So I've been calling it a "supernatural!AU" but I guess it might also fall under the fantasy genre. Whatevs. Either. Or. Both. It's an AU that features Summoner!Sakura and her merry band of misfit yokai and that's about all you truly need to know.

And as per the norm for me, there is slow burn romance. My third polyfic for this fandom. NaruSakuGaa (originally) and the last minute addition of SaiSaku 'cause I love Sai and I'm shameless. Strong possibility of SaiNaruGaa slash as well. Read at your discretion.

Standard disclaimers apply: plot is mine, characters are not.

Summary: In a world where magic is everywhere, there are special individuals that have the ability to form partnerships with powerful yokai. These individuals are known as Summoners, and much to her chagrin, Haruno Sakura is one of them. She'd always intended to wait, find the right match, and maybe bond with one special summon. Instead, circumstances force Sakura to take on more Summons, and challenges, than she bargained for.

Sakura shrugged her jacket closer as she brushed by strangers, trying her best not to bump shoulders with anyone. Clutched tight in her palm was the softly glowing crystal; the faint pulse of it was soothing. The young girl sighed, shouldering between two people who had stopped to take a selfie. Normally, she wouldn't have been so rude, but getting off the phone after talking to her mother tended to put her in a dark place. All she ever asked was when Sakura would finally decide to stop being childish and come home. "Never," was always the bitter answer. Not as long as her godmother Tsunade continued to accommodate her with a room.

It was a modest but peaceful existence on the outskirts of town, living in the flat above Tsunade's small but popular crystal shop. When Sakura had moved in, it had only been Tsunade and Shizune and the cute little pig named TonTon. Then Shizune had gotten married and moved out after a while. Still, she was able to see her almost every day, because she still assisted Tsunade in the shop, just as Sakura did.

This errand was to assist Tsunade. In her mind, Sakura didn't see Tsunade fairing very well if not for her help. And Shizune's, of course. Try telling her stubborn guardian that, though. She pushed her way through the door of the little cottage sitting extraneously between an art studio and a pizza place. Filled with antiques and oddities from around the world, the space she stepped into seemed to exist in a bubble that kept it separate from the trappings of modernization just outside the door, a bubble that left it untouched by time.

"Chiyo-obaa!" Sakura called, glancing around. The strangely patterned wind-chime above the door announced her arrival. It was a rather morbid image on the stain glass of a skeletal reaper draped in a cloak peering down on a naked woman. It had been above the door for as long as Sakura had been visiting, and she supposed in a way, it suited a shop like this with owners as…odd as these.

The stout old woman was nowhere to be found. The place, full of dusty tomes, deformed skeletons of small creatures sitting in jars, and quite a few spooky portraits, always carried a certain tension in the air. Like a bony hand could reach around from behind a shelf and grab her shoulder.

Sakura walked closer to the counter, peering behind it. There on the floor was the shop's elderly owner, in her heavy robes and knit-cap with her stubby wings bent awkwardly, seemingly lifeless. Dropping to her knees, Sakura lightly shook the woman's shoulder. "Chiyo-obaa, you can stop pretending. It's just me."

The woman sat up abruptly, blinking. "Eh?! Sakura-chan, you're here a bit early."

Sakura glanced at the woman in confusion. She was a bit…eccentric to put it lightly. Surely, Sakura hoped, she wasn't as senile as she always tried to make herself out to be. "This is the time you told me to come…on the date you told me to be here?" She held up the fuchsia gem she'd been told to bring.

Chiyo climbed to her feet and brushed out her robes. The crone barely came to her collarbone, and considering that Sakura had a fairly diminutive stature, it didn't speak much for Chiyo's own height. "Oh, you're right! Silly me." And then she cackled wildly, making her way over to a shelf behind the counter. Sakura watched her climb up onto a stool and then pull down a dusty wooden box. "Here we are, the ingredient you ordered." Sakura accepted the intricately carved box as though she were accepting treasure. She had no idea what was inside, but an ingredient for one of Tsunade's latest tonics was important regardless.

"Thank you," she smiled, handing over the crystal in payment.

