The girl's weapon craze wasn't the only thing that made her stand out. Rose wore her usual attire, black and red "combat" skirt over black legging and boots with a tight black and red corset all topped off by an almost comically over-sized red cloak that was currently pulled up over her head. Under the hood she had a pair of red and black noise canceling headphones blasting music loud enough to deafen her to the world regardless of the noise cancelling.
All in all it wasn't exactly subtle.
A chime rang through the shop as the front door opened and an even smaller girl walked in accompanied by the soft jangle of chains. Of course, Rose couldn't hear this over the blaring of her music, and even without the music she was far too engrossed in the newest issue of "Swords and Ammo" to give the newcomer any attention.
The new girl, clad from head to toe in layers grey dust colored robes, looked like she just got off the first ship from Vacuo.
Klara shivered in barely restrained glee as she entered the heavily air-conditioned building.
Heavenly! You could make a fortune selling this in Vacuo!
Her long pure white hair was tied back in a ponytail that itself was shoved down into her sun-bleached poncho. Her skin was pale and slightly reddened, especially on the tops of her cheeks and her nose, as if she was just on the verge of coming down with sunburn. She stood at a puny 4 foot 2 inches tall, and the only part of her that did not quite match her childlike appearance was her eyes.
While she looked for all intents and purposes like a small child, no older than 11 or 12, her sickly reddish-pink eyes contained a cold sharpness that cut through the room, as if daring something or someone to match her gaze.
So, all in all, she looked like a child coming down from a temper tantrum. Or perhaps coming down with the flu.
That or severe constipation.
After a moment standing in the doorway enjoying the cool breeze of the magical AC she shook herself off causing a soft cloud of dust and another rattle of chains before walking to the store counter.
She poked her head over the top of the counter, just barely able to get her chin over the top and waved at the old shop owner before smiling and asking in her soft quiet voice.
"Heyo geezer." She paused and waited for a reaction.
The kindly old man in question just smiled down at the cheeky little girl and waved her to go ahead.
Klara poked her tongue into her cheek and pouted at not getting a more entertaining reaction. Last time she had done that the shopkeeper had come over the counter and tried to throw her out. Unfortunately Valean store-owners were a lot less over the top than their Vacuan counter parts.
She shook her head and continued on.
"You wouldn't happen to sell Scrolls would you? This seems to be the only shop open this time of night."
Klara knew it was a long shot, after all this was a dust store, not an electronics outlet, but scrolls were teeeechnically powered by dust. Plus, dust shops catered to hunters, the one population most likely to absolutely destroy their scrolls on a regular basis. She bemoaned the fact that scrolls are a necessity for a Hunter operating in Vale. Everyone expected you to have the small devices to be in constant contact. Things were so much simpler in Vacuo where the towers emitting all the data were constantly knocked down by Wyrms or blanketed by storms.
Mostly she just hated the noises they made when people called them. It's as if every ringtone the damned things had was specifically designed to drill into her ears and drive her mad.
To her immense kind of almost not quite pleasure, the so far quiet old man nodded slowly and rested his weathered "veiny old geezer hands" on the glass counter.
"Yes we do little missy, what kind you lookin' for?"
Klara shrugged causing another minor cacophony of chains. She didn't even know what the brands of scrolls were. Let alone which one would be better.
"Not a clue, haven't owned one in years. how much does the standard model for hunters cost?"
The old man narrowed his eyes and stared at the little girl.
"Well girl the cheapest model that hunters use costs about 2000 Lien." He reached slowly under the counter and brought up a small white box and set it on the counter.
"And the most expensive?" She asked, tilting her head curiously.
"Well those go for about 50,000 Lien."
The girl let out a low whistle. That was quite the chunk of money for just a radio computer thingamabob. You could buy a car for that much. Or pay a few months rent. For the first time in years Klara was glad she didn't have many expenses as a Hunter in Vacuo. She knew Hunter's who blew money on crap they didn't need or who drank every penny away leaving them nothing when they actually needed it.
