Previously on Raido Kuzunoha vs. The Phantom Thieves. Raido and Goto travel into the future, to investigate the mystery behind the strange events surrounding the psychotic breakdowns in Tokyo, while the Phantom Thieves were preparing themselves to punish a couple for their misdeeds in Mementos. By faith, they cross each other's paths and blades. Only for it to be seized by a powerful Shadow known as the Reaper. Who has his revolvers ready to fire at the exhausted Thieves and Detective.

Raidou Kuzunoha 2 intro song

Spyno41 presents the sequel only two people asked for.

Shin Megami Tensei: Raido Kuzunoha vs. The Phantom Thieves

Raidou Kuzunoha 2 Fiend Battle

Explosions, gunfire and slices were traded with everyone at the floor. Even lesser Shadows cowered in fear at the full on war.

Ryuji: Let's go, Captain!

He used Ziodyne against the Reaper, who barely reacted to the attack and immediately countered with a Magarudyne. Raido managed to cast a Wind wall in time with Moh Shuvuu, however the rest of his demons took a direct hit and everyone were blasted against the wall. The Reaper was about to cast it again, but Raido interrupted it by shooting his head. Now focusing his revolvers on him.

Goto: This is bad. We're going to die if we don't think of something quick!

Raido: Well no shit! If you got any ideas, now would be a good time!

The Reaper shoots and Raido dodges the bullets, but he wasn't fast enough and got hit on his left shoulder.

Ren: King Frost!

He casts Bufudyne to slow Reaper down.

Ren: Now's our chance! Quickly get inside of Mona!

Raido nods and recalls all of his demons back in their capsules and both sprint inside the vehicle. With everyone on board, Morgana accelerates at high speed.

Ren: Is everyone all right?

Yusuke: I think so. Though he doesn't look too well.

He points at Raido. He's clutching at the wound.

Raido: I'll be fine. It's nothing serious.

Ren: Here. Let me have a look at it.

Raido let him examine his shoulder. Ren pulls out a bottle of medicine and pours it. The sting makes Raido groan. In a matter of seconds, the wound is completely healed. He is shocked.

Raido: What kind of sorcery is in the bottle?

Ren: *Shrugs* Your guess is as good as mine. All we know is that it works and that's all that matters. *Sigh* After twenty nine failed attempts.

Before he can question any further, the car suddenly swerves to the right.

Ann: What the hell!? Do you mind giving us a heads up?

Morgana: I've got the Reaper on my tail!

Everyone looks behind and sure enough, the Reaper is giving chase.

Makoto: Dammit! Skull! I need you to keep an eye on our right side and let me know if he's going to attack, while I focus on the left.

Ryuji: On it!

Yusuke: But how are we going to defend ourselves from his spell attacks?

Raido: I'll do it. Just need to know ahead of time to summon the proper demon.

Futaba: You can leave that to me!

With a plan in hand and battle on demand, everyone got in their position. Makoto and Ryuji gave each other signals and maneuvered their way from his attacks.

Futaba: He's about to cast a Zio move!

Raido grabs a capsule and summons Mokoi.

Raido: Cast Electric Wall!

Mokoi: Ya got it, boss!

Mokoi surrounds the vehicle in a protective field, blocking his attack. This went on for awhile. Switching back and forth to shield against the appropriate element.

Futaba: We're nearing the entrance! Just hang on a little longer! Huh!? Oh no! He's charging a Megidolaon!

Everyone: FOR REAL!?

Raido: I got nothing to protect us from Almighty attacks!

Ryuji: Mona, can you go any faster!?

Morgana: I'm going as fast as I physically can!

Makoto: Everyone, brace yourselves!

Reaper casts Megidolaon, blasting everyone all they way to the entrance. He stops and frustratingly exhales and goes back the way he came. The team lands near the staircase leading outside of Mementos. They all groan in pain.

Morgana: Meeerrroooow.

Ryuji: Ugh! My freaking back!

Yusuke: Ungh. At least we're not dead.

Ren: I'm in a really big mood right now.

Ren stands up and gives everyone a helping hand.

Ren: Everyone all right?

Ann: Other than the pain in my chest, I'm good.

Makoto: I'll manage, thank you. But where's Raido and Goto?

They all search for the detective and the cat, but there was no sign of them. Then they saw Goto come down from the entrance.

Goto: Nice to see you lot to at least be on your feet.

Ren: Where's Raido?

Goto: He's outside taking care of his demons. Now I know we just escaped the jaws of death, but I want to ask some questions if you're up for it?

Ren: Sure. I'll answer what I can. *Looks back* I'll meet you guys outside.

They all nod and Ren stays answering Goto's questions.

9/4 Outside of Mementos 16:28

Raido just finished inspecting Tam Lin of any serious injury.