Chiyo held it up to the light with her long, gnarled nails, squinting as she examined it. Finally, her wrinkled mouth stretched into a warm smile. "Oh, such a sweet girl. Nothing like that…that bimbo." The long-standing feud between Tsunade and Chiyo was a point of contention whenever she visited.

Though Chiyo held a fondness for Sakura herself, just the mention of her godmother's name got her rankled. When Tsunade wasn't mentioned, Chiyo brought her up, only to curse her name. Curiously, Tsunade had no recollection of when the other woman started hating her. She never remembered a feud at all. Telling Chiyo that would likely only incite more rage and hatred though, so Sakura would smile through the insults directed at her admired mentor, and take leave.

"Ahaha…" Sakura forced out an awkward laugh. "Well, I should get going. Gotta get this back to the shop." Because despite Chiyo's hatred, business was business and the old crone could at least understand that much. Tengu were shrewd creatures, to make up for their finicky natures.

"Oh dear, leaving already?" Chiyo frowned. "I haven't scared you off, have I?" She reached to grab for one of Sakura's hands.

Not wanting to insult the tengu, Sakura shook her head. "Oh no, that's really not it."

"Good!" Chiyo crowed. "You'll stay for snacks then."

"Uh, I really shouldn't—"

"Hey, what's going on up here?" The door to the backroom of the shop opened, and a full head of russet hair and aloof cinnamon eyes appeared. "Awful lot of noise, and it's hard to concentrate…You're not dead for real this time, are you? I thought I heard something that sounded like someone in the final throes of death."

Chiyo whirled around, dropping Sakura's hand. "And wouldn't you like that? You ungrateful no-good."

"Damn right I would," the male snorted, stepping further into the room. "So hurry and drop dead already," His eyes landed on her, and a smirk made his deceptively beautiful face a little less pleasant.

Sakura's mouth twisted disapprovingly at Chiyo's only grandson, the ever impatient and rude Sasori. The cruel words always came out so acerbically, it was hard to see it as a joke. More than his disregard for his grandmother's life, what annoyed Sakura more was his endless provocation. "Look who's dropped by again," he said coolly, his hazel eyes meeting her green ones. "Running errands, eh? For the esteemed Tsunade, no doubt."

Sakura lifted her chin. "Unlike you, I believe in helping my family."

Sasori snorted. "And doesn't that just make you a good little girl scout." He folded his arms, leaning casually in the doorframe. "You know, I really hate brats like you, doing good deeds and then quietly looking for validation."

"Well I despise spoiled, short-tempered tengu." Sakura countered. Sasori's eyes narrowed, and then he smirked. His large, tawny wings fluttered restlessly.

"Heh. You see? There you go, sassing with that mouth again." He sauntered forward, leaning against the counter and into Sakura's personal space. "Haven't you ever heard of respect for your superiors?"

Sakura grinned. "Show me my superior and I'll be respectful."

Sasori scowled, flustered. "Why you little—"

Chiyo's raucous laugh cut the tension from the air. Sasori stared at his grandmother blankly, and Sakura blinked. She'd won that round. Out-sassed Sasori and—

Chiyo took her by the elbow, "She's put you in your place enough for now. You can slink back into that workshop of yours." The old tengu waved a weathered hand dismissively at her grandson.

He stared between them, and Sakura was expecting him to saying something snide in defiance. Instead, he sneered with a "Che…" before returning to the room he'd come out of, feathers literally ruffled. Tengu were proud. Sometimes to the point of arrogance. And losing in a battle of tongue and cheek never sat well with Sasori. Sakura fully expected he'd be ready to pay back the slight in full the next time she saw him.

Once he was gone, the stout old woman gave Sakura a wrinkled smile, her eyes twinkling. "So you were staying for snacks, weren't you dear?"
"Actually—" Sakura had agreed to no such thing and she suspected Chiyo knew that. She was pushy and persistent and good at strong-arming others.

"Oh humor an old lady," Chiyo sighed. "You see what I'm forced to endure," she nodded in the direction of Sasori's closed door. Sakura reluctantly hung her head.

"Fifteen minutes. That's all I can stay. I've got to get this back…" She looked at the box in her hands, its contents still a mystery. Did she want to peek? Of course. But Tsunade hadn't told her what she was picking up, just that Chiyo would be expecting her. Whenever she didn't divulge details that meant that something she wasn't meant to know was underfoot.