Luckily for Klara, she didn't have a house to store crap, and Vacuan alcohol is dirt cheep. Matching the amount of actual dirt and sand that typically found its way into the drinks.
Klara nodded up at the old man. "Yeah sounds good, I'll take the expensive one." The old mans' eyes widened slight, although you could hardly tell because they were barely open at all, and he returned the box below the counter. He pulled a set of keys from under the counter and pointed to a door in the back wall of the store.
"Just a moment, I have to get it from the back."
A short nod was all he received in return from the girl.
Taking a moment to survey the store she whistled a jangly tune to herself.
Boy thing looks so much less... crummy than Vacuo. I'd almost forgotten what shops look like when they aren't coated in dust and sand.
She leaned back and once again took a moment to enjoy the cool air. She closed her eyes and let out a low moan of glorious air conditioning induced ecstasy.
It also isn't hot as shit!
A few short minutes later the old man popped out of the back room and shuffled over. He placed a small rectangular black box that could fit in a hand on the counter. It landed with a solid thump showing its weight despite its small size.
In return, the girl reached into her ponchos top and rooted around for a long moment before yanking out a pair of dark black slates striped with gold on a dangling necklace around her neck.
This of course was her Hunter ID. They were built like military dog tags, only a thousand times more indestructible. Not only did they act as body identification and a less morbid ID, they also could be tied into a Hunters personal accounts as well as their Hunting Records.
She lifted it over her head and handed it to the stunned old man. He stared at it for a long moment before glancing back and forth at the girls face and the tags.
"Now, Wait just a minute here... Klara. This here says you're 42, you can't be a day over 12 at most!"
A growl escaped the girls throat and the sound of rattling chains grew louder. Her soft cherubic face was contorted in an angry grimace as she glared daggers at the old man.
"Now listen here you old geezer." She put her hands on the counter trying her best to look threatening and failing utterly sense she ended up looking more like an adorable pouting child than an irate Hunter. "Just cause somebody's semblance makes them look different doesn't give you the right to be a right prick ya hear?" She gave him a sharp glare that bore into his eyes.
She wasn't technically lying, just not telling the whole truth, her semblance itself didn't cause her appearance, just the overuse of her aura from childhood. Mostly at any rate.
The man continued to stare in suspicion at the girl until he noticed the cracks her palms were leaving in the counters thick shatter proof glass.
"Okay okay missy, don't mean to be rude, just havn'ta make sure no ones trying to pull a fast one." He said quickly, hands raised in surrender.
As quick as the anger came it vanished from her face. She stopped pressing heavily on the counter and instead put her hands behinds her back and smiled cutely up at the old bag. Who wouldn't give in to such an adorable smile!?
"Well thank you, mister, you shop people are so much nicer here than in Vacuo!"
Of course, in Vacuo they wouldn't give a damn if someone was using a stolen ID. She thought with a quiet grumble. Things sure were easier to do when people didn't care about fraud prevention.
The old man quickly scanned the ID in his computer and nodded slowly.
"Okay then, looks like everything's all set, she's yours now."
Small hands reached up to grab the heavy box. It was heavy as it looked, Klara wasn't sure if someone her size would be able to use the thing comfortably if she didn't have aura. She ripped the box apart with wild abandon, sending shards of black cardboard and packing material flying like confetti and yanked out the sleek and stylish scroll inside.
The almighty scroll. A miraculous technology allowing anyone to carry around fully operational personal computer in their pocket. Capable of delivering intelligence updates, mobile banking, games, movies, communication, mission updates, and it's most popular feature...
"Thanky kindly old timer. Got any newspapers round here?" she said in a faux thick Vacuan accent.
He pointed a thumb over his shoulder to the back corner of the shop.
"Just back right corner, by the magazines. You can buy one now if you know you want one."
She nodded and he swiped her card again before handing it back. She smiled politely in return to his wishing her a good night and followed the wall to the rack of magazines and various newspapers.
