Digging holes wasn't in her forte, but with the help of those weird little creatures Yuri kept, she managed to bury Yuri.

Using a sharp stone, she engraved Yuri's name alongside with her children. Yuri said that people would come to kill her children. And Violet wasn't going to let that happen. Not on her watch. Not when they were the last living pieces of Yuri.

And what better way to help hide them than by announcing that they were dead?

Feeling satisfied with her work, she then left the cave, leaving behind a grave that read: 'Yuri Egin, a loving mother and sister and friend. Rin and Yukio Egin the lives that could've been'. She wasn't an expert at writing mementoes on graves, but she was sure that's how they went.

She glanced at the two babies in her arms. It was just them and her now. Rin and Yukio and Violet.

She, Violet Potter, was a guardian.

Perhaps, in hindsight, Violet should've argued against Yuri's request, but it was Yuri. She can't go back on her promise as well. When she makes a promise, she keeps it. There was no going back.

A loud, high-pitched cry echoed into the night.

Soon another cry joined.

Hands instantly gripping her short black hair, Violet honestly felt like having a fucking meltdown. Why did Yuri die? Why won't they stop crying? Why were they even awake at this hour?

Grudgingly, she crawled her way out of the bed and into the room where the twins were lying. Violet felt slightly worried about Rin. The one with the blue flames and a fucking tail. How the fuck was he going to live a normal life? Heck, even she didn't have a normal, so how could she judge on what was normal and what wasn't. Yukio, on the other hand, was a quiet baby… though he did copy his twin very often. When his brother cried, he cried. When his brother fucking peed in her face, he did the same too.

All in all, Violet wondered how anyone could survive in raising a child.

But she had significant worries about the twins. Will they ever live a normal life, free without any dangers? She was determined to give them a childhood that she never had — one full of love.

Picking Rin, whose blue flames surprisingly didn't hurt her and felt slightly warm to touch, she murmured a soft lullaby in his pointy ears and rocked him gently, after checking his nappy. Though her singing skills were crap, she knew some songs, having been forced to babysit the neighbourhood children when she was younger. Thank you, Aunt Petunia.

Soon both twins quietened and were looking at her. Violet sometimes felt that they were mocking her. Naturally, she had the urge to snarl like a wolf, but they were babies — just squidgy soft human beings.

That air of comfort would be gone soon. The nappy supplies, which Yuri had somehow stocked, were running out and food was also running out. She actually had to go out and hunt with the help of Yuri's weird little creatures. Needless to say, it wasn't pleasant, and she ended looking like something straight out of a horror movie, having hunted in her panther form.

They would soon need to move out, and Violet had no fucking clue where she was. The winter was heavy, and the summer was hot and light; so it wasn't precisely England, where it always fucking rained. Hopefully, she'd know how to navigate her way out of the forest if she did not manage to master the point-me spell. She didn't fancy the idea of dying of starvation in a forest in the middle of nowhere.

Suddenly her nose caught a repulsive smell.

Fucking great.

Now, she had nappies to change.

Rapidly, she gained a whole new level of respect for Mrs Weasley.

How the hell did she even raise that many children without going insane?

It was during one of her hunts during the night when she realised the one thing she hated the most in the world was with her right next to Voldemort.

She growled dangerously as she stalked towards the green-scaled snake, which hissed at her, warning her to stay away.

"Stupid little cat," it hissed haughtily, "As if you could hurt me!"

Violet transformed back and glared down at the snake and turned back around towards the house, ignoring its complaints.

Merlin, she hated Voldy-shorts. Couldn't he just have had the ability to talk to all animal in general?

"Wait," it hissed loudly, slithering towards her quickly, "You can understand me."

Play ignorant, she told herself. Just ignore the slimy little snake, and it'll go away.

(Snakes aren't slimy, she could hear Hermione reprimand her)

"Maybe I should snack on these children you seem to be taking care of," it hissed sneakily.

Now the stupid snake was trying to bait her she eventually realised. Stay quiet; she chanted as she desperately tried to ignore the pest.

"You'll do no such thing," she hissed angrily a few minutes later, having gotten tired of the snake's threats. "Do it, and I'll make sure that you die."

"Ah, you can speak to me," it hissed back. "You speak the languages of the serpents."

"Of course I fucking can," she replied. "I always could."

Merlin, she was speaking to a fucking snake.

"It's been a long time since I've been around one," it hissed, bemused.

She froze. Now obviously there were snake charmers and all those people, but they couldn't exactly speak the language of the serpents. They had an affinity towards serpents like how some magical had affinities to fire-based spells.

To hear that there was someone else, someone who wasn't freaking Moldywarts, was, in a way a relief.

It meant she wasn't alone in speaking Parselmouth, the one ability that made people believe that she was the next upcoming Dark Lord.

But a darker and pessimistic part of her told her that it was that the 'one' was probably Voldemort.

"Where is that person?" she asked. "Who are they?"

The snake's beady eyes glimmered at her amusedly. "Why so curious youngling?"

"Ah, just fucking tell me," she demanded, annoyed. Did the snake honestly have to withhold the information like that?

"She died a few months ago," the snake informed her. "Everyone in the serpent kingdom knew about her because she was the only one who could speak our language."

The only one? Was Voldemort not well-known in the world of the snakes? she thought amusedly, though she felt a tiny bit disappointed to hear the snake-speaker had died.

"Yes, she was the only one," confirmed the snake, "And who is this Voldemort? What a strange name!"

Violet, having realised that she voiced her thought aloud, then said in confusion, "You know nothing of this man then?"

The snake humanly shook its head.

Violet then felt something akin to dread fill up in her body.

Just what was going on here?

The snake, whom she christened Snuffles, soon joined Violet's family.