Chiyo, happy with her answer, was more than willing to ignore the first part of it as she shuffled Sakura into her own workroom, one almost hidden under the stairs that led to the shop's second floor. The pinkette released a sigh as Chiyo gestured for her to sit on one of the plush cushions on the floor. The little space was decorated with some of Chiyo's own personal affects, a quiet alcove of seclusion where she gave her readings.

More than once, Chiyo had offered to divine Sakura's future. Specifically, to divine matters she felt were best left unknown for the time-being. Such as whether or not she had Summoner potential. Sakura huffed as she watched Chiyo bring over a simple snack of oolong tea by the smell of it, and an assortment of candies. It was almost like the crafty old woman had expected she'd be able to corner Sakura into staying.

In truth, the pinkette wouldn't put it past her. Setting Tsunade's parcel aside, Sakura accepted the tea, though she wasn't particularly thirsty. She took a polite sip so she wouldn't offend her host, and Chiyo settled across from her, looking pleased. They sipped tea in companionable silence for all but a precious few minutes, and then Chiyo sat her cup down on the low table in between them, cleared her throat, and eyed Sakura keenly. The girl braced herself. She could almost predict what was coming.

"Sakura-chan…you've become of age recently, haven't you?"

Sakura felt her lips pull into a small frown. That much was obvious…Chiyo could tell just by looking at her forehead. There, in the center, was the small purple rhombus that signified that she'd awakened. She'd considered concealing the mark, but Tsunade didn't hide hers, so she thought better of it. The only other indications of her fae heritage were the pointed ears and pink hair she'd had since birth. "Now is the best time." Chiyo sat aside her cup and rummaged under the table, pulling out a large oval stone set on a wooden cradle. "I'm almost sure you'll have quite a nice match."

Instantly, her verdant eyes took in the smooth marbled stone and her discomfort shifted into panic. The pinkette shook her head, starting to climb to her feet, formalities forgotten. "Please Chiyo-obaa, I can't…" She snatched up the wooden box. "I need to go." She said firmly.

"My dear, you can't keep running from destiny. I'm certain you, of all others, would have the ability."

Sakura swallowed, worrying her lip for a second. She was turned away from the tengu and her Divining Stone. The acute feeling of Chiyo's beady eyes gazing into the back of her head made her skin itch, though.

"I know…" she admitted, sounding defeated. "That's why I can't. There's no going back once you do."

Chiyo huffed, clearly put out.

"Thank you for the tea and sweets," Sakura managed to say politely.

She stepped back out into the shop, intending to make a clean escape through the front door. Unfortunately, Sasori was back in the front of the shop, this time arguing with a long-haired blonde male. "For the last time, something that does not last is meaningless." Sasori was saying, "All true art has an eternal quality—"

Sakura slunk down an aisle adjacent to the door, attempting to sneak past.

"Wrong, wrong, wrong." The blonde hissed. "Hearing you spout that bullshit like you might actually be right makes my ears bleed." Sakura kept her head down and her steps quiet as she made for the door. She'd seen the blonde around a time or two. They'd never spoken, but sometimes when she came to pick up an order from Chiyo she'd hear the two arguing loudly from Sasori's workshop. Honestly, she couldn't tell if they were friends or not.

"If you think I'm wrong then what in the hell are you?" There was that condescending sneer to his voice that Sakura hated so much. "Because your barbaric views most certainly don't fit the criteria of what makes art beautiful."

"How can you stand there and tell me you aren't impressed by my aesthetic?!" His voice was getting more heated. "It'd blow anyone with half a mind away—literally! Nothing screams true art more than that."

'Almost there…' Sakura thought, glancing behind her. Neither seemed to be paying her any attention. They were up in each other's faces, making their cases with vivid gesticulating. Or, at least the man with the blond hair was. Sasori stood with his arms folded, cool and reserved as ever, his large cinnamon eyes almost bored.

Adrenaline already pounded through her veins after her discussion with Chiyo. The old woman meant well, she was sure, but if she had said it once, she had said it over a dozen times.