She stepped lightly around the red clad girl who stood over half a foot taller than her and sieved through a stack of the Vale Times.
Huh. Didn't expect anyone else to be here today.
She glanced up at the girls reading material. Sword Fancy? Who the hell read that other than old retired Hunters with no legs or something? She looked from the pages to the girls face and almost jumped out of her poncho in surprise.
Silver eyes stared out of a familiar face.
Oh Summer... I'm so sorry.
She opened her mouth to say something to the girl but immediately slammed her mouth shut and shook her head. Nothing good would come of talking to the girl. Best to just walk away and act like she never saw her. She quickly grabbed a random newspaper from the stack and rushed away from the red girl. As she passed by the counter she waved the paper over her shoulder to let the old man which one she took.
"Good choice kid."
I'm gunna kill him. She grumbled angrily and stalked out of the shop. Her growl became louder as she bumbled shoulders with a orange haired man in a ridiculous all white outfit.
Well, she used her shoulder, he mostly used his ribs and hip.
The man in question rubbed his side where her heavy chain shrouded body bumped his and grimaced, "Jeeze kid watch where you're going, you made of bricks or something?"
She flipped him the bird over her shoulder and walked away without looking back.
Rose shivered in a combination of nerves and the cold seeping into her from the metal chair she was sitting on. She had been forcibly sat down in the uncomfortable metal chair in the police stations interrogation room by Glynda Goodwitch herself, Hunter extraordinaire. She certainly expected to be questioned after driving off the robbers from the store, but definitely not just stuck in a room by herself and left to wait for hours on end.
Maybe they forgot about me. If so I could probably just leave sense I'm just a witness.
The glowering huntress had dragged her by her ear to the station, mumbling about irresponsible kids not thinking before they act, before storming out of the room angrily, riding crop in hand and a myriad of curses tumbling form her mouth.
That was almost... She checked her scroll. Two hours ago now.
"STOP STRUGGLING YOU LITTLE SHIT!" The furious woman's voice rings out as the door is kicked open and the blond Hunter who rescued her earlier stomps in carrying a wiggling grey sack bound in chains.
With a rage filled grunt she heaves the bound figure into the chair next to Rose. "STAY HERE OR I SWEAR ON MY LIFE I WILL SHOVE THOSE CHAINS DOWN YOUR THROAT."
Rose stared wide eyed at the back of the Hunter as she walked out the door and slammed it behind her.
"Heyo!" A light cheery voice came from the mass before a head popped out. "Finally, she's gone."
The newcomer shook her head and sent her now unbound, and thoroughly tangled, long hair flying.
The white-haired ball of chaos smiled sweetly at Rose.
"So, I'm Klara. Wazzup?"
Rose frowned in confusion at the strange girl trying to think of something to say.
White tilted her head and looked thoughtful.
"So you get in trouble for murdering a thug or something? Thought you were pretty light on those goons to be honest. I'm used to bandits getting gibbed or something."
A light-bulb went off in Roses head when she realized where she saw this girl. She had been in the store just before it was robbed. Was she hear as a witness as well? Or was their some other reason?
"No I didn't kill a thug. I just knocked them out."
White nodded enthusiastically and smiled widely up at the curious girl.
"Glnyda drag you here too? She doesn't like me very much."
A nod.
"Well Sunny, their must be a reason than aye? Did you commit any infractions? Collateral damage? Scare someone? Fire ballistic rounds without taking into account what's down range?"
Rose frowned and didn't grace that with a response. She wasn't some dumb kid getting into their first fight, she knew the do's and don'ts of proper Hunter etiquette.
"Give a drug-dealer a blowjob for drugs?"
Rose sputtered and resisted the urge to smack the girl in front of her. If it wasn't for the child obviously being even younger than her she wouldn't have been able to resist giving it a healthy thump over the head.
The puny girl laughed crazily causing her hair to frizz up even more when she shook with mirth. She almost stopped laughing but when she looked up into Roses angry silver eyes she burst back into a hearty laugh.
Oh please someone take this lunatic away from me.
