A/N - So this one came to me after watching "Days of Future Past" for the umptenth time. After all Logan had been through, this conversation was a natural for me.

"Jean, can I talk to you?"

The telepath had been talking to Storm, sharing her fear that something was off with Logan. The thoughts he had been radiating were different. The two mutants looked over to the man in question, seeing a new light in his eyes that hadn't been there a few hours before.

"Sure Logan. Storm, I'll catch up with you later." Jean replied, telepathically telling Storm, His thoughts are almost screaming that he needs to talk to me about something important. We can talk later.

"I'll catch up you guys this evening. I have a physics class to teach in a few minutes," Storm said, turning and heading down the hall to her room.

Logan watched Storm leave, his mind trying to piece together what he wanted and needed to say to Jean. The only thing he could say was, "I can't believe you're here."

Jean led Logan to one of the classrooms that wasn't being used for the day, taking a seat next to the window. Logan followed suit, sitting across from her.

"You keep saying that. Why can't you believe I'm here?" Jean asked softly, knowing something was wrong with the mutant. She made it a practice to never read anyone's mind, and she wasn't reading Logan's, but was feeling his emotions rolling off of him in waves.

"Jean, I know this may sound crazy, but I'm not the same man I was yesterday."

"I can tell something is different with you today. You can trust me."

He rolled his shoulders, lowering his gaze to the floor, praying he didn't sound crazy to her. "Well, I'm different because I come from a different time. Physically I've been here but my consciousness, who I am, has been in 1973."

The room stayed silent, Jean trying to digest what Logan was telling her. Wait, what? Why does that year sound familiar? she thought to herself, wracking her brain for the answer.

"In the world I was from, the sentinels had wiped out almost all the mutants in the world and many humans. Kitty used her power to send me back to 1973, to stop the Sentinel program from forming, to stop Raven from killing Bolivar Trask."

A light bulb went off in the telepath's mind. "The Professor told us about Trask and his Sentinels. I remember seeing Raven on tv as a child and being here at the mansion. But all the Professor would say about it that she stopped short of murdering Trask on live tv and at the time and Magneto became a wanted man."

Logan raised his head, moisture filling his amber eyes. "Charles just filled me in on the last fifty years and told me that. Thank god it worked. The world I was a part of, I'm glad it's been erased."

"Why do you say that?"

"In that world, I...I mean...we lost you. You died saving us. We all took it hard, but Scott took it the hardest." He stopped, a little unsure of what to say next.

"It's ok Logan. You can tell me."

"Scott went out to where you had died, and somehow, you killed him, or rather, the Phoenix did."

Jean looked at Logan in surprise; only a few knew about that. Especially after what happened in Cairo then in space, Charles had worked with her to keep the Phoenix locked away for her protection and that of others. Logan hadn't arrived at the mansion until after all that went down. So how would've he known?

"Charles told us about the Phoenix, what it's characteristics were. After that, everything happened so damn fast. It ended with Scott and Charles dead and..." he trailed off, emotion getting the better of the normally stoic mutant. The events playing in his mind were still so fresh and raw, even though twenty years had passed in his original time.

Jean wisely kept silent, letting Logan regain his composure enough to continue.

He bowed his head, wiping the tears away as he tried to formulate the response he wanted to give. "The Phoenix had been unleashed and we all had to try to stop you...it. I was the only one who physically could. You...you begged me to kill you." He raised his head to look at the woman who meant so much to him, tears falling freely as he finished softly, "So I did."

Jean laid her hand on Logan's well worn one, her mind reeling at what he had been through in a period of time that no longer existed. "I'm so sorry Logan. You should've never had to go through that."

He looked up, gazing at the woman he cared so much about. He had made peace with himself after Alcatraz, but he never forgot about her. And now she was sitting in the flesh before him. Thank god Charles listened to me about her. "It's ok Jean. Going back in time, stopping Trask, that made this new life possible. Now we don't have to worry about our future like we did before."

Silence filled the room once again, a comfortable silence that was welcome for a bit as the two mutants contemplated the many thoughts running through their heads. Logan, for his part, was still in a daze, happiness finally bubbling inside him, an emotion that had been buried for many years.

Jean smiled, letting go of Logan's hand. "So how was it? Going back to 1973 again?" She was curious about his time traveling adventure and thankfully didn't have a class for another hour.

Logan smiled, something he hadn't done in a long time. "The best word I can use is interesting. Let me start from the beginning..."