Sakura wasn't ready to find out if she had the potential to be a Summoner. The odds that she did were high, logistically speaking, and once one accepted that sort of responsibility, their life was changed forever. Never mind that society tended to place Summoners on pedestals, seeing as they were part of an ever shrinking segment of the population. Sakura didn't want to do anything so permanent until she had more miles on her soul and felt she was truly up to the task.

The old tengu had warned her that she couldn't keep running away from what was likely inevitable, and Sakura was smart enough to understand that, but…it didn't stop her doubts, her wariness and her reluctance. Knowing what was coming didn't make her ready to face it.

Her shoulder brushed by a tin can on a shelf, and it wobbled, already half over the edge. Sakura whirled around, reaching for it quickly to keep it from falling. A sigh of relief left her as she managed to scoot it back safely into its spot.

"Hey, what was that, un?"

Well, crap…

Sakura tensed, her back still to the two men in the room. She heard their footsteps coming closer.

"Who's she? Where'd she come from?"

"The brat that picks up orders from that old crone." Sasori was suddenly too close; she could feel it. He smelled like cedar and wood-stainer, "Eavesdropping isn't nice, little girl." he said lowly. Sakura puffed up.

"If we're going by maturity I'd say from what I just saw you're not much older than me…" she grumbled to herself. The blonde seemed to hear it, because he smirked approvingly.

Sasori, either graciously deciding to ignore it, or none the wiser, cleared his throat smoothly, "Come here, you'll be our definitive tie-breaker."

Sakura chanced a peek backwards to see Sasori beckoning her with a crooked finger.

Sakura could feel her cheeks growing hotter in anger. He was infuriating, constantly belittling her.

The other man, who she could now see had a long fringe of bangs covering his left eye, took her in from head to toe. His visible eye was a misty blue and bright with intrigue. "Not sure we've ever met. Name's Deidara. I run the studio next-door." Sakura was surprised he bothered to introduce himself, but she gave a polite nod anyway.

"I'm Sakura,"

Deidara stared at her a little in wonder, and then a grin settled on his face. "You're the little fae girl that gets under Sasori-danna's skin, hmm? Well, anyone that pisses him off is alright with me."

That caught her off guard, but anyone who shared a dislike or even mild intolerance to Sasori was alright with her too, and so she returned his smile.

"Stop flirting, you're both making me want to wretch." Sasori said bluntly. "Now, since you were listening in, you know what we were discussing. Tell us, which do you think is better? Something that signifies eternal beauty, or something flashy and pointless that's gone in an instant?"

Their stares both pressed down on her expectantly, and Sakura edged back again. The last thing she wanted was to get caught up in a heated debate.

"You look like you could use a little convincing, hm…Here, watch this." Deidara reached into the pocket on the front of his white work smock, pulling forth what looked like an ordinary lump of white clay. It did, however, have a charmingly sweet and earthy smell.

Sakura watched as he took his other hand and held it out palm upward, so she could see. Except for a heavy crease in the center, it looked like an ordinary hand to her. "Keep your eyes…on my hand, hm," he murmured, and Sakura started when the crease in his palm suddenly opened up to reveal a mouth, complete with a tongue and a set of razor sharp teeth.

Sakura looked into his face, her mouth trying to form coherent words. So many questions raced through her head. And it was rude, but suddenly she wondered what race he was. In all her reading, she'd never heard of any races with that physical trait. Deidara winked roguishly. "Impressed?"

Sakura nodded shyly. "A little," she admitted.

"Then you're gonna love the next part, un." He squished the clay between both palms, and Sakura could hear the faint sound of chewing. Unable to stop her curiosity, she shuffled closer as Deidara stared at his hands with a look of concentration.

When he pulled them apart, a small clay bird sat in his hands. It canted its head just like a real bird, before fluttering its wings and lifting into the air.

"Oi," she heard Sasori starting to protest. Whatever the rude, redheaded tengu had to say about it, Sakura couldn't care less.

Deidara's trick had her fascinated. The bird circled their heads a few times, before swooping down towards Sasori's. "And…katsu!" From the corner of her eyes, Sakura could see Deidara making some kind of hand seal, and the bird exploded just as Sasori used one of his wings to smack it away. The detonation was powerful enough to knock a few things from their shelves, shattering some of the more fragile merchandise.