After far to much laughter in Roses opinion, the small girl finally stopped laughing and caught her breath. She shook her body causing the chains to rattle noisily.4
"Any chance you could, you know, make yourself useful and unti- GAH!"
The blonde charged back into the room and swung her riding crop at the girl's head, who just barely managed to tuck it back inside the binds in time.
I changed my mind. Take away both of these lunatics.
"Well Glynda, I believe you have suitably cowed them."
Rose started as she realized another figure had stepped into the room while she was focused on the two mad women she was sharing the room with. She had to prevent herself from gaping and squeeling like a starstruck child when she realized Ozpin, the headmaster of Beacon Academy was in the same room as her.
The middle aged man held a plate of cookies in one hand, and a mug in the other that steam slowly rose from. Grey hair fell to just above his eyes, and he was dressed in an ensemble of black and green with small, dark, and round glasses resting softly on his nose. Lastly he had a slim silver cane tucked under his arm.
Wow, he looks like a hipster. Rose thought, wisely choosing to keep it to herself.
Klara on the other hand, had no such hesitations.
"Wow Ozy! I didn't know you were colorblind!" the smaller girl shouted and quickly ducked back into her binds to avoid another fierce swipe from Glynda.
Ozpin sighed and took a sip from his cup. "Hello to you too Klara. It has been what, 16 years now?"
The soft sound of fabric rubbing against her hair came from within the mass, which they could only assume was the sound of her nodding, not willing the expose herself to more of Glynda's assaults.
"We will talk in a moment Klara. Glynda, please stop hitting her would you? You are freaking out Miss Xi-"
The man's eyes widened and he leaned in close to stare into Roses eyes, "My, you have silver eyes."
Rose leaned away from the strange man and threw an uncomfortable glance at Glynda looking for help she certainly wouldn't receive.
Great. All three of them are weirdos.
She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Welp, if they were going to gas her and mutilate her they probably would have already, may as well play along.
"Yes, yes I do."
A soft chuckle came from the bound girl before a riding crop smacked the bundle repeatedly. "Gah! Demon! I said sorry didn't I?! Child abuse!"
The man ignored the other girls angry shrieks choosing instead to sit down across from Rose and set the plate of cookies down in front of her. He took a sip from his mug and fished through his shirt pockets with his free hand.
"Those are for you by the way, ah their it is." He grinned triumphantly at his victory over his pocket clutter and pulled out a scroll.
"Now Ms. Xiao Long, I just have a few questions for you if you don't mind, for starters, where on Remnant did you learn to fight like this?"
Rose looked up from where her eyes were glued to the table. The tablet he held in front of her face showed footage of her fighting off the robbers. A small grainy version of her kicked a thug through a window and punched him in the face over and over again. The rest of the thugs ran out of the small shop and she rushed towards them twirling her scythe backwards to prevent cutting them to pieces. Rose almost gagged when she saw the little past version of herself overextend and lose her balance, almost taking a hit from an idiot thug with a cleaver.
Oh crud. Uncle Qrow will kill me if he sees my footwork being so sloppy.
"I am currently attending Signal sir."
The man raised his eyebrows in mock surprise, "And they taught you how to use one of the most dangerous weapons on Remnant?"
"Yes sir. One of the teachers took me under his wing."
Ozpins eyes widened and he spit-takes back into his mug. "Miss Xiao Long, that might be one of the worst jokes I have ever heard!"
Rose smiled at the chuckling man, she never would have thought Ozpin would laugh at such a bad joke.
"I know sir. My sister Yang says it way too much."
Ozpin coughed and thumped his chest to dislodged the inhaled hot chocolate before he could regain his serious composure and continue.
"Now why is an adorable girl such as yourself attending a combat school designed to train warriors?"
Roses face contorted into an angry grimace. Every time anyone found out she wanted to be a Hunter that was the reaction she got. It had taken years of convincing to get her father to allow her to follow in his footsteps like her older sister. Only Uncle Qrow had been on board from the beginning, going so far as to train the young girl in secret while she worked on convincing her dad. It certainly didn't help his strained relationship with his other niece or their dad but he never refused to help.