When she had asked why the snake had taken to stalk her, it replied, "I'm not stalking you youngling, I'm merely just protecting you."

Somehow, she felt like she could trust Snuffles; her magic sung to him and that to Violet meant that he was trustworthy.

After that, Violet backed away, allowing the snake to join her family after making the snake promise that he would protect her family foremost.

It was a nice change, she admitted. To have someone to talk to.

Even if it was a snake named Snuffles.

"What are you doing?" hissed Snuffles.

Violet merely gave a glance before turning to her work.

The art of wand-making was difficult to master according to her books, which she read upon a long time ago. Violet hadn't read the subject deeply, not anticipating that she'd fall through the fucking Veil and end up with a burnt wand.

Hence why she was trying to fix it.

Well, on second thoughts, more like dissect it.

The wood itself was burnt with dark smudges adorning the wood and it was also broken but it was held together by the core- the phoenix feather.

If she does it carefully, she might be able to have her core intact. And using the phoenix feather, she would insert it into a type of wood they'd use in wands like hawkthorn, blackthorn, holly, cherry, beech, laurel and many others.

Violet didn't exactly know which wood to use but figured holly, her original wood, would be the best and the most logical one to go for.

"Youngling I demand to know what you're doing," hissed the snake angry at being annoyed.

Violet sighed. "I'm trying to make a stick."

She was going to wing it; it might work, it might not, and what is the worst that could happen?

The snake looked at her in a way a human might be looking at her bewildered. Violet then gained an idea. She couldn't exactly leave the twins with an annoying snake who might strangle them to death to find a piece of holly wood, but she could use Snuffles.

"Snuffles," she said, playing innocent, "Could you go and find me a holly tree?"


So maybe when the twins were older, she could go out and find a holly tree. There were lots of oak trees in the forest, so surely finding a holly wouldn't be hard?

Of course, it would be fucking hard, thought Violet smiling, when did fate ever be kind to me?

It was official.

She was fucking lost. And she was fucking blind as well.

Violet thought she managed to master the point-me spell, her instincts leading her the way to the exit, but when she past the exact same tree five fucking times, she knew she was so lost.

When the twins were three weeks old and the milk-powder ran out, Violet knew she had to get a move on. She couldn't be staying in that forest forever no matter how much she wanted that. But it was snowing and she had the common sense to know that it wasn't safe to go out. In the end, it was a gamble she was willing to take.

And besides, if it all came down to the worst, she'd use her broomstick to scour the forests for an exit…but that would mean leaving the twins alone for some time as the forest did appear to be complex and she wasn't too fond of that idea, especially with them being only a few weeks old. Snuffles wasn't too fond of taking care of the twins citing he 'detested infants and their vulnerabilities and had to go and woo a female snake'. Though he did seem to be like them a lot more over her.

"Youngling, are you sure you know your way round here?" asked Snuffles, beady black eyes glittering with amusement at Violet's suffering.

"Of course I do," she snapped back.

Sighing resignedly, she continued walking slowly careful of Rin in her make-shift baby carrier, which was covered gently by her massive woolly coat and carried Yukio, who wore a pink snow suit that Snuffles chose to curl around, in her arms.

A taunting thought in her head told her that she probably looked like an orange snowman, holding a massive pink ball with a black snake curled around it. Violet always knew Yuri had a flamboyant sense of fashion but she didn't think she would take it that far!

Her nose was getting cold, and Violet desperately tried to ignore her traitorous eyes that seemed to be getting suspiciously wet.

Don't cry, she chanted internally in her head as she tried to redirect her focus from her unfortunate situation.

"Snuffles, I need your fucking help," she said calmly, hoping her voice didn't sound like she had been trying to stop herself from crying. "You said that you knew your way around the forest, fucking prove it then."

The said person made a weird awkward sound, which Violet soon recognised to be Snuffles laughing. The snake uncurled himself from Yukio's pink snowsuit and hissed painfully as his body landed on the cold snow.

Noticing this, Violet asked him, "Do you want me to melt the snow?"

Snuffles looked at her doubtfully. "I hardly think you can do that."

Violet huffed in outrage and held out her hands and murmured under her breath 'Incendio'.

A column of fire shot from her hand, and she directed it onto the snow lightly all around her.

Within seconds, wet, dark green grass was revealed, and Violet had a smirk playing on her face. Oh, she loved it when she could sweep people into shock.

"You were saying?"

Two high-pitched screams were heard as Violet lazily raised a hand and waved.

She knew fucking looked like something straight from a horror movie. Like who wouldn't be terrified of a massive walking orange snowman-well snowwoman holding a pink cylinder that had a black snake curled around it?

"What a pair of idiots!" hissed Snuffles, after he recovered from his alarms. He retracted his fangs and went back to closing his mouth after he caught Violet's warning in her eyes.

Yukio gave a light giggle.

The two men immediately composed themselves and untangled themselves from each other's limbs.

Despite the loss of her glasses, she could vaguely see that one man was dressed in a black coat and was carrying a sword. The other was dressed in the brightest pink she had ever seen and had…purple hair. Maybe he dyed it or something, but she doubted it; it looked quite natural.

Despite the situation, she gave out a sigh of relief: there were people! Strange people.

Turning to the two men in front of her, she examined them carefully, wary of the sword and the purple-haired man's eyes.

"Can you guys tell me where the nearest phone box is?"

AN- this is from my usb stick. So this chapter looks kinda rough. I am so sorry for taking an awfully long time with this, but hey better late than never.

Please do review and point out mistakes there are (politely if possible). I have a feeling my tenses are kinda out of line.

I have not seen blue exorcist in a long time, so my muse for this story has kinda disappeared, but it could turn up anytime.

As for updates, well, my exams are coming up soon so I'd say maybe July.