Sakura stood gaping as Deidara laughed. She couldn't imagine Sasori going unscathed had that managed to connect. The commotion was enough to bring Chiyo running from the back, broom in hand and an angry scowl on her wrinkled face.
"What in the blazes is going on—"

She noticed Sakura and lowered the broom slightly in surprise. "Oh, you're still here, dear?"

Swallowing, Sakura rubbed her palms against her shorts. "Yes, I was just—"

"Making herself useful for a change by helping us settle a score. Nothing you need to concern yourself with." Sasori stated dismissively.

"Harsh, even for you danna," Deidara glanced at Chiyo in pity, but the old woman didn't seem to be rising to Sasori's bait.

Her head swiveled to survey the damage. "My troublesome grandson's gone and found friends that are just as bad…You boys can clean up this mess. It'd better be spotless by the time I wake up from my afternoon nap!" Chiyo waved the broom around threateningly, and Deidara stepped back, hands raised defensively. Both mouths in his palms were frowning.

"You could always just take a dirt nap." Even as he grunted the insult, he still moved to clean up the mess, Deidara helping. "The next time you come around, you'd better tell Deidara that my art is far superior." he called to Sakura.

Chiyo shook her head in disdain, pulling Sakura aside. "I know I made you uncomfortable. That wasn't my intention, you know."

"I know," Sakura nodded.

"You're…I can tell you'll have a bright future, no matter what path you take. Just don't go getting mixed up with my horrible grandson!" she chided.

Sakura actually laughed. "No worries there. Well, I really do need to get this back home. Tsunade's not patient on a good day,"

Chiyo's smile was gentle. "Hurry along, and take care, dear. There's been a few whispers about strange things happening lately."

Sakura promised she'd be careful as she finally exited the shop. Mentally, she wondered what could be stranger than what was considered normal in the city. She caught the city bus on the corner five blocks from Chiyo's shop, and silently took a seat by the window, staring down at the box in her lap. There were hardly any humans.

Instead, yokai, fae, spirits and the occasional minor deity lived in a tentative harmony within Konoha's city limits. And beyond, in other nations, there were great kingdoms were prominent clans had ruled for thousands of years, where there was even more magic and wonder and oddity around every corner. Someday, Sakura wanted to experience it all.

For now, she was content with her peaceful life apprenticing under Tsunade, her mentor, godmother and homeschool teacher all in one. It was different than the life she'd been living a few short years ago, moody and lonely at the stuffy private school her mother had forced her into.

Comparing that time to who she was at present, Sakura felt that she was happier, much more sure of herself. It didn't matter that her mother disapproved and her father was more or less silent on all of it. Her own satisfaction came first. The pinkette drummed her fingers against the little wooden parcel, wondering not for the first time about its contents.

Her fingers itched to pop the lid, but she managed to dig deep into the well of her self-control and refrain. It was Tsunade's business, and she wouldn't pry. The bus ride continued, Sakura watched idly as people boarded and exited, until finally, it had reached one of its last stops. Her stop. She hopped off, starting the walk from the bench at the edge of city limits to the inclined road that lead to Tsunade's cottage, perched at the top of the winding path, an expanse of forest as its backdrop.

Anyone who saw it from the outside would get the feeling of something quaint, charming and just shy of being remote. Inside, it was obvious, even to the most oblivious individual, that the walls were filled with magic. The buzz of it brushing against her skin always made Sakura feel safe.

And when she opened the door and stepped in, the rush of magic that moved to surround her was almost a balm that soothed the anxiety that hadn't left her since Chiyo's shop.

"I'm home!" she called up the stairs, moving into the kitchen and setting Tsunade's order down. Something brushed at her leg, and Sakura smiled down at the friendly little pig. She bent down and scratched under TonTon's chin. "I hope you've been able to keep Tsunade out of trouble?" she whispered to the animal.

The distressed squeal from the animal told her all she needed to know. TonTon raised her snout towards the stairs, and Sakura frowned as she heard what sounded like the slightly slurred voice of her godmother shouting at someone. "Not again…"

"You're a nasty old cheat and I want you out!"

That was without a doubt Tsunade.

"Tsunade," a man's voice sighed calmly. It was a voice she recognized very well. "We've been through this. I don't have any reason to cheat you…you're just not much of a gambler."