To say she was disappointing that the great professor Ozpin, the head of the greatest Hunter Academy, seamed to view her the same way would be putting it lightly. She was absolutely livid.
"I'm not some stupid kid. I know the dangers and how hard of a life it is. It took years to convince my father but it's what I want more than anything else in the world."
"My apologize Miss Xiao Long, I didn't intend it to seam like I was disapproving. If anything I support anyone who has the aptitude to become a Hunter regardless."
Roses internal grumbling ground to a halt when the rug got pulled out from it. She nodded sullenly and mumbled an apology. If only her dad saw it that way things would have been a lot easier.
"Well Miss Xiao Long, could you please tell me why you stopped those robbers earlier when it also meant you would place yourself in significant danger?"
His voice lacked any of the previous mirth. To Rose it sounded like he was judging her for something without telling her why. The girl pulled her cloak tighter around herself as if she wanted to disappear under the sudden intense scrutiny.
"I could help. Dad and Qrow always tell me, 'people who have the power to help others have the responsibility to do so', so i just... did. I know it wasn't safe. I'm not very good at fighting people compared to fighting Grimm, but no one else was their so It was up to me Professor Ozpin" She mumbled to the desk.
Ozpin smiled and raised a brow. Glynda however was far too busy glaring daggers at the chained-up girl across the table to pay any attention to the focus of Ozpins interest.
He let out a quiet huff of disappointment at seeing his companion completely uninterested in what he was doing, so he instead looked back to the nervous little Rose.
"I guess that saves me the trouble of asking you if you know who I am. I probably should have expected it now that I think about it. I assume your father and mentor have told you a thing or two about me?"
Rose nodded quickly and looked up at him, for the first time that night since entering that room a warm look of excitement filled her face.
"Yes sir! My dad and Uncle Qrow talk about you all the time!"
Ozpin chuckled and took another small sip from his mug.
"Only good things I hope?"
More vigorous nods sent the girls hair flying.
"Yeah! Their stories about you are so cool! Your cane is so awesome how it goes SHWIING and a blade comes out and you can make bubbles that just BWAAAM and knock things away!"
Ozpin chuckled at the girls excitement and took a slurping sip from his seemingly endless coco supply. Rose looked thoughtful for a moment before blushing furiously in embarrassment when she remembered of the more... colorful stories Uncle Qrow preferred to tell.
"Well... Dad at least only says good things. Uncle Qrow mostly just insults you."
She expected him to be annoyed or at least angry at Qrow, but instead she was surprised to hear him laughing jovially across from her.
"Yes, that does sound like Qrow. So Miss Rose, after seeing the footage of your fight, and almost as importantly, talking to you and your dad, I have one last question I would like to ask you."
Rose hunched in on herself again as the nervousness returned full blast.
"O-Okay sir.. What is it?"
Professor Ozpin leaned back in his chair and took an agonizingly slow sip of his drink before answering. he could practically hear the anxious, nervous thoughts ripping their way through her brain.
"How would you like to go to Beacon this year?"
He most definitely expected her to say yes. Perhaps with some stuttering and mumbling. What he did not expect however, was that she would faint and bash her head on the table.
Thankfully she missed the untouched plate of cookies. He was getting hungry after all.
The loud thud of her face hitting the solid metal table broke Glynda out of her anger induced vigil over the bundle and she looked curiously at the unconscious red girl.
"Yes Glynda?"
"What. Did. You. Do?"
"Why I have no idea what you are talking about."
Klara was very happy that Ozpin told Glynda to go with Rose under the pretense she needed help getting home in case she fainted again. She really didn't want to deal with her constant interruptions whenever she wanted to say something. Klara had to admit her anger was justified but she certainly didn't expect the calm and collected Glynda Goodwitch to attack her the moment they crossed paths.