Raido: I see nothing too serious.

Tam Lin: You are too kind, Master Raido.

Raido: Well I can't exactly make you fight while you're weak. What kind of Summoner do you take me for?

Tam Lim: M-My apologies if I offended you!

Raido: *Chuckles* I'm just pulling your leg Tam. You all did a great job today. Especially against a powerful Fiend. The next time we cross paths with him, we'll be ready and make him pay dearly for striking us at our weakest!

All his demons cheers and some dance with excitement. The Thieves arrive at that moment.

Yusuke: You know, now that we're out here, these Shadows seem to behave very differently than the ones from the Palace and Mementos.

Ryuji: Maybe he just captures them like how Joker does it?

Morgana: But he doesn't seem to be a Persona-user and even Joker can't summon multiple Personas at the same time.

Makoto: We can ask him instead of standing here wondering.

They all join the group. The demons and Detective welcome the Thieves.

Raido: I see you all managed to handle a Megidolaon that close. I'm truly impressed.

Makoto: We can say the same thing you too. If you don't mind me asking, how do you manage to capture Shadows without being a Persona-user?

Raido: *Crosses arms* Persona?

Demons: Shadows?

The Thieves are taken aback from their reactions. Morgana explains to them the boring concept of Personas and Shadows.

Raido: So the "Persona" is just an extension of yourself and you summon it to fight "Shadows" which are not demons even though they take the form of it and you can negotiate with them?

Morgana: If that's how you understand it as, then yes. You keep using the terms "Demons" and "Summoners,'' is that something else?

Raido explains to them the boring concept of Demons and Summoners.

Makoto: Huh. When you think about it, we are not very different from each other.

Ann: I think it's so cool! Having multiple demons fighting by your sides and making connections with them sounds so much fun~

Ryuji: I agree! We can summon our Persona, but it's not like we can talk to them and they disappear after a short while.

Morgana: Hey, don't downplay our power! Sure we can't communicate with them like demons. But it's not like we need to. They're an extension of ourselves who trust us through thick and thin.

Raido: *Nods* Indeed. Now that I have a vague idea, it does make me wonder if I can attain one and how it would look like.

Ann: Oh! Why don't we try and see if you can?

Raido: Truly?

Morgana: Everyone has a Persona, but not everyone has the "Potential" to summon one.

Yusuke: But he's traversed in the Metaverse and fought against the Reaper. Surely he's more than qualified.

While the group is discussing the possibility of Raido's potential, Ren and Goto joins them.

Raido: Hey Goto, learn anything new?

Goto: A lot actually. To keep a long story short, we're not needed in this world.

Raido: I figured as much. *Looks at the Thieves* With their power and teamwork, I'm confident they can solve the case.

Futaba: Are you guys leaving already?

Raido: Yea. As much as I'd like to see this case through the end, there may be other places that needs a Summoner. *Walks up to Ren* It's been a pleasure sparing with you.

Ren: Same to you.

They both shook hands.

Mokoi: Ya got spunk, kid. I guess you're not a total Numskull.

Ryuji: Um thanks?

Moh Shuvuu: You sure proved me you're not a total hag. Though your tits will definitely sag by your 20's. Hahaha!

Ann: Oh come on! Would it kill you to compliment just once without an insult?

Makoto and Parvati sigh in unison.

Makoto: Some things never change.

Parvati: Indeed. Such is the cycle of the simple minded. It has been a pleasure fighting not just against each other, but also together. You've demonstrated your beauty of wrath and passion.

Makoto: *Blush* O-Oh. Thank you.

Yusuke: It has been an honor to fight alongside you, Susano-O.

Susano-O: Son of man, you have proven your strength and worth. Though our time together has been short, I sense our paths may cross in the future.

Yusuke: I look forward to that day.

Yoshitsune: You're not bad for a cat.

Morgana: Rrrgh! I told you,I'm not cat! I'm a human!

Yoshitsune: Ahahaha! My bad! I'm sure you'll become a beautiful woman one day.

Morgana: W-Woman!? I'm a gentleman!

Yoshitsune: Nani!?

Raido: All right everyone. Time to head out.

He returns the demons back to their capsules and they all wave goodbye as they return back from where they came from.

9/4 ? 17:23

In the office of a political building, there's a bald guy who looks like Gendo cosplaying as Pitbull, talking to a Detective and his cat.

Pitbull: As you can see, we cannot let these Phantom Thieves cause all these disasters in Tokyo. It's up to you to stop them.

Raido?: You can leave that to me. Let's go Gotou.

Who is this Raido look alike? Will the Phantom Thieves be victorious with the upcoming rival? Can Raido go back home? Yes. He already left. Will it take another year and a half for the next chapter? Tune in next time for Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Phantom Thieves!