An older man with a long white mane came down the stairs, his arms wrapped around Tsunade's shoulders as he helped support her. There was a healthy flush on the apples of her cheeks and a glossy look to her brown eyes that let Sakura know that she was well on her way to drunkenness.

"I see she got a little carried away again," Sakura sighed as she stood. "Thank you Jiraiya-sama,"

Their attention was immediately directed towards her. "Ah Sakura! It's been a while, hasn't it?" Jiraiya smiled broadly. "And look how much you've grown up! You'll have to be careful around the boys now."

Sakura blushed at the compliment. So far, she didn't have any reason for concern. Boys didn't look at her any differently.

"If things keep going like they are then I'll be okay. Anyway, as you can see I've got my hands too full here to be thinking about those things," Sakura moved to Tsunade's other side and guided one of her limp arms around her shoulders so Jiraiya could step away.

"Thanks, kid. It's always like this when she starts losing, you know?"

"I do," Unfortunately. To Tsunade, she said, "You know you can't hold your sake…I don't know why you think being inebriated coupled with your bad luck would help your odds." She was one of the few people on the planet who could get away with being this truthful to Tsunade, and not fear bodily harm.

Tsunade turned her head defiantly. "Feh…" Her eyes landed on the package Sakura had brought, and a small bit of soberness seemed to return to them.

"Is that it?"

"Huh?" Sakura followed her gaze. "Oh, yeah, it is."

"You were gone longer than it should have taken. You miss your bus on the way back?"

"It's not that…I just got a little, um, caught up at Chiyo-obaa's…You know how she gets."

Tsunade snorted. "Trying to push you into the Summoner Test again, eh. Figures,"

Sakura worried her lip, vaguely aware that Jiraiya was curiously listening to their conversation even as he rummaged through the fridge. "I know…I know I'm sixteen now, and that means I can take it. But I just don't feel ready. I—"

"Relax, Sakura. Breathe." Tsunade turned and suddenly it was the blonde who was giving her support. "I understand, and you know that I'm not going to push you towards that if you're not ready."

Sakura gave her godmother a shaky smile of gratitude. In the last year and all the way up until she'd turned sixteen, taking the test to confirm whether or not she did indeed possess Summoner magic was a source of almost constant anxiety. Most individuals with even a slim hope of having the potential were excited and hopeful, dreaming of the day they'd awaken to their magic and form a partnership with a yokai Familiar.

In the last few centuries, the birthrates of children born with Summoner magic had seen a sharp decline. Coupled into the fact that only certain races were capable of Summoning to begin with, fae being among them, and it made for an almost desperate situation. Governments had taken to scouting Summoners. They were paid handsomely and performed a number of various tasks for their nations. Some of them made public, and others top-secret. In exchange, they were said to live lavish lives and be given only the finest accommodations.

But that wasn't what Sakura wanted. She didn't leave a life of being her mother's puppet to become someone else's. Tsunade understood her worries and the reasons why she wanted to wait.

"Jack-pot!" They turned to see Jiraiya had emerged from his scavenging with a triumphant expression on his face. He was holding a covered pot of something. "Smells like stew!" It came as no surprise to Sakura that the refined nose of a half-oni would know that.

Quelling her rising anxiety yet again, Sakura smiled faintly. Tsunade stormed over and took it away from him. "It is, as a matter of fact. It's our dinner. Shizune left it for us before she went home and I'd thank you to keep your grubby paws away from it."

Jiraiya stroked his chin, nonplussed by Tsunade's tartness. "Tell you what…let me stay for dinner and I'll give you a chance to win back all the money you lost."

Sakura wanted to smack her forehead. It was a horrible proposition in which Tsunade was getting the short end of the stick. And if it weren't for her pride and, possibly alcohol still in her system, Tsunade would see that she was being taken for a ride. Again.

"Deal," the blonde spat, determination in her eyes. Jiraiya set the pot on the stove to heat and rubbed his hands eagerly.

"Good, good. Just what I like to hear."

Sakura felt the opposite. She slowly moved to the cabinet and took out bowls and spoons, knowing Tsunade's mind was made up. For the time being, her curiosity with discovering the box's contents were forgotten.