Ozpin took another noisy slurp of his coco. He didn't say anything, just waited for the girl to make a move.
A gentle rattling filled the small room as the chains slid over each other and unwrapped the little girl like a Wintersday gift. Klara was revealed from within the tangle of clothing with a massive shit eating grin framed by wild tangles of hair.
She leaned on the table to rest her head on her hands only to find that leaning forward her chin only just barely poked over the table. It completely ruined her attempt to look smug.
Curses! Once again my stature has prevented me from looking cool!
She grumbled under her breath and leaned back in her chair instead, settling for crossing her arms across her chest and glaring at Ozpin instead. Maybe she could distract from her blunder by insulting Ozpin?
"Well Ozymandias. I would say it's good to see you again, but you know my stance on lying."
If Ozpin was surprised at the name she chose for him he certainly didn't show it, simply taking another slow sip before resting his mug on the table and responding.
"Well Klara, I for one am happy to see you are alive. I can think of quite a few people who would love to see you again. One in particular comes to mind."
She couldn't help but frown at that before covering it once more with an annoyed glare. Seeing her friends from school and digging up old memories definitely wasn't what she came back to Vale to do. She had hoped to just get in, do whatever it was she was asked to do, and get out without anyone being the wiser.
The plan was to head back to Vacuo, but after experiencing the holy magic of the centralized air conditioning, she thought she might head to Atlas instead.
"Well Oz.." Her eyes shimmered and shadows of gears wrapped in chains filled her eyes, turning ever so slowly. A minute silently passed while she stared into Ozpin. Whatever she saw only made her chuckle gleefully.
"I gotta say, I'm surprised at how little you have left. I could have sworn your told me you weren't going to spending anymore after you so... politely refused to give me any."
Oz steepled his fingers and sighed. He knew Klara was going to make a nuisance of herself. Best to just let her get it out early. She was like the sand from the country she ran away too. They both got into the little cracks and holes in everything and slowly wore it away until it seized up.
Although unlike sand, Klara was limited by her short attention span.
When it came to Klara annoying Ozpin it probably didn't help that they had basically never agreed on a single thing in the many years they knew each other. Not that they ever actually had much cause to directly fight each other. They simply both held to philosophies that were incompatible. Ozpin believed in keeping things close to the chest and not telling people more than they needed to know, while Klara preferred to yell and scream important top secret information in the middle of crowded cafes.
To put it mildly, they weren't very compatible.
Klara waved a hand wistfully and continued in spite of the lack of reaction.
"Of course, I'm not one to judge, OH WAIT, you bet your ass I am!"
That drew another heavy sigh. Oz just kept doing what he does best, staring mysteriously. Which must be a good strategy, because Klara's temper fizzled and burnt out almost immediately. The sarcastic angry smirk turned back into a bored frown.
It was time for Oz to make his move before she could work herself up again.
"Well Klara, have you gotten it out of your system?"
Klara shrugged in response and slouched back into her chair with a huff. The shadows in her eyes faded away and they returned to their original pale red.
"Yeah just about. So why did you call me in after so long, old man? You made it out to be some kind of emergency."
That was the real reason Klara came back to Vale. A few days ago after getting back to what vaguely resembled civilization in the wastes of Vacuo she received a short message from Ozpin that basically boiled down to, "Find me in Vale, Emergency". He didn't even provide her with any way to contact him, the jerk. But she had promised she would answer his summons when he next asked so despite everything telling her it was a dumb idea she had to go.
Oz smiled, mirroring Klara's earlier evil grin.
"You happen to owe me a favor."
Klara's heart beat thudded in her ears and ice filled her stomach. She had really hoped it would be anything but that. The reason she made herself so difficult to get a hold of in Vacuo in the first place was to prevent Oz from involving her in any of his stupid schemes. They might be for the good of the world, but they rarely ended well for the people doing the heavy lifting.
The survival rate for Ozpins Hunters was about 5% over 10 years. She didn't very much like those odds.
