Reviews for Shin Megami Tensei Devil Summon: Raido Kuzunoha VS The Phantom Thieves
Ghost Saga chapter 1 . 3/15
Havent read it just wanted to point out that your summary is a bad turn off. Try to steer away from phrasing it as a question, most, no every summary I've read with a question in it either gives the answer away or as yours deos shows a bias, which leads us to why its a turn off, any one that favors p5 will assume the PTs are going to lose and they wont want to read it to find out because they (the reader) will believe they already know the outcome.
-Ghost Saga
Walter Hitchcock chapter 1 . 5/5/2019
Oh come on! A cliffhanger!? Really!?
Can’t wait to see more.
ArkusMegido chapter 1 . 12/11/2018
Imo, this is a solid crossover. Let's start with the positives first, the introduction to each character or group are nicely executed. The interaction between Raido's demons and the other members of the Phantom thieves are great too. Pacing is good too. However, now to the negatives, the story is too short imo (, unless you're planning for a pt.2 which I can't wait to read). Overall, this fanfiction is quite good compared to other ones. Can't wait for pt.2