"I was so close!" Tsunade seethed later that night as Sakura helped her to bed.

The sake had addled her memory, Sakura decided. Because when she'd walked in to check up on how the game had been going, she'd discovered her worst fears. Tsunade was in the hole. It was only due to Jiraiya's kindness that he replaced all the money she'd lost when she wasn't looking. In the morning when she discovered this, she'd curse a blue streak and rave about how it was an insult to her pride that he took pity on her. 'An insult to her pride but a compliment to her wallet at least.' Sakura mused.

It was funny how often Tsunade forgot that the money she used to gamble also helped support their small household. That made the pink-haired fae all the more grateful that Tsunade'd been having a simple game with a friend and hadn't lost big at a gambling hall, like she'd done in the past.

"There's always next time," The minute the words left her mouth, Sakura regretted them. The very last thing she wanted to do was encourage her…

Tsunade settled back into bed, pulling the covers up to her chin with a smirk curling her lips. "You just wait, Jiraiya. You bet your ass after I get the fortune goddess' blessing, I'll clean house,"

Sakura ignored her mutterings. It wasn't unusual for Tsunade to scheme ways to come up with a win after a big loss, including consulting divine means. The fact that not even the intervention of some local deities had been able to help her luck thus far, was almost laughable.

"I'll see you in the morning," Sakura covered up a dainty yawn with a hand. "You've got some orders on backlog, you know."

Tsunade grumbled and tried to disappear under the covers. "Don't remind me," she snapped. Whatever else Tsunade may or may not have been, she was an incredibly successful alchemist and witch doctor, one in high demand.

Sakura chuckled. "Good night. I left some water on the table in case your mouth gets dry. You did overdue it tonight and all. So try to sleep it off."

Tsunade managed to give her a lazy thumbs up from under her cocoon of blankets.

Sakura exited the room, journeying down the hall and into her own bedroom. The sight of her bed made her instantly feel like collapsing, but she forced herself to change her clothes, at least. A chill went up her spine. As she pulled her shirt over her head and took off her bra, it felt like somewhere out there, she was being watched. Paranoia. It had to be. Her bedroom window faced the woods. And a view of the old, giant spirit tree that she loved so much. Who could possibly be watching? Not to mention the fact that the curtains were currently drawn.

Sakura continued stripping out of her clothes, nervously combing a hand through her pink locks as she glanced once more at the window near her desk. Deciding she'd soothe her own fears, she drew the curtains aside and peeked out into the dark. For a second, she swore she saw the large shape of…something staring back at her from the high branches of her beloved tree. Startled, she place a hand to her bare chest, stumbling away from the window. Hurriedly yanking a shirt over her head, Sakura cautiously checked one more time. Nothing. The woods looked haunting but still.

Satisfied, Sakura quickly put on her sleep shorts and crawled into bed. It had been a long and stressful day. She was overthinking and it was making her mind play tricks. In the morning, she'd throw herself into helping Tsunade and Shizune, and forget all about the stresses of today. With a flick of her wrist, the room grew dark, and she turned into her pillow and closed her eyes.

Outside, a restless shadow prowled at the base of the large spirit tree.

Inside, the box on the counter that was left downstairs emitted a faint glow from within.

Hmm…well chapter 1…is done. It feels sort of like trying a new recipe I was excited for but not being sure how it turned out. So much research goes into a project like this. The worlds of mythology and spirituality are vast and often intersect.

A lot of world-building to get to, so I gotta pace myself. It's been a while since I've stretched my arms and attempted a sort of fantasy/supernatural AU for Naruto.

Yeah, what I remember most about the dynamics of Sasori and Chiyo was Sasori's excessive rudeness and insistence that Chiyo had long over-lived her usefulness. I shouldn't have found a grandson disrespecting his grandmother as amusing as I did. But clearly I liked it enough to put it in the freaking story. So I like Sass-ori, so sue me. And because I know the question will pop up, nah, there will not be SasoSaku in this fic. I ship it, but not this time. Their semi-flirty/semi-hostile banter is about the extent of it. There's already GaaSaku so… Sorry! One surly redhead per customer.

I decided to save the big event of Sakura meeting one of her Summons for next chapter. Which one you ask? Hm…

Anyway, please review~ Thanks for reading.