Klara rubbed the back of her head and chuckled nervously. When she spoke, her voice was much higher and squeakier than before, all pretense of trying to sound like a serious adult vanished and she tried her best to lean on her childish charm.
Luckily her terror overpowered her natural sarcasm and arrogance and actually made her look more like a scared little girl.
"Oh really? Strange! But that's no uh... reason to call little old me all the way out here. I'm certain you have... other minions willing to do... whatever it is you want!"
Oz shook his head sadly. If Klara hadn't known him so well she might have actually been fooled into thinking he wasn't actually getting some sick enjoyment out of ruining her life.
"Oh no Klara, I know how important your honor is to you, I cannot bear another second of knowing your debt to me is weighing so heavily on your conscience."
That's it. I'm gunna kill him for this.
Klara's skin, which was already a deathly white, literally could not have gotten any paler as she took in what Oz was implying. She couldn't break a promise, so all she could do was give in and do whatever Oz requested of her.
Oz you better not have become a senile pervert in your old age.
She grit her teeth and took a long moment to compose herself before gracing him with a response. When she had her emotions back under control she smiled.
"Well Oz, I am certainly thankful that you have returned my honor." She spoke in a too calm voice, all the while cursing the Mistrali scientists over and over in her head.
Oz nodded in return. His faux sad expression instantly morphed into one of happiness. He knew that was Klara's typical response when returning a favor. He didn't know why she said it, and the last time he asked she tried to stab him with a pencil, so he made the wise choice to not comment on it. Aura infused pencils hurt a lot more than normal pencils after all. The sucker had gone through the wall behind him when he dodged out of the way.
The powers of number 2 led is not for the faint of heart.
"I'll make it simple Klara. I want you to be a teacher at my school."
Klara slammed her head into the table.
"My deepest apologize Oz, I seem to have misheard, come again?"
"I want you, Klara, to work under me, Ozpin, at Beacon Academy and to do your utmost to train the students to the best of your abilities."
"I think 'Utmost' and 'to the best of your abilities' kind of say the same point twice." Klara said, voice muffled by the table she had her face pressed against.
"See? Think of how eloquent the next generation of hunters will be with you correcting them!" Oz responded gleefully, "And when you arn't busy correcting unimportant grammar errors, perhaps you will even have the time to show them a thing or two about aura."
Klara groaned and repeatedly bashed her head against the table.
Oz watched her work the stress out of her system until she calmed back down and lay her face on the table in a less... smashing way.
The poor table had a huge dent in it when she finally calmed down. The tiny girl slumped back in her chair looking absolutely defeated with her loose hair hanging in front of her face.
"Why?" She mumbled unseen by Oz, her face now hidden by the fuzzy mountain of hair blocking his view.
What a shame. How was he supposed to be able to enjoy ruining her life is he couldn't even see her crestfallen expressions!?
"It's simple Klara. I think you would do a good job." Oz leaned in and pat her on the head head. "You know I am not doing this simply to spite you. I honestly think you can do a lot of good working for me."
Klara groaned and batted his hand away and swiped the hair out of her face revealing her trademark annoyed frown.
"Well you know I can't decline, but I do have something I need to inform you about first."
"And what could that be."
The diminutive girl hoisted herself back to a proper sitting position from her childish slouch. She sighed unhappily at what she had to say next.
Life just refuses to stop being complicated.
"I also owe your girlfriend a favor."
Oz tilted his head and squinted his eyes in suspicion.
"I met her about a decade ago. Apparently, she thought I was a member of your band of grouchy little morons so she sent a few people to kill me." She glared at him weakly. She never did like how sneaky Ozpin could be so getting attacked because of his hidden agendas did nothing to improve her opinion. "After a dozen or so failed attempts she gave up and just contacted me directly. Sent one of those tentacle ball things."
Oz frowned and took a sip of his hot chocolate while Klara continued.
"I can only guarantee that I will not directly cause any harm your students." She paused and sighed. "I cannot, however, say the same thing about you. Also I wont be able to identify any of her agents if I see them, even if I know they might cause harm to the students. At best I could simply teach the little turds how to protect themselves."
She shook her head and chuckled. "Although from what I have heard of Beacons teaching methods since you took over, student safety may not be high on your list of priorities."
Oz must have found that funny, because he laughed softly and smiled down at Klara.
"Well I guess that will have to do. If you don't mind me asking, what did she do to earn your debt?"
Klara drummed her fingers on the table and shrugged.
"She saved Tyrian."
He raised a brow.
"I wouldn't exactly call him saved."
Klara crossed her arms and pouted.
"Yes, but Roan wanted him to be happy, so I went ahead and traded his debt for a new one."
Tyrian was a pain in the ass to deal with. One day he just showed up in front of her with a message from Roan calling on her debt and telling her she needed to look after him. And it sucked so much. He was mopey, depressed all the damn time, and could barely be taken outside without causing a scene. After a week of having him following her around like a sad puppy she was ready to jump off a bridge. If it wasn't for her inability to break a promise and the fact that she just found him to be too pitiful to abandon to some asylum she should have ditched him the first chance she got.
Plus she had found an arcade she could ditch him at in a rundown old resort for a few days at a time. What morons chose to try to set up a resort in the middle of a poisonous wasteland she had no idea.
"You could always just choose not to."
"I am a child of honor Oz. There is no choice involved."
She sounded so worn down and tired that Oz couldn't help but reach over and pat her head.
Welcome to the bottom of the chapter after the first round of edits. For future reference I tend to operate on the "Just keep writing and come back to fix things later" approach. It keeps me from being bogged down. Normally i write in full book format, so i just get to the end of a book and than re-edit the entire thing for consistency, so it will be a tad strange working with this serialized format. I intent to edit chapters in batches of 10 as I make them, and than do a second edit whenever I finish a particular story arc.
Below are the random thoughts and PS's i made when initially posting the chapter. Typically all my PS type things at the end will just be random thoughts and sarcastic comments I thought of while re-watching parts of the show or while checking for obvious grammar mistakes. Anything in [] are my updated thoughts after further writing and edits.
So, if you have any questions about changes I've made, feel free to ask them. Most questions should be answered in the next few chapters, but I'm sure I'll forget to point out some detail that will drive someone somewhere insane.
Oh. And when it comes to shipping, I am not planning any. Beyond the typical Pyrrha x Jaune, which I will be expanding on since its over 3 years instead of 1. Anything else will just depend on how the characters fall into place as I push them along. Journey before Destination.
PS. Glynda will be teaching a pure combat based class. Port still has Grimm studies. Oobleck still has History. Peach "teaches" weapon customization,. (I actually didn't know Peach was an actual character who is only mentioned once. I always thought she was a community made character :P) And finally Klara will be teaching a class on Aura use she calls "Whatever the hell i feel like talking about 101"
PPS. Where does the airship to Beacon leave from? It cant be from Vale, because Beacon is basically inside of Vale, so its idiotic to use a full airship, and it cant be Patch, because it's small and far too many new students are on the ship.
[^in this story it leaves from Vale as a main thing to shuttle every student at once.]
PPPS. I will not be referring to the kingdoms as kingdoms, because none of them seam to actually have Kings so i will be making it up as i go and just calling them nations in the meantime. Vale, for instance, will be an Oligarchy, which is run by the council.
[^The change from being Kingdoms to not kingdoms will be brought up at some point when discussing the great war]
PPPPS Just realized, Atlas sent an army to Vale, another country, and I am 99% sure is universally an act of war to literally put flying warships over another nations capitol against their will. So i will probably be changing that to make it less stupid. I should probably be writing this stuff down as I think of it.
[^Always felt this was odd. I never felt their was enough difference between the nations for them to actually be separate entities. In my version, Atlas sent an army to Vale in the year 3 Vytal festival because most the hunters from Vale were busy watching the festival that took place it Atlas. I will be making the festival tournament a big get together event for Hunters to see old friends, and the next generation in action.]